Hidayat Kocharli 1419i IW-5

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Individual Work № 5

Topic: Total differential equations. Integrating factor.

Subject: Higher Mathematics Teacher: Elvin Əzizbəyov

Group: 1419i Student: Hidayət Köçərli

Date:20.12.2020 Signature: Köçərli

Baku 2020
A total differential equation is a differential equation expressed in terms of
total derivatives. Since the exterior derivative is coordinate-free, in a sense
that can be given a technical meaning, such equations are intrinsic and

We studied differentials in Section 4.4, where Definition 18 states that if

y=f(x) and f is differentiable, then dy=f′(x)dx. One important use of this
differential is in Integration by Substitution. Another important application is
approximation. Let Δx=dx represent a change in x. When dx is small,
dy≈Δy, the change in y resulting from the change in x. Fundamental in this
understanding is this: as dx gets small, the difference between Δy and dy
goes to 0. Another way of stating this: as dx goes to 0, the error in
approximating Δy with dy goes to 0.

We extend this idea to functions of two variables. Let z=f(x,y), and let Δx=dx
and Δy=dy represent changes in x and y, respectively. Let Δz=f(x+dx,y+dy)
−f(x,y) be the change in z over the change in x and y. Recalling that fx and
fy give the instantaneous rates of z-change in the x- and y-directions,
respectively, we can approximate Δz with dz=fxdx+fydy; in words, the total
change in z is approximately the change caused by changing x plus the
change caused by changing y. In a moment we give an indication of
whether or not this approximation is any good. First we give a name to dz.

Integrating Factors

If a differential equation of the form


is not exact as written, then there exists a function μ( x,y) such that the equivalent
equation obtained by multiplying both sides of (*) by μ,

is exact. Such a function μ is called an integrating factor of the original equation and
is guaranteed to exist if the given differential equation actually has a
solution. Integrating factors turn nonexact equations into exact ones.

Consider the differential equation M dx + N dy = 0. If this equation is not exact, then M y will not
equal N x ; that is, M y – N x ≠ 0. However, if


is a function of x only, let it be denoted by ξ( x). Then

will be an integrating factor of the given differential equation.

 Case 2:

Consider the differential equation M dx + N dy = 0. If this equation is not exact, then M y will not
equal N x ; that is, M y – N x ≠ 0. = 0. However, if

is a function of y only, let it be denoted by ψ( y). Then

will be an integrating factor of the given differential equation.

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