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Nota: Test campione in vigore dalla sessione d'esami giugno- luglio 2012


Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo
Facoltà di Scienze Motorie

Test Campione N°3

Accertamento Linguistico di livello A2

Part I Reading Comprehension:

Michael Phelps

Almost anyone who has ever watched an international swimming event in the last few
years has heard of Michael Phelps. He won six gold medals in Athens and an
amazing eight gold medals in the last Olympics in Beijing—a gold for every single
event. He's a legend. He has broken almost every record and won every gold medal.
Michael began swimming when he was seven. He was a hyper-active child. He
couldn't sit still and he couldn't keep quiet. His teachers said he couldn't focus on
anything. They were wrong. He focused on swimming and he swam like a fish. He
held the national record for his age when he was ten and he swam in the 2000
Olympics when he was fifteen. He was the youngest male Olympian since 1932.
Then, still aged fifteen, he became the youngest man to break a world record. Since
then he has broken one record after another. He says: 'Records are made to be broken .
. . Anybody can do anything they set their minds to.'
Michael Phelps has the perfect body for a swimmer. He is very tall and thin, so he
cuts through the water like a knife. He has very long arms so he can make very
powerful strokes. And he has very large feet which act like flippers. He also likes
pasta and pizza and eats about 12,000 calories each day. That's enough for five
normal men!

Leggere il testo e scegliere tra A (vero), B (falso), or C (non menzionato nel testo)

1. Michael began swimming when he was a teenager.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

2. On July 22, 2001 Michael broke the world record in the 200 m butterfly.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

3. His teachers said that Michael was a very quiet student at school.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

4. According to the article, male athletes are usually older than 15 when they
participate in the Olympics.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

5. According to Michael, mental attitude is very important for an athlete.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

6. He is short and a bit overweight.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

7. Everyday he eats much more food than people who aren't athletes.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

Abbinare le parole o espressioni evidenziate in neretto nel testo con la loro corretta

1. __________________ = the number of years that someone has lived

2. __________________ = very surprising

3. __________________ = very active and finding it difficult to concentrate or


4. __________________ = object with a sharp blade for cutting

5. __________________ = a unit for measuring how much energy you get from food

6. __________________ = not accurate or correct

7. __________________ = to concentrate on something and pay particular attention

to it


Completare le frasi con il verbo al Present continuous o al Present simple.

1. Sorry, I’m busy at the moment. I ............................... my homework. (do)

2. I never .............................. coffee late at night. (drink)
3. Penny ............................. from Calgary in Canada. (come)
4. Don't talk to me now. I ................................... an important letter. (write)

Completare le frasi con il verbo al Past continuous o Past simple.

5. I .................................... in front of the TV during the football match last night.

(fall asleep)
6. We ................................. to Pesaro ten years ago. (move)
7. The boys broke a window when they ....................................... football. (play).
8. We .................................... to Spain last summer. (go)
9. Prior to the 1990s very few people ............................... access to a personal
computer. (have)

Completare le frasi con will, going to o present continuous.

10. The phone is ringing!

It’s OK. I ………………………………………… it. (answer)
11. Are you busy on Saturday evening?
I ……………………………………………. to the cinema. (go)
12. I’m tired now. I think I ………………………….. to bed early. (go)
13. Why are you selling your house?
We ………………………………………… in the country. (live)
14. Look at those black clouds in the sky. It ………………………………………. .

Completare le frasi con : who, which, where

15. E-mails .............................. advertise things are called spam.

16. The policeman. ................ stopped our car wasn’t very friendly.
17. On this map you can see the little town .............................. I was born.
18. The girl ........................ lives here knows my sister.

Completare le frasi con la forma comparativa dell'aggetivo tra parentesi.

19. Wine is ………………………………….. than beer. (expensive)

20. Our team is ………………………………….. than your team (good)

Completare con la forma superlativa dell'aggetivo tra parentesi.

21. That was the………………………………….. meeting I have ever been to.

22. Windows is the ………………………………….. operating system for PCs in the
world. (popular)

Completare le frasi utilizando: can, can’t, could, couldn’t

23. ……………………….you save my seat, please. I’ll be back soon.

24. …………………………………………… you speak Spanish?
25. He ……………………………. come to school last week because he was ill.
26. Many animals …………………………………. see in the dark.
27. You …………………………………….. drive and use your mobile phone at the
same time.

Completare le frasi scegliendo fra: some, any, much, many, a lot of

28. Are there ……………………….. tourists at this time of the year?

29. How ……………………….. tigers are there in the world today?
30. We bought ……………………….. beer for the party.
31. I didn't get ……………………….. sleep last night.
32. How……………………….. did your new bike cost?

Completare le frasi scegliendo fra a, an, the (se necessario)

33. John is ………………… old friend of mine.

34. I'm trying to learn ………………… Japanese.
35., 36. It was ………………… long flight but eventually we arrived in
………………… USA.

Tradurre in Italiano


Answer Key
Part I Reading comprehension

1. B False
2. C Doesn't say
3. B False
4. A True
5. A True
6. B False
7. A True


1. age
2. amazing
3. hyper-active
4. knife
5. calories
6. wrong
7. focus

Part II

1. I'm doing 25. couldn't

2. drink 26. can
3. comes 27. can't
4. I'm writing 28. any/ many/ a lot of
5. fell asleep 29. many
6. moved 30. some / a lot of
7. were playing 31. any / much / a lot of
8. went 32. much
9. had 33. an
10. I'll answer 34. –
11. I'm going 35. a
12. I'll go 36. the
13. we're going to live 37. head = testa
14. It's going to rain 38. neck = collo
15. which 39. eye = occhio
16. who 40. nose = naso
17. where 41. hip = anca
18. who 42. leg = gamba
19. more expensive 43. knee = ginocchio
20. better 44. joint = articolazione
21. longest 45. ankle = caviglia
22. most popular 46. toe = dita del piede
23. could/ can
24. Can

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