Helix 11.1 Release Notes

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Helix® 11.

1 Release Notes

Author: Liron, Norbi

Date: August-4-2020

Ref: HELIX-SA-RN-11.1
Version: 1.1
Status: Final

Sec. Class: Commercial in Confidence

Copyright 2020 TEOCO Corporation - All rights reserved. No part of this work, which is protected by copyright, may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or storage in an information retrieval system - without the written permission of the copyright owner.
Commercial in Confidence


1 Document Control .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Revision History ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Introduction to HELIX Service Assurance Solution Suite ..................................................................................... 4
3 Quick glance at what’s new in Helix 11.1 .................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Key Drivers for Helix 11.1: ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Detailed Breakdown ........................................................................................................................................... 5
4 New and Updated Features ............................................................................................................................................ 6
4.1 Helix Performance Management Product Line ............................................................................................ 6
4.1.1 Ad-Hoc PM Data Aggregation ...................................................................................................................... 6
4.1.2 TrafficGuard Thresholds over Additional Keys ........................................................................................ 6
4.1.3 TrafficGuard Thresholds over Configuration Changes ......................................................................... 6
4.1.4 KPIs Publish to Kafka bus ................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1.5 Other Enhancements ......................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Helix Fault Management Product Line ............................................................................................................ 7
4.2.1 FM Analytics – Machine-Learning Automatic RCA Clusters Quality ............................................... 7
4.2.2 Service Impact calculations ............................................................................................................................. 7
4.2.3 Other Enhancements ......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Helix Framework ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.3.1 AutoDiscovery – Multi-Zone stitching ........................................................................................................ 8
4.3.2 Dynamic Network Changes............................................................................................................................. 8
4.3.3 Sentinel – Base Configuration Information .............................................................................................. 8
4.3.4 Sentinel Advanced Drills .................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.5 Other Enhancements ......................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Deprecated Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
6 Bug Fixes ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
7 Known Issues ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
8 Special Installation/Upgrade Instructions ............................................................................................................... 13
9 Appendix A .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
9.1 Helix Products.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
9.1.1 Helix Performance Management Product Line ..................................................................................... 14
9.1.2 Helix Fault Management Product Line ..................................................................................................... 14
9.1.3 Helix Service Management Product Line ................................................................................................. 14
9.1.4 Helix SecureAccess ........................................................................................................................................... 14
9.1.5 Helix Framework ................................................................................................................................................ 15
9.1.6 Helix Implementation Tools .......................................................................................................................... 15
9.2 Helix Suite Packages ............................................................................................................................................. 15
9.3 Supported Platforms ............................................................................................................................................. 16
9.3.1 Server Platforms ................................................................................................................................................ 16
9.3.2 Client Platforms ................................................................................................................................................. 16
9.3.3 Database ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
9.3.4 Web Browsers ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
9.3.5 OS and Main Third-Party Software Applications .................................................................................. 17

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1 Document Control

1.1 Revision History

Doc u me n t I nfo rm ati o n

Document name: Helix® 11.1 Release Notes
Version: 1.1
Release Date: August 4, 2020
Author: Norbi Liron
Director, Service Assurance
Product Lines Management
Approval: Shachar Ebel
TEOCO Corporation

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Date: August-4-2020 HELIX-SA-RN-11.1 Commercial in Confidence
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2 Introduction to HELIX Service Assurance Solution Suite

Helix Service Assurance suite equips the Engineering teams, Network Operations Center (NOC), and
Service Operations Center (SOC) with powerful tools to predict, identify and resolve service problems
and network outages in order to meet their ever increasing and complex challenges. Over 300 CSPs
have been using Helix to expedite and automate the resolution of these complex issues and generate
actionable analytically driven insights. As a result they minimize service degradations and improve their
cost of operations and customer’s experience.
Helix Service Assurance Solutions suite provides integrated building blocks to enable CSPs to efficiently
run their dynamic environments. For further information on Helix SA Solution suite, Helix packages,
Helix 11.1 supported platforms, and 3rd party applications, please see Annex A.

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3 Quick glance at what’s new in Helix 11.1

The "Helix" brand personifies our ethos of evolution, which is reemphasized in TEOCO's long history
and commitment to providing an integrated Service Assurance platform that focuses on providing a
rich, feature driven suite of components to meet the demanding needs of the NOC and SOC engineers.
This constant drive to improve the simplicity and automation of our Helix SA Solutions suite, is driven
from the desire to help improve the everyday tasks of the CSPs NOC and SOC engineers. We are
constantly looking for ways to improve our analytical, machine learning and automation capabilities to
make the usability and workflows of the user as intuitive as possible. This document describes the new
and updated features available in Helix 11.1 and each of its products.

3.1 Key Drivers for Helix 11.1:

The key drivers for Helix SA Solutions suite are to reduce the complexity of network
management through focusing on our 4 key pillars of Automation, Analytics, Improving the
User working flows and Open APIs allowing the user access to the data they need, when they
need it.

3.1.1 Detailed Breakdown

 Automation: Helix 11.1 added some addition features and modules to support
performance, fault and service management functionalities
o Autonomous collection enables the tool to run in the background while collecting
relevant information
o Auto discovery stitching over Multi-Zones Networks; stiches the network together with
border nodes and interconnection links.
 Analytics (1): Helix 11.1 is ready to cope with dynamic network changes, driven by such
technologies as 5G slicing, by analyzing the changes and enabling correlated views with other
collected or calculated information, such as Performance and Fault Management data.
 Analytics (2): Helix 11.1 includes enhanced Machine-Learning Route Cause Analysis (RCA)
features that Clusters Quality Information. Also, Helix 11.1 introduces Service Impact
calculations based on the redundancy of the service’s resources and weighted formulas based
set rules.
 User Flows: Helix 11.1 has improved user flows to support more efficient operational
processes, and thus improve the speed by which the users can investigate and resolve issues,
including creating PM Data Aggregation on the fly with more user driven drill downs. In addition
Base Configuration information has been added to the Sentinel flows, making this information
easily accessible through the HTML5 based Sentinel UI.
 Open API: To ensure that the data is published and forwarded to the end-users in a timely
and secured fashion, using standard and open source APIs.

Note 1: For additional information regarding the various Helix products and more detailed insights into
the capabilities, please refer to the respective product descriptions guides included in the Helix
documentation package
Note 2: Helix 11.1 is suitable for both CSPs that install a new system and CSPs that perform upgrades from
a previous version. Full documentation is available for Helix 11.1, including this Release Notes document.

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4 New and Updated Features

4.1 Helix Performance Management Product Line

HELIX PM has continued to improve user flows to support more efficient operational processes by
improving the drills flows and therefore the time required to perform these activities.

4.1.1 Ad-Hoc PM Data Aggregation

Sentinel now enables users to define ad-hoc aggregation rules for the PM data, including run-time
KPIs. These include aggregation within the pre-defined hierarchies, aggregation to configuration
information and aggregation for additional keys (per specific counter set). This enhances the user flows
by enabling “in-widget-ad-hoc-aggregation” of data for easier investigation of the affects PM data
across multiple levels.

4.1.2 TrafficGuard Thresholds over Additional Keys

TrafficGuard now includes the means to define thresholds at the additional keys levels; enabling the
advanced users to select the level to be used for the threshold crossing events (TCEs).
This feature enhances not only TrafficGuard, but also the user’s experience by delivering more detailed
TCEs, thus increasing NOC/SOC efficiency while investigation network or service affecting problems.

4.1.3 TrafficGuard Thresholds over Configuration Changes

TrafficGuard was also enhanced to support threshold definitions over changes in configuration
information collected through the PM processes. The TCEs created by these thresholds are saved in the
DB with other configuration changes found by Helix Base Configuration; making all the information
available in Sentinel improves the investigation flow by providing more correlated information to the
end-users (CM changes, PM, and FM)

4.1.4 KPIs Publish to Kafka bus

Helix Performance Management includes an Open-API to publish PM data to external Kafka buses.
Through this API, administrators can configure publishing jobs/task, define the information to be
publish (Counters, KPIs, configuration, etc.), the schedule and even the specific network/service
The API also includes a REST mode to configure the publishing jobs/task content and schedule, reducing
the manual work.

4.1.5 Other Enhancements

 Top/Bottom options added to Global Tables
 Multiple master-details levels and widgets in the same workspace
 Performance improvements to PM Admin UI
 Bulk Mode Aggregation in Impala for daily partitioned tables with target aggregation lower
than DY

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4.2 Helix Fault Management Product Line

In continuing to strive to make the task of the operations teams easier, HELIX FM has continued to
improve its machine learning algorithms to automate the reduction and complexity in managing the
tsunami of alarms allowing the user to focus on the critical issues.

4.2.1 FM Analytics – Machine-Learning Automatic RCA Clusters Quality

The Machine-Learning Automatic RCA algorithm has been enhanced to include information about
the clusters’ quality (Figure 1) i.e. we determine the cluster’s quality in comparison to other such clusters,
the higher the cluster quality, the higher the cohesion of the cluster is (the fact of forming a united
whole - “togetherness”). This new information is presented in the Sentinel dashboards enabling the end
user to investigate the algorithm’s results based on the different clusters’ quality.

Figure 1 - ML-RCA Cluster Quality

4.2.2 Service Impact calculations

Most critical systems have redundancy built into the network to ensure that service up time remains
high (typically 99.99). In order to boost effectiveness of the NOC/SOC, the operations team needs to
understand the impact of a critical network/resource failure on the services provided to the customers.
The Service Impact calculation has been improved to take into account the physical and/or logical
redundancy impact of a resources within the service model. Using weighted rules and the service model,
Service Impact will calculate the effect of a resource failure on the overall service availability.
These Redundancy Rules are an essential requirement in ensuring that the operator reacts based on the
impact of the resource failure on the overall service to the customer.

4.2.3 Other Enhancements

 Upgrade Remedy
 Alarms Explanations passed to center in multi-zone networks
 Cruiser performance improvements

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4.3 Helix Framework

4.3.1 AutoDiscovery – Multi-Zone stitching

A new and advanced capability was been added to AutoDiscovery enabling the stitching of multiple
zones based on services type.
This is now a fully automated data collection, analysis and discovery process, which produces (Figure 2):
1. Border nodes links (while border nodes themselves are managed using separate Zones);
2. Discovers links between separately managed networks;
3. Utilizes different discovery modes as necessary (Entire/Known/Subnets/Specific)

Figure 2 - AutoDiscovery Stitching

4.3.2 Dynamic Network Changes

Helix Base Configuration was enhanced to identify and report on network configuration changes. This
information is kept in the Helix DB and is made available for reporting in Sentinel.
Using this new feature, the investigation flows are enhanced once more, enabling correlation of PM and
FM data with BC identified network changes.

4.3.3 Sentinel – Base Configuration Information

Helix was enhanced to present Base Configuration (BC) details within Sentinel, thereby improving both
the user flows and making the BC information available in the new advanced HTML5 UI.
This includes new BC based widgets and workspaces in Sentinel which are accessible by drilling into
from other widgets or from Cruiser.
Also, internal drills and flows within the BC information can be accessed by the users, making the
investigation flow smoother.

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4.3.4 Sentinel Advanced Drills

Sentinel was enhanced to include advanced drills between and within PM Widgets. This feature adds
the option to have multiple coupled widgets, with multiple levels of master-detailed flows, enabling the
user to monitor PM data across hierarchies with easy click through,
This feature increases the NOC/SOC and engineers capabilities to investigate potential issues, by
enabling easy drill from aggregated bar charts to detailed lines charts or even tables. Drills are also
available to and from GEO Maps, converting the maps into a master widget that controls the
presentation layers of other widgets.

4.3.5 Other Enhancements

 Lookup service use ODBC profiles (improve libraries startup time)
 System level settings of date formats and decimal delimiter (Euro vs English formats)
 RC Repository over multi-zone agents
 Selective Polling configuration and population persistency
 Drools Upgrade
 Geo Server Upgrade

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5 Deprecated Features

6 Bug Fixes
This section highlights top fixes to customer-reported bugs in Helix 11.1:

Issue ID Product Line Product Description

SA-22412 Helix Framework Helix When a network element is using interfaces

AutoDiscovery with ifIndex = 0, the discovery engine does
not find those interfaces and it creates a
bogus one (inferred interface of name
unknown and type 9999 ); however, it
assigns all these interfaces as children of
that unknown ifIndex “0” and not children of
the chassis/card as should be.

SA-25307 Helix Performance Helix PM Global defaults set in BOE are overridden
Management Reporter during Helix upgrades.

SA-29483 Helix Framework Scheduler The Scheduler distributor process does not
reconnect to DB if Oracle RAC is configured
and active node is changed.

SA-30079 Helix Fault Service Impact On SI Prediction, when using the 'Consider
Management current active alarm' option; the current
alarms appear, but the services/ resources
not marked for prediction aren't colored in
the tree.

SA-30174 Helix Performance Sentinel When applying “Forecast” to a PM widget, if

Management “PM Forecaster” is not installed, the widget
does not stop loading.

SA-30252 Helix Performance KPI Manager After changing a KPI from one user-group to
Management another, the left pane (KPIs tree) must be
manually refreshed to see this change.

SA-30568 Helix Performance Sentinel When a user writes in a Custom SQL widget
Management a “List of Values (LOV)” select statement that
includes a “where” clause or an “order by”
clause, although these are not supported,
Sentinel does not alert about this.

SA-30587 Helix Framework NCI In multilingual UTF8 installations, NCI scripts

are limited to a size of 20KB. The product
supplied EZSnmp script should be manually
replaced in installation and will not be
editable in the TEOCO Studio (editing this
script is not required and the system is fully

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Issue ID Product Line Product Description

SA-30940 Helix Framework TEOCO Scorpio functions used in libraries are not
Mediation called in the correct order.

SA-31304 Helix Framework Helix PM In a multi zone, when many processes

running on a non-center zone try to connect
to services in the center (e.g. on startup),
and the acceptor is too slow to handle all,
then, client side starts to fail, and processes
start to grow in memory.

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7 Known Issues
This section describes issues that users of Helix 11.1 may encounter, as well as possible workarounds
for these issues:

Issue ID Product Line Product Description

SA-32060 Helix Framework Infrastructure From Edge Chromium in Windows 10 64

bit, NetImport, Auto Discovery, Service
Impact Admin, and TEOCO Admin open in
internet explorer mode as expected but an
untitled tab is also opening along with
It can be overcome by setting the IE
Integration mode for Microsoft Edge in the
Local Group Policy Editor and refreshing
the enterprise mode list.

SA-32296 Helix Sentinel In cases where a master-detail relation was

Performance defined between widgets, if data did not
Management arrive from the network elements in the
module main widget, the “details” widget might
show empty if the missing data element is
Selecting an element with data corrects
this issue.

SA-32369 Helix Helix PM Counter sets which includes “array

Performance counters” cannot be selected for Multi
Management Counter Set creation, their selection fails in
module the UI.

SA-32555 Helix Fault Helix FM Commands sent through NCI using

Management Automation Rules on newly raised alarms,
module might fail in a Helix installation with data
partitioning enabled.
A specific patch should be installed in
projects with data partitioning, which
require this functionality.

SA-31496 Helix Helix PM Sentinel PM Line widgets set as master do

Performance not highlight the selected line.
Only Selection can be understood from “details”

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Issue ID Product Line Product Description

SA-32534 Helix Framework Sentinel When using maps as “details” of another

widget, when changing the selection in the
“main” widget, if the elements on the map
are too close geographically, the map will
focus on the new element, but might not
color it based on PM/FM KPIs.
Refreshing the map widget should solve
this issue.

Information Helix Fault Helix FM Since the introduction of KAFKA bus as

Only Management part of the FM solution, some special
module characters might not be presented
properly in the user interface.
These characters should be replaced at the
library level – for details please refer to the
relevant implementation guide.

Information Helix Framework Helix Agent In case customers do not bring their own
Only signed certificate, and use the default self-
signed certificate for containerized agents,
it is valid for one year and must be
periodically renewed.

8 Special Installation/Upgrade Instructions

Please refer to the Helix 11.1 Installation Guide.

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9 Appendix A

9.1 Helix Products

9.1.1 Helix Performance Management Product Line

 Helix Performance Management (PM)
 KPI Manager
 TrafficGuard for PM
 Performance Analytics (including Adaptive Thresholds , Forecasting and PM Anomalies)
 PM Reporter
 PM Data Monitor

9.1.2 Helix Fault Management Product Line

 Helix Fault Management (FM) (including Cruiser, Correlator ES and FaultPro)
 Fault Analytics (including FM Screener, FM Trends and Anomalies, Predictive Alarms and ML-
 FM History Analysis
 FM Correlator TRS
 FM Reporter
 NeTkT
 NeTkT Reporter

Note: Correlator ES, based on Ilog Rules or Red Hat JBOSS BRMS, can only be used in
existing installations. New installations must use Correlator ES based on Drools.

9.1.3 Helix Service Management Product Line

 Helix Performance Management (PM)
 Helix Fault Management (FM) (including Cruiser, Correlator ES and FaultPro)
 ServiceImpact
 ServiceDiscovery

Note: Other modules from the different product lines can be part of the Service
Management Solution as required.

9.1.4 Helix SecureAccess

 SecureAccess
 SecureAccess Reporter

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9.1.5 Helix Framework

 Sentinel
 Helix Schematic Views
 GEO Maps
 Real-time Monitor
 Base Configuration
 AutoDiscovery
 NetImport
 IT Monitoring
 TEOCO Mediation
 TEOCO Monitor
 Helix Configuration Director

Note: Using Sentinel with multiple concurrent refreshed dashboards by multiple

concurrent users, can cause heavy load on the Database that might result in performance
degradations. Specific HW and index tuning should be considered.

9.1.6 Helix Implementation Tools

 TEOCO Studio (including EasySNMP for FM, EasySNMP for PM, EasyPM)
 PM Kafka API

9.2 Helix Suite Packages

 Oracle Database Server software

 Oracle Database Client software
 Helix Database Instance creation
 Helix Server
 Helix Clients
 Helix Agent
 TEOCO Monitor Server
 Helix Report Studio Tools (SAP BusinessObjects BI platform)
o Crystal Reports
o Dashboard
o Client Tools
o Live Office
 Helix documentation

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9.3 Supported Platforms

Details of the supported versions for the different 3rd party applications and software, can be found in
section 9.3.5 below.

9.3.1 Server Platforms

The following Server platforms were certified:
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux
 CentOS

o OPTIMA Backend server (OPTIMA Mediation) platforms of existing deployment may be

9.3.2 Client Platforms

The following Client platforms were certified:
 Windows 10 64-bit
 Windows 8.1 64-bit
 Citrix XenApp 7.6 (Desktop Mode only)
 Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 1903 (Desktop Mode only)

9.3.3 Database
The following are the supported databases:
 Oracle Server with the Partitioning option
 Oracle Client for Red Hat server
 Oracle Client for Windows

o Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is supported
o Pluggable Database (PDB) on Oracle Container Database (CDB) is supported
o Oracle RAC is supported
o Oracle Exadata is supported

9.3.4 Web Browsers

Helix was certified on the following Web Browsers:
 Microsoft Edge chromium-based 64-bit
 Google Chrome 64-bit

Note: Certain applications require IE compatibility mode or IE Tab depending on the used

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9.3.5 OS and Main Third-Party Software Applications

Product Name Version Comments

RHEL (Red Hat 6.10/7.8 x86_64 RHEL 6.10 is available only for upgrading
Enterprise Linux) of existing Helix systems
Helix Systems with Big Data must be
installed on RHEL 7.8
Helix Agents over RHEL must be installed
on RHEL 7.8

CentOS 7.8 x86_64 Big Data servers must be installed over


Virtualization VMware ESXi 5.x/6.x

RHEL 6.10/7.8 KVM

Oracle Database Oracle Server 19c (19.8) / 18c Oracle 19x is supported on RHEL 7.8 or
server and client (18.11) higher
Oracle Client 19c (19.3) / 18c
For projects that run on RHEL 6.10, Oracle
(18.1) for Red Hat server
18c will still be supported
Oracle Client 19c (19.3) / 18c
(18.2) for Windows Oracle Server/Client 18c for Red Hat
server is available only for upgrading of
existing Helix systems.
Oracle Instant Client 11rG2 for Windows
is used by Inspector

WebLogic Server For WebLogic based systems


WildFly 17.0.1 For WidlFly based systems

Apache HTTP Server 2.4.43

NGINX 1.18

SAP BusinessObjects 4.2 SP8 fix 1

BI platform

Microsoft .Net 4.8

BMC Remedy 9.1.8 For NeTkT

Drools 7.36 For Correlator ES

Rogue Wave 5.6

(formerly Ilog) DB

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Product Name Version Comments

GoJS 1.8.2 For Schematic views

GoXam for WPF For Site View and Correlation Tree charts
in Cruiser

Nagios Core 4.4.5 For IT Monitoring and TEOCO Monitor

NRPE 3.2.1

Oracle JDK 1.8.0_251 For WebLogic usage only

 WebLogic installer is not
delivered with a JDK
 BOE installer is delivered with its
own JDK

Open JDK 1.8.0_252 For non-Weblogic usage

Cloudera Express 6.3.0 For PM

Python Anaconda 2019.03 64-bit For Performance Analytics, Fault Analytics

(includes Python 3.7.3) and Mediation Component
Note: The PM Anomalies use Python 3.6

Kafka 2.3.1

Zookeeper 3.4.13

Microsoft Office 2013/2016 (32bit/64bit) For Performance Report Scheduler

Docker 18.09.7 For Helix Agent as container

Kubernetes 1.15.3 For Helix Agent as container

Helm Client/Server 2.14.3 For Helix Agent as container

GEO Server 2.16.1 For GEO Maps

Windows Server 2012/2016/2019 server 64-bit For Auxiliary Server Platforms (Report

Note: For the prerequisite patches, please refer to the Helix 11.1 Server Installation Guide.

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Date: August-4-2020 HELIX-SA-RN-11.1 Commercial in Confidence

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