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Date of Lesson: 19 October 2020

Time of Lesson: 1:30pm to 2:15pm

Read Aloud Lesson
Total Lesson Time: 45 Minutes
Instructional Time for Each Pre-Practicum Student: 15-20 minutes total
Students: Kindergarten and First-grade students
● VE.VEEC.2.B.06: Facilitate the advancement of social and emotional development
○ VE.VEEC.2.B.06.08: Assist children in identifying and expressing their feelings
and asserting their rights in socially acceptable ways.
● Students will be able to answer questions related to social and emotional skills accurately
5 out of 6 times after reading two books focused on the topic.

● Powerpoint on how to use Emotion Feedback feature on Blackboard
● I Am Human: A Book About Empathy by Susan Verde
● Words Are Not for Hurting by Elizabthe Verdick
● Abbey’s document for copying polling questions
● Fiona’s document for copying polling questions

Wait until 1:32 pm to begin the lesson. This time will offer time for all students to join the
Before starting, turn off the students’ talk and chat capabilities.
Fiona: “Hello, Everyone! We are very happy to be here again. Many of you may remember us
from previous Read Alouds, but just as a reminder, I am Ms. Fiona, and this is Ms. Abbey.
Today we will talk about the power words can have on our emotions and the way our words can
affect others. However, before we start, we want to practice using the feedback form on
Blackboard that you can use to share your emotions. Ms. Abbey will start by going over how to
use this tool.”
Screenshare the presented version of the PowerPoint on how to use the Emotion Feedback
Feature on Blackboard.
“Many of you may have explored this tool, but we want to make sure everyone knows how to
use this for an activity we will do after the books. On your Blackboard, you will see this bar at
the bottom of your screen.” Click the screen, so the yellow box appears. Transition to the next
“To use the tool to share your emotion, click the very first item in the bar.” Click the screen, so
the yellow box appears. Transition to the next slide.
“When you click on the icon, this box will appear.” Click the screen, so the yellow box appears.
“Here, you will see the options to pick happy, sad, surprised, and confused. Once you do this,
your status will update, so Ms. Fiona and I can see how you feel. Just for practice, select how
you are feeling right now!” Give the students 20 seconds or until most students have updated
their status. “Very good! We are now going to start reading!”

Reading Activity:
Abbey's Document to Copy Polling Questions From

“Our first book for our read aloud today is called Words Are Not For Hurting, by, Elizabeth

“Okay everyone, after reading the book altogether, I have a few questions I want to ask you all!
Something the book talked about is how we might feel if someone used hurtful words with us. I
want you to use the feedback buttons that I showed you earlier, to tell me how you would feel if
someone used hurtful words with you.” Look at student responses, alter next commentary based
off of responses. Could be:“Very good job everyone! It looks like a lot of you chose that you
would feel sad if someone used hurtful words with you, others chose confused, or surprised.
These answers are all true! Hurtful words can make us feel all different types of emotions.” OR
“Great job! I see that some of you chose sad, and some of you chose happy. If something hurts
us or our feelings, it makes us feel sad.”

“Another question I want to ask you all, is, someone tells you that they do not like your shirt. Are
these kind words or hurtful words? Using the poll, I want you to choose one of the options. Post
the poll with the options of "These are hurtful words." and "These are kind words".Give students
a few seconds to select their answer. Then click the show responses button. “ Good job everyone!
That’s right, these are hurtful words. Instead of saying something that is hurtful we can say
something that is kind. We can say “I really like your shirt, OR would you like to come play with
me?” Can anyone else think of something kind we can say to our friends? Please use the raise
hand button if you would like to share." Call on a student and listen to what they have to say.
“Thank you so much for sharing that [insert name]!" Add a specific point of praise for this

“I have one more question everyone, and then it will be Ms. Fiona’s turn to read her story! My
question is if someone says something that is hurtful to you, could you say something like: “I
didn’t like that and my feelings are hurt when you say mean things to me.” “Using the poll again,
tell me what you think.” Give students a few seconds to select their answer. Then click the show
responses button. “Good job! When we tell someone how we feel, we give them a chance to
understand how we are feeling.”

“Thank you so much for listening and participating with me today! You all did a great job! Ms.
Fiona is going to share her story with you now.”

"Thank you, Ms. Abbey. I will now read another book called I am Human: A Book About
Empathy by Susan Verde."

Fiona will read her book: I am Human: A Book About Empathy by Susan Verde.

Reading Activity:
Fiona’s Document to copy Polling Questions from during the lesson.
"Okay, so in this book, like the previous book, we learned two words we can say when we ask
for forgiveness. What are those two words?" Post the poll with the options of "I'm sorry." and
"Thank you". "Yes, I see that most of you selected 'I'm sorry'. When you have done something or
used your words to hurt someone else, saying 'I'm sorry' are important words to share that you
did not mean to hurt their feelings."

"Another way you could show a friend you care about them is through your actions. What would
be something kind you could do for your friend?" Post the poll with the options of 'Giving a
friend a flower' and 'Taking a friend's toy without asking'. "Yes, sharing a flower with a friend
would be something kind to do.”

"I have one more question. How would you feel if one of your friends did something nice for
you, like share a flower or their toys? I want you to use the emotion feedback buttons Ms. Abbey
showed at the start of our Read Aloud."

"I agree; I think I would feel happy if someone shared their toys with me.” Provide time now for
students to share their thoughts and feelings about the books.

“Okay, that is all the time we have for today! Thank you all for coming, listening, and
participating today! Remember that the words you use can impact how others feel. Try to use
kind words that make others happy!"

Students will be provided immediate feedback as a group following each of the polling

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