Determine Fluid Saturation of Core Sample Using Solvent Extraction Method

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Laboratorium Work Report
Name : Jesslyn Athalia Sumardi

NIM : 12217083
Group : Wednesday2_Group1
Experiment Date : March 13, 2019
Submission Date : March 19, 2019
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Ir. Pudji Permadi
Module Assistants : Axel Perwira Indro (12215053)
Johan Sebastian Loana (12215101)

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………........................................................1
List of Tables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
List of Pictures ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Chapter I
Module Title ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Practical Work Objectives……………………………………………………………….....................................................4
Fundamental Theory ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
Chapter II
Data ………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………..................................6
Calculation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...6
Chapter III
Assumpsions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
Analysis tools ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Practical Work Analysis ……………………………………………...................................................................................9
Result Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11
Chapter IV
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
Chapter V
Suggestions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
Refrences ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Bonus …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...16
TABLE 1 PICNOMETER MEASUREMENT…………………………………………………………………………… 7
Picture 1 Solvent Extrator ………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
Picture 2 Result …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10


1. Determine fluid saturation (oil and water) that contained in core sample using
solavent extraction method
2. Determine the porosity of a core sample indirectly
3. Understanding principle and procedure solvent extraction tool
4. Knowing the relation between saturation and other rock


Knowing the quantity of fluid in a reservoir is very important. One of the petrophysical
properties that is very helpful in knowing this is saturation. Saturation is defined as the
ratio of the volume of fluid that fills the porous rock with the total volume of rock pores.
Mathematically saturation can be expressed in the equation:
V fluida∈ pore
V total pore

In the pores of the rock in a reservoir it is always filled with fluid both oil, water and gas.
So that the total saturation of each of these fluids must be 1.
The value of fluid saturation in a reservoir rock can be determined in two ways:
1. Determination by direct approach
The approach is done by measuring fluid saturation from a core sample taken directly
from a reservoir.
2. Determination by indirect approach
The approach is done by knowing in advance some physical properties of a reservoir
rock which will later be changed to saturation values.
One method of measuring fluid saturation in the laboratory is the solvent extraction
method. In this experiment the type of solvent used was toluene. The solvent is heated,
then it will evaporate, rise and push the fluid inside the core sample to the condenser for
condensation. Water, oil and condensed solvents will descend into the graduated tube.
Because water has a density greater than oil and toluene, water will occupy the bottom.
Solvents and dissolved oils that are still in the form of steam will return to the heating
tube. Thus, the amount of water contained in the core sample can be seen the volume of
water collected in the graduated tube.
In addition to knowing the amount of water contained in the core sample, this
experiment indirectly can also determine the value of rock porosity by knowing the data
of core weight at dry and core weight when saturated.
Core sample Dimension
Diameter = 2.25 cm
Length = 3.75 cm

Core sample Mass

Mdrycore = 33.4 gram
Msaturated with water + paraffin = 38.89 gram

Table 1 Picnometer measurement

Vpicnometer (mL) Mpicnometer (gram) Mpicno + water (gram)

25 14.42 40.02

Water volume in graduated tube = 3.5 mL

 Calculate the density of a fluid
A. Water
Water Mass = Mpicno + water - Mpicnometer
= 40.02 – 14.42
= 25.6 gram
M water 25.6
ρwater = = =1.024 gr /ml
V picno 25
B. Paraffin
Using a refrence data from the internet, The density of paraffin that being used is 0.9

 Calculate Volume bulk of core sample

V bulk =0.25 × π × d 2 × L
V bulk =0.25 × π × 2.25 2 ×3.75=1 4.91 ml

 Calculate mass of fluida in the core

M fluid ∈core=M saturated with water + paraffin−M dry core
M fluid ∈core=38.89−33.4=5.49 gram

 Calculate water mass in core that being pushed by solvent

M water ∈core=V water∈ graduated tube × ρwater
M water ∈core =3.5 ml × 1. 024 =3.584 gram

 Calculte paraffin mass in the core

M paraffin∈ core=M fluid ∈core−M water ∈core
M paraffin∈ core=5.49−3.584=1.906 gram

 Calculate the volume of paraffin

M paraffin∈ core 1.906 gra m
V paraffin= = =2.117 ml
ρ paraffin 0.9 gr /ml

 Determine the pore volume

V por e =V paraffin +V water ∈ graduatedtube
V por e =2.117 +3.5=5.617 ml

 Determine saturation of water

V water 3.5
Swater = = =0.6 23
V por e 5.617

 Determine saturation of paraffin

V paraffin 2.117
S paraffin= = =¿ 0.377
V por e 5.617

 Calculate core porosity

V por e 5.617
ϕ core= × 100 %= ×100 %=37.6 %
V bulk 14.91

• Core samples are perfectly fulfilled by paraffin and water so there is no air in the
core sample pores
• Perfect cylindrical sample cores
• There is no paraffin which is evaporated during the water evaporation process
• Vaseline used closes all the gaps in the equipment connection tightly
• Extraction fluid that is in pure water Graduated Tube
• There is no change in fluid volume in the core sample when weighing the sample
core weight
• There is no leak in the device
• Parallax errors do not occur


 Hassler Core Holder

Hassler Core Holder (HCH) is a tool used in studies involving the transfer of
fluids in porous media. The cylindrical core sample is installed in the Viton
sleeve and inserted into the core holder through the loading tip. Plates are then
pushed to the surface of the core end and treated with a threaded cover which
allows adjustment of up to 30 mm. Further adjustment is possible by using an
interchangeable spacer that is pressed on a loose plate.

 Solvent Extractor
This tool is being used to determine the saturation fluid inside of the core
sample. The heated solvent will evaporated and push the fluid inside the core
sample into the condenser. The water, oil, and the solvent that being
evaporated will condesated and go into the graduated tube. Because water is
heavier than the oil, the water will fill the bottom space of graduated tube.
Picture 1 Solvent Extrator
The core that used is already being saturated before. First thing to do is to measure
the dimensions (height and diameter) and mass of the core sample that being used.
We assump that the core sample shape is perfectly cylindrical. We also need to
determine the density of the fluid using picnometer.We can get the density from
measuring the empty picnometer and picnometer plus the fluid, then we can get the
density of the fluid.

The arrangement of the compressor and N2 gas cylinder is done to regulate the
confining pressure and pressure that pushes paraffin towards the core sample on the
Hassler Core Holder. Confining pressure here represents the overburden pressure at
the original state in the reservoir. In addition, if the experiment is carried out without
using confining pressure, paraffin will tend to pass through the sides of the core
sample so that it cannot saturate the core. Pressure used is 100 psi as confining
pressure, and 50 psi as pressure from the compressor. The pressure obtained from
the compressor and N2 gas cylinder is used on the Hassler Core Holder.

After the core has been saturated with water and oil the we need to measure the
weigh. After saturation we put the core sample, on the neck of the heating tube on the
solvent extraction tool. We use toluene as a solvent that forces water into the
condenser and is condensed on graduated tubes. After the solvent heating process,
the time needed to wait is 24 hours.

Picture 2 Result
The method that being used is solvent extraction method. This tool is being used to
determine the saturation fluid inside of the core sample. The heated solvent will
evaporated and push the fluid inside the core sample into the condenser. The water,
oil, and the solvent that being evaporated will condesate and go into the graduated
tube. Because water is heavier than the oil, the water will fill the bottom space of
graduated tube. The liquid that being used as solvent is toluene. We used toluene
because the boiling point is above the boiling point of about 110 C. Paraffin will not
be evaporated because the boiling point is greater than toluene.

After that evaporated water will be condensed and accommodated in graduated

tubes. The volume of water contained in this graduated tube is used to calculate
water saturation in the core sample. From the calculation, it was obtained that the
water saturation in the core sample was 62.3%. By calculating the volume of paraffin
in the core sample above, we can determine paraffin saturation in the core sample of

We can also determine the porosity of the core sample indirectly. The porosity
obtained is effective porosity because Vpore is calculated as Vparaffin + Vwater in
hybridated tube, which is nothing but the volume of fluid that saturates the core
sample. And countless volumes are isolated from grains. The effective porosity
obtained from this experiment is ∅_eff = 37.6%.

1. The saturation value of water in the core sample is 62.3% and the saturation of oil
(paraffin) in the core sample is 37.7%
2. Core sample porosity values obtained indirectly are 37.6 %
3. The solvent extraction tool works with the principle of pushing water as water vapor by
a solvent (toluene). This tool is being used to determine the saturation fluid inside of the
core sample. The heated solvent will evaporated and push the fluid inside the core
sample into the condenser. The water, oil, and the solvent that being evaporated will
condesate and go into the graduated tube. Because water is heavier than the oil, the
water will fill the bottom space of graduated tube.
4. Relationship to saturation with other rock properties
Saturation relationship with Porosity
Saturation has a relationship directly proportional to porosity. Generally in a reservoir, the
greater the porosity, the greater the fluid saturation in it.

Relationship saturation with permeability

Saturation has a relationship that is directly proportional to permeability. The greater the
saturation, the greater the value of its relative permeability.

Saturation relationship with Wettability

The amount of saturation of a fluid within the rock pores is influenced by the wettability of
the rock. If rocks are wet water, then water saturation tends to be greater than the
saturation of other fluids inside the pore of the rock.

Saturation relationship with capillary pressure

The greater the saturation the capillary pressure will be smaller

 Saturation relationship with resistivity

A large water saturation value will give a large value of resistivity because water is more
conductive than hydrocarbons.
For this module the guide video is clear. We can see the steps for this video clearly. The
problem is that the video doesn’t explain why a certain step is being done. Example : the video
doesn’t explain why we need to put tissue in the graduated tube and mabye how we can get
the water to the condeser. It will be great if the video also explain this kind of thing. For the
practicum itself already good. There’s no problem on doing the practicum.
For the module assistants, the way they give the test it’s so unique. But the way they give the
test making us inderctly need to learn for the whole module. So this way of test actually a great
method to make the parcipant in the practicum learn about the module topic as whole.

Amyx, James W. 1960. Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Physical Properties. New York.
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Laboratorium Petrofisika. 2015. Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Petrofisika. Bandung: TM ITB.


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