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When the Skin Erupts: Healing Eczema and Psoriasis

When those painful, itchy patches of eczema and psoriasis

erupt, naturopathic providers ask, 'what is causing this
condition to present at this time?' The Greek translation of
eczema means "to boil out," so the question makes sense:
holistic physicians look for the underlying root causes that
bring about these skin eruptions. Although they create
similar discomforts for the people afflicted, psoriasis and eczema are different in
important ways.

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that results in an overproduction of skin

cells. As the dead skin cells build-up, they form thick, scaly white patches that are
visible on the skin's surface. The skin itches terribly and is inflamed.

Eczema (aka atopic dermatitis) also can be chronic, but it tends to come and go in
response to certain triggers (e.g., weather changes, irritating cosmetics, or an allergic
reaction). Eczema is common in infants and children, and may even go dormant for a
time. Some people, however, suffer terribly throughout their lifetime. When eczema is
active, skin is inflamed, dry, peeling and may blister.

From the natural medicine perspective, root causes of eczema and psoriasis include:

 Food sensitivity/ allergy

 Deficiency in one or more minerals
 Low-quality diet (high in saturated fats, processed foods, sugar, etc.)
 Poor gut health/ Leaky Gut Syndrome
 Emotional/ Mental Stress
 Exposure to toxins and/or inadequate ability to detoxify

Conventional treatment plans typically use steroids to simply manage symptoms (i.e.,
itching); however, there may be side effects, such as suppressing overall immunity, that
must be considered. Natural therapies, on the other hand, can work to correct the
underlying imbalance that caused the body to react in the first place, offering relief
without the unwanted side effects of steroid treatments. One or more of the following
natural therapies may be part of an individualized holistic treatment plan:

 Dietary changes to include more nutrient dense, clean foods

 Remove foods from the diet that cause inflammation
 Nutritional supplements to restore balance or deficiency (e.g., zinc, vitamin D/ E/
 Balance gut flora using probiotics and other approaches
 Increase intake of Essential Fatty Acids, which are important to skin health
 Provide support for mental/emotional stress
 Identify and minimize toxin exposure
 Support liver function, the body's detox organ

Additionally, to temporarily soothe symptoms, naturopathic providers may recommend

nourishing the skin with herbal formulas specific to individual needs. Some common
botanical ingredients are calendula, lavender, chamomile, rose, Manuka honey, tea
tree, among many others.

Psoriasis and Eczema can quickly become chronic and severe and the wrong
treatments can make things far worse. Consult with a naturopathic practitioner to
identify the appropriate therapies for you or your loved one.

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