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City Hall Corruption is a Problem.

Charter has the Answer.

The Charter Committee is a non-partisan coalition formed to root out

political corruption and empower the people of Cincinnati, not special
interests, to make decisions for themselves.

Nearly 100 years ago, the City of Cincinnati was beset by rampant political corruption. This was stopped
by a grass roots citizen movement to adopt a new City Charter after which no elected City official was
indicted for corruption in 94 years.

We Must:

• Return to the Council-Manager City government which so effectively kept our city free
from back room politics and pay-to-play corruption.

In 2015, the Charter Review Task Force, a non-partisan group of ordinary citizens, worked together and
proposed important, common-sense improvements to our City government. Some important reforms
have not been implemented.

We Must:

• Stop waiting and adopt these and other sensible reforms now to help root out behaviors
that have corrupted our city government.

Some powerful developers and special interests, with plenty of help from the Mayor and Council,
regularly subvert the will and desires of communities and neighborhoods to serve their own interests or
their own personal gain.

We Must:

• Elect people who want and encourage Cincinnatians to take back control of their
neighborhoods and communities.
The Charter Committee ended political corruption in
Cincinnati 100 years ago. We can do it again today!
The Charter Platform is the Answer for removing corrupt
partisan politics from our City Government
The Charter Platform
• Return to a fully functioning Council-Manager City government run by a professional City
Manager hired by and reporting to the FULL City Council and Mayor.
• Change method of political appointments for Council vacancies to limit political party influence.
• Base appointments to the City's Boards and Commissions on qualifications, not patronage.
Such appointments should be vetted by a “Board Commission” which would include
neighborhood leadership.
• Limit Council use of the Emergency Ordinance procedure to its original intent - actual

• Implement a transparent, City Manager led budget process with a minimum 60-day review
• Require all campaign contributions be disclosed prior to Council voting on any development
project, contracts or appointment to independent Boards.
• Revamp the Development process . Give councilmembers adequate time to review all
projects before a vote.
• Increased transparency and accountability of all entities receiving public dollars and/or
incentives from the City.
• Council approval of all Labor contracts prior to a Union’s final vote on the contract.
• City administration led review of shared government services to improve cost and efficiency.

• Reestablish an effective Community Engagement Policy
• Give more input and control of TIF funds to the neighborhoods.
• Prioritize development that promotes and sustains neighborhoods, small businesses, diversity,
inclusion, and affordable housing projects.
• Require neighborhood involvement for all traffic and streetscape improvements.
• Create a shared services agenda and settle a new MSD agreement, replacing the 1968
• Continue to modernize all safety department procedures and strengthen the Community and
City Administration commitment to the Police Collaborative Agreement.

This 2021 Charter Platform and Charter’s endorsed candidates will

end the partisan political corruption that has taken hold in City Hall.
Vote Reform! Vote the Charter slate!

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