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:':ffi '"::"i"ffi 'Sili?" *" rM etricrl

;. ;.'" ..-
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n i' rrdr//'r ,cJ ,r., !{?nrt/ t

N h) qqd' it tu n.'1qtudI ^tnv
Iron ard sEcl Hrd"'rcz ..
l. scope" -, D^r. \,eel Hcai
Inechaniql ru_
| | This sDctificatron cov$s (hL1nrcxt and rnd he''nonEc
iii';;il;;'cnv gencrar srrn-r'rrrr and nrcchuni
cras*s or hcr
^" ".',1"."'J*.'il' qH
Jiliim* *f ;t.l
l",il" i*r;; roi Hish's'irensrh .srccr Bohq'
"u.t *0"' parts'
orrcr eatemanv thread€d t"r
A ""i "*" "nd ^';$':$lil:"Hl'
",l;li: ifi;-r;;; i for s;ucruor s'iccr rorns rM'l
this sp"r6orion- $€ r'd
cla$ nrt'n' proptnv
:,o,. t Thrcug]tour

'' i;,,,
F<qdi*,rh.,o,'"'.:' :.1'l:.1^.',*".':i":I
$ih rniur(moK 3n'n r"
;,li; "i*ffi '{*ltil"ut l'i:i;-[;iilill il] l*:
:ffi n ;;t';li*;*1 .';ti i:,1 tlift::'l*1",i". *o '"*'*"* '-
ffi iL:
; :$.:-l Ii
lru; l$,:,Y:;l;:',1 m*::l*' Merrcnrr':r'
;'J','{$ffi11;f i::T,l'"'ff."c} z,nc
atnosph€ric corrosoo
1.2 Classes 8Sl asd losl nuts have
*'l;;; fi ;il;* *"'":*:l:' :'ilff:f,ll
*i; H"ii""lia, Pe ka€ ns'

i i"lirl 'i"i.t""iil r* t 'rbon and Alov

"'l,ti'i*#.:Tl' srcrr txr<drarrv
of $c qcels co!€rcd in Sp<'ncanon ^:rdels rs
l*,*"t'".i. .-"'i'" *'r$nce olrhcsc 'ubsranridll)
,'j::i'1"Y"'J[ Ii]:]; r
nrtrnns .l'c \1 c( hrn'Ic''
i:iiill;i,li:rli::i:ll,'r":*xl$:':11*:l ' i"""in -'r rnr.n'rh r hNadcd

::;'; :"; ; ;.".r";,;; i'"'":':u', 'l1,ll1l'.?i;li. "1--'l' "'

I li sz( rin-qc lor $hi(h "'{rcn I
The nur '. , til lli l$ li'ill'lll':ll',1" -,,^' " n' * -'"'u'"''
the tubte o^ m(hanrc^l rcquidmenrs
' ii 'n,i-.''1" xr grles luilde iu a'sisr desitdcn rnd .li'";'lililf ill'll,'ii'i-n**-* u'."""'"'( onos on
*t'irion ol a suirablc clrss I' ii,1", :i[:"iJi'i;J,"
ou(-.rtosers in rt't
ii *;"' data on thc propeni€s
or srotted hcr
sree's ^hosphcn'
of Lo*-Allor
nu1s and hex jam nuls
1 fhN'Fc'funna r i\c Nh' c"'nlsion
of spNrn riol =;i,if'^il:l fl"',r.'ds M Prerrrc
ir ta.:.'t tu
vetti" ue":tutt
o ts.:.r:tu;" l"* l'l"ts.
in SFrrfi
_I.:ms u{d rn |}lis specincarion !rc drfined
il; i iil li:ff iiTfi"Til J;
F l?89 unlcss o$cNisa definod hercrn B
2. Ref€renc€d Do.uDerts
l.I ..tSI t Srdr(idnlrr
,i r i.ria rslv sp.crfi(arion lorlinc coarns
rHor-DiP) on
llr:,rull;x:',:'* lii!ii!

;':;' "" ".' "'"'

".i:"" f;':l.;:il:,"J[*']lTl"i:ill;: -'''^.'''' * .'"''
ir'^'" . ;,ir;:ifi##+1ffi::;;"'''
dd dL Inrdrit
Rdon rppcdr r
(he of
'A 5'Fdtn ofclrqsr

* #;:irsffiii;1' '"'
{$p eseru-or
B 18.t.4.5NI N.lct ic Hrx J.m Nuc
B l.tcEic Hqly Hex Nuls
pcrcd \\'hcn rlis h(.r rJ. ri.,I is u:(J. p.11i,.ur,r r(nfion
shall be |laid to rhc Nurum.nrs In 6.L
2.3 ISO Stan.lnn! t.o 4.6 Thrcads shall bc fonncd, iappcd, o. nachincd.
is()8a8 tt \tc(hxnrc.rt propLdics ofFrsr(.n(6. prd \ur. (jutirgs. Ho!-Dip on.t Mtha,ico t. Des^itett:
w(h Sprcificd p.oof Loads , 11 ai!'c
When zinc-coalcd fastcncrs are requrrco, mc pur,
ISO 47?5 Hc\agon \uLs for Hilh S(*n$h chaser shall sp!'cify rhe 2inc coaring p.&ess. for dabple,
S(Mruml aotl
,nS srrh Lorte Uidrtr Acr\s Ilrrr product qrJ.!e holdip, Inech{nicatty deposired, or no prefcrcncc.
B proFrty Classs 8 and t0 4.7.2 when hor-dip is specific4 lh€ fast€ncG shall bc
z'nc-coarcd by rhe hot-dip proc€ss in accordance wnh $c
3. Orde.inB t.forhatiotr r€quir€mcnb ofCla$ C of Spsifi.arion A l5j/A l5.lM.
4.7.1 wl'cn mech.rnLJty drp.,\ir(d ,s rFf,.ificd, lhe frqcn.
. .l.l Urder r^.nus mdcr thir sp.rif(drrnn shr ,nclud.the cF 5hdlr.bc zincldrld bt th3 n,{hanrcdt-d(posirion
euantiry (nurnbq ofnuts):
in accordance wirh dre requircnrcnrr ofClrss 50 of Spsi6ca_
Noninal diamerer dd ihirad pilch; tion B 695
L l.3 4.7.4 whcn m_ prctcrcncc is spc{tficd rhc suppticr mry
slylc ot nut (fo; cxsmptq hcx, hcavy
, " of .Diminsionst
nex. hex nangc); "
tumish cirler a hol-drp zinc co€ling in acLordancc $ h
1.1.4 prcperiy ctass spccrtical|oD A l5l/A t5lM. Ctass C, nr a mechonicalty
dcposiled znc co.un! in mcorddnce sift
C@tnF sFc,ry rhc /rnc \qfins proess rc- ( rJs
Sp(.cification B 695,
hor-dip. mcchanhalty dcpolld, or no (omponcnb ofm0trnA taslcncE (bohs. nurs.
r{J. Arj
nrefcrMce tre $a\hers) \hall bc cocrod b' Lhe same zinc codrrg pmccs
r.l_6,0.r?/ rt,iras_Spcciry oth€r p.obcrrve rm supptrcr oprinn is limircd ro onc procc\s pcr crn *irh nn
l!:qu[ed: tinish it mrxco pmccsscs in n lor.
I l.? ASTM dcsrgna(im and yesr of rssuei 4-7.5
zirc co:lcd nots shall b€ hppcd aficr zinc
r.r.. Any sp€jot requiEmcD|s_ coa(ng accodece wirh lhe rhEad linirs in 7.o.
The sr.cng$ requiremens for my 4 7 6 'n
M(hanicalty deposned /im-cqred nuls fo.assembty
ctas ot trur nsy hc \rth me(hdicrll) dcposircd /inc-.oarctl bot15 shlt b< |sppcd
us hed.b) subsl,r urhg a
nur ofa highcr ctass pror rded d,j r
hc orcB'7€ rn aeord&cc $ith rhc thrcad limib in
nur srdth scross fla$ is rhe ?.s pno; ro
$me. \irh lnc wnl|cn appmvnt of /'nc collrng dnd nccd nor bL fl0pped atcmrrds
:T-e.ltcT:'. ma) subniruLe rs ro o*s: class r?
'1,€ luper,cr
nurs,tor ('hs*s-to. 9. and 5: Ctass l0 ndrs tor Ctasscs \, r. 6
9 and
.tr ir rtr hkd ot 4 ? .dd 1 S r,Eua^, qih rh. Fqu,Nm.
. . ,.^r - nurs ro. c,ass s: Clas
( tos for Clas 85; Ctass bsl
ky trs\ 85: lnd r'tass lUSt ,or (.la\s4s l:.lliI ''.r*
r.grore$ ur l()ftc or
rhar a.,r\dn,lyi hoh\.,nd nuh $i r\\cx,brc ker)
t{,rs. RS, rnd 8Sl
,.,"*,.",. !rddtrrr 4lj H,,l.Jin and nrrhanicrit) d("n{r.d a.n,(qreJ
,.1 ' I di"r ,r,n.i!tr, J,-
ru\.'rd,. .ru t\ tnrrd(d \ h rn iJJ.rhrrJt tuF!trdrtCLs:
\rtrrrr br ttu and dr! ro lllc rnurh
lji :::l,l;:i'l'ff,i1i,:.11''1 Jou'd b' (uni'''rd I"'o? rn;n'no
\ ' < I \.flpk. .t n-+r,ng d(n rpxoB 5. Ciemical CoDposiriotr
a \ r-r\- Cl,s 9 St V (rrV d. (rJ tu ottu }tl2 4
,,,- ,,*:
A .r_i. rr,r.rOO rt:r z r *,,., t,..
5.1. Clrsscs 5. 9. SS. t0. t0S. dd lj \h.Jt \,,ntumr \, rnc
i:':; -'. x.r',rrD ,....*red. Asrr,l A $rM xr. ajyr . !\/, cnennLar comFr\rrion
. ,, I ine\frF.nd( (,J.\t4.aSt\rA5.J\t L.
\\ (: ald\{s 8SJ rndsp<rtid in Tabtc I
t0\l .hx conronn to dc,h(ml\dl
{. }Irterists ard Manrfr(u.r conpos'ron spccined in Tibtc 2. Scc Cuide
c r0l for Drclhods
or esrmatrng conosion resislancc of low altoy
.l.l Sr('cl tor nuts sha b€ rnadc stccls. nr etL.ctric-fdmace pro.css.
by $( op€n-nearx, ba{rc-
i.: TAS(E t Ch.ntc.t R.qurEh€nr,
.rurs may b( madc cotd or hor
_ by foming, prer\inA. or
pucnDg. or mdy br mehined fro.n bar stoc|(.
q.r-ch\s€s t0, 12, t0S.
L and t0sj nurs sha bc u€arld
o)_-quenchinA in a liquid medium from a rcnpemrurerh,!e
nnsrormatroon lmpemiurc and rhe
reupcrirg ci a r.tnpcarurt ot
C^h*" gS ont rsj nurs made of any
,{ cljasses m8y be hcat tre{ted
skclpemiucd for
by qucrching i! s liquid
l::T l:.11:l:Te."!,"
at , tempemt6e ofal teasl 425.C.
r"'"pe*. 0.0.€ o.os€
r!trss ds nu6 made ofsteet having a carbon conknl o20-0.55
,o* o** t'tt* *";j1",
-.;.,*rE u.r zq pnosphotus nor erccedins o+
s'rur not excdins 0.05 % by hqt mat)sis 0.04 %, and
@rco by quemhinA i. a liquid m€diun may be hear s*a e,,Jr**Gii?i?3iii*iiffiGiii,
aoove tne uarstomauon tcmpcratde
from a lmFmrure o""r",o*
and neca nor Le tem_ *.'*r€lffi1,'if f;T*,
{[[ ase:r''r-os
IABL€ 2 Ch€oicat R.qukcmentsfor Class's a$ and 1053 Nuts

sr*r tuarrss rd cks 3$ uls^

Peai aB'Fs
oas. sS3 iurs may bs n.d. or -v .r t. '"*.* -."""-s"*

as spe.ified in Tablc 4, mav bc f@ishcd

on thc
3 Rcsulfuized or rephosphoriTcd slecl' or both' arc not
lhan 510 k\,
i"* "ir'"'i"e, i'-,1"*'.or less than thc min;rntrn hardncas
tubiect r. rcicrria. b.scd on prndJ't alal)'is for sullur or
nhojohotus ulcss mr$pDhcaLron is clcrl) lndicalcd "'i.i in Tablc 3.O**",
those covcrcd in 6 2' shall
5.'i oDlcarion of hcats of 'rccl to whi(h bismurh sele-
Nr" "[
*irhstmrl rhc prmf load "xcept
stress sPccified for &e di'mcter and
nium, teitunurt or tead has been intentionallv added shau not
be Denniltcd for Class€s 10, 12' 10S, and l0S3
class ofnd in Table 3
j.: ct'"*i*t analvses shall bc perfomcd in accordan'e !"! 7 ,hr.Ni load.I!ad k rh'atirllvJntlredL'drv nurdu r
$ ith Test Merhods, Pmcticcs, and Terninolo$ A 751' 'unpioA
o|ulrG PNf lold\ rTrbk r) re
"i,r, "ttr,o't,r*..a
i' .'r,'nrr.s r;t toa rt rr b) d'( rur $nl'd
"..,r,iJ '** 't't"
6. Methtntcal ProPe.ti€s
6.1 The hardn€ss of nuls of €ech clds shall not cxcced rbe
maiimurn hardness spe{ified for the class in Table 3 This shalt plain
proof load ?.1 Unless oth€rwise sp€cified, nub shatl b€ fu'nished
bc th€ only hardncse !€quirem€nt fo' nuts tlat
'E {non-coated nor Plated)
?2 Class 5 nurs in nonuil drread dram€leB M36 tnd
6 2 Unless Droof lood rcsdng is spcci6€d rn $e inqurv
lo dim€nsrcN for hc\ nurs S0lc l'
ourchase order. nuts ot all classes in nomiml tlread diomelers "-"rr"i*urr "onron' 4 lM Clas 5 nuts in nominal $@d
i.a+ and smalls, and n,rts of a[ classes wi$ Proof loads
gn'ter ri'*'i" Ol',S, B lS 2

t gr=s*xrul:.,.
IAaIE 3 il.chanr€t Reqqtenenl! ot Nur.



Llndclc's lvl:12 nnd larger shall conlbfln to urncnsrcns

ror ANSI B lri 2.4.41\1. Whcn thc dirrcnsionJt srvte ot Lhe nur is
hc y hex nuls gi\cn in A\SI B I8.2..t 6t\, .o1dcs'Bn.rcd b) th€ Iu.c[.sn llcx.uts. S0tc ], in contonn-
7l 9 nuls n nomirul rhrcad dianetcrs
,rl1.r \hall.rontonr lo di,ncNions tor he\ nurs.M20 ard
srltc 2,
ancc wilhANSI B shull bc rlrnishcd. Cluss 12 nuts
ctrrn h \\SI B t82.4 tV or f.i he\ nrnse nu,s tn nominal thEad Nf2l !o Ml6 imlusilc sha[
ANSI R t3._).4 4M. q hcn thc dincn\iorJt si) $\( rn ..nfom ro diircns;ans f.r he\ nds. st)te 2. gi\cn in A\Sl
t" B llJ:..1.:V. C1",. ll nur\ i1 nrnhrr rtrMd dia,,cr(A \t:tl
acqr.lnarco by the purchascr. her nurs. Srytc "f ""t " ""r
:. ,n conf.anance
$,rh 4\Sl B Ir.2.4.?N1 tud larger sftall confonn ro dinensions fo. hcavy hcx nurs
sha be tumi;cd Ctrss o 1g1e i.
nonDrr lhread dimeters M24 lo M16 imtusi\c .hnl sivcn inANSI B 18.2.,1.6M.
to.drmensions f.r hcr nuls. SOle:. grrcn D Ar,tsl 7.6 Clrsses 85. 3S3, t0S. and losl i, noninal Lbead
a 18 1.4.:M. ( tdss 9 nurs rn nomin;t dtrta; oumcren [14_. diam.tlTs Ml2 lo M36 inctusivc shallcontonn ro dinrcnsions
dd lrrtscr-shrlt conforrn lo dinensions ror hcaly hcr nuts fo. hcaly hex nurs given in ANSr B t8.2.4.61!,t.
!'!d 'n ANSI B t8.2.4.6M. 7.7 Unlcss olherwise specified, $reads in nu6 sha b€ the
7.4 Chs l0 nuls in nomrnnt drerd dirmctcrs |\4_.]0 netric coaft€ ih.ead sedes as sp€.ined in ANSI B l.l3M, and
.T",1 ro drm.roons fo. hcx nurs. sr}re t, shall hale gnd€ 6H rolcnnces.
lNcn l| ANS| B t8.2.4.tM or for her flanP€ nurs grvcn m 7.8 lhrs rcquircrn{r applies ro nurs hor-dip ed mehani_
ANSI B lEl.4.4M. wheo 6e dincnsionat s;re
or nur |s nor cally nnc-coaled rhsl arc ro bc used on botrs. scR$s, or $uos
otsur{(cd by the pmhaser. hex nurs. Sr}le t, In conformancc thrt la\€ metric coa6e thrcads with Gmde 6c blqances
$nh A\Sl B t8.2.4.tM sha be fumiied. (
tass t0 nu(s in bcforc zinc-coalin8 and dEn ore ltot-dip or melanica y
noninal fir€ad dislrlcrcn nom M2{ ro trCt6.-r,9irsi.tr9
shnl ac-coqted, excepr as nol€d in 7.9, in accordance wirh 4.7.2
.ortrnD lo ditnccions for hex nuls. Sryte I given ;
ANSI and 4.7.3. Such nurs shall bc rspped oversize ro hale intemal
B tE.l{_tM.
threads *ith me\imum and nininun limits rhat cxcced the
7.5 Class 12 nu|s in nornrnst $resd di0metcF tV:0 and maxinm and minimum linis specified for metric con.s€
:.111 ,lil_:.]toA ro dimensions
tNen In ANSI B 1E.2.4.2M
for her nurs. sryre 2, int€mal fil€3ds wirt cEde 6H rot€nnces by he foloeing
or for hex flanee nuts givcn i, o€mdmL allowancts:

s$llt A 563M - 03

IAAIE a tlut Prcot lo.d Values' *N

\orr I Nus oldinnn{eE lrd.lisses \vhcft no lmf loads rE !n'n rF non $lMrro 1000
\rr I Prq.tlo,isrRcoi,ld.dbrmtrllpl!trrsI'rFrlnrd{r;srT"h[rrhLrlftrd{N*r^ir'dd^'dr':h'




:,l.Lr ! Lrnls lrrrl\. rtrd iLLLI\ ir Ji'nrlrr \nr'rll'r rji$ \ 11) 3'l
nor nom3lly holdil zitrc coar'd

?.8.1 lnlcnul tltrcads sball be subjcct 10 ltccnlancc Argn'g

,,.rnr G0 md Hl rhread pluc qrFcs h3\ing 'i/' li'nits ('dine
;;ffi"l* '" I 8 rr'rqds or nJts rJrped drrcr /in(
r4 ?r .hall rnNl @ and HI lhrcad plug ts'$ng rcqd'("nrI't'
(4 ul shall
rltr**.i*" Pri^r ro /nc cuaung
t1 "pFd pnor ro zinc colrin!
""""4. g"ei;d rcqLl*mcnrs
dd Go $rclld plug gtrging Nquiemcnls att$ ^nc coaung
79 Nuts to b€ uscd on bolls, scrcws' or strds thnt dcn
orhcr dta
r'"i-aio oim".r'an'-rrv,inc-coared ro requ'rcmtnts
;";l;il i;'t; shcri te repped o'c*ie b' d'snet.r I
-m.i-t t. p"-rt as*mblv on thr cndrcd crlcr_
nally tireaded faslencr
\' 9 li rh. o\!. L.f'n! drr.r.rJt ,, v\-1!( . r-,..r(r ii,Jr rh.
r,r,i ' ff,,tirnr,rs r.(n,,Ttr.r(, r,rL,!..rdrt.,r|f ninnu) L{ trJ(r 12.2 The inspccror r.prc$orilg re purcha$r shnll h0vc
the rooftord (E$ sAti0.d in tirblc l. litc cnlry to all pans ofNanufacturcr's \orks rhat conccm (nc
mnnufacturc of the nrarciial ordcred. Thc manufacrurcr sha
7.10 Whcn spNincilty pcnnj[ed by thc purchrsca nu$ ror lllord rhc irispc.lor all rqsonablc aoiljrics to satisfy hiD rhar
nolls,sc(-\s, or sruds having m electrodeposilcd coaong, sucn
malerial is bcing fumishd in accordanc€ qith ftis
s odmrun. /-nc. crc.. or h.\ing a chonic. y atptrcd coaring 'c
ficadon. All tcsls and inspelion rcquired by the specinc.alion
rnry b€ r:'np(d o\esi/c by a drMclmt altosancc \um.ictrl ro
pennit asslmbty on rhe coalc{ exremally thMdc.t faslcner.
llut a.e requ€srcd by rhe purclaser's rcprcscntirile shrll b.
madc prior ro shipmcn! aDd shal be conducN as nor !o
! f I lo. lr rhr .\. nrm,ng dr.rrfl nl,rla$,,,cc h,:r.rrc, fr,f s. intcrfer€ unneccss:rily {irh tho opoerion ofrhc works.
'n{( ft.ifitd In 7S rt'(Dnns(, A.Jur,oftd dEr rl
B phol lord nross sporticd inlijblc 3. ll. Prodnct Mfking
Il.I \uls in nominal thMd diamctc|s Nr4 and malcrfleed
6.1 Surfacc discontinuiry timns shall b! in accord.ncc q. r
13.2 Nuts of all cl.sscs, in mminatlhEad diamebrs MJ ed
Spccificalion F 8t 2/F 8l2N{.
largcr, shall be ma.k€d with the property ctass design:rrion (5,
9. Nomb€r of T€sts 9, 10, 12,85, 10S.8S3, or l0sl) on rhe rop or bearins surfacc,
9.I Thc r€qui.€m€nb ofrhis spccification shall be mer in on the rop of nan8c, or on onc of rhc f,Erchrng ft
s oflhc nur.
cotrunuous nass prod(rion for s,oLt, and Ltc ,naufaclhr Markhrs Incarcd on rhc rop or bsine sufrce or on |nc rop of
\hall mrke smpte inspe ons ro cns@ rh.r rhe prcducl $c nansc shall bc posnioncd with rlE base of $e nunc.alG)
conrorms lo rhc sp(ihed rcqJrEmcnrs tselon t5). oricnted lov&d thc nur po.iphe.y. Clsss 9 nuts norkol on one
ddr- of thc qR.nching tlars shall havc rh. nurnc€t 9
r.onll rcsrs of indiudql ot mdtmat !,c nu oru-
trr,r! conremplored. hdi!rdurt h.als ofsr.ct m nor rdcnrrficd
ll.l Addirionatu nus of Class t0. t2,8S,8S1, I0S, and
Ln rnc norshcd product. l0sl shall bc narfted vilh u symbot lo idcntify the manutac_
9.2 Whcn rdd'lronal re$s src spRified In dlc rnqurr) 1@r or prilar€ labcl di$ributor, a! appropriale. Thc meufac-
and lurcr's iJcnrrfic.(ron 5yrnbut shatl k of his dcsr8n.
PEhdc orde(! for purpos of \etccrng tcn salpt6.
shall consi$ ofatl nuls orercd for inspcclion For Cl.ce6 ESI and l0Sl nuB. rhc Inan;r.rcrurur nra)
ai nne Lnrc dul .rJ.4
na\( thc tatloqin8.onnon chJ€cr(risLics. dd othcr dislinSuishing ma*r lo indiclrc th€ not is atrno_
9.2.1 Pmp€ny ctass, .tl(ric -oFosion rcsislanr dnd or a \caLhcrinA gftdc of ncct.
9.2.2 Nominal dia$clcr . i., ) \lartunE\ mcy be mis.d or dcpRrsad ar rhe oprion of
tne nanuldcruN Hnuercr. ir na hgs are t.rdled on |Jlc
9.1.t sryle.
9.1 4 fhrcad {res Jrd tot(fu.( b€nng sufacc d on one otrhe srenchinA flals, rhcy shall be
irtl surfarr rrnsh Indc. .rnd
aI I ottr{{r.! \p!.rlicd In rlrr:nlurn Jnd pur(hr.( 116 nr,ta\ ,1,.s,4J,-pnuq-rrr'. n. rn,are rab.l
,rd(T. thc"k\\
ndrbdo, tcrN Lr (ch h. nt e.( h R.qrrrcd '{i{rihu1tr \ r.'r,rrrr\.iLr, .n,.t ! \(tJrIr .a.t .trr r,J rhc
sn,rrr bc.s falh,us ni,Frr) 1so rdcnrificali(r's shdll pr.fcrabl! bc in dillercrr (Eauons
and, \hcn on rc sjmc lu\el, sha bc s.pararcd by rr lcasr r\o

r4. Packrging and p!.kage Drrkirg

ro. Test ltt€tfiod, l4l.l Unles\ nrhetursc <pccrhcd. pr.trE,ir,g \hd bc .n

a.cardincc \rLh lhrcLice t) l95t
,^]9 1 f,"""'"
ronrkd 3d p'*r
In or(orddcc
ro"a ksrs of nuls sha bc per
$nh rcqurNncnrs of T(sr t\rcr;ad . l4.l.l.When sp..cial picknging ruTuiremenrs drc lcqurred,
tlcy shall bc dclined ar rtE tinrc of thc inquir.,, dnd ordcr.
F 6(r6M_
14.2 Pdckdge Md.kins.
*l proof toad rcsurs. rhe spccd of resr;n8 as
,_.'! -: $r& 1.4.:.1 shippin8 unir {haltimrudeorbe ptaDty martcj
ocrcrmurcd a lre€.runing cross -[!ch
head shq be a odi;urn sirh tlc follosins nforrnarion.
l4.l l.l ASTM design.rion dd smde,
U. R€po.t 14.:.1.1 Sizc. Name md brod o. t ademark ofrh€ manufaclur€.,
ll.l Whcn specifi€d in fte ord€r, rh€ nanullrcrurE shatl Nunrbcr of pieces.
tumrsD a rcst rcpod ccnified to be thc lasl complered sd I. Purchase ordcr nunrb€r, and
lnecnantcrl tcsls for each stock size in of
each shiprncrt. Counrry of origin.
12. Insp€ction
15. Relpomlbillty
l^2 Ir rl'€ insr'€ctron described in 12.2 is requLred by
the l5.l The party .€sponsible for rhe fastener shalt be the
- sha be specined in ,hc inquiry and ooniract or
Sruj:Iser, 't oryani/rLlon rhat supptjes Lhe fasrmcr lo ftc pJrchascr ind
cen'hes thol fie faslencr sas mufacrure4 $mpte4 lded
4$P asorrtr-oa
rnd i sp(lcd in accord.nce \vith rhis spccilicaiion lnd 'rccls
all ol ils rcquircmcnts.

l6.l alloy sreeli carbon stecl: mcrici nulsi stccl;


(Nomand.torY Intormadon)


the dnncn-
l dirmeter). Pmh.scrs are clutioncd 10 considcr
Xl.t Table X I guidlt€e on thc st'cngth sditabil-
.i"",i*i"""**o whcn sclccri's thc
ity ofnurs for use in.o'nbinaion witn various prcpenv classcs "r,i'" "pplicltion 'nosl
ofntetdc tolls. srcss dd sruds
xl.2 various tut stYles (Hl, H2, HH, and HF) hdve
difcrcnt dioEnsions f";atl o"tot" n'ts' thiclncss' ll0ngc

TABLE x1.'1 tlut/Bolt 9!lltbtllly Guid€

P.oe.dy cras .id oixsieional stl€ o{ Nur

BoiuNd Sudaca Fnsh

H1-ANSr B 13.2!.1M hor nul. srvl61

'oHH nNSI 6 14.2 4 6M hery tur nd
. H2---aNsr B 13.? 4 2M h€r nd, sqb 2
tsF--{NSr a 13.2.4 4rr,! h€x nut

'suibble nul crass and stt€.


)(2. Sl,Ol lttD BDx NUfs ,rND tDx J,{,rt Nufs

X).-l Slofial IIex Nuts: X22 II.r Jati Nuts:
X2.l.l SloGd bcx nurs drc lvailnblc in noniut thMd X2.2.1 Hcxjrm nuls irc !ailrbl. in nonlinal lhrcad diar)r,
diinrctcrs lU5 to N{]6 inclusivc, and in propcny Chsscs 5 and etcls M5 to M36 inclusive, and in Properry Ctasses 04 and 05.
t0. X2.2.2 Class04 nuts :uc nade ofcarbon slcctcontbdning to
X2.1.2 Class 5 nurs aR madc ofcdbon nccl cdnfonning to thc chmical composition rcquireDrcnts spccificd for Class 9
chcn cal composirion ruquiEmcnls gjvcn in T ble L Ctas t0 nuts in Table l- Cl.ss05 nu1s arc nude ofcarbon or alloy nccl
nu1s arc rnado ofcarbon orattoy steetconfornjng to chcnicat onlbrning to thc chcnical composition rcquircncnls spcci-
composlron rcqurrcmenrs gilen in Tablc tied for Class l0 nots in Trble I, and a.c heal r€a1€d as
I, and 0rc hl: trcal€d

X2.2.3 Class o{ nuts havc I proof load srreas of380 Mpa,

)(2. | .3 Classes 5 ed | 0 nuts hsve hardncsscs as
sFcincd in
Table l. and proof load stesscs equal lo 80% of thc val@s and a hadncss of HV 188/302 for rll diamelcrs. Class 0i nuts
specificd in Table :l for Classs 5 and t0, respcctivery. slo(ed havc a proof load skcss of 500 MPu, ud s hrrdncss of HV
2721351 fo. alldiamcrel:l. Hcxjmr nuts ar€ nor nonnaUy proof
trcx nuls.n rot nornally pmf load t6rcd-
X2.1.4 Sloncd he\ nurs cunrnm ln d,ncbron.
,\NSt B I8.2.-t.tM.
Eircl In X2.2.4 Hex jln1 nub conlbm todimensions siven irr\NSI
B ri.:.4.5M.

563-01 issu€. For thc corrcnreme of the , Comnri*e
Fl6 has
oflhis,srandard. This s€clion rnay atso jncludc desc.ipti.^
highLighrcdti.r" .f,rng", ** ,,np*, ,r,"
(,lpprovcd Oct. I, 2003.) "r,"ig"i"..""*", r"" *" t.,r,.
"rrr," "n*g*, ".
rl).\dd(d sL.ri.r' I o rt,rr ret oces T(nnrmto!! | r /\o tor
,jrri ,{,\ ,,f rurjr,\

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