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Noon to 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time

Friday, January 22, 2021

Note: Materials are posted at:

Welcome and Roll Call

I. Approval of December 4, 2020, Meeting Minutes

II. General Revenue Estimates

III. FY 2020-21 Budget

A. Salary Budget
B. Positions Vacant More Than 180 Days
C. Operating Budgets
D. Trust Fund Cash Balances
E. Revisiting Budget Reduction Exercise
1. Hiring Freeze Policy
2. Operating Budget Holdbacks

IV. FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program

V. 2021 Legislative Session Update

VI. Other Business


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Agenda Item I.: Approval of December 4,
2020, Meeting Minutes

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Trial Court Budget Commission
Meeting Minutes
DRAFT December 04, 2020
Zoom Webinar

Attendance – Members Present

The Honorable Margaret Steinbeck, Chair The Honorable Diana Moreland
The Honorable Kimberly Bonner The Honorable Donald Myers
The Honorable Monica Brasington The Honorable Greg Parker
The Honorable Beatrice Butchko Ms. Kathleen Pugh
The Honorable Angela Cowden The Honorable Kathleen Roberts
Ms. Holly Elomina The Honorable Anthony Rondolino
The Honorable Ronald Ficarrotta Mr. Grant Slayden
The Honorable Robert Hillard The Honorable Elijah Smiley
Ms. Gina Justice The Honorable Bertilla Soto
The Honorable Glenn Kelley The Honorable Thomas Thompson
Mr. Jonathan Lin Mr. Mark Weinberg
The Honorable Kelly McKibben

Attendance – Members Absent

The Honorable Mark Mahon, Vice Chair

Special Note: It is recommended these minutes be used in conjunction with the meeting materials.

Chair Steinbeck called the Trial Court Budget Commission (TCBC) meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and
reminded members that the meeting was being recorded for administrative accuracy. A quorum was

Chair Steinbeck welcomed the members to the meeting and thanked them for their service. She further
acknowledged additional attendees participating in the meeting including justice partners, legislative
staff, and staff from the governor’s office. Chair Steinbeck stated the intent of the meeting is for
informational purposes to serve as a building block for future decisions. She encouraged members to
ask questions and foster communication with colleagues in the circuits.

Agenda Item I: Approval of August 6, 2020 and August 27, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Chair Steinbeck presented the draft August 6, 2020, and August 27, 2020, TCBC meeting minutes. Judge
Soto moved approval of the minutes and Judge Hilliard seconded the motion. The motion was
approved unanimously.

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Trial Court Budget Commission Minutes
December 04, 2020
Zoom Webinar
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Agenda Item II: FY 2020-21 Budget

A. Salary Budget
Sharon Bosley provided an overview of the FY 2020-21 General Revenue and State Courts
Revenue Trust Fund trial court salary budget through October 31, 2020. She reviewed lapse and
vacancy data generated year-to-date and its impact on the salary budget.

Sharon Bosley continued to review the Administrative Trust Fund (ATF) and Federal Grants Trust
Fund (FGTF) salary budgets. Ms. Bosley noted the FGTF salary budget currently exceeds the
approved contract amount due to the inclusion of the 3% salary increase; however, she stated
the contract will be revised in the coming months to account for the increased liability. It is
anticipated the FGTF salary budget liability will be covered once the contract is revised.

B. Positions Vacant More Than 180 Days

Sharon Bosley presented the report on the number of positions vacant more than 180 days. Ms.
Bosley noted several positions that have reached the 180-day mark and stated the number of
positions vacant over 180 days will continue to grow as the hiring freeze is implemented. Ms.
Bosley noted two child support positions that were returned by the 20th Circuit. She stated due
to the previously approved hiring freeze and re-allocation moratorium for child support
enforcement hearing officer positions, the positions will remain vacant in the 20th Circuit.

C. Operating Budgets
Sharon Bosley reviewed the operating budgets as of October 31, 2020. Ms. Bosley noted
transfers related to the budget reduction exercise extended beyond October and will be fully
reflected in November budget reports. A comparison of the due process contractual
expenditures to the targets established during the budget reduction exercise was provided by
Ms. Bosley. Chair Steinbeck noted due process spending rates appear to be higher than initially
anticipated during the budget reduction exercise. Ms. Bosley stated the Budget Management
Committee will continue to monitor expenditures closely.

D. Trust Fund Cash Balances

Sharon Bosley summarized the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund (SCRTF) cash balances as of
October 31, 2020. She noted the ending cash balance is anticipated to increase slightly with the
incorporation of the November 18, 2020 Article V Revenue Estimating Conference estimates.
Ms. Bosley stated if new resources are deployed, it will reduce the cash balance by over $1.0

E. Cases Over the Flat Fee

Kelsey Harper presented a summary of historical expenditures related to court-appointed
counsel cases that have exceeded the statutory flat fee. She noted the Justice Appropriation
Commission’s budget was in a deficit posture in fiscal years 2018-19 and 2019-20 due to a lower
approved budget while simultaneously experiencing higher costs. Ms. Harper stated the Due

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Trial Court Budget Commission Minutes
December 04, 2020
Zoom Webinar
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Process Workgroup has conducted a preliminary analysis of factors impacting expenditures and
will continue to review expenditures with the goal of developing potential recommendations of
cost saving measures. The JAC did receive additional funding in FY 2019-20 to address the
deficits and anticipate the continued upward trend of expenditures once the COVID-19
pandemic is over. Ms. Harper further reviewed a breakdown of expenditures by case type.

F. Budget Reduction Exercise

Sharon Bosley summarized the actions taken to date regarding Medication Assisted Treatment
and Problem-Solving Courts funding under the budget reduction exercises. Ms. Bosley reported
the Problem-Solving Courts Advisory Group (Advisory Group) approved providing circuits
flexibility in determining where reductions among problem-solving courts will be taken in order
to minimize the impact of services provided to participants. OSCA staff have communicated
with the circuits to identify the reductions taken to reach their targets as well as identify any
additional available savings. Ms. Bosley stated the Advisory Group will meet on December 8,
2020, to develop recommendations for the Commission’s consideration.

Chair Steinbeck acknowledged the difficulties the trial courts are experiencing with regards to
the budget reduction exercises, particularly the hiring freeze. She stated the TCBC Executive
Committee is frequently reviewing requests for exceptions to the freeze but acknowledged the
TCBC must continue to ensure funds are available to cover all categories of funding. Chair
Steinbeck indicated there will be continued dialog between the TCBC and OSCA staff to
determined whether relief from the hiring freeze can be given in the future.

Agenda Item III. State and Court Revenue Estimates

Kelsey Harper provided a summary of the August 14, 2020, General Revenue Estimating Conference and
the November 18, 2020, Article V Revenue Estimating Conference. Ms. Harper noted the impacts
reported in each conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic including the loss of revenue in FY 2019-20.
She stated the forecast for the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund (SCRTF) was revised upward from the
July 2020 conference with a higher revenue forecast in FY 2021-22 due to an expected influx of delayed
filings due to the pandemic.

Agenda Item IV. 2021 Legislative Session Update

A. FY 2021-22 Legislative Budget Request
Kris Slayden reviewed the judicial branch legislative budget request with focus on the request to
fund the 10 vetoed judicial positions. Ms. Slayden stated this request has now been ranked as
the top priority for the trial courts. As for the requests to address the pandemic recovery plan,
Ms. Slayden presented the talking points summarizing the issue. Ms. Slayden further noted
OSCA staff continue to monitor filing data for potential adjustments to requests.

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Trial Court Budget Commission Minutes
December 04, 2020
Zoom Webinar
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Judge Steinbeck emphasized the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic is not just from a backlog
perspective, but an economic one as well. The request for pandemic relief will not only aid in
resolving the cases that have not been filed with the courts but provide relief for fillings
associated with the economic impacts from the virus.

B. Judicial Branch Substantive Agenda

Sarah Naf Biehl reviewed the 2021 Judicial Branch Substantive Legislative Agenda.

C. Leadership Appointments
Ms. Biehl informed the Commission of new leadership appointments in the legislature including
appointment of Senator Stargel as chair of the Senate Appropriation Committee and
Representative Trumbull as chair of the House Appropriation Committee.

Agenda Item V. Workgroup on the Continuity of Court Operations and Proceedings

During and After COVID-19

Eric Maclure updated the Commission on the activities of the Workgroup on the Continuity of Court
Operations and Proceedings During and After COVID-19 (Workgroup). Mr. Maclure informed the
members that the Workgroup’s term has been extended until December 2020. This second extension is
to address remaining statutory and rule issues and specific referrals from the Chief Justice. Mr. Maclure
indicated some of the issues include defining specific parameters for Phase III of court operations under
the pandemic, pandemic generated workload from a docket management standpoint, and conducting
trials via remote capabilities.

Agenda Item VI. Judicial Management Council’s Workgroup on Court Costs and Fines

Kris Slayden reported on the recommendations of the Judicial Management Council’s Workgroup on
Court Costs and Fines (Workgroup). Ms. Slayden stated the Workgroup acknowledged the complexity
of the statutes, operational functions, and multiple participants involved in assessing and collecting
court costs and fines. Ms. Slayden further reported the Workgroup has submitted 15
recommendations to the Supreme Court, including recommendations for the creation of an inter-
agency workgroup. The Supreme Court has approved sending the report and recommendations to the
Legislature. Ms. Slayden stated the Supreme Court also referred the issue to the Court Education
Council to help develop curricula to aid judicial awareness of the current fees and cost structure.

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Trial Court Budget Commission Minutes
December 04, 2020
Zoom Webinar
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Agenda Item VII. Report from Chief Justice Designee to Florida Clerks of Court
Operations Corporation Executive Council

Judge Ficarrotta informed the Commission of recent activities of the Florida Clerks of Court Operations
Corporation (CCOC). He stated the CCOC revised the clerks of court FY 2019-20 budget authority to
account for increased revenues. Judge Ficarrotta also stated the CCOC will be looking at ways to
streamline the budget process for the clerks of court.

Judge Parker reported the passing of Clerk Annie Murphy, the longtime clerk of court for Taylor County.

Agenda Item VIII. Other Business

Chair Steinbeck reported a revised timeline and workplan for the workgroup formed to review the
budget and pay memorandum (Workgroup). She acknowledged Jon Lin, chair of the Workgroup, and
fellow members Judge Mahon, Judge Bonner, Judge Masters, Mark Weinberg, and Gay Inskeep. Chair
Steinbeck stated the Workgroup plans to look at recommendations for the FY 2021-22 Trial Court
Budget and Pay Memorandum and plan to meet in advance of the April 2021 TCBC meeting.

Kris Slayden provided an update on the judicial branch’s request for supplemental funding to address
pandemic related needs. Ms. Slayden stated an application has been submitted to the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) in the amount of $2 million. She stated if supplemental funding
is received, the issue of how to allocate funds among the circuits will need to be addressed by the TCBC.

A potential TCBC meeting may be scheduled in the January/February timeframe to address issues
regarding the hiring freeze and budget reductions, the supplemental funds from FDLE, and expenditure

With no other business before the commission, the meeting adjourned at 10:53 a.m.

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Agenda Item II.: General Revenue Estimates

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FY 2020-21 Spending Reductions – 6% Holdback
 Due to anticipated revenue shortfalls, the Governor’s Office reduced quarterly releases
for state agencies of general revenue and nonfederal trust funds by 6%.
 Agencies were tasked with developing FY 2020-21 operating budgets with fewer
Agency GR Holdback (est.) TF Holdback (est.)
Corrections $162,279,113 $2,592,053
Justice Admin. $49,598,253 $4,426,437
State Courts $29,314,425 $5,275,553
Juvenile Justice $26,205,919 $3,439,094
Legal Affairs $2,321,301 $5,537,150
Law Enforcement $1,523,044 $6,415,737
Comm. on Offender Review $648,779 0
TOTAL $271,890,834 $27,686,024

Note: State Courts annual release plan did not include 6% holdback; however, the courts have take steps to set
aside current year funding in the event of a reduction. 6
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Agenda Item III.A.: FY 2020-21 Budget –
Salary Budget

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Agenda Item III.A.: FY 2020-21 - Salary Budget
FY 2020-21 Trial Courts Salary Budget
General Revenue and State Courts Revenue Trust Fund

1 Projected Full Employment Payroll Liability through June 30, 2021 326,777,660
2 Projected DROP Liability through June 30, 2021 229,733
3 Projected Staff Attorney Below Minimum Pay Plan Liability through June 30, 2021 4,202
4 Projected Staff Attorney Incentives Pay Plan Liability through June 30, 2021 22,248
5 Judicial Assistant Incentive Liability through June 30, 2021 10,667
6 Projected Overtime Liability through June 30, 2021 (Based on three year average) 56,578
7 Projected Court Interpreter Below Minimum Pay Plan Liability through June 30, 2021 12,942

8 Projected Court Interpreter Incentives Pay Plan Liability through June 30, 2021 20,099
9 Total Projected Payroll Liability through June 30, 2021 327,134,127
10 Salary Appropriation (322,830,718)
11 Projected Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment 4,303,409
12 Actual Payroll Adjustments through December 31, 2020 (6,397,573)
13 Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment (2,094,163)
14 Projected Leave Payouts (Based on three year average) 651,075
15 Final - Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment (1,443,088)

16 Projected Full Employment Payroll Liability through June 30, 2021 99,332,579
17 Projected DROP Liability through June 30, 2021 154,963
18 Judicial Assistant Incentive Liability through June 30, 2021 3,500
19 Salary Appropriation (98,700,919)

20 Projected Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment 790,123

21 Actual Payroll Adjustments through December 31, 2020 (444,779)
22 Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment 345,345
23 Projected Leave Payouts (Based on three year average) 94,953
24 Final - Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment 440,297

25 Projected Full Employment Payroll Liability through June 30, 2021 426,110,239
26 Projected DROP Liability through June 30, 2021 384,696
27 Projected Staff Attorney Below Minimum Pay Plan Liability through June 30, 2021 4,202
28 Projected Staff Attorney Incentives Pay Plan Liability through June 30, 2021 22,248
29 Judicial Assistant Incentive Liability through June 30, 2021 14,167
Trial Court Summary

30 Projected Overtime Liability through June 30, 2021 (Based on three year average) 56,578
31 Projected Court Interpreter Below Minimum Pay Plan Liability through June 30, 2021 12,942
32 Projected Court Interpreter Incentives Pay Plan Liability through June 30, 2021 20,099
33 Total Projected Payroll Liability through June 30, 2021 426,625,170
34 Salary Appropriation (421,531,637)
35 Projected Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment 5,093,533
36 Actual Payroll Adjustments through December 31, 2020 (6,842,351)
37 Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment (1,748,818)
38 Projected Leave Payouts (Based on three year average) 746,028
39 Final - Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment (1,002,791)

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Prepared by the OSCA Office of Budget Services

FY 2020-21 Beginning Salary Deficit 7,654,631

Exclude New
Trial Court Lapse FY 20-21 FTE Savings FY 19-20 FY 18-19 Historical Lapse Annual Monthly
July 1,172,233 667,858 813,442 792,972 FY 2019-20 Lapse (1.85%) 7,545,245 628,770
August 1,237,812 733,437 731,951 952,510 FY 2018-19 Lapse (2.23%) 8,783,831 731,000
September 1,238,817 734,442 625,297 983,640 FY 2017-18 Lapse (2.26%) 8,635,849 719,000
October 1,321,489 817,114 460,854 840,548 FY 2016-17 Lapse (1.85%) 6,641,326 553,000
November 1,092,895 588,520 449,159 894,174 FY 2015-16 Lapse (1.80%) 6,401,197 533,433
December 1,418,639 914,264 649,811 761,194 FY 2014-15 Lapse (1.91%) 6,681,062 556,755
January 1,246,981 742,606 582,546 711,706
February 1,142,167 637,792 617,760 637,792 506,408 2 year historical lapse 8,164,538
March 1,142,167 637,792 640,780 506,020 3 year historical lapse 8,321,642
April 1,142,167 637,792 682,857 540,073 5 year historical lapse 7,601,490
May 1,142,167 637,792 570,511 665,587
June 1,142,167 637,792 720,277 628,999
Total 14,439,699 8,387,198 7,545,245 8,783,831
Adjusted Liability 426,625,170 426,625,170 408,908,743 394,297,847
Lapse % 3.38% 1.97% 1.85% 2.23%

6,785,068 732,567 Projected Additional savings from vacancies

FY 20-21 FY 19-20
Vacancies as of month end Judges Staff Judges Staff
July 8.00 81.50 14.00 101.00
August 8.00 95.00 7.00 56.50
September 8.00 108.50 8.00 66.25
October 8.00 118.50 10.00 66.50
November 6.00 124.50 10.00 88.50
December 3.00 144.50 12.00 82.00
January 8.00 89.00
February 8.00 91.25
March 9.00 77.50
April 9.00 79.00
May 9.00 81.00
June 12.00 83.00
monthly average 112.08 monthly average 80.13
*Vacancy data does not include unallocated new positions (78.5 FTE).

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Agenda Item III.A.: FY 2020-21 - Salary Budget

FY 2020-21 Trial Courts Salary Budget

Administrative Trust Fund

1 Projected Full Employment Payroll Liability through June 30, 2021 279,115
2 Projected Overtime Liability through June 30, 2021 (Based on three year average) 767
3 Projected Drop Liability through June 30, 2021 0
4 Court Interpreter Certification Liability 0
5 Total Projected Payroll Liability through June 30, 2021 279,882
6 Estimated Salary Appropriation (294,321)
7 Projected Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment (14,439)
8 Actual Payroll Adjustments through December 31, 2020 (530)
9 Projected Leave Payouts (Based on two year average) 4,196
10 Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment (10,773)

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Agenda Item III.A.: FY 2020-21 - Salary Budget

FY 2020-21 Trial Courts Salary Budget

Federal Grants Trust Fund

1 Projected Full Employment Payroll Liability through June 30, 2021 6,827,810
2 FY 2020-21 Current Contract Amount (Attachment A) (6,652,532)
3 Estimated DROP Liability 0
4 Projected Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment 175,278
5 Actual Payroll Adjustments through December 31, 2020 (84,139)
6 Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment 91,138
7 Projected Leave Payouts (Based on three year average) 41,020
8 Adjusted Liability OVER/(UNDER) Salary Appropriation @ Full Employment 132,158

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Agenda Item III.B.: FY 2020-21 Budget –
Positions Vacant More Than 180 Days

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Trial Court Budget Commission
January 22, 2021
Zoom Webinar

Agenda Item III.B.: Positions Vacant More Than 180 Days (as of January 19, 2021)



02 122 011799 1.00 202 07/01/2020 $36,115.32
02 210 011744 0.50 192 07/11/2020 $16,046.40
02 257 011392 1.00 375 01/10/2020 $48,925.20
02 258 008923 1.00 339 02/15/2020 $48,925.20
02 430 011166 0.50 192 07/11/2020 $16,046.40
05 131 011771 1.00 340 02/14/2020 $54,999.96
06 129 010025 1.00 342 02/12/2020 $52,917.60
06 129 010028 1.00 269 04/25/2020 $52,917.60
06 129 010032 1.00 200 07/03/2020 $31,780.92
07 210 009494 1.00 293 04/01/2020 $57,235.68
07 210 010076 1.00 307 03/18/2020 $34,981.08
07 217 009420 1.00 353 02/01/2020 $32,092.80
07 258 009013 1.00 192 07/11/2020 $57,235.68
09 430 010895 1.00 208 06/25/2020 $45,303.72
11 122 010263 1.00 598 06/01/2019 $34,981.08
11 122 010282 1.00 314 03/11/2020 $36,115.32
11 122 010291 1.00 248 05/16/2020 $36,115.32
11 122 011723 1.00 392 12/24/2019 $36,115.32
11 122 011724 1.00 409 12/07/2019 $36,115.32
11 129 010389 1.00 430 11/16/2019 $36,115.32
11 131 010335 1.00 353 02/01/2020 $32,092.80
11 131 010345 1.00 292 04/02/2020 $54,999.96
11 131 010347 1.00 284 04/10/2020 $54,999.96
11 131 010353 1.00 445 11/01/2019 $54,999.96
11 131 010362 1.00 379 01/06/2020 $54,999.96
11 210 001543 1.00 568 07/01/2019 $61,906.08
11 210 010325 1.00 834 10/08/2018 $57,235.68
11 430 010421 1.00 220 06/13/2020 $26,121.60
12 129 010446 1.00 309 03/16/2020 $31,780.92
12 129 010873 1.00 202 07/01/2020 $31,780.92
12 430 010928 1.00 358 01/27/2020 $45,303.72
13 131 010501 1.00 991 05/04/2018 $54,999.96
13 131 010502 1.00 1055 03/01/2018 $54,999.96
13 131 011629 1.00 537 08/01/2019 $54,999.96
13 430 010539 1.00 293 04/01/2020 $31,780.92
13 430 010540 1.00 290 04/04/2020 $31,780.92
13 729 010513 1.00 1114 01/01/2018 $52,917.60
13 729 010516 1.00 920 07/14/2018 $52,917.60
13 753 011793 1.00 418 11/28/2019 $36,115.32
14 257 011419 1.00 213 06/20/2020 $48,925.20
15 129 010637 1.00 185 07/18/2020 $32,092.80
15 210 010989 1.00 220 06/13/2020 $59,525.04

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Agenda Item III.B.: Positions Vacant More Than 180 Days (as of January 19, 2021)


15 210 010990 1.00 320 03/05/2020 $61,906.08
16 122 010648 1.00 300 03/25/2020 $31,780.92
16 210 010650 1.00 293 04/01/2020 $34,981.08
16 430 011161 1.00 381 01/04/2020 $34,981.08
16 430 011450 1.00 1775 03/11/2016 $45,303.72
17 129 010741 1.00 351 02/03/2020 $31,780.92
17 131 010709 1.00 384 01/01/2020 $54,999.96
17 131 010710 0.50 395 12/21/2019 $27,499.98
17 131 011636 1.00 278 04/16/2020 $54,999.96
17 210 010701 1.00 202 07/01/2020 $85,915.20
19 131 010811 1.00 223 06/10/2020 $54,999.96
20 024 009890 1.00 568 07/01/2019 $32,092.80
20 024 011213 0.75 491 09/16/2019 $63,541.98
20 131 011644 1.00 202 07/01/2020 $54,999.96

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Agenda Item III.C.: FY 2020-21 Budget –
Operating Budgets

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Trial Court Budget Commission
January 22, 2021
Zoom Webinar
Agenda Item III.C.:  FY 2020‐21 Budget ‐ Operating Budgets
The data below represents the status of the FY 2020‐21 operating budgets as of December 31, 2020.

Budget Expended/ Remaining % Expended/

Category Entity Appropriation Encumbered Balance Encumbered
Other  Circuit 610,359 403,526 206,833 66.11%
Personal  County 26,245 8,928 17,317 34.02%
Services Total 636,604 412,454 224,150 64.79%
Circuit 3,865,263 1,448,431 2,416,832 37.47%
Expenses County 1,973,501 1,027,319 946,182 52.06%
Total 5,838,764 2,475,750 3,363,014 42.40%
Operating  Circuit 98,421 5,119 93,302 5.20%
Capital  County 0 0 0 0.00%
Outlay Total 98,421 5,119 93,302 5.20%
Circuit 504,852 146,156 358,696 28.95%
Contracted County 446,700 149,442 297,258 33.45%
Total 951,552 295,598 655,954 31.06%

Circuit 45,702 37,893 7,810 82.91%

County 21,234 14,573 6,661 68.63%
Total 66,936 52,465 14,471 78.38%

 Additional Compensation to
43,040 18,209 24,831 42.31%
County Judges
Civil Traffic Infraction
1,690,078 588,228 1,101,850 34.80%
Hearing Officers 
Mediation Services 1,983,074 1,113,880 869,194 56.17%

Due Process ‐ Expert Witness 7,348,460 2,394,320 4,954,140 32.58%

Due Process ‐ Court Reporting 7,278,079 3,126,596 4,151,483 42.96%
Due Process ‐ Court Interpreting 4,516,814 1,316,297 3,200,517 29.14%
Total Due Process 19,143,353 6,837,213 12,306,140 35.72%

Expended/ Remaining % Expended/

Legislative Issue Funding Appropriation
Encumbered Balance Encumbered
GPS Monitoring‐18th Circuit 158,000 109,192 48,808 69.11%
Medication Treatment‐General 6,000,000 2,281,041 3,718,959 38.02%
Medication Treatment‐Naltrexone 5,500,000 2,305,877 3,194,123 41.93%

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Trial Court Budget Commission
January 22, 2021
Zoom Webinar
Agenda Item III.C.:  FY 2020‐21 Budget ‐ Operating Budgets
The data below represents the status of the FY 2020‐21 operating budgets as of December 31, 2020.

Expended/ Remaining % Expended/

Circuit Problem Solving Court Appropriation
Encumbered Balance Encumbered
Veterans 340,055 132,767 207,288 39.04%
1 Post Adjudicatory Drug 837,008 207,605 629,403 24.80%
Total 1,177,063 340,372 836,691 28.92%
Veterans 181,294 64,835 116,459 35.76%
2 Felony Drug 188,035 64,182 123,853 34.13%
Total 369,329 129,017 240,312 34.93%
Mental Health 600 600 0 100.00%
Veterans 569,286 171,855 397,431 30.19%
4 Post Adjudicatory Drug 243,995 95,177 148,818 39.01%
Adult Drug 20 20 0 100.00%
Total 813,901 267,652 546,249 32.89%
Early Childhood Court 60,000 0 60,000 0.00%
Veterans 351,997 152,441 199,556 43.31%
Misdemeanor Drug 4,321 4,321 1 99.99%
Post Adjudicatory Drug 359,101 179,267 179,834 49.92%
Juvenile Drug 2,211 2,211 1 99.98%
Total 777,630 338,240 439,390 43.50%
Veterans 325,000 145,417 179,583 44.74%
Post Adjudicatory Drug 822,484 351,652 470,832 42.75%
Adult Drug 78,368 33,388 44,980 42.60%
Total 1,225,852 530,457 695,395 43.27%
Post Adjudicatory Drug 394,655 130,828 263,827 33.15%
Total 394,655 130,828 263,827 33.15%
Multi‐PSC Case Mgmt 24,130 8,851 15,279 36.68%
Mental Health 2,300 0 2,300 0.00%
Veterans 150,000 30,011 119,989 20.01%
Total 176,430 38,862 137,568 22.03%
Mental Health 54,775 25,485 29,290 46.53%
Early Childhood Court 28,975 11,998 16,977 41.41%
9 Veterans 204,927 53,371 151,556 26.04%
Post Adjudicatory Drug 667,022 124,715 542,307 18.70%
Total 955,699 215,570 740,129 22.56%

Page 20 of 43
Trial Court Budget Commission
January 22, 2021
Zoom Webinar
Agenda Item III.C.:  FY 2020‐21 Budget ‐ Operating Budgets
The data below represents the status of the FY 2020‐21 operating budgets as of December 31, 2020.

Expended/ Remaining % Expended/

Circuit Problem Solving Court Appropriation
Encumbered Balance Encumbered
DUI Court 43,508 2,944 40,564 6.77%
45,016 31,758 13,258 70.55%
Misdemeanor Drug 40,564 3,141 37,423 7.74%
Post Adjudicatory Drug 774,955 136,825 638,130 17.66%
Adult Drug 40,564 0 40,564 0.00%
Juvenile Drug 40,564 0 40,564 0.00%
Total 985,171 174,667 810,504 17.73%
Mental Health 
54,311 2,501 51,810 4.60%
Mental Health Felony 54,311 30,393 23,918 55.96%
Veterans 268,919 174,603 94,316 64.93%
11 Adult Drug 60,911 44,630 16,281 73.27%
Juvenile Drug 88,388 66,600 21,788 75.35%
Family Dependency Drug  193,520 83,640 109,880 43.22%
Total 720,360 402,367 317,993 55.86%
Mental Health 4,830 4,830 0 100.00%
Comprehensive Court 191,394 64,960 126,434 33.94%
Adult Drug 8,225 1,400 6,825 17.02%
Total 204,449 71,190 133,259 34.82%
Veterans 79,461 48,304 31,157 60.79%
13 Post Adjudicatory Drug 990,368 136,905 853,464 13.82%
Total 1,069,829 185,209 884,620 17.31%
Mental Health 22,480 0 22,480 0.00%
14 Veterans 109,523 27,307 82,216 24.93%
Total 132,003 27,307 104,696 20.69%
Early Childhood Court 181,443 61,087 120,356 33.67%

15 Dependency Therapeutic  33,025 3,899 29,126 11.81%

Total 214,468 64,986 149,482 30.30%

Early Childhood 71,426 0 71,426 0.00%
Post Adjudicatory Drug 1,084,776 330,864 753,912 30.50%
Adult Drug 121,295 46,704 74,591 38.50%
Total 1,277,497 377,568 899,929 29.56%

Page 21 of 43
Trial Court Budget Commission
January 22, 2021
Zoom Webinar
Agenda Item III.C.:  FY 2020‐21 Budget ‐ Operating Budgets
The data below represents the status of the FY 2020‐21 operating budgets as of December 31, 2020.

Expended/ Remaining % Expended/

Circuit Problem Solving Court Appropriation
Encumbered Balance Encumbered
Mental Health 20,000 20,000 0 100.00%
Veterans 27,580 220 27,360 0.80%
Post Adjudicatory Drug 105,599 27,202 78,397 25.76%
Adult Drug 110,895 39,014 71,881 35.18%
Juvenile Drug 202,775 27,544 175,231 13.58%
Total 466,849 113,980 352,869 24.41%
Multi‐PSC Case Mgmt 104,958 15,498 89,460 14.77%
Misdemeanor Drug 7,326 0 7,326 0.00%
19 Felony Drug 72,567 14,960 57,607 20.62%
Adult Drug 21,791 1,338 20,453 6.14%
Total 206,642 31,796 174,846 15.39%
Mental Health 168,098 71,844 96,254 42.74%
Veterans 104,971 48,585 56,386 46.28%
Adult Drug 109,847 37,154 72,693 33.82%
Total 382,916 157,584 225,332 41.15%
Total Problem Solving Courts 11,550,743 3,597,652 7,953,091 31.15%

Page 22 of 43
Trial Court Budget Commission
January 22, 2021
Zoom Webinar
Agenda Item III.C.:  Operating Budgets

The da ta  bel ow repres ents  the s ta tus  of the FY 2020‐21 opera ti ng budgets  a s  of December 

31, 2020.

Senior Judge Activity Summary
Regular Senior Judge Allocation
 Days   Days   Remaining  Percent 
Circuit  Allotted Days  Transferred  Served  Allotted Days  Remaining
1s t 211  (116) 38  57  26.98%
2nd 141  (4) 92  45  31.91%
3rd 77  (42) 11  24  30.70%
4th 309  (140) 168  1  0.29%
5th 245  (135) 38  72  29.48%
6th 381  (205) 164  12  3.26%
7th 244  (134) 5  105  42.94%
8th 121  (67) 30  24  20.20%
9th 404  (222) 78  104  25.68%
10th 221  (122) 45  54  24.62%
11th 672  (373) 14  285  42.46%
12th 171  (94) 23  54  31.54%
13th 338  (186) 26  126  37.30%
14th 125  (69) 10  46  36.99%
15th 328  (190) 36  102  30.96%
16th 40  (22) 0  18  45.00%
17th 520  (291) 83  146  28.07%
18th 253  (126) 95  32  12.58%
19th 160  (88) 4  68  42.49%
20th 286  (157) 85  44  15.27%
Res erve 51  2,783  0  2,803  5496.47%
TOTAL 5,298  (0) 1,045  4,222  79.69%

Page 23 of 43
Agenda Item III.D.: FY 2020-21 Budget –
Trust Fund Cash Balances

Page 24 of 43
Agenda Item III. D.: FY 2020-21 - Trust Fund Cash Balances


Estimated Cash Balances
FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22
As of December 31, 2020

1 Ending Cash Balance June 30, 2020 21,401,679

FY 2020 - 21
2 Beginning Balance July 1, 2020 21,401,679
3 Add: FY 2020-21 Revenues 81,835,073
4 Add: Cost Sharing 3,695,347
5 Less: Expenditures2 (83,272,134)
6 Less: GR Service Charge³ (6,017,159)
7 Estimated Ending Cash Balance June 30, 2021 17,642,807

FY 2021 - 22
8 Beginning Balance July 1, 2021 17,642,807
9 Add: FY 2021-22 Projected Revenues1 88,100,000
10 Add: Cost Sharing 3,695,347
11 Less: Estimated Expenditures⁴ (81,791,701)
12 Less: Estimated GR Service Charge³ (7,169,543)
13 Less: Estimated 5% Reserve⁵ (4,046,523)
14 Estimated Ending Cash Balance June 30, 2022 16,430,388
¹ Based on actual revenues and refunds received through December 31, 2020 and November 18, 2020, Article V
Revenue Estimating Conference.
Total budget authority is $82,897,341 ($80,139,578 staff salary expenditures, $2,722,763 operating categories,
plus $35,000 refund of state revenues). Expenditures include $374,793 in prior year certified forward payments.
The GR service charge is based on revenues collected/projected for the last three months of the prior fiscal year
and the first, second, and third quarters of the current year.
⁴ Represents estimated FY 2021-22 base budget authority for staff salary expenditures and estimated refunds.
Total estimated budget authority is $81,791,701 ($81,081,881 staff salary expenditures, $674,820 in operating
expenditures, plus $35,000 refund of state revenues). Amounts include estimates for supplemental appropriations
such as employee benefit changes and salary increases.
⁵ The estimated 5% reserve is calculated on the November 18, 2020 Revenue Estimating Conference projection for
FY 20-21 less the 8% GR service charge.

Page 25 of 43
Prepared by Office of Budget Services
Agenda Item III.E.: FY 2020-21 Budget –
Revisiting Budget Reduction Exercise –
1. Hiring Freeze Policy
2. Operating Budget Holdbacks

Page 26 of 43
Trial Court Budget Commission
January 22, 2021
Video Conference

Agenda Item III.E.: Hiring Freeze Policy and Current Year Holdbacks

The FY 2021-2022 Legislative Budget Request Instructions included a requirement for state
agencies and the judicial branch to complete an exercise showing an 8.5% reduction to the
current year budget and a 10% reduction for the fiscal year 2021-22 budget. At their August 27,
2020 meeting, the Trial Court Budget Commission (TCBC) approved budget reduction targets
including savings from vacancies, delayed implementation of new resources, reductions to
operating reserves, and reductions to operating budgets. In addition to budget reductions, the
TCBC recommended continuing travel restrictions and implementing a hiring freeze in order to
preserve savings generated through salary lapse.

On October 20, 2020, Chair Steinbeck sent a memo to the circuits providing guidance related to
implementation of the TCBC recommendations for ensuring funds would be available should an
8.5% budget reduction exercise be realized in FY 2020-21. At the direction of the TCBC, the
Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA) staff reached out to the circuits, provided each
circuit’s operating budget reduction targets, and asked the circuits to indicate how they wanted to
take the reduction among the Other Personal Services and Expense categories. OSCA staff also
reduced the operating budgets in the Operating Capital Outlay, Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing
Officers, Senior Judge, Lease Purchase, Mediation Contractual Services, and Additional
Compensation to County Judges categories based on the approved targets.

Current Status and Considerations

Based on updated indicators of state revenue collections and other internal considerations, the
TCBC may want to reconsider recommendations related to the current hiring freeze and hold
back of circuit operating budgets for this fiscal year.

1. Hiring Freeze Policy

A hiring freeze was implemented as part of the FY 2020-21 Budget and Pay Memorandum to
cover the salary deficit and to generate additional savings for the budget reduction exercise.
As part of the budget reduction exercise and based on the hiring freeze, the TCBC identified
a reduction target of $1,096,138 in saving from vacancies above the salary deficit need.

If the hiring freeze is lifted completely, the estimated FY 2020-21 salary budget should be to
the good $6.7M. This amount includes the cost savings from the new FTE resources. If the
new FTE resources savings are excluded, the salary budget would be in a positive posture by
approximately $732,000 by the end of the fiscal year. If the hiring freeze is instead adjusted
to include a 30-day hiring freeze on all vacant positions, additional savings will be generated.

Page 27 of 43
2. Operating Budget Holdbacks
As part of the reduction exercise, the TCBC identified reduction targets to circuit operating
budgets and reserves. Since implementing these reductions, the circuits have started seeing
issues in several spending categories, and budget transfers have been necessary to cover
immediate obligations, particularly in the Other Personal Services (OPS), Senior Judge, and
Mediation categories. Partial return of operating budget holds would provide circuits with
the greatest flexibility to address their immediate and local year-end needs. Absent any
budget hold back, it is anticipated there will be unobligated budget remaining, primarily due
to the shift in operations from the pandemic.

Decision Needed (see attached detail listing of options)

Option 1: Return 50% of all operating budget funds held back to the circuits, continue to hold
operating reserves, recommend to the chief justice a 30-day hiring freeze for all positions except
judicial assistants and allow for retroactive application, and continue delaying the
implementation of new resources.

Option 2: Return all operating budget funds held back to the circuits, continue to hold operating
reserves, recommend to the chief justice a 30-day hiring freeze for all positions except judicial
assistants and allow for retroactive application, and continue delaying the implementation of new

Option 3: Approve another alternative.

Option 1 Option 2
Proposed Proposed
Approved Revised Revised
One-time reduction of base operating budget 5,193,033 3,366,704 1,906,513
New non-recurring resources (permanent reduction) 7,392,598 5,247,311 5,247,311
One-time reduction of new recurring resources (delay
implementation and have available for FY 21-22 7,971,452 7,971,452 7,971,452
One-time reduction of base budget for complementary
11,111,917 3,355,046 0
support to mission critical functions
One-time reduction of base budget for support to
2,649,516 1,346,048 0
mission critical functions
One-time reduction of base budget for mission critical
6,967,389 4,892,195 0
Totals 41,285,904 26,178,754 15,125,276
% of trial court budget: 8.5% 5.4% 3.1%

Page 28 of 43
FY 2020-21 8.5% One-Time Reductions
Option 1 Option 2
Approved Revised Revised
2 Allocation/One-Time Reduction Option Hold Backs Hold Backs Hold Backs
4 Overall and Statewide Operations
5 Other Options - One-Time Reduction of Base Budget
6 Savings From Vacancies Above Salary Deficit Need 1,096,138 730,000 730,000
7 Operating Reserve OPS (175,295 total) - 90% 157,766 157,766 157,766
8 Operating Reserve Expense (184,421) - 90% 165,979 165,979 165,979
9 Operating Reserve Contracted Svcs (54,772) - 90% 49,295 49,295 49,295
10 Operating Reserve Lease Purchase (5,000) - 90% 4,500 4,500 4,500
11 Operating Reserve Mediation (90,232) - 90% 81,209 81,209 81,209
12 Operating Reserve Due Process (391,197) - 90% 352,077 352,077 352,077
13 Circuit Operating Budget Reversions-OPS
Circuit Operating Budget Savings For Travel Restrictions Thru Year-
14 End-Expenses
15 Circuit Operating Budget Savings For Supplies-Expenses 10% 2,920,382 1,460,191
16 Circuit Operating Budget Additional Reduction-Expenses 17%
17 Circuit Operating Budget-OCO Reversions
18 Circuit Operating Budget-Lease Purchase Reversion
19 Trial Court Process Improvement-81% 213,400 213,400 213,400
20 Total Overall and Statewide Operations 5,040,745 3,214,416 1,754,225
21 Non-Recurring Resources (Permanent Reduction of One-Time Funding)
22 Re-appropriated Unspent FY 19-20 PSC Funds² 5,261,644 4,312,744 4,312,744
23 Re-Appropriated Unspent FY 19-20 MAT Funds²
24 New Resources-Furnishings/Equipment 297,313 297,313 297,313
25 New Resources-Early Childhood Courts 47,080 47,080 47,080
26 New Resources-Juvenile Drug Court Seminole County 260,000
27 New Resources-Community Court Program 136,387
28 New Resources-The Alternatives Program 300,000
29 New Resources-Court Interpreting Services 404,395 404,395 404,395
30 New Resources-Timely Resolution of Cases 50,379 50,379 50,379
New Resources-Timely Resolution of Cases (Online Dispute
135,400 135,400 135,400
31 Resolution Project Continuation Portion) (N/R)
32 New Resources-Medication-Assisted Treatment-Naltrexone 500,000
33 Total Non-Recurring Resources 7,392,598 5,247,311 5,247,311
34 New Recurring Resources - Defer Implementation
35 New Resources-Early Childhood Courts 1,860,659 1,860,659 1,860,659
36 New Resources-Court Interpreting Services 4,485,248 4,485,248 4,485,248
37 New Resources-Timely Resolution of Cases 1,625,545 1,625,545 1,625,545
38 Total New Recurring Resources 7,971,452 7,971,452 7,971,452
39 Complementary Support to Mission Critical Functions
Page 29 of 43 Prepared by OSCA Office of Budget Services
FY 2020-21 8.5% One-Time Reductions
Option 1 Option 2
Approved Revised Revised
2 Allocation/One-Time Reduction Option Hold Backs Hold Backs Hold Backs
40 Other Options - One-Time Reduction of Base Budget
41 Problem-Solving Courts (Treatment and OPS) 50% 5,422,778 2,711,389
42 Problem-Solving Courts Estimated Savings Above Hold Back 628,087
43 Domestic Violence GPS Initiative-18th Circuit 50% 158,000
44 Medication-Assisted Treatment-General 50% 3,000,000
45 Medication-Assisted Treatment-Naltrexone 50% 2,500,000
46 Total Complementary Support 11,080,778 3,339,476 0
47 Operational Support to Mission Critical Functions
48 Other Options - One-Time Reduction of Base Budget
49 Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer (2,042,854) 17% 352,774 176,387
50 Remote Interpreting Statewide Call Manager Reversion 42,579 42,579
51 Mediation/Arbitration Services (3,139,127) 37% 1,156,052 578,026
52 Compensation to Retired Judges (2,015,249) 55% 1,098,111 549,056
53 Total Operational Support to Mission Critical Functions 2,649,516 1,346,048 0
54 Mission Critical Functions
55 Other Options - One-Time Reduction of Base Budget
56 Expert Witness-DP Contractual One-Time Savings (7,348,460) 33% 2,410,186 1,205,093
57 Court Reporting-Due Process Savings (6,844,079) 38% 2,601,308 1,300,654
58 Court Interpreting-Due Process Savings (4,431,293) 44% 1,955,895 977,948
59 Due Process Estimated Savings Above Hold Back 1,408,500
60 Total Adjudicatory-Mission Critical Functions 6,967,389 4,892,195 0
61 CIRCUIT COURT TOTAL 41,102,478 26,010,897 14,972,988
64 Overall and Statewide Operations
65 Other Options - One-Time Reduction of Base Budget
66 Operating Reserve OPS (16,066) - 90% 14,459 14,459 14,459
67 Operating Reserve Expense (133,142) - 90% 119,828 119,828 119,828
68 Operating Reserve OCO (15,000) - 90% 13,500 13,500 13,500
69 Operating Reserve Lease Purchase (5,000) - 90% 4,500 4,500 4,500
70 Total Overall and Statewide Operations 152,287 152,287 152,287
71 Complementary Support
72 Additional Compensation to County Judges
73 Other Options - One-Time Reduction of Base Budget
74 Additional Compensation to County Judges (42%) 31,139 15,570
75 Total Complementary Support 31,139 15,570 0
76 COUNTY COURT TOTAL 183,426 167,857 152,287
78 TOTAL TRIAL COURTS 41,285,904 26,178,754 15,125,276
Page 30 of 43 Prepared by OSCA Office of Budget Services
FY 2020-21 8.5% One-Time Reductions
Option 1 Option 2
Approved Revised Revised
2 Allocation/One-Time Reduction Option Hold Backs Hold Backs Hold Backs
Option 1 Option 2
Proposed Proposed
Approved Revised Revised
80 APPROVED REDUCTION EXERCISE Hold Backs Hold Backs Hold Backs
81 One-time reduction of base operating budget 5,193,033 3,366,704 1,906,513
82 New non-recurring resources (permanent reduction) 7,392,598 5,247,311 5,247,311
One-time reduction of new recurring resources (delay implementation and
7,971,452 7,971,452 7,971,452
83 have available for FY 21-22 reductions)
One-time reduction of base budget for complementary support to mission
11,111,917 3,355,046 0
84 critical functions
85 One-time reduction of base budget for support to mission critical functions 2,649,516 1,346,048 0
86 One-time reduction of base budget for mission critical functions 6,967,389 4,892,195 0
87 Totals 41,285,904 26,178,754 15,125,276
88 % of trial court budget: 8.5% 5.4% 3.1%

Page 31 of 43 Prepared by OSCA Office of Budget Services

Agenda Item III.E. Attachment

Trial Court Budget Commission Executive Committee

Hiring Freeze Exception Requests1
As of January 7, 2021

Agenda Exception Request Judicial

Date Date Circuit Position Action
7/21/2020 7/8/2020 10th Judicial Assistant Withdrawn
8/20/2020 8/18/2020 4th Administrative Assistant II Recommended
9/22/2020 9/2/2020 6th Judicial Assistant Recommended
9/22/2020 9/18/2020 2nd Court Program Specialist II Recommended
9/22/2020 9/18/2020 15th Trial Court Staff Attorney Recommended
10/6/2020 9/25/2020 3rd Supervising Senior Staff Attorney Denied
10/20/2020 10/13/2020 6th Judicial Assistant Withdrawn
11/3/2020 10/20/2020 1st Digital Court Reporter Withdrawn
11/3/2020 10/23/2020 14th Administrative Assistant II Recommended
12/3/2020 11/13/2020 15th Judicial Assistant Alternative
12/3/2020 12/1/2020 5th Judicial Assistant Withdrawn
12/15/2020 12/1/2020 6th General Magistrates (2.0 FTE) Withdrawn
12/15/2020 12/10/2020 13th Judicial Assistant Approved
12/21/2020 12/14/2020 7th Judicial Assistant Approved
1/7/202 12/29/2020 7th Judicial Assistant Withdrawn
1/7/2021 11th Court Operations Manager Pending
Hiring Freeze is effective July 1, 2020, according to June 26, 2020, TCBC Development Memorandum to Chief Judges and
Trial Court Administratiors

Page 32 of 43
Agenda Item IV.: FY 2020 Coronavirus
Emergency Supplemental Funding Program

Page 33 of 43
Trial Court Budget Commission
January 22, 2021
Video Conference

Agenda Item IV.: Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program


The Office of Criminal Justice Grants at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has
awarded the State Courts System (SCS) funding assistance in the amount of $2,000,000, to prepare
for, prevent, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. This award is a result of application 2020-
CESF-165, submitted by the Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA), under the FY 2020
Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program through the United States Department of
Justice (DOJ). The initial application was developed based on needs identified in the trial courts
and submitted as part of the Pandemic Recovery Plan and COVID-19 Resource Needs issues
included in the FY 2021-22 Legislative Budget Request (LBR). The distribution of the $2,000,000
by budget entity will be decided by the Chief Justice in the coming weeks, reduced by $136,800 to
account for administrative costs (indirect costs) to manage the grant funding. However, if the Chief
Justice decided to allocate the funds based on the percentage of each entities’ budget, this would
generate an allocation of $1,586,328 for the trial courts.


The initial application request included the following services and commodities categories:
• $895,533 in salary and benefits for senior judges and OPS funding of positions such as
general magistrates, court program specialists, user support analysts, mediation coordinators
and court operations consultants;
• $315,740 in contractual services to engage contractors, such as traffic hearing officers, case
management support, information technology support or mediation support;
• $505,927 in expenses;
• $146,000 in Operating Capital Outlay; and
• $136,800 in indirect costs.

The funding can be used to procure items such as, personal protective equipment, laptops, court
user kiosks, temperature screening kiosks, interactive display systems, bandwidth, or other goods or
services necessary to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the coronavirus. Items that affix to the wall
or building may be allowable but will require consultation with and approval from DOJ (e.g., a
wall-mounted camera). Funds must be spent by January 31, 2022.

Representatives from FDLE indicated that the actual expenditures do not have to match the original
request for funding in the application (outlined above) but must be used exclusively to prepare for,
prevent, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, the funding will generally be
received through a reimbursement process, which could create some challenges for service-related
(OPS, senior judges) expenditures. Staff are exploring the possibility of a one-time advance, which
would help alleviate these challenges.

Page 34 of 43
The grant includes strict criteria for funding (including quotes needed), accountability requirements,
and reporting needs, which differ from normal business requirements. In addition, there will be a
need to balance the reimbursement of expenditures with available cash. For these reasons, and
because bulk purchasing efficiencies could be realized, staff from the OSCA’s General Services
Unit have suggested that all contracts, invoices, and timesheets be processed centrally through that

Potential Decisions That May Be Needed

1) Zoom Conferencing Statewide Enterprise Agreement – Could this funding be used to

extend the Agreement from June 18, 2021 through June 17, 2022, which would lower the
amount available for circuit-specific allocations? It would need to be determined by FDLE
if the funds could be used on a purchase that extends past the deadline of the grant funding
(January 31, 2022). If there are any FY 2020-21 year-end unobligated funds, it is possible
those resources could be used to extend the current Zoom Agreement through June 17, 2022.

2) Timing of Fund Use – Funds are available through January 31, 2022. How to expend the
funds over the two fiscal years (remainder of FY 2020-21 and the first seven months of FY
2021-22) should be considered, given the following possibilities:

a) there may be resources returned to the circuits as part of the FY 2020-21 Budget
Reduction Exercise holdbacks;
b) returning the holdbacks may generate a need for a year-end spending plan or
could be needed by the legislature as reversion in current year; and
c) there may be budget reductions imposed by the Legislature in FY 2021-22.

3) Allocations of Resources – At the beginning of the pandemic, a lump sum of $80,000 was
given to each circuit, regardless of size, in order to expedite the allocation. The circuits
appreciated the timeliness and flexibility of the allocation process. Should the grant
resources be allocated based on a flat rate (equally across circuits or by circuit size), based
on the LBR requests, or based on updated information from the circuits? Should the
allocations focus on commodities (technology or PPE) or services (OPS, senior judges)?

Executive Committee Discussion

The Executive Committee met on January 13, 2021, and discussed possible options for allocating
the grant resources. Considerations for the full commission include:

• Allocate funds off the top for the Zoom Agreement and bandwidth resources (if needed).
• Reach out to the circuits to determine any critical, immediate needs for current year funding.
• Allocate the remaining balance to the circuits in the next fiscal year, to be spent before
January 2022.

Page 35 of 43
Agenda Item V.: 2021 Legislative Session

Page 36 of 43
Agenda Item V. 2021 Legislative Session Update

Pandemic Generated Workload Statewide Estimates

June 2020 Original Estimates

% Increase
Expected Expected Total Pending in Pending COVID-19
Total Total Filings Dispositions Pending Cases Cases from Delayed
"Normal" Pending from July Delayed Extraordinary from July Cases as of Above "Normal" Jury Trials
Pending Cases as of 2020 to Filings Cases Over Total 2020 to June June 2021 "Normal" to June as of June
SRS Case Types Cases1 June 2020 June 2021 Returning Normal (B+C+D+E) 2021 (F-G) (H-A) 2021 2021

Circuit Criminal
Felony 51,273 61,761 89,316 0 151,077 70,677 80,400 29,128 57% 2,868

Circuit Civil
Malpractice/Product Liability 2,632 3,458 2,208 310 0 5,976 1,257 4,719 2,087 79%
Auto and Other Negligence 50,520 67,643 46,267 605 0 114,515 28,326 86,189 35,669 71%
Condominium 1,039 1,280 1,068 294 0 2,642 798 1,844 805 77%
Contract and Indebtedness 56,761 64,633 49,955 19,025 33,358 166,971 35,967 131,004 74,243 131%
Eminent Domain 225 354 282 0 0 636 137 499 274 122%
Foreclosure/Real Property 31,292 30,689 26,664 34,294 18,390 110,037 25,969 84,068 52,776 169%
Other Civil/Business Disputes 23,112 26,948 21,970 4,638 0 53,556 16,522 37,034 13,922 60%
Other Civil/General 11,526 14,255 15,108 3,151 0 32,514 9,717 22,797 11,271 98%
Appeals from County Court 2,362 2,604 1,487 1,172 0 5,263 892 4,371 2,009 85%

Domestic Relations/Family
Dissolutions 39,663 50,005 81,595 11,722 0 143,322 63,798 79,524 39,861 101%
Domestic Violence 9,700 12,787 70,293 0 83,080 70,828 12,253 2,553 26%
Child Support/UIFSA 13,858 16,778 17,166 9,284 13,858 57,086 11,775 45,311 31,453 227%
Other 25,745 30,624 35,337 11,735 0 77,696 26,898 50,799 25,054 97%
Delinquency 11,198 12,462 20,141 0 32,603 22,018 10,586 -612 -5%
Dependency 4,411 3,805 11,914 8,685 0 24,404 13,398 11,006 6,595 150%

Probate 45,529 60,016 56,561 7,542 0 124,119 37,725 86,394 40,865 90%
Guardianship 4,361 7,134 10,883 0 18,017 10,738 7,280 2,919 67%
Trust 725 991 1,284 236 0 2,511 1,002 1,508 783 108%
Baker/Substance Abuse 4,496 6,168 49,898 0 56,066 50,011 6,056 1,560 35%
Other Social 4,353 7,455 7,664 0 15,119 5,210 9,909 5,556 128%

Page 37 of 43
Agenda Item V. 2021 Legislative Session Update

Pandemic Generated Workload Statewide Estimates

June 2020 Original Estimates

% Increase
Expected Expected Total Pending in Pending COVID-19
Total Total Filings Dispositions Pending Cases Cases from Delayed
"Normal" Pending from July Delayed Extraordinary from July Cases as of Above "Normal" Jury Trials
Pending Cases as of 2020 to Filings Cases Over Total 2020 to June June 2021 "Normal" to June as of June
SRS Case Types Cases1 June 2020 June 2021 Returning Normal (B+C+D+E) 2021 (F-G) (H-A) 2021 2021

County Civil
Small Claims 238,889 339,362 344,717 9,746 0 693,825 260,255 433,570 194,681 81%
Civil 79,146 87,981 78,479 40,683 46,513 253,656 61,882 191,775 112,629 142%
Non-Monetary Civil 5,353 6,101 6,048 1,234 0 13,382 4,362 9,020 3,667 69% 76
Replevins 669 1,035 1,555 24 0 2,614 46 2,568 1,899 284%
Evictions2 30,336 31,001 75,348 78,791 17,828 202,968 154,804 48,164 17,828 59%

County Criminal
Misdemeanor 80,213 99,867 207,740 0 307,607 184,667 122,940 42,727 53%
Criminal Traffic 104,286 139,371 224,073 0 363,444 199,510 163,934 59,648 57%
Municipal Ordinance 6,788 8,009 17,922 0 25,931 15,700 10,230 3,442 51%
County Ordinance 11,907 16,757 24,669 0 41,426 22,095 19,331 7,424 62%

Civil Traffic Infraction 519,006 679,052 1,134,763 0 1,813,815 1,125,449 688,366 169,360 33%

Total 1,471,373 1,890,385 2,732,374 243,172 129,947 4,995,878 2,532,432 2,463,447 992,074 67% 4,987
Normal represents pending cases as of June 30, 2019.
This assumes that eviction cases will be disposed during FY 2020-21 as a priority once the moratorium is lifted.

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Agenda Item V. 2021 Legislative Session Update
Pandemic Generated Workload Statewide Estimates
June 2020 Original Estimates

Estimated Adjudicatory
COVID-19 Positions Needed to
Pending Delayed Jury Address the Pending,
Cases Above Case Trials (as of Delayed, and
SRS Case Types "Normal" Weights June 2021) Extraordinary Cases
Circuit Criminal
Felony 29,128 88 2,868 16.6
Circuit Civil
Professional Malpractice/Product
2,087 474 7.3
Auto and Other Negligence 35,669 97 22.7
Condominium 805 20 0.1
Contract and Indebtedness 74,243 50 40.9
Eminent Domain 274 92 0.2
Foreclosure/Real Property 52,776 20 13.6
Other Civil/Business Disputes 13,922 92 11.0
Other Civil/General 11,271 229 21.3
Appeals from County Court 2,009 275 5.7

Domestic Relations/Family
Dissolutions 39,861 72 24.1
Domestic Violence 2,553 26 0.4
Child Support/UIFSA 31,453 16 5.6
Other 25,054 59 14.1
Delinquency -612 47 0.0
Dependency 6,595 271 26.7
Probate 40,865 18 5.6
Guardianship 2,919 101 1.9
Trust 783 116 0.8
Baker/Substance Abuse 1,560 6 0.1
Other Social 5,556 18 0.6
County Civil
Small Claims 194,681 16 25.4
Civil 112,629 29 44.9
Non-Monetary Civil 3,667 21 76 0.8
Replevins 1,899 21 0.3
Evictions 17,828 10 2.8
County Criminal
Misdemeanor 42,727 16 5.3
Criminal Traffic 59,648 14 6.7
Municipal Ordinance 3,442 16 0.4
County Ordinance 7,424 16 0.9
Civil Traffic Infraction 169,360 0.22 0.3
Total 992,074 Page 39 of 43 4,987 307.3
Agenda Item V. 2021 Legislative Session Update

Pandemic Generated Workload Statewide Estimates

November 2020 Update

Expected % Increase
Total Expected Dispositions Total Pending in Pending
Total Pending Filings from from Pending Cases Cases from
"Normal" Cases as of December December Cases as of Above "Normal" COVID-19
Pending November 2020 to June Total 2020 to June June 2021 "Normal" to June Delayed
SRS Case Types Cases1 2020 20212 (B+C) 2021 (D-E) (F-A) 2021 Jury Trials3

Circuit Criminal
Felony 51,273 71,398 56,475 127,873 48,493 79,380 28,107 55% 3,011

Circuit Civil
Malpractice/Product Liability 2,632 3,743 1,508 5,251 871 4,381 1,749 66%
Auto and Other Negligence 50,520 71,259 28,190 99,449 20,930 78,519 27,999 55%
Condominium 1,039 1,278 835 2,113 671 1,442 403 39%
Contract and Indebtedness 56,761 66,089 79,410 145,499 30,745 114,754 57,993 102%
Eminent Domain 225 379 181 560 123 437 212 94%
Foreclosure/Real Property 31,292 28,935 71,415 100,350 19,343 81,006 49,714 159%
Other Civil/Business Disputes 23,112 29,357 15,643 45,000 11,424 33,576 10,464 45%
Other Civil/General 11,526 14,705 11,870 26,575 7,088 19,487 7,961 69%
Appeals from County Court 2,362 3,734 2,855 6,589 1,130 5,460 3,098 131%

Domestic Relations/Family
Dissolutions 39,663 52,192 54,010 106,202 45,956 60,246 20,583 52%
Domestic Violence 9,700 12,341 43,768 56,109 41,864 14,245 4,545 47%
Child Support/UIFSA 13,858 17,460 32,600 50,060 8,138 41,922 28,064 203%
Other 25,745 30,753 31,495 62,248 18,502 43,746 18,001 70%
Delinquency 11,198 11,871 11,809 23,680 12,564 11,116 -82 -1%
Dependency 4,411 3,417 8,299 11,716 5,807 5,909 1,498 34%

Probate 45,529 65,717 39,165 104,882 29,696 75,186 29,657 65%
Guardianship 4,361 5,954 4,904 10,858 3,919 6,939 2,578 59%
Trust 725 1,114 952 2,066 600 1,466 741 102%
Baker/Substance Abuse 4,496 6,958 33,349 40,307 32,467 7,840 3,344 74%
Other Social 4,353 7,429 5,063 12,492 4,411 8,081 3,728 86%
Page 40 of 43
Agenda Item V. 2021 Legislative Session Update

Pandemic Generated Workload Statewide Estimates

November 2020 Update

Expected % Increase
Total Expected Dispositions Total Pending in Pending
Total Pending Filings from from Pending Cases Cases from
"Normal" Cases as of December December Cases as of Above "Normal" COVID-19
Pending November 2020 to June Total 2020 to June June 2021 "Normal" to June Delayed
SRS Case Types Cases1 2020 20212 (B+C) 2021 (D-E) (F-A) 2021 Jury Trials3

County Civil
Small Claims 238,889 394,204 267,191 661,395 190,722 470,672 231,783 97%
Civil 79,146 89,871 149,718 239,589 55,185 184,403 105,257 133%
Non-Monetary Civil 5,353 6,542 4,285 10,827 3,289 7,539 2,186 41% 60
Replevins 669 1,063 960 2,023 723 1,299 630 94%
Evictions4 30,336 32,387 135,377 167,764 119,600 48,164 17,828 59%

County Criminal
Misdemeanor 80,213 110,067 134,036 244,103 121,785 122,318 42,105 52%
Criminal Traffic 104,286 154,962 156,994 311,956 136,146 175,810 71,524 69%
Municipal Ordinance 6,788 8,830 12,371 21,201 10,829 10,372 3,584 53%
County Ordinance 11,907 16,964 16,367 33,331 13,170 20,160 8,253 69%

Civil Traffic Infraction 519,006 759,734 906,108 1,665,841 782,640 883,201 364,196 70%

Total 1,471,373 2,080,707 2,315,395 4,396,102 1,778,832 2,617,271 1,147,703 78% 5,187
Normal represents pending cases as of June 30, 2019.
This also includes Delayed Filings and Extraordinary Cases Above Normal.
Estimated through December 2021.
This assumes that eviction cases will be disposed during FY 2020-21 as a priority once the moratorium is lifted.

Page 41 of 43
Agenda Item V. 2021 Legislative Session Update
Pandemic Generated Workload Statewide Estimates
November 2020 Update
Estimated Adjudicatory
Positions Needed to
Pending COVID-19 Address the Pending,
Cases Above Case Delayed Jury Delayed, and
SRS Case Types "Normal" Weights Trials1 Extraordinary Cases
Circuit Criminal
Felony 28,107 88 3,011 16.0
Circuit Civil
Professional Malpractice/Product
1,749 474 5.9
Auto and Other Negligence 27,999 97 17.5
Condominium 403 20 0.1
Contract and Indebtedness 57,993 50 34.6
Eminent Domain 212 92 0.1
Foreclosure/Real Property 49,714 20 13.7
Other Civil/Business Disputes 10,464 92 6.2
Other Civil/General 7,961 229 15.9
Appeals from County Court 3,098 275 7.8

Domestic Relations/Family
Dissolutions 20,583 72 12.0
Domestic Violence 4,545 26 0.8
Child Support/UIFSA 28,064 16 5.2
Other 18,001 59 10.8
Delinquency -82 47 0.0
Dependency 1,498 271 5.2
Probate 29,657 18 0.0
Guardianship 2,578 101 1.7
Trust 741 116 0.7
Baker/Substance Abuse 3,344 6 0.1
Other Social 3,728 18 0.4
County Civil
Small Claims 231,783 16 28.7
Civil 105,257 29 45.1
Non-Monetary Civil 2,186 21 60 0.4
Replevins 630 21 0.1
Evictions 17,828 10 1.7
County Criminal
Misdemeanor 42,105 16 5.2
Criminal Traffic 71,524 14 8.0
Municipal Ordinance 3,584 16 0.4
County Ordinance 8,253 16 1.0
Civil Traffic Infraction 364,196 0.22 0.6
Total 1,147,703 5,187 246.2
Estimated through December 2021. Page 42 of 43
Agenda Item VI.: Other Business

There are no materials for this item.

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