Unit 1 - Making Friends: English Small Talk Topics For Starting Friendly Conversations

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“Excelencia a su alcance”
FECHA: 18/03/2018


Ask questions/favorite things/ too and either/ actually Unit: 1 Institution:
NAME: Level: A1.2 DATE: Topic :


English Small Talk Topics for Starting Friendly Conversations

You’re at a party or a lunch, and everyone is off talking to someone
else. You’re left standing next to one person who you don’t know.
Sure, you want to talk to her/him, but you have no idea what to say.
1. Introductions: Before you can get to know someone, it’s a good
idea to introduce yourself.
2. Universal Topics: Topics that are universal can be shared by
almost anyone. Things like the weather, current
news, sports and entertainment are usually safe conversation
3. The Day: If you’re not sure what topic to talk about, or don’t have How well do you know your new classmates?
anything interesting to say, you can just ask someone about their day,
or you can talk about yours. Your name:
4. The Workplace: Some conversations are only appropriate in a work
environment. Stay even less personal at work than in more casual 1. What’s your name?
places, and avoid gossiping (talking about other people who are not 2. What does your name mean?
present)! Instead, you can talk about the day. 3. Are you named after someone?
4. Do you like your name?
5. Observations: Some of the best small talk is about where you and
your conversation partner are located. Look around and find Lifestyle:
something to comment on.
6. Common Interests: When you have something similar with your 1. What’s your major?
speaking partner that means you have something to talk about. 2. What do you do for a living?
3. How do you get to class?
7. Questions: You might have noticed by now that most of these
small talk examples have something in common: They ask questions. Home and family:
A good way to start a conversation is to make a comment, then ask a
question. 1. Where do you live?
2. Do you like your neighborhood?
3. Where are your parents from?
Things in Common Friends:

A: I don’t live in Los Patios A: I am not a morning person 1. Do you make friends online?
B: No, I don’t either B: I’m not either 2. What’s your best friend like?
A: I mean, I live in Cúcuta 3. What do you and your friends do when
B: Yeah, I do too. you get together?


“Excelencia a su alcance”
FECHA: 18/03/2018


Present of BE Simple Present Can

- I’m a student. - I live in Cúcuta - I can ride horses
I am too. I do too. I can too
- I’m not a Marvel fan - I don’t listen to reggaeton. - I can’t cook lasagna.
I’m not either I don’t either. I can’t either

Complete the responses so the speakers agree.

1. A: I’m from Colombia. 3. A: I don’t speak Chinese.

B: ____________________________ B: ______________________________
2. A: I love dancing salsa music 4. A: I can’t read plans.
B: ____________________________ B: ______________________________

Building vocabulary


Fruit/ Fish/ Vegetables/ Ice cream Play sports/ Hang out/ Sleep late Batlle royal/ Strategies/ sport

1. I love ______________________________ (type of food) Find a classmate with the same taste

2. I like to wear ________________________ (item of clothing) 1. ___________________________

3. I’m not a big _____________________ fan (video game) 2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________
4. I like _______________________________ (music)
4. ___________________________
5. I can’t stand _________________________ (video game)
5. ___________________________


“Excelencia a su alcance”
FECHA: 18/03/2018

Starting a conversation

What are good topics to talk about when you meet someone for the first time?

Your favorite video game Your family The weather Someone’s appearance

Your health Where you live Your problems Things you see around you

I would like to talk about ______________________________, because ____________________________________________

I wouldn’t like to talk about _______________________________, because _________________________________________

Use of “Actually”

Match each conversation starter with a response.

1. It’s really chilly in here ____ a. Actually, I take the subway. It takes an hour.
2. Is this your first class here? ____ b. It’s the air conditioning. Actually, I feel OK.
3. So, you’re a full time student? ____ c. Yes, it is, actually, I’m a little nervous.
4. Do you like this neighborhood? ____ d. Thanks. It’s actually from a vintage store.
5. Do you drive to class? ____ e. No, actually I’m from a small town about
6. I like your sweater ____ three hours away.
7. Do you play guitar or anything? ____ f. Yeah, I do, actually. It has some great stores.
8. So, you’re from around here? ____ g. Um, part-time, actually, I work in a hotel.
h. Actually, I do. And piano.

Talk about it
1. When do you make small talk? What do you talk about?
2. Do you think it’s odd when a stranger talks to you?
3. Are you a talkative person?
4. Do you think you talk too much?
5. Are you a good listener?
6. Are you usually the “talker” or the “listener” in a conversation?
7. What topics do you like to talk about?
8. What topics do you try to avoid?

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