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Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo

Scuola di Scienze Motorie

Test Campione N°4

Part I Reading Comprehension:

anti-doping tests

Only one in every 100 doping samples tested worldwide, across all sports, comes back positive and
many of those that do come back positive are for recreational drugs with negligible performance
enhancing effects, like cannabis.
There are some in the anti-doping industry who now wonder why, if the point is to stop cheats, we
bother testing for drugs that are deemed not to enhance performance.
And when it costs £65,000 for each positive, there are those who wonder why we bother testing for
drugs at all.
That is not however a position any major sport can hold publicly.
What's more, the current trend is to increase the number of tests not reduce or abandon them altogether.
Which is why the 4,500 samples taken at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing became 6,000 at London 2012-
a test for almost every other athlete, at a rate of 400 a day.
With samples frozen to enable re-testing when new detection methods are found, you can never close the
book on an event until the eight-year statute of limitations has passed. Nevertheless, the current return
on those 6,000 tests is 14 positives.
What about football, the most popular sport on the planet?
In 2010, for the last World Cup in South Africa, world governing body Fifa took 576 samples - 320 in
the two month period before the competition and 256 at the tournament itself.
The idea was to test at least eight players from each squad “out of competition” and the rest “in
competition.” on a two per team per match basis.
The result? No positives.
Undeterred, Fifa will raise the ante at the next year's World Cup in Brazil. It will conduct approximately
1,000 tests – collecting out-of-competition samples from all 736 players and carrying out another 256 in-
competition tests as well.
But Fifa, to its credit has finally realised – like governing bodies in athletics and cycling before it - that
simply doing an unprecedented number of tests around a big event is not the best way of ensuring the
good guys don't get cheated.
Starting with the 2011 Club World Cup and continuing at this summer's Confederation's Cup, Fifa has
been collecting samples to develop biological profiles or 'athlete passports' for the worlds's leading
The passport approach is different from traditional tests in that rather than looking for a certain
substance, you are instead looking for variations from an established norm. The rationale is that the body
reacts to foreign substances in measurable ways. For example if you artificially boost your red blood cell
count or testosterone, your body will suppress your own production of these things.
Another give away may be that the normal physiological signs of extended exercise do not occur.
The introduction of athlete passports are viewed as the best protection sport has against whichever new,
undetectable drug is on the market.
They also mean that no test is ever truly wasted because they all help to build a profile.
Jiri Dvorak, Fifa's chief medical officer since 1994, acknowledges this is just a start but says football is
determined to build blood and hormone profiles for the world's top players.
“The human body is complicated .. . but biological passports offer more solid data. They are the most
rational approach.”

Leggere il testo e scegliere tra A (vero), B (falso), or C (non menzionato nel testo)

1. About 50% of the samples for drug testing taken worldwide across all sports have a positive result for drug
A True B False C Doesn’t say

2. Many positive results for drug use are for drugs such as cannabis that do not enhance sport performance.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

3. There were more drug tests performed at the London 2012 Olympics that at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

4. In 2010 for the World Cup in Africa, Fifa took 576 samples, but only very few samples tested positive for
drug doping.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

5. Only a quarter of blood samples taken in 2011 were tested for HGH (Human Growth Hormone).

A True B False C Doesn’t say

6. The world governing body, Fifa has started to conduct in-competition and out-of-competition tests in order
to create an athlete's biological profile.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

7. It is believed that new or 'unknown' drugs for which there are no specific tests could still be detected by
observing the variations in an athlete's biological profile.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

Abbinare le parole o espressioni evidenziate in neretto nel testo con la loro corretta definizione

1. __________________ = description of a person that contains detailed information

2. __________________ = not used effectively

3. __________________ = to become larger in amount or number = go up

4. __________________ = people who behave dishonestly and do not obey rules, for example in order to
win a game

5. __________________ = to make something smaller or lesser in size, amount, importance = cut down

6. __________________ = a law that sets a period of time during which legal action can be taken

7. __________________ = to stop a physical process from happening or developing

8. __________________= a chemical substance produced in animals and plants that controls things such as

Completare le frasi con il verbo al Present continuous o al Present simple.

1. Water …..................................... at 0° C (freeze)

2. Marco ….....................................…....... in the library at the moment. (study)
3. Why….............................................. at 6.00 ? (Linda / get up)
4. 'Excuse me but you ............................................ in my place.' (sit)
'Oh, I'm sorry.'

Completare le frasi con il verbo al Past continuous o Past simple.

5. In the 1980s, home computers …..................................... a new thing but now they are very common. (be)
6., 7., 8. I …..................................... (wait) to play tennis yesterday when my partner
....................................... (call) to say that he ….................................... (not / can) come because his car had
broken down.
9. I …..................................... to Australia with my friends last summer. (go)

Completare le frasi con will, going to o present continuous.

10. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were busy. I ….......................................... back later. ( come )
11. 'Why are you turning on the TV?'
'Because I ….......................................... the news.' (watch)
12. Do you think people …........................................ longer in the future? (live)
13. 'What are your plans for the summer?'
'I ….................................... a month in the mountains, hiking and rock-climbing'. (spend)

Completare le frasi con: who, which, where, whose

14. A musician is a person …........................... plays a musical instrument.

15. This is the village …............................ my grandparents were born.
16. I never buy clothes …............................ cost more than £ 30.
17. A person …............................ job is to design new products is called a 'product developer.'

Completare le frasi con la forma comparativa o la forma superlativa dell'aggetivo tra parentesi.

18. Iceland is the ….................................... country I've visited. (cold)

19. Bikes are …..................................... than cars. (ecological)
20. He bought the …..................................... bike in the shop. (expensive)
21. This road is …...................................... than I thought. (long)

Completare le frase con should, shouldn't, have to, don't have to, must, mustn't

22. I don't think they ….................................................. get married. They're too young.
23. You …........................................... wear a uniform in the army.
24. You …........................................ leave your bike here. It's forbidden.
25. We have plenty of time. We …............................... hurry.

Completare le frasi utilizando: can, can’t, could, couldn’t

26. I'm afraid I ………………………. come to your party tomorrow. I have to work.
27. …………………………………………… you send me an e-mail with an outline of the project?
28. We . ……………………………. afford to keep our car so we sold it last month.
29. She ……………………… cook quite well. She'll be able to work as a chef.

Completare le frasi con some, any, much, many, a lot of

30. I couldn't wash up because there wasn't …................................ soap.

31. How …................................ teeth does an adult human have?
32. Could I have …................................ tea, please?
33. We haven't had …................................ snow this winter.

Completare le frasi con in, on, at, by, to, from, with

34. We walked from the hotel ………………… the station.

35. The Normans invaded Britain ………………… 1066..
36. He's not doing anything ………………… the moment.
37. She goes to work ………………… foot.

Tradurre in Italiano



Reading Comprehension
1. B False
2. A True
3. A True
4. B False
5. C Doesn't say
6. A True
7. A True

Abbinare le parole o espressioni evidenziate in neretto nel testo con la loro corretta definizione

1. profile = description of a person that contains detailed information

2. wasted = not used effectively

3. increase = to become larger in amount or number = go up

4. cheats = people who behave dishonestly and do not obey rules, for example in order to win a game

5. reduce = to make something smaller or lesser in size, amount, importance = cut down

6. statute of limitations = a law that sets a period of time during which legal action can be taken

7. suppress = to stop a physical process from happening or developing

8. hormone= a chemical substance produced in animals and plants that controls things such as growth


1. freezes 23. must / have to

2. is studying 24. mustn't
3. does Linda get up 25. don't have to
4. are sitting 26. can't
5. were 27. Could / Can
6. was waiting 28. couldn't
7. called 29. can
8. couldn't 30. any
9. went 31. many
10. I'll come back /will come back 32. some
11. I'm going to watch 33. any / much / a lot of
12. will
13. I'm going to spend / I'm spending foot = piede
14. who heel = tallone
15. where hand = mano
16. which forehead = fronte
17. whose ear = orecchio
18. coldest jaw = mascella
19. more ecological cheek = guancia
20. most expensive mouth = bocca
21. longer
22. should

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