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4.8. Microplane

The microplane model (TB,MPLANE) is based on research by Bazant and Gambarova [1][2] in which the
material behavior is modeled through stress-strain laws on a number of individual planes.

Directional-dependent stiffness degradation is modeled through damage laws on individual potential failure
planes, leading to a macroscopic anisotropic damage formulation.

The model is well suited for simulating engineering materials consisting of various aggregate compositions
with differing properties (for example, concrete modeling, in which rock and sand are embedded in a weak
matrix of cements).

The following microplane material model types are available:

Elastic damage (nonregularized and regularized forms)

Coupled damage-plasticity (regularized form only)

The microplane model cannot be combined with other material models.

The following microplane model topics are available:

Microplane Modeling
Microplane Material Models
Learning More About Microplane Material Modeling

Also see Material Model Element Support for microplane.

Three primary tasks summarize microplane theory:

1. Apply a kinematic constraint to relate the macroscopic strain tensors to their microplane counterparts

2. Define the constitutive laws on the microplane levels, where constitutive equations are applied on each

3. Relate the homogenization process on the material point level to derive the overall material response.
(Homogenization is based on the principle of energy equivalence.)

The microplane material model formulation is based on the assumption that microscopic free energy Ψmic
on the microplane level exists and that the integral of Ψmic over all microplanes is equivalent to a
macroscopic free Helmholtz energy Ψmac [3], expressed as:

The factor results from the integration of the sphere of unit radius with respect to the area Ω.

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4.8. Microplane
The strains and stresses at microplanes are additively decomposed into volumetric and deviatoric parts,
respectively, based on the volumetric-deviatoric (V-D) split.

The strain split is expressed as:

The scalar microplane volumetric strain εv results from:

where V is the second-order volumetric projection tensor and 1 the second-order identity tensor.

The deviatoric microplane strain vector εD is calculated as:

where Π is the fourth-order symmetric identity tensor and the vector n describes the normal on the
microsphere (microplane).

The stresses can then be derived by taking the free energy derivative with respect to the strain tensor:

where σv and σ D are the scalar volumetric stress and the deviatoric stress tensor on the microsphere,
and .

Assume isotropic elasticity:


where Kmic and Gmic are microplane elasticity parameters and can be interpreted as a sort of microplane
bulk and shear modulus. They are related to the elastic macroscopic parameters as follows:

Integration over the surface of the sphere in order to calculate the homogenized quantities is achieved by

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4.8. Microplane
numerical integration:

where wi is the weight factor.

The following additional topics for microplane modeling are available:

Implicit Gradient Regularization Discretization

Discretization is the transfer from the microsphere to microplanes which describe the approximate
form of the sphere. Forty-two microplanes are used for the numerical integration. Due to the
symmetry of the microplanes (where every other plane has the same normal direction), 21
microplanes are considered. [3]

The following figure illustrates the discretization process:

Figure 4.23: Sphere Discretization by 42 Microplanes Implicit Gradient Regularization

Strain-softening material models often cause mesh sensitivity and numerical instability, a problem
mitigated by implicit gradient regularization, a class of nonlocal methods. Implicit gradient
regularization enhances a local variable by considering its nonlocal counterpart as an extra degree of
freedom governed by a Helmholtz-type equation.

The governing equations are therefore given by the linear momentum-balance equation and a
modified Helmholtz equation describing the nonlocal equivalent strain field :

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4.8. Microplane
where is the Cauchy stress tensor, is the body force vector, is the divergence, is the

gradient, and is the Laplace operator. The gradient parameter controls the range of nonlocal
interaction. The equivalent strain is the local variable to be enhanced, and is its nonlocal


The homogeneous Neumann boundary condition is used as follows:

where is the normal to the outer boundary of the nonlocal field. With the homogeneous Neumann
boundary condition, no explicit definition of boundary conditions for the extra degrees of freedom is

The elastic damage microplane material model is available in nonregularized and regularized forms.
The coupled damage-plasticity microplane model is available in a regularized form only. Identifying the Nonlocal Interaction-Range Parameter

Identifying the nonlocal interaction-range parameter (related to the length-scale parameter

by the equation ) can be somewhat challenging.

One method [8] uses the results comparison of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous tensile
tests of concrete to identify the parameter. The first experiment consists of a specimen
restrained such that the cracking is distributed, while the second consists of a notched
specimen to trigger a localized failure. The damage parameters can be obtained from
homogeneous experiments because, in this case, the damage is uniformly distributed along
the whole specimen and is unaffected by the nonlocal parameter . In the first step, therefore,
the damage parameters are identified from the stress-strain curve for the homogeneous test.
In the second step, the force-displacement curve for the notched-specimen test identifies the
nonlocal parameter , keeping the damage parameters constant.

Other approaches to determine the gradient parameter use the size effects observed in
concrete and inverse calibration of force-deflection curves [9], and calibration based on
fracture-energy test and measurement of crack-surface roughness [10].

The following microplane material model topics are available:

Elastic Damage Microplane Material Models

Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Model
Solution Control for the Regularized Microplane Damage Models Elastic Damage Microplane Material Models

To account for material degradation and damage, the microscopic free-energy function is modified to
include a damage parameter, yielding:

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4.8. Microplane

The damage parameter dmic is the normalized damage variable .

The stresses are derived by:

where and . The stresses derived

generally result in unsymmetric material stiffness; therefore, use the unsymmetric Newton-Raphson
solver (NROPT,UNSYM) in such cases to facilitate convergence.

The damage status of a material is described by the equivalent-strain-based damage function

, where ηmic is the equivalent strain, which characterizes the damage
evolution law and is defined as:

where I1 is the first invariant of the strain tensor ε, J2 is the second invariant of the deviatoric part of
the strain tensor ε, and k0, k1, and k2 are material parameters that characterize the form of damage
function. The equivalent strain function implies the Mises-Hencky-Huber criterion for k0 = k1 = 0, and
k2 = 1, and the Drucker-Prager-criterion for k0 > 0, k1 = 0, and k2 = 1.

The damage evolution is modeled by the following function:

where α mic defines the maximal degradation, βmic determines the rate of damage evolution, and

is the damage threshold which characterizes the equivalent strain on which the material damaging
starts (damage starting boundary).

is a history variable representing the largest value of equivalent strain in the material’s history.
The variable is defined differently depending on whether it is the nonregularized or the regularized
version of the elastic damage microplane material model. Theoretically, the history variable definition
is how the two versions differ.

For postprocessing, the maximum damage is defined as the maximum value of microplane
damage values . The macroscopic damage is defined by:

and has a range of .

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4.8. Microplane
Both nonregularized and regularized versions of the elastic damage microplane material model are
available. Nonregularized Elastic Damage Microplane Material


The history variable is calculated as the maximum of the damage threshold and the

equivalent strain for each microplane:

This figure shows the evolution of the damage variable as a function of equivalent strain
for the implemented exponential damage model:

Figure 4.24: Damage Parameter Depending on the Equivalent Strain

This figure shows the stress-strain behavior for uniaxial tension:

Figure 4.25: Stress-strain Behavior at Uniaxial Tension

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4.8. Microplane Regularized Elastic Damage Microplane Material Model

Use the regularized elastic damage microplane model, based on the research by Zreid and
Kaliske [6], to overcome the numerical instability and pathological mesh sensitivity to which
the nonregularized version of the model is susceptible. The regularized model uses an implicit
gradient regularization scheme, defined via a nonlocal field, that adds one extra degree of
freedom per node.

The history variable is calculated as the maximum of the damage threshold and the

equivalent strain for each microplane:

The modified equivalent strains for each microplane are calculated via implicit gradient

Implicit Gradient Regularization

The governing equations and boundary condition for the regularized microplane models are
included again here for completeness:

where is the equivalent strain of a given microplane and is its nonlocal counterpart. The

microplane chosen for is the one having the largest equivalent strain .

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4.8. Microplane
The nonlocal counterpart is obtained as part of solving the system of governing equations

shown above.

The equivalent strains of each microplane can now be calculated by modifying them with a
ratio of local to nonlocal largest equivalent strain:

For more information, see Implicit Gradient Regularization. Defining the Elastic Damage Microplane Material Models

The nonregularized elastic damage microplane model requires eight parameters, while the
regularized elastic damage microplane model requires nine parameters.

The following elasticity and damage parameters are common to both models and are defined
in the same way for both:

Parameter Parameter Description Model

Nonregularized Regularized

Elasticity Modulus of elasticity Y Y

Poisson’s ratio Y Y

Damage Damage function material Y Y


Damage threshold Y Y

Maximum damage Y Y

Rate of damage evolution Y Y

Nonlocal Nonlocal interaction N Y

range parameter

Define the elastic parameters and via TB,ELAS or MP.

Define the damage parameters via TB,MPLANE,,,,ORTH.

The following table describes the damage material constants:

Constant Meaning

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4.8. Microplane

Constant Meaning







Example 4.21: Microplane Material Constant Input

! Define elastic properties of material


! Define microplane model properties


Considerations for Defining the Regularized Model:

Elements supported: CPT212, CPT213, CPT215, CPT216, and CPT217.

To activate the required extra degree of freedom (GFV1), set KEYOPT(18) = 1. The extra
degree of freedom requires no boundary-condition input.

A fine mesh is recommended, particularly at probable damage-prone regions. To observe

mesh-independent results, the mesh size may need to be less than half the square root of
the nonlocal parameter.

Define the nonlocal parameter via TB,MPLANE,,,,NLOCAL. Following is the material data-
table constant:

Constant Meaning


Example 4.22: Regularized Elastic Damage Microplane Material Constant


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4.8. Microplane
! Define element
KEYO,1,18,1 ! Activate extra degree of freedom

! Parameter values


! Define elastic properties of material


! Define microplane model properties


TBDATA,1,c Output for the Elastic Damage Microplane Material


Some microplane element quantities are available for postprocessing (/POST1, /POST26).
The assigned label is MPLA.

Element outputs include the homogenized damage (DMAC), and the maximum microplane
damage (DMAX). Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Model

Use this model, based on research by Zreid and Kaliske [4][5][6], to overcome the numerical
instability and pathological mesh sensitivity to which strain-softening materials such as the
microplane model are susceptible.

The model uses an implicit gradient regularization scheme, defined via a nonlocal field, that adds two
extra degrees of freedom per node. Microplane plasticity is also introduced, using microplane
quantities, through laws resembling classical invariant-based plasticity models, enabling material
models with a direct link to the conventional macroscopic plasticity models.

The plasticity in this model is defined via a three-surface microplane Drucker-Prager model, covering
a full range of possible stress states and enabling cyclic loading. The damage includes a tension-
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4.8. Microplane
compression split to account for transition of the stress state during cyclic loading.

To account for coupled damage-plasticity, the microscopic free-energy function is once again
modified to include damage; furthermore, the total strain components are additively decomposed into
elastic and plastic parts. The resulting stress-strain relation is:

where is the normalized damage variable , is the volumetric microplane plastic

strain, and is the deviatoric plastic strain.

The microplane plastic strain rate evolutions are governed by the following flow rules:

where is the plastic multiplier, and is the given microplane yield function.

The microplane volumetric and deviatoric effective stresses, and respectively, are defined as:

The following additional topics about the coupled damage-plasticity microplane model are available:

Smooth Three-Surface Microplane Drucker-Prager Cap Yield Function

Damage Evolution
Implicit Gradient Regularization
Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Model Parameters
Defining the Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Model
Identifying Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Model Parameters
Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Damage Output Smooth Three-Surface Microplane Drucker-Prager Cap

Yield Function

A smooth Drucker-Prager yield function with tension and compression caps covers the
material response under all possible triaxialities:

Figure 4.26: Smooth Three-Surface Microplane Cap Yield Function

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4.8. Microplane

The Drucker-Prager cap model is specific to microplane plasticity, as it uses microplane

quantities. It is similar but not identical to the macroscopic Extended Drucker-Prager Cap
model. The yield function is expressed as:

where is the Drucker-Prager yield function with hardening, is the compression cap, and

is the tension cap.

The yield function is evaluated in the undamaged stress space. The product ensures

that the compression cap has the same slope as the function at the intersection point

between and . The same occurs for the tension cap, and so overall the yield surface has


The Drucker-Prager yield function is defined as:

where is the initial yield stress, is a friction coefficient, and is a hardening function.

The compression cap is defined by:

where is the Heaviside step function, and is the abscissa of the intersection point
between and . is the ratio between the major (deviatoric) and minor (volumetric) axes

of the cap. The Heaviside function is used to activate the cap only when the stress state is in
its domain.

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4.8. Microplane
The tension cap is defined by:

where is the abscissa of the intersection point between and . is the initial

intersection of the cap with the volumetric axis, and is a hardening parameter controlling
the increase of the intersection point due to hardening.

The hardening is considered to be linear and is defined by:

where is a hardening parameter, and is a hardening variable. Damage Evolution

The damage evolution behavior is motivated by the material behavior of concrete and similar

To realistically model the damage of concrete subject to cyclic loading, the following
considerations are taken into account:

The initiation of damage and its subsequent evolution is different between

compression and tension.

Concrete is more brittle in tension, and softening begins to occur almost immediately
after the elastic limit.

In compression, some hardening is observed after the elastic limit before softening

In the transition from tension to compression states, the stiffness lost during tensile
cracking is recovered due to crack closure. Upon transition to tension, however, the
damage sustained under compression is retained.

This unique behavior is described via a damage split, where the total damage is
decomposed into compression and tension parts, as follows:

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4.8. Microplane

where is the split weight factor, represents the principal strain values, and indicates
the positive principal strain values.

This figure shows the stiffness reduction in unloading and the stiffness recovery in

Figure 4.27: Effect of Damage Split on Tension-Compression Cyclic Loading Response

The damage laws are defined as:

where and are material constants. and , the variables driving the damage, are

calculated from over-nonlocal equivalent strains.

For postprocessing, the homogenized damage is defined by:

Equivalent strain rates and are functions of the volumetric plastic strain rate, as


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4.8. Microplane Implicit Gradient Regularization

The governing equations and boundary condition are included again here for completeness:

The local variable and the nonlocal variable are both composed of tension and

compression parts:

Each node, therefore, has two extra degrees of freedom.

There are 21 independent values of the equivalent strains and (one for each

microplane). The tension and compression components of the local variable are evaluated by
homogenizing the microplane values, as follows:

The regularization scheme is completed by the over-nonlocal formulation, where over-nonlocal

variables and are evaluated as a linear combination of local and nonlocal variables,

as follows:

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4.8. Microplane
where is a material parameter which should be > 1 to achieve regularization. Therefore, the
nonlocal variable takes a weight larger than unity and the local variable is assigned a negative
weight (hence the term over-nonlocal). The averaging ensures a smooth-deformation field,
thereby preventing displacement discontinuities which can lead to an ill-posed boundary-value

The regularized variable is used to calculate the damage driving variables and , as


where and are the tension and compression damage thresholds, respectively.

For more information, see Implicit Gradient Regularization in the Material Reference. Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Model


The coupled damage-plasticity microplane model requires 15 parameters:

Parameter Type Parameter Subtype Parameter Description

Elasticity -- Modulus of elasticity

-- Poisson’s ratio

Plasticity Drucker-Prager yield Uniaxial compressive strength

Biaxial compressive strength

Uniaxial tensile strength

Compression cap Intersection point abscissa

between compression cap and
Drucker-Prager yield function

Ratio between the major and

minor axes of the cap

Hardening Hardening material constant

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4.8. Microplane

Parameter Type Parameter Subtype Parameter Description

Tension cap hardening constant

Damage -- , Tension and compression

damage thresholds

-- , Tension and compression

damage evolution constants

Nonlocal -- Nonlocal interaction range


-- Over-nonlocal averaging

The plasticity parameters , , and are used as inputs because they are common

material properties (or can be found experimentally) for materials such as concrete. The initial
yield stress and the friction coefficient can be calculated by knowing that the biaxial and
uniaxial stress states lie on the linear Drucker-Prager portion of the yield surface as follows:

The following empirical relations are used to calculate the tension cap parameters: the
abscissa of the intersection point between the tension cap and the Drucker-Prager yield
function , and the initial intersection of the cap with the volumetric axis : Defining the Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane


The coupled damage-plasticity microplane model is used with the following coupled pore-
pressure-thermal mechanical solid elements: CPT212, CPT213, CPT215, CPT216, and

To activate the required extra degrees of freedom (GFV1, GFV2), set KEYO(18) = 2. The extra
degrees of freedom require no boundary condition input.

A fine mesh is recommended, particularly at probable damage-prone regions. To observe

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4.8. Microplane
mesh-independent results, the mesh size may need to be less than half the square root of the
nonlocal parameter .

Define the elastic parameters and via TB,ELAS or MP.

Define the plasticity and damage parameters via TB,MPLANE,,,,DPC. Following are the
material data table constants:

Constant Meaning Property Unit Range

C1 Uniaxial Force/Length2

C2 Biaxial Force/Length2

C3 Uniaxial tensile Force/Length2


C4 Tension cap --

C5 Hardening Force2/Length4
material constant

C6 Intersection point Force/Length2

abscissa between
compression cap
and Drucker-
Prager yield

C7 Ratio between the --

major and minor
axes of the cap

C8 Tension damage --

C9 Compression --
damage threshold

C10 Tension damage --

evolution constant

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4.8. Microplane

Constant Meaning Property Unit Range

C11 Compression --
damage evolution

Define the nonlocal parameters via TB,MPLANE,,,,NLOCAL. Following are the material data
table constants:

Constant Meaning Property Unit Range

C1 Nonlocal Length2
interaction range

C2 Over-nonlocal --

Example 4.23: Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Model Input

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4.8. Microplane
!Define element
KEYO,1,18,2 ! Activate extra degrees of freedom

! Parameter values
E = 28000
nu = .2
fuc = 30
fbc = 34.5
fut = 2.9
Rt = 1
D = 4e4
sigVc = -40
R = 2
c = 1500
m = 2.5
gamt0 = 0
gamc0 = 2e-6
betat = .4e4
betac = .25e4

! Define elastic properties of material


! Define microplane model properties



To study a usage example for this material model, see Reinforced Concrete Joint Analysis in
the Technology Demonstration Guide. Identifying Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Model


Following are some hints and tips to help you with parameter identification.


and can be identified from the elastic region of the material stress-strain curve, or by
using empirical formulas available in the literature.


The strength parameters , , and are common material properties (or can be

found experimentally) for materials such as concrete. In the absence of complete testing
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4.8. Microplane
data, empirical relations [7] can be used if is known:

To identify the compression cap parameters, triaxial experimental data is necessary. The
intersection point between the initial compression cap and the hydrostatic axis is
determined by applying a hydrostatic load until the yielding begins.

The intersection point between the compression cap and the Drucker-Prager function is
more challenging to find. It can be approximated as the transition point from plastic
volumetric expansion (occurring on the linear Drucker-Prager function) to plastic volumetric
compaction (occurring on the compression cap). If this data is unavailable, it can be
estimated empirically as:

The parameter (the ratio between the major and minor axes of the cap) can therefore be
calculated as:

Damage and Hardening

To identify the damage and hardening parameters, cyclic tests are necessary. These
parameters are related, as their interaction controls the softening and the unloading slope.
A uniaxial cyclic compression test identifies the parameters , , and .

Similarly, a uniaxial cyclic tension test identifies the parameters , , and . In the

absence of uniaxial cyclic tension tests, and can be used as starting

values. The tension damage threshold is often set to zero, as softening in tension starts

almost immediately after the elastic limit.

Nonlocal Parameters

The over-nonlocal averaging parameter is a numerical parameter, where >1

regularizes the solution. Typically, = 2.5.

Also see Identifying the Nonlocal Interaction-Range Parameter . Coupled Damage-Plasticity Microplane Damage Output

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4.8. Microplane
Certain microplane element quantities are available for postprocessing (/POST1, /POST26).
The assigned label is MPDP.

Element outputs include the homogenized total damage (TOTA), homogenized tension
damage (TENS), homogenized compression damage (COMP), and the split weight factor
(RW). Solution Control for the Regularized Microplane Damage


This section applies to both the regularized elastic damage microplane model and the coupled
damage-plasticity microplane model.

The Newton-Raphson out-of-balance loads caused by the extra degrees of freedom can be
controlled by setting the reference value and tolerance for the gradient field residual

Example 4.24: Setting the Reference Value and Tolerance for the Gradient Field


Automatic time-stepping uses an internal heuristic to adjust the time increment. You can set an
additional time-stepping control (CUTCONTROL,MDMG) to limit the maximum allowable microplane
homogenized damage increment in a time step.

Example 4.25: Setting a Time-stepping Control


The following list of resources offers more information about microplane material modeling:

1. Bazant, Z. P., P.G. Gambarova. "Crack Shear in Concrete: Crack Band Microplane Model." Journal of
Structural Engineering . 110 (1984): 2015-2036.

2. Bazant, Z. P., B. H. Oh. "Microplane Model for Progressive Fracture of Concrete and Rock." Journal for
Engineering Mechanics . 111 (1985): 559-582.

3. Leukart, M., E. Ramm. "A Comparison of Damage Models Formulated on Different Material Scales."
Computational Materials Science. 28.3-4 (2003): 749-762.

4. Zreid, Imadeddin and Michael Kaliske. "A Gradient Enhanced Plasticity-Damage Microplane Model for
Concrete." Computational Mechanics. 10.1007/s00466-018-1561-1 (2018).

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4.8. Microplane
5. Zreid, Imadeddin and Michael Kaliske. "An Implicit Gradient Formulation for Microplane Drucker-
Prager Plasticity." International Journal of Plasticity. 83 (2016): 252-272.

6. Zreid, Imadeddin and Michael Kaliske. "Regularization of Microplane Damage Models Using an Implicit
Gradient Enhancement." International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51.19 (2014): 3480-3489.

7. Jiang, H., J. Zhao. "Calibration of the Continuous Surface Cap Model for Concrete." Finite Elements in
Analysis and Design. 97 (2015): 1-19.

8. Bažant, Z. P., G. Pijaudier-Cabot. "Measurement of Characteristic Length of Nonlocal Continuum."

Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 115.4 (1989): 755-767.

9. Le Bellégo, C., J. F. Dubé, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, B. Gérard. "Calibration of Nonlocal Damage Model from
Size Effect Tests." European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids. 22.1 (2003): 33-46.

10. Xenos, D., D. Grégoire, S. Morel, P. Grassl. "Calibration of Nonlocal Models for Tensile Fracture in
Quasi-brittle Heterogeneous Materials." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 82 (2015):

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