Animals of Mexico and Their Habitats

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Ananthi A.

Contreras Vivanco 6°A

Animals of Mexico and their habitats

Mexico is one of the world’s more biologically

diverse countries, encompassing vast deserts,
tropical rainforests, mangrove swamps, and
alpine ecosystems and supporting a wide
range of reptiles and mammals, as well as
myriad other types of animals. Amazing wildlife
and animals of Mexico includes Fox, Squirrel,
Lowland paca, spider monkey, porcupine,
Jackrabbit, Mexican spinytail iguana, Jaguar,
peccary and Pronghorn.

Rabbits, snakes, and armadillos abound in the deserts and steppes, larger animals
such as deer, pumas, and coyotes are found mainly in isolated or mountainous
areas. Numerous marine species live along Mexico’s coastlines, in parts of the Gulf
of Mexico and off the eastern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula, clear waters teem
with tropical fish.
Anothers animals are:

 Mexican Rattlesnake is a large size and

venomous pit viper species, found in western
Mexico. This Mexican west coast rattlesnake is
one of the largest rattlesnake species in the

 Ocelot is a medium-sized wild cat and similar in

appearance to a clouded leopard or jaguar. The
ocelot wild cat found in the forest of Mexico and also
distributed in South American countries.

 Greater Grison are mustelid and native to Americas

and southern Mexico. The Greater Grison found in
cultivated areas,trees and has two extant species.

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