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Nota: Test campione in vigore dalla sessione d'esami giugno- luglio 2012


Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo
Facoltà di Scienze Motorie

Test Campione N°2

Accertamento Linguistico di livello A2

Part I Reading Comprehension: Dai Greene talks about his diet as an athlete
Dai Greene is current World Commonwealth and European 400m hurdles champion

“When I first started out in athletics I didn't know anything about diet, and it wasn't until a couple of
years later that I realised I needed to think about what I was putting in my body. I've had epilepsy
since I was 17, and by 2006 I was worried my medication was making me drousy and affecting my
training. The tablets didn't actually stop me having seizures. I had them when I put stress on my
body—drinking, going out late and getting up early, eating rubbish, so I decided to come off the
medication and change my lifestyle instead. Before I'd been living for the weekends, but athletics
had given me a reason to change.
I've changed how I eat in the past year—I've basically tried to plan ahead a bit more, so I'm never in
a situation where I come back from a competition and have to get a takeaway. It's all about filling
the freezer. Eating right just helps your capacity to train. The more recovered my body is, the better
I perform. You wouldn't put the wrong fuel in a car and expect to get a quality performance out of
it. If I eat badly, I have poor concentration and I feel lethargic—and the stopwatch never lies.
Breakfast for me is two slices of toast with peanut butter and a cup of tea, as well as a protein shake.
Lunch is a pasta dish with lots of vegetables. Dinner is usually a pasta bake or a lasagne, and then
later in the evening I'll have a light meal like eggs on toast. I have snacks throughout the day as
well, but they aren't as structured, so it's things like peanut butter or Nutella on toast for a hit of
carbohydrates. The kind of thing I would've had in my student days but the difference is now I'll
have it because I need energy as opposed to because that's the only thing in my cupboard.

Leggere il testo e scegliere tra A (vero), B (falso), or C (non menzionato nel testo)

1. Dai Greene was interested in diet and nutrition before he became an athlete.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

2. Dai Greene has had epilepsy since he was a young child.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

3. He thinks he had more epilepsy seizures when he didn't eat properly or didn't get enough sleep.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

4. Now he has to take medicine for epilepsy twice a day.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

5. Dai Greene says he has improved his diet because now he plans his meals and does the shopping
in advance.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

6. He usually has breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning and lunch at one o'clock in the afternoon.
A True B False C Doesn’t say

7. He has breakfast , lunch and dinner and snacks during the day when he needs energy.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

Abbinare le parole o espressioni evidenziate in neretto nel testo con la loro corretta definizione

1. __________________ = an occasion when you eat, especially breakfast, lunch or dinner

2. __________________ = feeling that you want to sleep = sleepy

3. __________________ = to practice sport regularly before a match or competition

4. __________________ = petrol or diesel used in vehicles

5. __________________ = a sudden attack of a disease such as epilepsy that makes your body

6. __________________ = lacking energy and not wanting to do anything

7. __________________ = something that is useless, of no value, or of very low quality

1. La parola it (line 12) si riferisce a

(a) performance
(b) fuel
(c) car

Present Simple and Present Continuous
Completare le frasi con il verbo al Present continuous o al Present simple.

1. I never ........................................ coffee late at night. (drink)

2. Listen! Somebody ........................................ the piano. (play)
3. Mike usually .................... football at the weekend. (play)
4. I .................................. to Scuba dive at the moment. (learn)

Completare le frasi con il verbo al Past continuous o Past simple.

5. …................................ you ................................... the television when I phoned you?

6. I .................................... a lot of work yesterday. (do)
7. We ....................................... to Spain last summer. (go).
8. Jan fell asleep while she …..................................... . (read)
9. I'm tired this morning. I ........................................ well last night. (not/ sleep)

Completare le frasi con will, going to o present continuous.

10. ‘What would you like to eat?’

‘I ………………………………………… a pizza.’ (have)
11. Look at that blue sky ! It ………… ………………………………… a sunny day. (be)
12. I ………………………………………. a party on Saturday. Would you like to come? (have)
13. I can't see you at 4.30. I …………………… some friends at that time. (meet)
14. ‘I can’t find my umbrella.’
Don’t worry. I ………………………………………. you mine. (lend)

Completare le frasi con who, which, where

15. Someone .............................. is scared of technology is called a ‘technophobe’.

16. Las Vegas is a place................. you can spend a lot of money.
17. Haemoglobin is a protein .............................. carries the oxygen in our blood.
18. The train ........................ leaves at 8.00 doesn't stop at Fano.

Completare le frasi con la forma comparativa dell'aggetivo tra parentesi.

19. Shopping at a supermarket is ………………………………….. than going to the local shops.

20. I’m getting too old. This is a job for a …………………………….. man. (young)

Completare con la forma superlativa dell'aggetivo tra parentesi.

21. The ………………………………….. ocean in the world is the Arctic Ocean. (small)
22. It was the ………………………………….. film I've seen this year. (bad)

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima utilzzando:
should, shouldn't, have to, don't have to, must, mustn't

23. It’s very important for you to be here at 6.00.

You………………………………………….. be here at 6.00.
24. It’s Saturday tomorrow, so it’s not necessary for me to get up early.
It’s Saturday tomorrow so I ………………………………………….. get up early.
25. It’s very important not to drink the water there. It will make you ill.
You ………………………………………….. drink the water there.
26. Parking here is forbidden.
You …………………………………………. park here.
27. I can recommend this book to you - I think you would like it a lot.
You ………………………………………….. read this book.

Completare le frasi con: Some, any, much, many, a lot of

28. I haven’t got ………………………. spare time because I’m very busy.
29. How ………………………. links are you going to put on this web page?
30. We’d like ……………………….. fruit for dessert.
31. How……………………….. active volcanoes are there throughout the world?
32. I need ……………………….. advice about which subjects to do next year.

Completare le frasi inserendo le 'question tags'.

Esempio: Sandra is French ..........isn't she ?

33. You can drive, .................................................................................... ?

34. He lives in France, ............................................................................ ?
35. They speak English there, ................................................................. ?

Tradurre in italiano


Answer Key

Part I Reading comprehension

1. B False
2. B False
3. A True
4. B False
5. A True
6. C Doesn't say
7. A True


1. meal
2. drowsy
3. train
4. fuel
5. seizures
6. lethargic
7. rubbish

La parola it (line 12) si riferisce a (c) car

Part II

1. drink 24. don't have to

2. is playing 25. mustn't
3. plays 26. mustn't
4. I'm learning 27. should
5. were you watching 28. any/ much / a lot of
6. did 29. many
7. went 30. some
8. was reading 31. many
9. didn't sleep 32. some
10. I'll have 33. can't you?
11. It's going to be 34. doesn't he ?
12. I'm having / I'm going to have 35. don't they ?
13. I'm meeting 36. arm = braccio
14. I'll lend 37. shoulder = spalla
15. who 38. back = schiena
16. where 39. hand = mano
17. which 40. wrist = polso
18. which 41. kidney = rene
19. cheaper 42. stomach = stomaco
20. younger 43. heart = cuore
21. smallest 44. blood = sangue
22. worst 45. elbow = gomito
23. must / have to

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