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Module 1
Problem 1 :
For each engagement described below, indicate whether the engagement is likely
to be conducted under international auditing standards, U.S. generally accepted
auditing standards, or PCAOB auditing standards.
a) An audit of an Italian private company with public debt in Italy: IAS    
b) An audit of U.S. public company: PCAOB
c) An audit of a U.S. private company with no public equity or debt: GAAS
d) An audit of U.S. not-for-profit organization: GAAS
e) An audit of a Spanish public company that is listed in the United States
and whose financial statements will be filed with the SEC: PCAOB
f) An audit of a U.S public company that is a subsidiary of a Hong Kong
company that will be used for reporting by the parent company in Hong
Kong: IAS
g) An audit of U.S. private company to be used for loan from a publicly-
traded bank: GAAS
h) An audit of a U.S. private company that has publicly-traded debt: PCAOB

Problem 2 :
For each of the following situations involving relations between auditors and the
companies they audit indicate whether it violates IESBA’s Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants and the rationale for the applicable guideline (Part A)
1. Krystal, CPA, discloses confidential information in a peer review of the
firm’s quality control procedures: Confidentiality, No Violation
2. Jessica, CPA, says in an interview in the local paper that Ethan Rine, CPA,
misleads her clients about the quality of her audit work: Professional
Behavior, Violation
3. Ariana, CPA, prepares and submits a tax return to the Internal Revenue
Service, which she believes, omits income his client receives from trading
goods on Professional Behavior, Violation
4. Marc Jacob, CPA, performs investment advisory services from an audit
client and receives an annual fee based on a percentage of the value of the
client’s investment portfolio at the end of each year: Objectivity ,
5. Robert, CA, is auditing a company in Morocco that has offered to send him
and his wife on a holiday in Maldives for one week: Objectivity, Violation
6. Tara Raichand Company wishes to defer charging certain research and
development expenditures to current income on the basis that the
expenditures are virtually certain to benefit future operations. For this
reason, Sydney Tan, CPA and the company’s auditor agrees with the
proposed accounting treatment: Integrity, Violation
7. Bruno Wisley, CPA, as an auditor, he has sufficient audit evidence or data
of Orlando Corporation. Gambino used the client’s data for completing his
thesis without the knowledge of the company: Confidentiality, Violation
8. Senna Twainz, CPA of Carolino Bio Health ignore the fact that the
company audited violates the applied law of country’s taxation:
Professional Behavior, Violation
9. Austin and Houston, CPAs, have McAlister Global Service as audit client.
McAlister ask Austin and Houston to create and install a new
computerized payroll. Because Austin and Houston do not have the
appropriate level of expertise, they referred McAlister to Comp Co., a local
software consulting company. Austin and Houston have an arrangement
by which Comp Co. pays her 10% of any fee received from her referrals.
Austin and Houston have disclosed this to her client: Integrity, No
10.William Keppler, CPA, is auditing a big plantation company. He does not
have enough knowledge about plantation and has never audit a plantation
company before: Professional competence and due care, Violation

Problem 3 :
Required: For each of the scenarios listed above, discuss whether the auditor’s
behavior would
be considered non-negligence, ordinary negligence, gross negligence,
constructive fraud,
fraud, or criminal behavior.
1. Michael is the lead audit partner on the audit engagement of a publicly
traded company. Michael followed auditing standards on the audit
engagement and issued an unmodified opinion. It was subsequently
discovered that the financial statements contained a material
misstatement that had been undetected by the management of the
company and by the audit team. Answer: Non-negligence as the
misstatement was undetected by the audit team and management,
so the audit was done correctly and up to standard.
2. On a recent audit engagement, the client firm neglected to inform the
audit firm that a significant percentage of inventory was stored at an
outside warehouse. As a result, the auditors did not observe the physical
inventory count for that inventory, which represented 20% of the
client’s inventory balance. The auditors were able to satisfy themselves
that the inventory existed through alternative procedures and issued an
unmodified opinion on the financial statements as a whole. Answer:
Non-negligence as an alternative was provided for the auditors.
3. Marc Marquez, CPA, is a sole proprietor. He recently accepted a new
audit client who was applying for a bank loan and needed to present
audited financial statements to the bank. Marc was not able to complete
the audit engagement by herself, so she hired several college students to
assist her. The students completed the audit procedures without much
guidance, and Marc issued an unmodified opinion on the client’s
financial statements. Answer: Constructive fraud as Maria was not
trying to deceive anyone, but she did not provide supervision to her
new hires.
4. Jennie is the lead engagement partner on a publicly traded company.
The company’s CEO recently approached Jennie and informed her that
they had identified a material misstatement in the prior year’s financial
statements, which had been audited by Jennie’s firm and submitted to
the SEC. The CEO suggested they correct the misstatement by recording
a journal entry in the current year for half of the amount of the
misstatement, and in the following year for the remaining half. Jennie
agreed to this plan to avoid a public announcement of a restatement and
a potential lawsuit, since the amount of the journal entries recorded in
the current and subsequent years would be considered immaterial to
the financial statements Answer: Fraud as Jennie is purposely
agreeing to hide information
5. The audit engagement partner, Marc Johnson, recently received a
subpoena for work-papers related to an audit engagement on which his
audit firm has been named as a defendant. Marc Johnson asked the staff
auditor to remove and discard two memos from the work-paper files
documenting communication between the engagement partner and the
CFO regarding the goodwill impairment analysis. Answer: Criminal
behavior as Johnson purposely tried to deceive the courts as well as
destroying documentation needed for a federal investigation which
is illegal under Sarbanes Oxley

Problem 4 :
Pertanyaan 1 :
a) Fasilitas membeli mobil dengan diskon besar karena layanan audit lama
Marie dapat menyebabkan Marie cenderung disukai klien ketika
mengevaluasi laporan keuangan klien. Juga, jika pengguna laporan
keuangan mendengar pengaturan ini, beberapa orang mungkin
menganggap bahwa ada kurangnya independensi
b) Perusahaan Marie Janes dapat membuat kebijakan mengenai layanan
yang diberikan oleh klien yang membutuhkan persetujuan mitra
pengelola sebelum terlibat dalam transaksi apa pun dengan klien.
Beberapa transaksi dapat secara eksplisit dilarang oleh kebijakan,
sementara yang lain mungkin memerlukan persetujuan mitra pengelola.
c) Marie Janes kemungkinan tidak melanggar aturan; diskon tersedia untuk
pelanggan secara luas. Sepertinya banyak karyawan perusahaan CPA
membeli mobil dari agensi.
d) Marie Janes harus mendiskusikan diskon dengan mitra pelaksana
perusahaan jika dia bermaksud atau ingin membeli mobil tetapi dia juga
seharusnya tidak secara otomatis menolaknya. Situasinya akan sangat
berbeda jika penjualan terbatas pada karyawan. Dalam kasus seperti itu
kemungkinan besar akan terjadi pelanggaran.

Pertanyaan 2 :
a) Fasilitas makan secara terus-menerus dapat menyebabkan Marie
cenderung disukai klien ketika mengevaluasi laporan keuangan klien.
Juga, jika pengguna mendengar pengaturan ini, beberapa orang mungkin
merasa bahwa ada kurangnya independensi.
b) Perusahaan Marie Janes dapat membuat kebijakan mengenai layanan
gratis atau hadiah yang diberikan oleh klien. Mungkin kebijakan
perusahaan dapat menetapkan batas dolar minimal untuk layanan atau
hadiah gratis yang diperbolehkan. Mereka yang melebihi ambang batas
dapat dilarang oleh kebijakan atau mungkin memerlukan persetujuan
oleh anggota manajemen yang lebih senior dari perusahaan audit
c) Jika Marie Janes makan di sana secara terus-menerus yang kemungkinan
akan menjadi pelanggaran aturan perilaku. Itu tidak akan menjadi
pelanggaran jika dia sesekali makan dengan karyawan yang dia hadapi di
d) Marie Janes harus makan di tempat lain jika praktis untuk melakukannya
tetapi jika satu-satunya tempat praktis baginya untuk pergi ke ruang
makan, dia harus membuat perjanjian dengan perusahaannya untuk
memastikan bahwa perusahaan diganti untuk pengeluaran.

Pertanyaan 3 :
a) Hadiah dari klien dapat dianggap sebagai bentuk suap yang halus,
sehingga dapat menciptakan kurangnya independensi. Hadiah juga dapat
menyebabkan Marie juga cenderung disukai klien ketika mengevaluasi
laporan keuangan klien. Juga, jika pengguna laporan keuangan
mendengar pengaturan ini, beberapa orang mungkin menganggap bahwa
ada kurangnya independensi.
b) Perusahaan Marie Janes dapat membuat kebijakan mengenai layanan
gratis atau hadiah yang diberikan oleh klien. Mungkin kebijakan
perusahaan dapat menetapkan batas dolar minimal untuk layanan atau
hadiah gratis yang diperbolehkan. Mereka yang melebihi ambang batas
dapat dilarang oleh kebijakan atau mungkin memerlukan persetujuan
oleh anggota manajemen yang lebih senior dari perusahaan audit
c) Menerima hadiah semacam itu kemungkinan besar merupakan
pelanggaran aturan perilaku. Hadiah itu cukup besar dan akan dianggap
oleh banyak karyawan setara dengan bonus.
d) Idealnya Janes tidak boleh menerima hadiah dan menyatakan bahwa
karena dia bukan karyawan, dia lebih suka untuk tidak mengambilnya.
Jika dia percaya bahwa itu akan memalukan bagi perusahaan, dia harus
dengan ramah menerimanya dan mengembalikannya dengan penjelasan
tentang alasannya secepat mungkin

Module 2
Problem 1 :
Assurance Engagement Frameworks
• Audit and Review of Historical Financial Information (Financial
Statements and Other Financial Reports) – ISA 200-2999
• Other Assurance Engagements – ISAE 3000-3999
Non-Assurance Engagement Frameworks
• Agreed-Upon Procedures – ISRS 4400
• Other Engagements

Problem 2 :
Non Assurance Services merupakan jasa yang diberikan oleh akuntan publik
yang didalamnya tidak memberikan suatu pendapat, keyakinan negatif,
ringkasan temuan, atau bentuk-bentuk keyakinan lainnya. Jasa ini hanya
bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi kepada pihak manajemen
perusahaan agar dapat menjalankan bisnisnya lebih efektif.
Kategori utamanya:
• Management consulting
• Accounting and Bookkeeping services
• Tax Services

Problem 3 :
a). If Deloitte contracted another Big Four firm to reassess its internal
safeguards, what type of auditor service would this be? What IAASB
framework would the outside auditors use?
This type of auditor service could be a non-historical financial statement
assurance (if assurance is required) or a related services management (if
assurance is not required). The outside auditors would use assurance
engagement framework or non-assurance engagement framework, respectively.  
b). If the audit services to reassess internal safeguards by another Big Four
firm is an assurance service?
 (1)Practitioner(pihak yang akan memberi penilaian): Other Big 4
Responsible Party(pihak yang bertanggungjawwab): Deloitte
Intended User(pengguna LK): US Government or Public
 (2) Subject Matter(perihal): Ethics or Internal Controls
Subject Matter Information(perihal lebih detailnya apa): Compliance of
Ethics or Effectiveness and Efficiency of Internal Controls.
 (3) Criteria: Ethics Standards (IESBA) or Internal Control Standards
 (4) Sufficient Appropriate Evidence(bukti yang sesuai dan mencukupi): E-
mail, Testimony, FBI Reports, Other Reports, etc.
c). What quality control procedure could Deloitte put in place to assure that
the risk of insider information coming from partners would be reduced to a
reasonable low level?(Apa aja yang bisa dilakukan agar hasil kualitas
informasi lebih bagus dan untuk mencegah kejadian seperti ini terulang
Administrative and engagement policies including:
• Employee training
• Whistle-blowing system
• Review of existing procedures
• Monitoring of partners and managers personal investment.

Module 3
Seluruh problem mengacu pada contoh “real problem”
diatas :
1. Unqualified opinion :
a. Siapa yang menandatangani opini diatas ?
Purwantoro, Sungkoro & Surja (David
b. Standar apa yang digunakan untuk meng-audit
opini di atas ? Ada dalam opinion “Indonesia
Financial Accounting standards”
c. Prinsip akuntansi apa yang digunakan (PSAK
untuk LK di Indonesia) pada opini diatas ? Ada
dalam opinion “Indonesia Financial
Accounting standards”
d. Apa opini yang dinyatakan ? Unqualified
e. Dinyatakan “Unqualified” atau “Wajar” berdasarkan dari ?
“Indonesia Financial Accounting standards”
f. Apakah pernyataan “Unqualified” menyatakan kebenaran laporan
keuangan yang di audit 100% benar ? tidak, tetapi
kesalahannya masih dalam batas wajar dan manusiawi,
karena audit hanya memberikan reasonable assurance(level
asuransinya tinggi tetapi tidak absolute)
2. Unqualified opinion with emphasis of matter :
a. Siapa yang menandatangani opini diatas ? KAP
Tanubrata sutanto fahmi Bambang dan
Rekan oleh Kasner Sirumapea, S.E., Ak., CPA
b. Standar apa yang digunakan untuk meng-audit
opini di atas ? Indonesian Financial
Accounting Standards
c. Prinsip akuntansi apa yang digunakan (PSAK
untuk LK di Indonesia) pada opini diatas ?
Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards
d. Apa opini yang dinyatakan ? Unqualified with
Emphasis of Matter
e. Pada paragraph mana dinyatakan “Unqualified
with emphasis of matter” ? Dalam Opininya
dikatakan “Present Fairly ,in all material
respect” namun dibawahnya ada tambahan
Emphasis of matter
f. Mengapa dinyatakan “Unqualified with
emphasis of matter” dan bukan “Qualified” saja
? Buktikan dengan perbandingan. Karena
matter yang dibahas masih dalam ruang
lingkup dapat dibetulkan jika qualified
matternya tidak dapat diperbaiki lagi.
3. Qualified opinion :
a. Siapa yang menandatangani opini diatas ? KAP
Maroeto dan Nur Shodiq oleh Drs. Maroeto,
b. Standar apa yang digunakan untuk meng-audit
opini di atas ? Indonesian Financial
Accounting Standards
c. Prinsip apa akuntansi yang digunakan (PSAK
untuk LK di Indonesia) pada opini diatas ?
Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards
d. Apa opini yang dinyatakan ? Alasannya ?
Qualified, alasan dapat dibaca dalam Basis
for qualified opinion
e. Pada paragraph mana dinyatakan “Qualified” ?
sudah ada pada paragraph bawah Auditor’s
responsibility dan di kuatkan dalam
paragraph basis for qualified opinion dan
qualified opinion
f. Jika pada laporan audit dinyatakan opini
“Qualified”, hal apa saja yang mempersulit
perusahaan di masa yang akan datang ? para
pengguna laporan keuangan akan lebih
berwaspada dalam menjalin hubungan
dengan perusahaan tersebut (kreditor,
investor dll). Tetapi dalam suatu penelitian
oleh Martinez et All, Spanyol 2004 laporan
Qualified tidak berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap harga saham.
4. Disclaimer Opinion :
a. Siapa yang menandatangani opini diatas ? KAP
Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar dan
Rekan oleh Tjun Tjun
b. Standar apa yang digunakan untuk meng-audit
opini di atas ? ? Indonesian Financial
Accounting Standards
c. Prinsip apa akuntansi yang digunakan (PSAK
untuk LK di Indonesia) pada opini diatas ? ?
Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards
d. Apa opini yang dinyatakan ? Alasannya ?
Disclaimer dapat dilihat dalam basis for
desclaimer of opinion (tambahan pdf
kumpulan data contoh Laporan opini audit
selengkapnya akan diberikan)
e. Pada paragraph mana dinyatakan “Disclaimer”
? Auditor’s Responsibility
f. Jika pada laporan audit dinyatakan opini
“Disclaimer”, hal apa saja yang mempersulit
perusahaan di masa yang akan datang ?
Pengguna laporan keuangan akan lebih
berhati” dan jika pada tahun” mendatang
tidak juga diperbaiki maka akan
berkemungkinan delisting atau suspensi
5. Adverse opinion :
a. Siapa yang menandatangani opini diatas ? KAP Heru, Saleh,
Marzuki dan Rekan
b. Standar apa yang digunakan untuk meng-audit opini di atas ?
Indonesian Financial Accounting standards
c. Prinsip apa akuntansi yang digunakan (PSAK untuk LK di
Indonesia) pada opini diatas ? Indonesian Financial Accounting
d. Apa opini yang dinyatakan ? Alasannya ? Adverse alasan dapat
dibaca dalam Basis for Adverse Opinion
e. Pada paragraph mana dinyatakan “Adverse” ? Pada Aparagraf
Adverse Opinion dikatakan “the Accompaniying consolidated
financial statements do not present fairly, in all material
f. Jika pada laporan audit dinyatakan opini “Adverse”, akankah
perusahaan dihapus atau delisting dari pasar modal ? dari contoh
yang telah terjadi biasanya BEi akan mensuspensi terlebih
dahulu jika sudah terlalu lama maka akan terancam delisting.

Module 4
Problem 1 :
a) Explain the differences among management assertions about classes of
transactions and events, management assertions about account
balances, and management assertions about presentation and
Answer: Management assertions about transactions are assertions
that relate to transactions and other events that are reflected in the
accounting records. In contrast, assertions about account balances
relate to the ending account balances that are included in the
financial statements, and assertions about presentation and
disclosure relate to how those balances are reflected and disclosed
in the financial statements.
b) dan c.
e. cutoff menjadi timing

Problem 2:

Problem 3:
a.      Discuss the concept of “reasonable assurance” and the degree of
confidence that financial statement users should have in the financial
Answer: Auditing standards indicate that reasonable assurance is a high level
of assurance. Accordingly, financial statement users should have a high degree of
confidence in the financial statements. However, reasonable assurance is not an
absolute level of assurance, and there is at least some risk that the
audited financial statements may include material misstatements.
b.      What are the responsibilities of the independent auditor in the audit
of financial statements? Discuss fully, but this part does not include
fraud in the discussion.
Answer: The responsibility of the independent auditor is to express an
opinion on the financial statements he or she has audited. In as much as the
financial statements are the representation of management, responsibility rests
with management for the proper recording of transactions I books of account, for
the safeguarding of assets, and for the substantial accuracy and adequacy of the
financial statements.
In developing the basis for his or her opinion, the auditor is responsible for
conducting an audit that conforms to auditing standards. These standards
constitute the measure of the adequacy of the audit. Those standards require
auditor to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about material
management assertions in the financial statements.
The informed judgement of a qualified professional accountant is required of an
independent auditor. The auditor must exercise this judgement in selecting the
procedures he or she uses in the audit and in arriving at an opinion. 
In presenting himself or herself to the public as an independent auditor,
the auditor is responsible for having the abilities expected of a qualified
person in that profession. Such qualifications do not include those of an
appraiser, valuer, expert in material, expert in styles, insurer, or lawyer. The
auditor is entitled to rely upon the judgement of experts in these other areas of
knowledge and skills.
c.      What are the responsibilities of the independent auditor for the
detection of fraud involving misappropriation of assets and fraudulent
financial reporting? Discuss fully, including your assessment of whether
the auditor’s responsibility for the detection of fraud is appropriate.
Answer: Auditors are responsible for obtaining reasonable assurance  that
material misstatements included in the financial statements are detected,
whether those misstatements are due to error or fraud. Professional standards
acknowledge that it is often more difficult to detect fraud than errors because
management or employees perpetrating the fraud attempt to conceal the fraud.
That difficulty, however, does not change the auditor’s responsibility to properly
plan and perform the audit. Auditors are required to specifically assess the
risk of material misstatement due to fraud and should consider that
assessment in designing the audit procedures to be performed.
There has been increased emphasis on auditors’ responsibility to evaluate
factors that may indicate an increased likelihood that fraud may be occurring.
For example, assume that management is dominated by a president who makes
most of the major operating and business decisions himself. He has a reputation
in the business community for making optimistic projections about future
earnings and then putting considerable pressure on operating and accounting
staff to make sure those projections are met. He has also been associated with
other companies in the past that have gone bankrupt. These factors,
considered together, may cause the auditor to conclude that the likelihood
of fraud is fairly high. In such a circumstance, the auditor should put
increased emphasis on searching for material misstatements due to fraud.

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