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Sol May T .

Demelino BPA III-A

PA-317 Human Resource Management

Part 1

Instruction: Identify at least two (2) concepts of performance evaluation and discuss how it is
applied in a government agency. You will be graded based on this rubric.

To measure every employees growth, development and competence performance evaluation is highly
needed. Performance evaluation is a process by which employees are evaluated fairly. Through this
evaluation they were able to know the strengths and weaknesses of every employee in the workplace. It
is also a process of measuring the work of every employee regularly. Performance evaluation is a
method used by many organization in evaluating the development of their employees. The promotion
and the increase of salary of every employee in an organization depend on their evaluated performance.

There are concepts of performance evaluation that could be used in every government agency in w
evaluating their employees. First is that in making an evaluation for every employees ability a
government agency must used a rating scale in order to properly measure the performance of every
employee in the organization. Through this kind of evaluation, the manager could rate the employees
behavior in the workplace, and competence in doing its tasked and employee's development. Second is
using a 360-degree feedback in evaluating the government employees to ensure fairness and justness
and to avoid having biases. This process involved gathering feedback from the employees peers,
supervisor, co-workers and the likes. This broad feedback could really avoid biases and will only give an
accurate result about the employees strengths, weaknesses, behavior and development. Lastly in
evaluating the performance of every employee in the workplace, the government agency may use and
adapt different tools like demographic profiles, rating scale, assessment, self-evaluation, smart goals and
development in assessing the performance of their employees.

In working in an organization, the relationship of the manager and employee should be clearly defined in
order to have a clear communication between the two in the workplace a to avoid any
misunderstanding. Through this organization goals will be easily and successfully achieve. Making a right
and wise performance appraisal is really needed for the organization to know how effective, efficient
and productive there employees in the workplace. An employee who has a great performance could be
an asset to the company. Making an evaluation about a certain employee is very essential to know the
strength and weakness of every employee in the workplace.

Part 2
Instruction: Research for a specific government position and explain how this certain position is
evaluated using SPMS. If possible, include concrete documents/forms/activities in your
discussion. Cite your references. You will be graded based on this rubric.

In order to have a progressive and better organization, there should be a strategic performance
management system. Strategic performance management system is a mechanism to ensure that the
performance of every employee is link with the organizational performance. This also ensures that the
employee reached the objectives that are set by the organization as well as to the organization to
achieve their strategic goals. This would help every organization in becoming an effective and efficient
one. Performance Management cycle is very important and essential in achieving the organizations
success. There are four phases in performance management cycle these are planning where
performance expectation for every group and individual should be set, second is monitoring where
measuring of performance and giving feedback is important in reaching the organizations goals. Third is
reviewing in this phase the achievement of every employee will be assessed. Fourth is reward in which
all the good performance that every employee make will be recognized.

Every position in the government is evaluated properly and thoroughly. The government also uses
strategic performance management system in evaluating the performance of their employee. For
example the administrative position in the city hall wherein the performance of employees under this
position is evaluated accordingly. The administrative position is evaluated base on the employees
knowledge in work if the employee is knowledgeable enough in doing his/her work. Also evaluated base
on work measurability wherein if the employee is really capable to do large volume of works. The
performance evaluation is also base on the goals achievement, communication skills and personal
attributes of the employee. They used all of these to evaluate the performance of an employee with an
administrative position. To measure its strength and development in doing its job. They rate if that
employee is commendable, satisfactory, marginal and unsatisfactory in the workplace most especially in
doing its job. Also in evaluating there employees, they used the SPMS cycle or the strategic performance
management system cycle to ensure that all of there employees will be properly evaluated and
rewarded and also to ensure the success of the organization.

Strategic performance management system is very important in every organization, may it be in public
or private organization because this system further improve the performance of their employees. It also
brings to effectively develop every employee in the organization in order to easily achieve the
organizations goals. This system would also provide productive and responsible employees in the future
that help and contribute to build and develop a better organization.
AM, P. B. (1997). Performance Standards and Evaluation. Australian Journal of Public Administration,
56(3), 96–105.

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