Performance Assessment: Title Theme Sub-Theme Standard Assessed Outcome(s)

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Name: Fatima Yihui Class: 11G Date: 24/02/2021

Type: AY: Term: Grade: Score:

Performance Assessment 2020-2021 2 11 /20
Title Viruses & Prions
Innovation within the new normal (COVID-
Theme Sub-Theme (Changes in Society,
Vaccination, Education)
Standard Assessed Outcome(s)
HS-LS1-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for Summarizes the life cycle of viruses, different plant or animal-
how the structure of DNA determines the structure of
based virus.
proteins which carry out the essential functions of life
through systems of specialized cells.
Interdisciplinary Literacy CSS.ELA. WHST.11-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection,
Link(s) and research.
My Identity WHST.9-12.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/
Outcome(s) experiments, or technical processes.

Viruses infect all types of life forms, from animals and

plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea.
Viruses are considered by some biologists to be a life
form, because they carry genetic material, reproduce,
and evolve through natural selection, although they lack
KLA Hard Skills Q# Status
Subject-specific Skills the key characteristics, such as cell structure, that are
Locate, retrieve and effectively generally considered necessary criteria for life.
Knowledge organize several pieces of 1
embedded information (L10.1) Because they possess some but not all such qualities,
Experiments viruses have been described as "organisms at the edge
Interpret data drawn from a of life”, and as self-replicators.
moderately complex data set or
less familiar context, draw
Data appropriate conclusions that go 3,4 In this PA, students will study the effects of Covid-19 in
beyond the data and provide terms of mortality rate and the survival rate. They will
justification for their choices
(S10.4). also summarize the effect of covid-19 on different
Construct and communicate
explanations and arguments
geographical parts of the world.
Problems based on their interpretations, 3, 2
arguments and actions (S10.5) Instructions:
KLA Generic Learning Skills Q# Status
1-Use your knowledge and understanding of viruses, their
Critical Thinking 3 life cycle, and rate of infection.
Creativity/Innovation 2
LTS Problem solving 3
Independent learning 4 2- Research the effect of Covid-19 in terms of mortality rate
Digital Competence and the survival rate.
Leadership & Responsibility
Collaboration and Teamwork
3- Explain the effect of covid-19 on different geographical
PSS Self-confidence 1 parts of the world.
Entrepreneurship Resources/Materials:
Communication iPad
MCA Provided websites information.
Global & Environmental Awareness
Citizenship/Cultural Awareness
Legend: Full-Mastery (FM) | Part-Mastery (PM) | Developing (D)
Approved by: Signature: | Emerging (E) | Basic (B) | Not achieved (N)

Mrs. Eman K. Printed on: 23-Feb-2021 3:22 AM

1) Model
1) Explore the below mentioned diagram and answer the following:
a) Briefly explain the steps of lytic infection.
b) How can you tell if a virus has a lytic or a lysogenic life cycle?
c) What is the effect of the host genome when the phage is lysogenic?

a) For a lytic cycle to reproduce a new phage: The virus attaches itself to its host to insert
its genome into the cell, the DNA replicates which than synthesizes new DNA and
proteins, new phages assemble and exit the damaged host cell.
b) ) The major determinant whether the virus exhibits a lytic or a lysogenic cycle is its
genome nature. If the virus is naturally hazardous, it is usually undergoing the lytic
process to reproduce itself, but if it is less dangerous then it performs lysogenic cycle.
Sometimes in lysogenic cycles, if a virus is exposed to external factors such as UV light
or stressors, it can actually extract themselves from the host genome and enter the lytic
cycle. Note that a virus can only switch itself from lysogenic to lytic cycle, and never
from lytic to lysogenic.
c) The risks are less extreme that the lytic-cycle viruses. The lytic cycle infiltrates a cell and
immediately kills the host by producing more of itself in the process, but for lysogenic
cycle, it is still harmful but just slower than the lytic process. That does not
underestimate its dangerous effects, the risk of lysogenic cycles is that the more time it
utilizes, the more infected daughter cells are produced in the host.

Legend: Full-Mastery (FM) | Part-Mastery (PM) | Developing (D)

| Emerging (E) | Basic (B) | Not achieved (N)
Approved by: Signature:
Mrs. Eman K. Printed on: 23-Feb-2021 3:22 AM
2) Explore

A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.
Viruses infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms,
including bacteria and archaea. Viruses are considered by some biologists to be a life form, because
they carry genetic material, reproduce, and evolve through natural selection, although they lack the
key characteristics, such as cell structure, that are generally considered necessary criteria for life.
Because they possess some but not all such qualities, viruses have been described as "organisms
at the edge of life”, and as self-replicators.

Research ANY three viruses of plants, animals, or humans. Collect the data regarding host, rate of
infection and rate of spread. Mention the reference (scientists name, publication). Present your
findings below:

1. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV): plants serve as its host. Its symptoms include stunting,
malformation of leaven, yellow streaking of leaves. It is usually known to carry out the lytic
cycle, where the rate of infection is fast and direct. This virus is easily transmitted when an
infected leaf rub against another. Dmitry Ivanovsky is a microbiologist who discovered this
virus in 1887 to 1890.

2. Hepatitis B: only humans are affected by this virus. A person that is infected with
Hepatitis B will experience fever, fatigue, nausea. The spread might be slow, but it can
possibly spread through body fluid contact blood, sharing needles or syringes, or saliva.
Hepatitis B uses the lysogenic process for reproduction; thus, it is slow in showing symptoms
of infection, but still poses a great threat to the person when the time comes. This virus was
discovered by Dr. Baruch Blumberg in 1965.

3. Rabies: usually infects animals, but rarely in humans. An animal that is suffering from
rabies will show symptoms such as vomiting, hyperactivity, headache. This virus mainly
reproduces new phages through the lytic process, so the infection rate is fast, which
causes the symptoms to show pretty quick. This virus can be transmitted rapidly if the
animals have a direct contact with each other, such as scratches, broken skin, or mucous
membranes in the eyes or nose. Georg Gottfried Zinke and Franz Christian Karl Krugelstein
worked to together to officially announce this virus and its dangers.

Legend: Full-Mastery (FM) | Part-Mastery (PM) | Developing (D)

| Emerging (E) | Basic (B) | Not achieved (N)
Approved by: Signature:
Mrs. Eman K. Printed on: 23-Feb-2021 3:22 AM
3) Interpretation

Click the link ( and answer the


What would happen with a sickness like varicella (chickenpox)- it is very contagious, but usually not
dangerous and will go away in about 10 days. Once you get it, you are immune to it, and it is not
likely you will ever get it again.
a. What parameters would you set in this applet to model this disease?
b. Write your own hypothesis.
c. Test your hypothesis using the model. Record your results. Were they what you
expected? Why or why not?


I put 90% sick rate since the disease is very contagious and spreads fast. I set
the recovery rate in moderate because the person can recover in about 10
days. Because the infected person will get immune to it after being sick in 10
days, I set the susceptibility and days to susceptibility fairly low.

b) My hypothesis is that at first the rate of sick people will be high in the initial
days of the disease infection. A lot will be susceptible to this disease at first,
but in about 10 days, the population of the infected people will decrease in
its rate, because of the immunity that people gain after getting the disease,
lowering the susceptibility of the population.


 

first day: 10-12 days 20-22 days

1 infected person mostly everyone mostly everyone
was infected was recovered

My observations: my hypothesis was right, as I could predict that after 10 days

of an infected person, they will recover, and be immune to it. The
susceptibility rate was getting low as well as the rate of infection.

Legend: Full-Mastery (FM) | Part-Mastery (PM) | Developing (D)

| Emerging (E) | Basic (B) | Not achieved (N)
Approved by: Signature:
Mrs. Eman K. Printed on: 23-Feb-2021 3:22 AM
1) Research and collaborate

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.
The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or
exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces. You can be infected by breathing
in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then
your eyes, nose or mouth. Refer to the website (
iL7xNSdwar15 qrGoL2WTKVfIqXfw5 nXS0fymPa9lrYbCueGhoC6gcQAvD_BwE)

Research the effect of Covid-19 till date in terms of the mortality rate and the survival rate. Also explain the effect of
covid-19 on different geographical parts of the world. Research that the increase or decrease rate of infection is because of
any environmental conditions. If Yes what are they?

Mortality rates: Ever since the pandemic arose, the mortality rates increased non-stop all around the globe. Studies call
these as “excess deaths” which refer to the increase in mortality in the absence of Covid-19. Researchers not only record the
infected rates of the Covid-19 but also all the victims that fell into the social and economic negative impacts that the disease
has caused. Studies has revealed that the vital registration data sourced from death certificates on cause of death are likely to
underestimate the mortality burden associated with the disease for several reasons behind:
- some deaths may be assigned to other causes of death due to the absence of widespread testing and low rates of disganoses
at the time of death
- covid-19 deaths do not take into account the indirect consequences of the pandemic of mortality levels, such as the rapid
reduction in access to and use of health care services and psychosocial consequences of stay-at-home orders.
- several other psychological effects of the pandemic, such as stress and depression, all lead to an increase in suicidal and
overdose deaths.
- as well as economic hardships, housing and food insecurity.
As a result, the increase rate of mortality rate caused can be linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Though, the deaths attributed to the COVID-19 mask the deaths that do not take in account of the disease:
“Overall, we found that for every 100 deaths assigned to Covid-19, 144 all-cause deaths occurred (95% CI, 130 to 159),
implying that 31% (95% CI, 24% to 38%) of excess deaths were ascribed to causes of death other than Covid-19 itself.”

Survival rates: The COVID-19 mortality rate has dropped in recent times. Although the reason of the survival rates aren’t
very clear, experts have managed to point out the contributing factors, which includes a higher proportion of cases among the
young, increased knowledge of treatments, improved therapies, and less overcrowding in hospitals.
"It's going to be a long road," Petrilli added. "While it's good news that the mortality rate is down, the reason that it is down
is because everyone is doing a good job with mask-wearing and distancing. We just need to keep it up."

Geographic relations: Virus transmission can be influenced by a lot of geographic factors, that includes;
- climatic conditions: researchers found that the severity of the outbreak is more observed in mid-latitude regions, where the
temperatures are considerably low.
- population factors: population migration, immunity power, age groups, all play a major role in the transmission of the
- economic status: reasons such as reduction in trade and tourism had lead a country to a poor economic status, which makes
it difficult for a country to provide not only enough supplies but also other basic provision for survival.

Legend: Full-Mastery (FM) | Part-Mastery (PM) | Developing (D)

| Emerging (E) | Basic (B) | Not achieved (N)
Approved by: Signature:
Mrs. Eman K. Printed on: 23-Feb-2021 3:22 AM
Environmental conditions: Researchers have spent a ton of time to uncover the effects of the natural environmental
conditions on the spread of the disease. They have mostly taken the country “India” as a prime hotspot to carry out their
research. Their outcome was that, yes, environmental conditions can be a factor of the transmission of COVID-19.
Their studies have indicated that the transmission is found higher in particular regions of subtropical countries, where the
surrounding air temperature is very low. The transmission has a negative association with humidity and rainfall, suggesting
that hot and arid areas in low altitude regions should strictly follow up preventive measures. They have used a GAM model
that also proves the people living in hot and dry areas are more susceptible to the disease. Thus, the transmission is less
extreme in provinces that are under very wet conditions.
Although some researchers did not notice any obvious trend of sunlight exposure with the transmission rate, others reported
a significant recovery rate under the exposure of sunlight.

Legend: Full-Mastery (FM) | Part-Mastery (PM) | Developing (D)

| Emerging (E) | Basic (B) | Not achieved (N)
Approved by: Signature:
Mrs. Eman K. Printed on: 23-Feb-2021 3:22 AM
Legend: Full-Mastery (FM) | Part-Mastery (PM) | Developing (D)
| Emerging (E) | Basic (B) | Not achieved (N)
Approved by: Signature:
Mrs. Eman K. Printed on: 23-Feb-2021 3:22 AM
Students Name:

Question # 2 4 6 Score
Parts a, b, c Student explained Student explained Students explained
the steps of the cycle the steps of the the steps of the cycle
properly. cycle properly and properly, able to
was able to explain explain the nature of
the nature of the the virus in addition to
virus. the effect of
lysogenic phage on
the host genome.
2 4 6
Explore Students researched Students researched Students researched
one virus (ANY plant, two viruses (ANY three viruses (ANY
animal based) along plant, animal plant, animal based)
with host, rate of based) along with along with host, rate
infection, rate of host, rate of of infection, rate of
spread with infection, rate of spread with reference
reference to any spread with to any publication.
publication. reference to any
0.5 1 2
Interpretation Students are able to Students are able to Students are able to
set the parameters to set the parameters set the parameters to
model the given to model the given model the given
disease. disease and are also disease, are also able
able to make a to make a hypothesis
hypothesis. in addition to record
the result and suggest
that suggested
hypothesis was
correct or incorrect.
2 3 6
Research and Students are able to Students are able to The answers
collaborate explain the mortality explain the mortality contained required
rate and the survival rate and the survival items i.e., mortality
rate because of rate because of rate and the survival
Covid-19 till date. Covid-19 till date rate because of
and effect of covid- Covid-19 till date and
19 on different effect of covid-19 on
geographical parts different
of the world geographical parts of
the world and also the
increase or decrease
rate of infection
because of any
conditions (IF ANY).

Legend: Full-Mastery (FM) | Part-Mastery (PM) | Developing (D)

| Emerging (E) | Basic (B) | Not achieved (N)
Approved by: Signature:
Mrs. Eman K. Printed on: 23-Feb-2021 3:22 AM

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