Analisis Biologi SPM 2004-2019

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2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
C2 Structure of Plant cell-Cell Cell Organelle/chl Animal cell- Cell Cell Label animal Cell Cell Cell Organelle in
cell/plasma turgidity organization / oroplast lysosome, organization differentiatio cells/function organization organization/f organization plant
membrane specialization sperm cell, n/ of GA/ in unc. in plants/ cell/structure of
GA xylem chloroplast amoeba/osm Xylem/adapti effect of DNA/meristem
oregulation/p ve features removing & collenchyma
hagocytosis aquatic plants bark tissue
C3 Simple Structure of • Structure of • • Osmoregula Hypertonic Active Plasmolysis/pl Semi- Visking tube Plasmolysis/d Transport Diffusion/food Hypotonic Structure of plasma
diffusion, plasma plasma membrane tion in solution transport. ant permeable as eplasmolysis/ proteins on preservation/glu solution--plant membrane,
method for membrane, membrane/tr fluidity/diff Paramecium Diffusion/ wilting/veget membrane/pr semipermeab haemolysis plasma cose transport in cell phospholipid, simple
food facilitated ansport of usion/facilit / similarities plasmolysis/f able eservation le membrane membrane/os kidney Osmosis (P3) diffusion, cholesterol,
preservation, diffusion substances ated and ood preservation p3 mosis effects of mercury on
plant cells in • Osmosis- diffusion differences preservation cell respiration
different rambutan • between
sucrose conc. (p3) unripe facilitated
mango diffusion
(p 3) and active

p 3)
C4 Lock and key Organelles • Effect of Protein Effect of pH Formation of Diff. enzymes cellulose/enzym Carbohydrates- - effect of
hypothesis, involved in extracellular temperature structure on hydrolysis triglyceride Saturated & e protease & relate with temperature on the
use of lipase enzyme enzymes on the rate of of starch by /formation of unsaturated lipas in baby diabetic rate of enzyme
in industry, production/ • enzyme amylase plaque in fats/related food patient, reaction-P3
effect of uses of of albumen reaction (P3) artery disease/hydro industry/enzyme formation of
temperature enzymes/ suspension lysis/lipase in apple juice lactose,
mechanism of on rate of production/effec reducing sugar
enzyme rxn of t of enzyme in
action pepsin P3 rxn

in unripe
C5 Cell cycle, Mitosis/ cloning Mitosis/ Meiosis/cross Meiosis/crossi Mitosis/meio Meiosis Cell
mitosis, Meiosis/ cloning ing over/ ng sis animal cycle/importa
cloning cancer/ cancer/factor over/fertilizati cell/prophase nce of
cloning s causing on (formation I/mutation mitosis/descri
cancer/ ways of diploid be tissue
to prevent zygote)/ culture
cancer from
C6 • %of vitamin C Digestive • Formation of • Protein • P3-Energy Purpose & Gastritis/buli Digestion in Effect of CO2  Vit C (P3) Salivary Importance of food
product of (P3) system, vilus, system/type faeces/malnu fats/ eating digestion/ me in value bad effects of mia/good and cow/protein conc. on the  Eating habits gland, processing,
digestion, effect of of trition/energy habits and long term stomach food bad effects of digestion in rate of gastritis/obesit digestion of calculate BMI,
effect of meat removing nutrition/si value/health physical effect • processing to diet to health human/diet photosynthesi y/anorexia/ starch, gall health problems
based fast pancreas & milarity and problems conditions consuming house human for nursing s (P3) bulimia/effect bladder,gall
food on a advice differences • excess bread, increase health/ mother of eating stone, protein
teenager in intensity on butter and productivity importance of burger for a digestion
• alimentary the rate of fried chicken of tomato food in each teenager
interaction(P3) canal of photosynthesi plants / level in the
• rabbit and s(P3 methods,ad food pyramid
CO2 and rate cow v & disadv
of • of food
photosynthesi photosynth processing
s(P3) esis/how air
&balance of


intensity on
the rate of
C7 Aerobic/ Model of • Aero Human Effect of • Resp system/effect of smoking
Nnnnbb- gaseous exchane Cha in
anaerobic human lungs/ bic/anaerobic breathing duration of • rate during /muscle alveolus and ract
resp in j-tube/explain respiration in mechanism/ activity on • human and resting and cramp blood eris
muscle cells, increase of human/rate characteristic the % of CO2 grasshopper exercise in capillaries, how tics
respiratory CO2 in of s of alveoli in exhaled air respiratory human/ diff in to keeplung of
adaptation exhaled air photosynthesi (j-tube) system lactic acid in healthy, alve
for fish and s and %of O2 athlete during respiratory olus
human and CO2 in a and after structures Neg
pond exercise/ between human ativ
• Effect of emphysema and fish e
temperature P3- respiration in feed
on the rate of -( bac
anaerobic k
respiration of mec
yeast(p3) hani
C8 Energy flow in • Type of • Effect of light Interaction, Effect of Colonization/ Food ,,,,,,,
food web/use • interactions chain in paddy intensity on population interspecific succession in chain/balance CO2 in the of dengue and ,,,,,,food web, biotic
of pesticides control (p3) field population control competition pond/ ecosystem/im atm/ways to AIDS components, capture,
community, distribution of /biological between quadrat pact of balance conc. mark, release,
biological pleurococcus method, maize and sampling human CO2 recaptuire technique,
control, use of sp(p3) nitrogen paddy activities P3- construct food chain,
pesticides, cycle, role of plants(P3) intraspecific energy flow, prey-
good and bad decomposers competition predator relationship
effects on
economic and
due to
paddy field to

and succesion
in a pond/
importance of
forest to be
C9 Water Greenhouse Global Preservation Effect of Practicing in Water Level of air P3 BOD Effects of Air Global Quadrat sampling-
pollution and effect, good warming/ and farming recycling of pollution of pollution (p3) ecotourism pollution/haze/ warming, pleurococcus sp.-
steps to and bad of effect of conservation activities on used papers, river near on steps to ensure changes of factors affecting
prevent/ BOD deforestration forest of mangrove pond glass and factories/ community safety from world forest population
test, benefit burning/ ecosystem, population/ plastic/ effect importance of and landslide cover21, distribution, solar
and harmful good & bad of effect of eutrophicatio of leakage cfc maintaining environment/ importance of panel, electric train-
effects of spreading increase CO2 n, good and on human river 3R tropical how can sustain a
urbanisationt chemical on the bad caused health and ecosystem/w programme in rainforests. balanced ecosystem
to man and fertilisers & ecosystem by industrial ecosystem ays to school
ecosystem chemical activities on improve
insecticides human and water quality
environment of river for

F5 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
C1 Human Blood Lymphatic Relationship • Condition of Role of Effect of light Blot clotting/ Adaptation of Actions of  Rate of  Func of  Lymphatic  TSA/V-P3
circ system, system/ between blockage plants in phloem in intensity on differences xylem/ RBC, WBC & transpiration interstitial system-
electronic edema lymphatic and • different translocation/ the rate of btw artery differences antibody, (P3) fluid/blood circ formation of
pacemaker, blood circ blood temperature, transpiration respiration(P3 and vein/ btwn palisade immunity  Mechanism in artery with interstitial
rate of blood system, clotting/blood movt of water in helping ) Effect of and spongy of water plaque/immuni fluid,
flow in artery reason why circ in fish and molecules in overheating smoking, mesophyll/ transport/fac ties thru differences
and vein amoeba does human plants in plants, unbalance guard cell tors breastfeeding between blood
not need (similarity and clotting/blood diet, condition contributing &vaccine and lymph,
transport differences) circ in fish unhealthy (night/ to elephantiasis
system and lifestyle daytime) cardiovascul
human(simila leading to ar diseases
rity and cardiovascula
differences) r diseases
Adaptation of Identify Support in Action of Adaptation of Locomotion in Vertebral column,
floating human plant(habitat, antagonistic floating fish intervertebral disc,
C2C2 plants, movt vertebrae, function of muscle biceps plants, movt characteristics of
of movt, phloem, and triceps, of vertebrae, cartilage,
earthworm, osteoporosis adaptation knee joint earthworm, osteoarthritis, action
fish, movt in for plants in problems fish, movt in of antagonistic
human swamp human muscles in rabbit
involving involving
muscles, muscles,
tendons, tendons,
ligaments, ligaments,
joints joints

C3 Blood glucose Reflex action, Cross section Homeostasis Role of Role of • • Regulation of Hormones/ Ultrafiltration/ Synapse/drug Transmission of Aldosterone, Effect of iodine
conc, insulin regulation of of spinal cord, in humans pituitary pituitary level formation body kidney urea content s impulse in reflex ADH, defieciency on thyroid
conc in 2 glucose in the reflex action, (body gland as gland as • temperature failure/haemo in (stimulants,de action/compare adrenaline, gland,
individuals, blood, diff btw temperature) master gland, master gland, nephron/ dialysis urine/function pressants), and contrast haemodialysis osmoregulation, effect
lab exp to test homeostasis sensory and roles of FSH, nerve diabetes of ADH and adrenaline efferent and machine, kidney of drugs to reduce
presence of /temperature motor GH & ADH transmission mellitus aldosterone afferent failure pain
glucose in regulation neurone at synaptic /importance neurone/effect
urine knob of kidney of depressant on
(Benedict impulse
test) transmission

C4 Karyotype of Female Spermatogen Formation Primary and Formation of • Growth curve Development Growth rate Menstrual Formation of Follicle Birth control Type of
human hormones, esis, injection embryo sac in secondary twins, is, how can of insects and of zygote of maize cycle/contrac pollen dev/corpus methods, reproduction,
female and ovulation, of HCG to flowering growth in function of down human, after seedlings eptive tube/seed luteum/functio advantages, method to prevent
male, color role of enable plants, plants, role & placenta, syndrome fertility fertilization.iv against Knop pills/corpus formation/gr n female disadvantages breeding in cat,
blindness pituitary pregnancy, germination commercial effect of occur, problems and f/ differences solution p3 luteum owth curve hormone Double sexual reproduction
gland in similarity and of pollen use of auxin, smoking for • ways to and degeneration of fertllisation in plants, pollination
menstrual diff. between differences pregnant development , overcome similarities Diff btw germinating
cycle identical and between mother role of btw primary & seed/
non identical primary progesterone, spermatogen secondary secondary
twins growth and type of esis & growth/grow growth
secondary immunity oogenesis th pattern in
growth plants

C5 Mendel first Mendel first Struc. of Mendel’s First Schematic Dihybrid Allele, how Mendel Genotype/ph Dihybrid
law, use of law (cross nucleotide, Law of diagram inheritance/ height is second enotype/bloo inheritance,
chemical to breed chromosome Inheritance, crossbreeding Punnet determine/ Law/punnett d comparison
control mice between tall mutation schematic in mice, square haemophilia square group/blood between
population with dwarf (deletion), diagram for thalassemia, inheritance/si transfusion monohybrid
pea plant), Down haemophilia Rh factors, ckle cell and dihybrid
cross breed of syndrome differences anaemia/use inheritance
oil palm characteristic between of insulin
varieties, /monohybrid color blind
development inheritance in and down
of genetic mice syndrome
engineering, based on
adv and causes and
disadv of characteristic
genetic s

C6 Variation Inheritance of Differences Karyotype of Turner Continuous Variation in Discontinuous Variation in Variation height Types of variation-
(type of finger characteristic between turner syndrome and plants (pH variation(bod human/albini of hibiscus plant height and earlobe,
print), s in family DNA/RNA syndrome/rea discontinuous values P3) y mass & sm due to diff soil definition, tissue
differences members, son variation/blo blood (p3) culture technique,
between hemophilia od group group)/schem factors of variation
continuous inheritance/c atic diagram
and amourflage/ blood group

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