KIRKLAND Elizabeth What - S Race Got To Do With It Looking For The Racial Dimensions of Gentrification

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What's Race Got to Do With it?

Looking for the

Racial Dimensions of Gentrifícation




In popular conceptualization, gentrification is oflen a fundamentally racial transformation: the pre-gentrified neighborhood
is inhabited mostly by African Americans or other people of color, and the in-movers are typically white. Many academic
depictions ofgentrification, on the other hand, either omit reference to the racial dimensions of the phenomenon, or acknowledge
race and ethnicity but forego examination. This article describes the scholarship that does exist concerning how the process
of gentrification affects persons differentially depending upon their race, but illuminates the absence of a consideration of
race in the bulk of analyses of gentrification. Also advanced is evidence that gentrification not only replicates but amplifies
the contemporary system of racial residential segregation.

"White people walking their dogs." This simple nation would have addressed the racial dimensions of
sight has eyebrows raised and heads turning, in a pre- gentrification, but one would be wrong. Although racial
dominantly black area of Nashville, Tennessee, which identity is frequently acknowledged in gentrification
is said to be in the early stages of gentrification. The literature, race as a subject of direct inquiry and serious
spotting of white dog walkers—along with spanking concern is conspicuously absent from many investiga-
new condos squeezed in between shotgun houses, a tions of gentrification; it is even missing from most
razed public housing project, and elegant crepe myrtles published definitions of the phenomenon. The result
and street lamps newly planted alongside the once- is that, urban lore notwithstanding, we know little of
bedraggled park—is heralding the vaguely familiar but the ways in which the process of gentrification affects
undeniable transformation that is generally perceived to persons differentially depending upon their race, or
be, at least in part, racial. In urban lore, the pre-gentrified of the degree to which gentrification supplements and
neighborhood is inhabited mostly by African Americans exacerbates the historic and contemporary systems of
or other people of color when the rumblings of change racial residential segregation. This article reviews the
begin, and the rumblers are typically white—white, up- relative handful of outright investigations of the racial
per middle-class, professional homebuyers, displacing implications and impacts of the gentrification process,
the original residents. and suggests that gentrification may well be found to
It is, then, astounding that so very little of the play a significant role in perpetuating and supplement-
scholarly endeavor around gentrification focuses on ing the racist, segregating systems that have formed our
the issue of race. One might assume that much exami- residential landscape.

M. Elizabeth Kirkland, J.D., is chiefoperating officer at MICFRC. She has worked

as a Research Associate at the Race Relations Institute ofFisk University, where
she focused on systemic racism and racial residential segregation. She is also a
facilitator for dialogue groups on race, and she now directs an organization ad-
dressing HIV/AIDS in the African-American community.

18 The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008

Definition ofGentrification fication that names race as an explicit component (see
Smith, 1996, describing revanchists as middle-class
A considerable amount of time, space, and aca- white folks); the racial element of gentrification is per-
demic credential has been devoted to defining gentrifica- haps most notable for its very absence from scholarly
tion, since the term was first coined in the 1960s. In the definitions of gentrification and for its absence or merely
course of scholarly investigation of this phenomenon, cursory mention in much of the gentrification research
the definition has been refined in numerous ways, all of (see, e.g., Vigdor, 2002; Hackworth, 2002). As others
which incorporate an essential nod to gentrification's have noted (e.g., Atkinson, 2003), the racial dimension
inherent class transformation. In The Encyclopedia of of gentrification has been underresearched.
Housing, gentrification is explained as "the process by Some contemporary literature concerning urban
which central urban neighborhoods that have undergone African-American and Latino/a communities provides
disinvestment and economic decline experience a rever- rich depictions of neighborhoods situated squarely in
sal, reinvestment, and the in-migration of a relatively the path of urban redevelopment (e.g., Gregory, 1998;
well-off, middle- and upper-middle-class population" Perez, 2004; Villa, 2000), Still, there is a need for an
(Smith, 1998, p. 198). Likewise, gentrification has been explicit examination of the racially differential impact
defined as "the replacement of low-income, inner-city of gentrification and the relationship ofthe gentrification
working-class residents by middle- or upper-class process to the racial/ethnic characteristics of the gen-
households, either through the market for existing trifying neighborhood, and questions about what race
housing or demolition to make way for new upscale has to do with gentrification abound. How, for example,
housing construction" (Hammel and Wyly, 1996, p. are residents of different races affected differentially
250). The concept encompasses nonresidential urban by the process of gentrification? Are the ground-level
change as well, and may thus be expressed simply as forces of gentrification—the tactics used by gentrifying
"the production of urban space for progressively more agents, or the urban development processes brought to
affluent users" (Hackworth, 2002, p. 815). Gentrifica- bear by pro-gentrification policies—exerted differen-
tion is also characterized as fundamentally a struggle tially as to race? Are different racial groups displaced
between a community's use value—the many facets of at different rates, and do they resist displacement with
worth ofthe neighborhood to its original residents—and different degrees of success? Shy of displacement, are
the exchange value ofthe property therein (Perez, 2004). nonwhite original residents of gentrifying areas dispro-
Aside from abstract definitional phrases, academicians portionately harmed by gentrification? Looking beyond
also refer to the more obvious, recognizable aspect of the household level, what are the racial impacts and
gentrification: a certain nebulous but know-it-when- outcomes on the neighborhood from gentrification, and
you-see-it perspective that takes into account the lived how is the gentrified community transformed, or not,
experience and observations of urban dwellers and in a racial sense? How, then, are our cityscapes trans-
users. For example, the appearance of a Starbucks cof- formed by the racial aspects of gentrification? For the
feeshop has been described as a siren of gentrification, most part, scholars will give a nod to race—e.^., "Racial
and part of gentrification is the change in the essential tension has been an important subtext of gentrification
character and flavor of a neighborhood (Kennedy and in many revitalizing neighborhoods" (Vigdor, 2002,
Leonard, 2001). p. 138)—but proceed to define, measure, and theorize
Regardless of the numerous and varied attempts at the causes and impacts of gentrification without further
explaining the phenomenon that is gentrification, the reference to racial experiences and outcomes. It has
literature continues to acknowledge the difficulty of been posited, indeed, that "much of the gentrification
defining gentrification, and the definitions themselves debate is actually a coded reference to the contestation
continue, for the most part, to omit reference to race of blacks and whites for urban space", and asserted
and ethnicity. The general concept of gentrification that analyses that fail to consider race and the "shifts
holds that the people moving in to a gentrifying area over time in racial as well as class composition within
are usually white, and the residents who move out are neighborhoods" are incomplete (Massey, 2002, p. 175,
typically people of color (Alejandrino, 2000; Kennedy 176). The failure of gentrification studies to attend to
and Leonard, 2001; Bostic and Martin, 2003). Regard- race and ethnicity has been called "a huge omission"
less, however, of commonly held conceptualizations of (Rivlin, 2002, p. 178).
gentrification, it is the rare characterization of gentri-

The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008 19

Consequences to Original Residents— over gentrification" (Newman and Wyly, 2006, p. 24),
Displacement and Other Harm it has frequently been considered a required element of
gentrification, with scholars asserting that redevelop-
If gentrification at its core is about class transfor- ment and revitalization do not constitute gentrification
mation, then implicit in that neighborhood change is, where there is no direct, involuntary displacement (see
arguably, the displacement of original, lower-income discussion in Newman and Wyly, 2006).
residents (Kennedy and Leonard, 2001). Importantly, Some recent discourse on gentrification, however,
if widely held beliefs are true that the original residents eliminates displacement from the definition and specifi-
who are most impacted negatively by gentrification cally rejects displacement as a litmus test for gentrifi-
are African Americans and other people of color, and cation (Newman and Wyly, 2006). One argument goes
if displacement is the most drastic consequence to that, while the forces of gentrification will generally lead
original residents, then a failure to adequately study to land price appreciation and may well increase the cost
displacement is tantamount to a failure to adequately of living in that neighborhood, they will not necessar-
study the racial element of gentrification. Displacement ily cause displacement of the neighborhood's original
is the most notable consequence of gentrification, and is residents, particularly if moving costs for such residents
generally understood as the process "whereby current are sufficiently high (Vigdor, 2002). Additionally, a fo-
residents are forced to move because they can no lon- cus on displacement as the sole or primary evidence of
ger afford to reside in the gentrifying neighborhoods" gentrification's negative impact may serve to ignore or
(Freeman, 2005, p. 463), or, as alternatively defined, discount other negative effects of gentrification on low-
"when pressures on the housing market from affiu- status original residents of gentrifying neighborhoods.
ent groups create inflated rents and prices which can Residents who manage to avoid the direct displacement
push out the low paid or unpaid over time" (Atkinson, pressure may nevertheless, for example, "suffer as
2000a, p. 307). Gentrification, as distinguished from critical community networks and culture are displaced"
urban renewal, occurs relatively gradually, effecting a (Newman and Wyly, 2006, p. 27, citing Freeman and
slow reconfiguration of the residential and consumptive Braconi 2004, Atkinson 2000b, Marcuse 1986). There
aspects of a neighborhood, and displacing residents who may well be consequences short of displacement—in-
cannot afford rising rents, rising property taxes, and cluding marginalization, isolation, alienation—wherein
higher costs of more upscale businesses, or who get original residents remain in gentrified neighborhoods,
evicted by landlords acting on the increasing exchange but through the transformation of their neighborhood,
value (Perez, 2004). their quality of life is diminished. It is often the case
Evidence of the extent of displacement varies that an increasing share of family/household income
greatly (Bostic, 2003), but early in the examination of goes to housing—and, therefore, is not available for
the phenomenon of gentrification, "[a]necdotal reports health care, transportation, entertainment, etc. —as a
of displacement and the demographic changes that were result of gentrification; such financial pressures also
obviously taking place in gentrifying neighborhoods led often lead to families "doubling up" to manage costs
many to believe that displacement was a widespread (Newman and Wyly, 2006). Furthermore, it is asserted
phenomenon and the engine behind demographic that the concept of displacement, and the concept of
change in gentrifying neighborhoods" (Freeman, 2005, harm brought to original residents by the process of
p. 464). Studies of the displacement effect of gentrifica- gentrification, is broader than the impact on original
tion that occurred in the 1970s and 1980s include the residents. The phenomenon known as "exclusionary dis-
following: one national study estimated that between 1.7 placement" refers to the impediments—namely, higher
and 2.4 million people were displaced by private rede- housing expenses and less availability of affordable
velopment in 1979, consisting primarily of tenants, the housing—brought about by gentrification which pre-
poor and female-headed families; a study of New York clude low-income homeseekers from moving into gen-
City estimated that between 10,000 and 40,000 house- trified neighborhoods (Marcuse, 1986). The attention
holds were displaced annually by gentrification in the to displacement—as an exclusive, yes/no consequence
late 1970s; and another study of nine revitalizing neigh- of gentrification—excludes from consideration those
borhoods in five cities found that 23 percent of tenants original residents who may not have moved but have
had been displaced over a two-year period (Kennedy nevertheless experienced negative consequences from
and Leonard, 2001). Displacement is not only "always the gentrification of their neighborhood; the monolithic
a central axis of academic, policy and popular concerns focus on displacement has restricted our understanding

20 The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008

of how gentrification may harm original residents of issue of concern and study. For one thing, findings of
lesser means. The focus instead should turn to what no or minimal displacement must be read with great
harm is actually caused, and by what means, displace- caution, we are reminded, because —to the extent
ment or otherwise, to original residents—particularly, that such findings are accurate—they may arise from
the poor—by gentrification (Vigdor, 2002). The point market regulations such as assisted housing and/or
here is that eliminating displacement as a definitionally rent regulation, which may allow poor residents, who
required component of gentrification should not lessen would otherwise be displaced, to stay in the gentrify-
scholarly investigation of the harm caused to original ing neighborhood; the apt conclusion, then, would be
residents by gentrification, nor does it deny the occur- not that gentrification does not cause displacement, but
rence of displacement; to the contrary, eliminating it rather that market regulation and other housing policy
as a litmus test allows for a broader examination of the protect original residents from the displacement that
variety and extent of harm, including but not limited they would otherwise experience from gentrification
to displacement, that befalls residents of gentrifying (Newman and Wyly, 2006). Beyond that, however, a
neighborhoods. most recent examination of displacement contravenes
Either way—whether displacement is considered the three prior ones and sounds a warning bell as well
an essential element of gentrification, or it is merely as a call for further study about displacement. Utilizing
the most extreme among a variety of harms that may the Housing and Vacancy Survey for New York City, but
befall original residents of gentrifying areas—there analyzing this dataset—the same one used by Freeman
is confusion and disagreement on the phenomenon and Braconi—differently, Newman and Wyly arrive at
of displacement. Despite the common wisdom that a substantially higher rate of displacement than the trio
displacement is axiomatic in the gentrifying neighbor- of displacement-discounters had shown. For purposes
hood, early research on the extent of displacement has of these calculations, Newman and Wyly consider as
been criticized (Vigdor, 2002; Freeman, 2005). Aside displaced all those renter households who stated that
from the disputable, varied and perhaps irreconcilable their primary reason for moving was 1) they wanted a
examinations of displacement in the '70s and '80s, cheaper residence, or had difficulty paying rent; 2) they
displacement arising from gentrification has been were harassed by their landlord; or 3) their space was
studied as it has unfolded in the postrecession gentri- converted to another use by the owner. In Newman and
fication of the 1990s and beyond. On top of the doubt Wyly's analysis, nearly a tenth of all movers in New
cast on earlier findings of displacement, a trio of recent York City between 1999 and 2002 were displacees.
studies has refuted the occurrence of displacement in More study of displacement is necessary, as it is a
gentrifying neighborhoods. The first two findings of no key consequence of gentrification to original residents
displacement came from the examination of residential of color, and yet questions of its nature and extent are
mobility for disadvantaged residents of gentrifying unresolved. Along these lines, recent scholarship on the
neighborhoods in New York City (Freeman and Braconi, topic of gentrification has called for less debate in the
2004) and in Boston (Vigdor, 2002). The findings con- realm of theory and causality, and more investigation of
travened common sense and earlier estimates, as well as the mechanisms through which gentrification proceeds
urban lore: poor households and those without college as well as its repercussions (Slater, 2002); much ofthe
degrees who resided in gentrifying areas were actually gentrification literature is said to exhibit neglect of the
less likely to move, these studies revealed, than similar working class and poor communities "which are at best
households residing in nongentrifying neighborhoods severely disrupted by gentrification and at worst elimi-
(Freeman and Braconi, 2004; Vigdor, 2002). In a third nated by it" (Slater, et al., 2004, p. 1141). It is necessary
recent examination of the occurrence of displacement, to more carefully scrutinize the effects of gentrification
this time of a national sample, there was yet again found rather than its causes, to put the gentrification debate
to be no statistically significant link between mobility into a policy perspective (Wyly and Hammel, 1999).
and gentrification, and no real susceptibility of poor "[T]he true nature ofthe consequences of gentrification
renters to displacement or elevated rates of mobility for people living in the neighborhoods experiencing it
(Freeman, 2005). (or in adjacent neighborhoods) is an issue on which
Regardless of these three recent gentrification there has been almost total silence" (Slater, et al., 2004,
studies showing very little in the way of displacement, p. 1142). One surprising finding from Newman and
the question of displacement and other gentrification- Wyly's (2006) displacement study was that racial and
related hann remains in play; displacement remains an ethnic minorities—black, Hispanic, and Asian renters—

The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008 21

were significantly less likely to have been displaced assessment of the experiences of original residents in
than similarly situated white tenants. This rare look at gentrifying neighborhoods. Newman and Wyly (2006)
race and displacement, with a finding that contravenes provide a model for field research in gentrifying neigh-
expectations, begs the question. borhoods. Preliminarily, they conducted a literature
Efforts to study gentrification are notoriously review to understand the changed landscape of the
fraught with difficulty, however, and the study of areas. For a snowball sample of interviewees, they
displacement and other forms of harm to original resi- compiled a list of neighborhood and city wide persons
dents presents additional hurdles. Indeed, difficulties from the literature review, internet searches, and per-
in methodology may, in part, account for insufficient sonal contacts; in addition, they sought out community
understanding of the harms wrought by gentrification. residents, community organizers, staff members at
While the middle- and upper-class in-movers may be community organizations, and persons who otherwise
accessible for research purposes, others involved in the were coming into contact with residents threatened with
gentrification process, such as developers, landlords, displacement. The interviews, conducted as narrative
real estate agents, and political officeholders, may conversations with persons as "equal participant(s) in
well be less so; the greatest difficulty, though, comes the interaction", sought to illuininate the perspectives
in studying the plight of displaced tenants, and tenants of individuals and groups on the gentrification process
who are contending with the threat of eviction and may and its impact on low-income residents living through
become displaced, who are difficult to find, to count, neighborhood changes (Newman and Wyly, 2006,
and to interview (Slater et al., 2004). By definition, p. 43). This type of qualitative investigation, on top
the displaced residents are absent, and the research is of whatever quantitative assessment can be done, is
akin to "measuring the invisible" (Atkinson, 2000b, p. crucial for an understanding of the consequences of
163). The mere matter, therefore, of accurately count- gentrification to original residents, which in turn means
ing, not to mention understanding the experiences of, it is crucial to our analysis of the racial impacts and
those whom gentrification displaces and those whom implications of gentrification.
gentrification otherwise negatively affects, presents
a significant challenge. For example, implicit in the
recent studies of displacement is the strong suggestion The Tactics and Mechanisms of Gentrification
that many more displacees exist but are not accounted
for (Newman and Wyly, 2006). The dataset itself is While the studies of displacement are contradic-
inadequate: the particular survey used to account for tory, we lack good understanding of the mechanisms
displacees in New York City does not include those used in gentrification, and the tactics used by agents
who move outside of the city or those who become of gentrification against the original residents of gen-
homeless or enter the shelter system, nor does it al- trifying neighborhoods. Again, if indeed we consider
low identification of those who move in with other that the tactics and strategies employed in the process
households. That is to say, three of the most likely ac- of gentrification are largely enacted against or upon
tions of poorer residents—living on the streets or in a original residents of the neighborhood who are African
shelter, leaving the city altogether, or moving in with American or otherwise people of color, then the lack of
others—are unaccounted for in the attempt to quantify attention paid to such mechanisms is an inattentiveness
displacement in New York City. Further, the survey is to the racial aspects of gentrification. One common
structured so that respondents choose one reason for avenue taken in the course of gentrification is resort
moving, which may obscure or simplify—and therefore to local government and the legal system: housing
under-represent—the phenomenon of displacement. code departments, zoning boards, historic preservation
Additionally, of course, a survey that examines a certain commissions, police, courts, city councils, community
limited timeframe for neighborhoods excludes house- boards, and mayors' offices (Bryant, 2006). Research
holds displaced by earlier gentrification, as well as the in a gentrifying area of Columbus, Ohio, details the dif-
exclusionary effect on households that will not move ference between how original residents—low-income
into the gentrified neighborhoods in the future. African Americans—and white tniddle-class in-movers
were willing and able to employ legal/governmental
In light of the only partial view of displacement,
means in their efforts to change their new environs.
and other gentrification consequences, that are afforded
by quantitative attempts at studying the phenomena, it The criminal law... was part of yet another strategy
seems clear that what is called for is more qualitative used to mold the neighborhood into what the

22 The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008

newcomers wanted. To some it seemed a nice how people avoid displacement and resist the vari-
change: community residents working with the ous tactics and mechanisms employed in the service
police within the judicial system. However, this of gentrification. Recent years have seen a decline in
opportunity to collaborate was not afforded to the resistance to gentrification (Wilson, Wouters, and
everyone in the community, and it had not been Grammenos, 2004). Hackworth (2002), in his analysis
afforded to anyone before the new people moved of postrecession gentrification, notes in particular the
in (Bryant, 2006, p. 722). ways in which postrecession gentrification involves
Research in the West Town area of Chicago— different versions of resistance from that manifested
which consisted particularly of interviews, and reviews in earlier iterations of gentrification. Much of the resis-
of local community media—birthed a veritable laundry tance, it is said, has evolved into less aggressive groups,
list of tactics in terms of "the less visible, day-to-day whose politics are less threatening, which have actually
actions of speculators, mortgagers, realtors, developers, joined in cooperative relations with local govemment
and the rest of the industry of gentrification" (Betancur, (Hackworth, 2002). Many anti-gentrification groups
2002, p. 805). There were the common pressures that have become CDCs, which are dependent for some or
attend heightened interest in real estate activity, includ- all of their funding from the government and are neces-
ing solicitation of sales, and "flipping" (the purchase sarily more conciliatory; community opposition may
of property at low price and sale to in-movers at a high focus on quality of life issues and the type and scale of
price, with merely cosmetic improvement or no im- development, rather than the danger of displacement.
provement at all). Beyond that, though, property owners Additionally, Hackworth notes the aggregate spatial
were intimidated to sell; in some cases, agents would effects of ongoing reinvestment: as neighborhoods are
secure a signed offer for real estate that was not for sale increasingly inhabited by beneficiaries of gentrification,
and then pressure the owner to accept the offer, while in and as erstwhile or would-be activists are compelled to
other cases agents would contract with a property owner move out, resistance declines.
to sell his or her home at a given price and then advertise Nevertheless, a handful of studies provide a
and sell it at a higher price (to the agent's profit). In par- qualitative examination of the resistance to gentrifica-
ticular, more vulnerable homeowners, including seniors tion and provide several specific examples of ways in
as well as low-income households, were targeted with which original, low-income residents manage to stand
repeated visits and phone calls, graffiti, gang harass- their ground against the force of gentrification. At the
ment, and unsolicited offers. Arson was documented, as household level, many poor residents find a way to stay
well as calculated schemes, whether via rumors or actual in their gentrifying neighborhoods by "accepting poor
down-zoning, to cause reduced property values and housing quality, coping with high housing cost burdens
then cheaper purchase. Additionally, those interested and/or sharing housing with other residents" (Newman
in transforming the neighborhood were credited with and Wyly, 2006, p. 48-49). Affordability of housing
"[t]argeting of specific blocks or buildings of minority and quality of housing are described as trade-offs, as
concentration for concerted action to push them out" poor tenants fear that complaining about housing condi-
through such efforts as intensified police intervention tions will lead to their displacement (via, presumably,
and harassment, property inspections, and accusations raised rents pursuant to repairs); thus, one mode of
of criminal activity (Betancur, 2002, p. 805). resistance is merely the act of accepting and adapting
to substandard living situations. Other tenants manage
to stay in the neighborhood by cohabiting; "especially
Resistance to Gentrification single parents, the elderly, immigrants and younger
families, remain in the city by doubling up with fam-
There is, on the other hand, a fair amount of lit- ily or friends" (Newman and Wyly, 2006, p. 49). It is
erature describing the resistance efforts that take shape also not uncommon for tenants to benefit from a good
in the face of gentrification. That is, apart from the relationship with their landlord and manage to pay rent
questions that remain of how and how many residents well below what the property could earn, aside from
are displaced, there are certainly many who manage to such a personalized arrangement. Tenants, of course,
resist the pressure exerted on them by gentrification are not the only residents at risk: "[h]ome-ownership is
and stay in their gentrifying neighborhood. The flipside often viewed as a protection against gentrification but,
of the displacement question, then, is the question of as housing values increase, rising property taxes often

The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008 23

make home-ownership impossible, especially for the resistance of the I'uerto Rican Cultural Center in Chi-
elderly and other residents on fixed incomes" (Newman cago took the form of near-constant expression of shared
and Wyly, 2006, p. 49). cultural identity and solidarity, an overt campaign for
It is in research of resistance at a community level Puerto Ricans and sympathetic non-Puerto Ricans to
that we see explicit enumeration of a racial dimension purchase property in the neighborhood, and the creation
of gentrification. Organizations—including community of physical structures (buildings, flags, etc.) to link the
groups, as well as CDCs and other nonprofit housing space with the culture (Rinaldo, 2002). This particular
developers—are credited with playing an important role community group conceptualized itself as internally (in
in combating displacement and ensuring the availability the U.S.) colonized and contended that it experienced
of affordable housing (Newman and Wyly, 2006), and gentrification in particular as part of this colonial
oftentimes a neighborhood's racial and ethnic identity relationship; it was "the concentration of colonialism
lends strength to community efforts in resistance. For and diaspora with local histories and relationships that
example, a resistance movement has spanned more than spawn this resistance and fuel its intensities" (Rinaldo,
two decades in a section of Park Slope, in Brooklyn, 2002, p. 165; see also Wilson, et al., 2004, examin-
New York, in the form of a nonprofit community group ing yet another neighborhood of Chicago, in which
with the mission of "developing and managing afford- Mexican working-class residents resist displacement
able housing, creating employment opportunities, orga- by highlighting the political nature of the struggle for
nizing residents and workers, and combating displace- land and representing the historic ideal of their space
ment caused by gentrification" (Slater, 2004, p. 1205). and community).
The group is fueled by the desire to resist, in particular, On the other hand, race and ethnicity, rather than
the racial/ethnic change that they perceive attending presenting a unifying advantage, can sometimes present
gentrification in their area. The group has raised millions an added challenge for original residents of neighbor-
of dollars, which it has used to transform dilapidated, hoods facing gentrification. So it was in the Chicago
abandoned properties into livable, affordable homes; community of West Town, where racism and ethnic
in addition, the group actually created a Displacement intolerance put people of color and white ethnics at odds
Free Zone with the aim of preventing evictions of with one another, preventing an effective convergence
low-income and moderate-income tenants. The group around the struggle against displacement or for housing
advocates, through various tactics, on behalf of any affordability (Betancur, 2002). There, the mere clash of
tenants whose rent is increased to a level that threatens race and ethnicity was complicated and aggravated by
displacement. Indeed, such antidisplacement campaigns economic differences: conflicts between mostly tenant
and organizing efforts have been adopted throughout (Latino) classes and mostly owner (European) classes,
the country, designed to pressure landlords and stem between white immigrants with relative economic
the effects of displacement (Newman and Wyly, 2006), power and Latinos in low-status jobs (Betancur, 2002).
and such resistance efforts can be grounded in racial These and other explorations of resistance to gentrifi-
unity. Additionally, the imperatives of resisting capital cation illuminate the elements of race and ethnicity,
development can spur the formation of interracial co- especially in terms of its unifying or detracting effect.
alitions across ethnic enclaves in a cotnmunity, which
constitute not only a concerted contestation for space
but also a transneighborhood struggle against a divide- The Evidence ofRace and the Intensification of Racial
and-conquer strategy (Gregory, 1998). Residential Segregation
This race factor in community building (Betancur,
A small sampling of resident interviews in North
2002), however, can cut both ways. On the one hand,
Nashville—an area that ranges from pockets of com-
race and ethnicity has been studied as a unifying and
plete or near-complete gentrification, to dilapidated ar-
creative antidisplacement force, in which communities
eas experiencing no reinvestment—yields cotnmentary
can frame their neighborhoods as ethnic enclaves as a
on gentrification as a racial phenomenon. To a person,
way to resist displacement. In the classic account of
black and white residents of long and short tenure see
class struggle against gentrification, Neil Smith's The
racial transformation as part and parcel of the gentri-
New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist
fication in their midst. Longtime residents remember
City, race stands out as a critical part of the process,
the days when the residents in the area were nearly
particularly with regard to original residents who are
all African-American. "When I was growing up here.
African American and Hispanic. So, for example, the

24 The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008

the neighborhood was all black....I graduated [from and was now "probably 30% white"-concurrently with
high school] in '66 and went to school with all black its racial transformation.
classmates. Now a good number of whites are living
I think the fact that there's now more white people
in the neighborhood." A newer resident, who is white
there, subconsciously, or consciously, I don't
and moved to one of thefirstgentrifying neighborhoods
want to speak words for anyone, I think that [City
nearly 10 years ago, noted the continued rise in numbers
officials] pay more attention to white voices and
of white residents and the evident lessening of diversity,
white faces than they did when it was pretty much
by stating that "certainly the racial mix is decreasing,
a, I guess 95%, black neighborhood....I've heard
not increasing."
this directly from some of the longtime residents,
A white man who had moved to the area within
and I've heard it kind of coded, but basically, it took
the past few years expressed that gentrification was
white people coming in here for anything to happen.
happening "both economically and racially"; while
I heard that directly from somebody that trusted me
he opined that "gentrification is certainly not entirely
enough to say that out loud, and I've heard things
about race," he noted that white people were coming
kind of like that, you know the code word is "new
to the neighborhood while black people were leaving:
people," and new people aren't all white but the
"It's almost that we're moving in opposing directions."
vast majority of them are.
One African-American resident, when asked whether
his particular neighborhood, still ungentrified and in a While race looms large in common conceptualiza-
state of disinvestment, was changing racially, stated. tions of the original residents of gentrifying commu-
nities—particularly with regard to the ways in which
No, not yet. It's coming. It's coining, but not yet.
gentrification is enacted upon original residents of color,
If you look at [an adjacent neighborhood that has
and the displacement of original residents or other harm
been redeveloped], for example, that whole area
brought to them in the process of gentrification—race
before it became [the redevelopment], was all
does not figure prominently in the research of these
African-Americans, but now it's totally changed,
dimensions of gentrification. Although we may not
where it's the opposite. So, it's starting, it's slowly
know enough about the race of those original residents
starting to push its way.
and how their race is associated with tactics of gentri-
One longtime African-American resident talked fication or displacement and other harm, important and
of her experiences with new white residents getting revealing research has been done regarding the race of
preferential treatment in neighborhood businesses, persons moving into gentrifying areas.
and she shared a story about having food prepared at a Gentrification is generally agreed upon academi-
local sandwich shop; a white man came into the shop cally as a process of class transformation, and gentri-
and immediately stood at the cash register, and the shop fication is widely believed, popularly, to entail racial
attendant left her order and said she had to attend to transformation. However, an argument persists that,
the white customer because he had been waiting. This contrary to urban lore and general conceptualizations,
interviewee drew a parallel to an earlier era: gentrification need not—in fact, does not —entail
transformation, racially, of neighborhoods (e.g.., Bos-
Without question, I know for certain that I get
tic, 2003). It is certainly true that, as scholars have
treated differently....and it is like something that
documented, there are areas of "black gentrification"
returned from a long time ago. It had been so long
(Patillo, 2005; 2003), in which middle- and upper-class
since I had this type of experience, I had forgotten
African Americans move back into poor and working-
about it. Until, it has been a little more than two
class black neighborhoods, effecting a socio-economic
years ago, that there were several circumstances and
transformation but retaining its original racial character.
situations that took place that made it very clear that
There are also instances—specifically tied to a period of
I was being treated not so good....And there is a
economic recession—in which disproportionate default
very clear- cut where it is noticeable....
rates in gentrifying areas have made homes more afford-
It cannot be denied, it is blatant and clear.
able (see Lauria, 1998, on the "foreclosure hypothesis").
A white man who moved to the area three years Additionally, an examination of the 50 largest U.S.
ago conveyed an understanding that City services metropolitan areas revealed that black homeowners
and improvements were now coming to his particular were a gentrifying force in the 1970s, but not in the
neighborhood-which had been "almost entirely black" 1980s (perhaps, it is hypothesized, because of the easing

The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008 25

of race-based restrictions on where African Americans (intensely gentrified) and "fringe" (comparatively mod-
could live and purchase homes) (Bostic, 2003, p. 2428). est, spatially fragmented, or early-stage gentrification)
Beyond that time-limitedfinding,though, there seems to segments. They compared African Americans seeking
be no support for the argument that gentrification does mortgages in the core and fringe (more and less gentri-
not entail racial transformation, aside from the isolated fying) tracts with similarly situated African Americans
occurrences of black gentrification. seeking mortgages in nongentrifying tracts of the city.
An additional position holds that there is racial Notably, they found that while African American loan
transformation, but it comes from in-movers rather applicants in fringe neighborhoods of Chicago expe-
than displacees. One of the assertions that arose from rienced no significant difference in loan disposition
the recent findings of no displacement in gentrifying compared with African American applicants elsewhere,
neighborhoods is that displacement does not appear to African Americans seeking mortgages in the intensely
be "the engine of neighborhood change in gentrifying gentrifying core neighborhoods were 1.45 times more
neighborhoods" (Freeman, 2005, p. 483). Instead, it likely to be rejected than African Americans applying
is reasoned, the neighborhood change which common elsewhere (Wyly and Hammel, 1999).
wisdom attributes to displacement may be attributable Subsequently, Wyly and Hammel (2004) have
rather to the effect of gentrification on who can move extended their study of the relation of gentrification to
into a neighborhood. In other words, in-movers rather racial and ethnic discrimination through a taxonomy and
than out-movers are the driving force behind neigh- analysis of 23 major U.S. metropolitan areas, again rais-
borhood change in gentrifying neighborhoods. Gen- ing the hopeful question of whether, at a national scale, it
trification is thus described as a "gradual process that, is "possible to achieve reinvestment and diversity at the
although displacing some, leaves its imprint mainly by neighborhood scale without segregation, polarization,
changing who moves into a neighborhood" (Freeman, and displacement." Again, however, they found that
2005, p. 488). And, according to this data, being white postrecession gentrification not only magnifies class
is associated with an increased likelihood of moving segregation, but also intensifies racial discrimination
into a gentrifying area, and being black—specifically, and exclusion in the affected neighborhoods (Wyly
being black, poor, and without any college education— and Hammel, 2004). Wyly and Hammel conducted a
is associated with a decreased likelihood of moving into metropolitan-level analysis, in which they examined the
a gentrifying area. residential mortgage credit market to look for evidence
Not only are the in-movers white, but it would of increased selectivity in gentrifying neighborhoods
appear that the gentrification process incorporates the along racial and ethnic lines as compared with nongen-
racial discrimination that is rife within the contemporary trifying neighborhoods; they concluded that old patterns
system of racial residential segregation, and reinforces of racial segregation were strengthened, more recently,
racial residential segregation, to a heightened degree, in gentrifying neighborhoods. Specifically, whereas in
in the gentrified neighborhood. In an exception to the 1993 African Americans and most other people of color
obviating of racial perspectives in gentrification litera- faced no different chances of loan approval or rejec-
ture, one line of inquiry examines the race component tion in gentrified neighborhoods than in nongentrified
of mortgage lending in gentrifying areas. At least two neighborhoods, African Americans trying to buy homes
studies have examined mortgage lending patterns in the in gentrified areas in the year 2000 were 1.25 times
period of postrecession gentrification, to explore the more likely to be turned down in core areas, and 1.23
possibility that gentrification might be found to actu- times more likely to be turned down in fringe areas,
ally expand homeownership opportunities for people of compared with identically qualified African Americans
color in gentrified neighborhoods. The clear conclusion looking elsewhere. As for Hispanic applicants, by the
of these studies is that, as distinguished from Bostic's year 2000 they faced denial odds of 1.41 times greater
time-limited findings and from the existence of pockets in core areas and 1.59 times greater in fringe neighbor-
of black gentrification, gentrification in fact reinforces hoods than if they had applied elsewhere, in nongentri-
racial residential segregation and brings greater racial- fied parts of their cities. (On the other hand, there were
ized exclusion. Wyly and Hammel (1999) first devel- only slightly higher disparities for Asians and Pacific
oped a neighborhood taxonomy for Chicago, in which Islanders.) An additional layer of inquiry, which is not
they identified an "inner city" (central-city census tracts within the scope of this paper and post-dates Wyly and
with median household income below the citywide Hammel's research, concerns the housing market crisis
median), and then divided the inner city into "core" and, indeed, the broader economic downturn; it remains

26 The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008

to be seen whether the increased foreclosure rates and of mortgage lending discrimination, the Boston Fed
decreased accessibility of home mortgage loans has an Study, which surpasses HMDA data in its contemplation
impact on the interplay of gentrification and race. of applicants' wealth and credit history, revealed that
Wyly and Hammel (2004) make no conclusions black and Hispanic applicants were 80% more likely
about the cause for the greater racial exclusion in gen- to be turned down for mortgages than white applicants
trifying areas, but they lay out a number of theories con- with the same personal and property characteristics
cerning the ways in which the neighborhood context— (Munnell, Tootell, Browne, and McEneaney, 1996). The
in this case, the fiurry and intensity of gentrification— practice of redlining has been found to persist into the
mediates lending discrimination. Gentrification, they twenty-first century: studies show that, after controlling
assert, alters many of the exclusionary housing market for other population and housing characteristics, an in-
practices that take place outside of the actual bank crease in the proportion of African-American residents
office, including racial steering and borrower preselec- in a neighborhood is significantly correlated with a de-
tion; there may be magnified disparities in this regard crease in mortgage lending (Silverman, 2005). Thus, the
that accompany the influx of developers and affiliated discrimination and exclusion occurring in gentrifying
industry during the gentrification period. Gentrification areas is in addition to the discrimination and redlining
also, because it creates a diverse pool of white and occurring elsewhere; those nongentrifying areas used
minority borrowers, may intensify the cultural-affinity for comparison purposes are rife with discrimination
discrimination that attends the loan approval process: and exclusion of their own.
white loan officers, owing to their lack of familiarity Additionally, Wyly and Hammel (2004) examined
with nonwhite applicants, rely more heavily on objec- all homebuyers applying for mortgage loans in the
tive characteristics of the loan application (credit history gentrified neighborhoods of their 23 studied cities,
and debt obligation) for nonwhite applicants than for seeking comparison of the approval/rejection rates,
white applicants, consequently holding applicants with within gentrified neighborhoods, by race. They found
marginal creditworthiness to a higher standard if they that minority applicants in gentrified neighborhoods
are not white (Hunter and Walker, 1996). Further, gen- were much more likely than white applicants in those
trification may create an intensified interest on the part areas to have their loan applications rejected. Specifi-
of banks, interested in stability of value and profit, to cally, African Americans seeking to purchase a home in
exclude people of color, while they strive to put in place a gentrified neighborhood were 2.33 times more likely
a substantially increased white population and thereby to be rejected for a home loan than identically qualified
achieve some "reverse tipping point". Finally, in the white homebuyers, and Hispanics were 1.44 times more
realm of property insurance, it is posited that insurers likely (Wyly and Hammel, 2004). In other words, not
will be encouraged by gentrification that creates white only do people of color in gentrified neighborhoods
upper middle class enclaves and thus reluctant to insure face significantly greater odds in getting a mortgage
people of color or lower-income households that try than their comparable counterparts in nongentrified
to buy into those enclaves (Wyly and Hammel, 2004). neighborhoods, but they also face vastly greater odds
Aside from the causes for these gentrification- than comparable white homeseekers within the gentri-
specific effects, it would seem to be important to place fied neighborhoods.
these findings within the context of mortgage lending Gentrification would appear, then, to be amplify-
discrimination research generally and to recognize the ing the historic and contemporary system of racial
compounding implications of the findings of racial residential segregation. The history of racial residential
discrimination and exclusion particular to gentrifying segregation in this country consists of a complex array
neighborhoods. Quite apart from the phenomenon of varied approaches, large and small, individual and
of gentrification and the categorization of neighbor- communal, private and governmental. Historically,
hoods along those lines, the mortgage lending system racial residential segregation was forged in this country
is infused with racial inequality. Analyses of Home in the early 1900s through numerous means, including
Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data reveal racial outright violence, local legislation that dictated where
disparities in mortgage loan approvals; for conventional persons of different races could reside, and neigh-
home purchase loans in 2000, for example, blacks were borhood associations with techniques such as race
twice as likely as whites to be rejected, and Hispanics restrictive covenants and other anti-integration actions
were 40% more likely than whites to be turned down (Massey and Dentón, 1993). Agents of the real estate
(Ross and Yinger, 2002). The seminal research study industry nationwide were active proponents, instigators.

The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008 27

and preservers of racial segregation (Gotham, 2002). By practices and policies that treat homeseekers differently,
the niid-'30s, the United States Govemment had stepped depending upon their race, may seem minor, taken
into the fray, instituting a block-by-block rating system separately, but in their cumulative and largely unde-
whereby property belonging to nonwhite people or terred form they constitute the contemporary system
located in neighborhoods where nonwhite people lived of racial residential segregation. Specifically within
was ineligible for mortgage lending; the private banking the realm of gentrification, the findings of intensified
industry adopted this racially exclusive approach, and mortgage discrimination and racial exclusion in gentri-
for decades the color line of racial residential segrega- fying neighborhoods, taken together with the dearth of
tion was thus carved (Jackson, 1985). exploration of the racial dimensions of gentrification's
Despite numerous examinations of the deleterious harm to original residents, raise troubling questions
effects of racial residential segregation, particularly for conceming gentrification as a system for supplementing
African Americans, segregation levels remain high in and perpetuating—perhaps even ratcheting up—racial
U.S. cities (see, e.g., Massey, 2004). The contemporary residential segregation.
system of racial residential segregation, building upon
the historic residential color line established over the
first several decades of the twentieth century, consists
of a multitude of components of discrimination and
In lay conceptualization, popular experience, and
exclusion. Research studies demonstrate that the mi-
urban lore, gentrification is a racial phenomenon, but
nority homeseeker faces possible racial discrimination
this understanding is largely unexplored in the literature
from the moment he or she begins to look for a house
on gentrification. There is scant accumulated evidence
or apartment, throughout the home-search process.
on the race dimension in most categories of gentrifica-
In the simple initial act of picking up the telephone
tion, and it consists of some qualitative analyses of the
and calling a real estate or rental agent, or in visiting
racial aspects of resistance, and contradictory findings
a real estate or rental office to inquire about a home,
centered on displacement which reveal on the one hand
one is likely to get a different response depending on
a greater displacement rate for whites than for people of
whether one is black or white. For African Americans
color and on the other hand that being African American
and other people of color, the many increments of
is negatively associated with moving into gentrifying
this system of racial residential segregation include,
areas. Aside from that, we are left with a huge divide
but are certainly not limited to, less likelihood than
between our popular conceptualization of gentrification,
whites of being shown housing units, less likelihood
which is cast so clearly in racial terms, and the academic
than whites of being offered rent incentives for apart-
depiction which to a great extent skirts the race aspect.
ments and of getting advice on how to improve their
Time and again, the very definition of gentrification
loan applications for home purchases (Tumer et al.,
makes no mention of race and ethnicity, and questions
2002), and higher prices but fewer options for property
about the racially differential impact of gentrification,
insurance (Squires et al., 2001). Racial steering, long
and about the racial transformation wrought by the
a mainstay of racial residential segregation efforts, is
process of gentrification, are largely unexamined. Given
actually on the rise (Turner et al., 2002) and constrains
the silence, in the bulk of the analyses of gentrifica-
the housing choices of minority households as well
tion, on the topic of race, it is legitimate to ask, why!
as those of whites who prefer integration. Aside from
Why is gentrification a racial phenomenon, and why is
the obstacles faced by tenant applicants, the would-be
discussion and analysis of that phenomenon avoided?
homebuyer faces nearly twice the likelihood of being
One plausible answer can be found in the work of Joe
turned down for a mortgage if the applicant is not white
Feagin and others, regarding endemic racism, which is
(Munnell et al., 1996). Housing market discrimination
manifested particularly through control of geographic
is thus composed of small elements, each a singular
access and ownership. Historically, European Ameri-
act of exclusion, replicated ubiquitously and affect-
cans have wrested indigenous people away from their
ing individuals on a near-constant basis. The National
lands and wrested land away from indigenous people;
Fair Housing Alliance, which collects infonnation on
they have striven to contain and control where and under
housing discrimination from local, state, and federal
what conditions African-Americans and other people of
govemment agencies and conducts its own testing as
color can live. The argument may be made that gentrifi-
well, has estimated that more than 3.7 million violations
cation and displacement represent not an anomaly but a
of the Fair Housing Act occur annually. The myriad of

28 The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008

continuation of a longstanding pattern of the dislocation lending patterns in gentrifying areas were found to be
and subjugation of people of color in this nation. As racially exclusive and to reinforce racial residential
for the absence of race as a variable in gentrification segregation, and the question looms of whether gen-
analyses, this is consistent with the general tendency trification itself constitutes a supplement, not yet fully
for the avoidance of racial discourse, the denial of the explored or understood, to the contemporary system of
magnitude of racism, and the evasion of the topic of racial residential segregation. In sum, while common
racial impacts, disparities, and divisions. lore holds that gentrification is often a fundamentally
Small wonder, then, that scholars identify "a racial phenomenon—where white in-movers wrest
need to explore the extremely difficult question of the the space from African American displacees or other
intersection of race and class with respect to gentrifica- original residents of color—research to date falls short
tion" (Slater, 2002). Add to that the work of Wyly and in a head-on examination of the racial impact of gen-
Hammel pertaining to homebuyers, wherein mortgage trification.

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30 The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008

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