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Emirate of Abu Dhabi Reopening Guidelines summary

 Abu Dhabi government announced to get ready for the reopening of the destination in 2 weeks
 Preparation to be ready to host tourists
 Over the next few weeks Abu Dhabi borders will reopen for visitors and tourists coming from
pre-determined pre-approved countries.
 Reopening announcement will come tomorrow followed with Grand opening campaigns. stating
that by 24th of December Abu Dhabi will welcome travelers coming from green list of countries.
 Abu Dhabi is in grade 2, only tourist from countries in the same grade and above can access Abu
 The list of the safe countries will be updated every 2 weeks and communicated with all parties.
A grading system will be in place to assess the countries, only countries within green list will be
permitted for entry to Abu Dhabi.
 A control Mechanism procedures and protocols on aviation will take place.
 Procedure if coming from green safe list:
o Al travelers require PCR test 96 hours before travel and will undersign an undertaking
available with all airlines and airports, and when they land in Abu Dhabi to state the
location and contact details.
o One more PCR test will be done at the airport, result in 20 minutes, with no quarantine
 All coming from non-safe list will follow normal quarantine 14 days

 Activities will be eased in terms of leisure, events, will all be open by 24 th December.
 Leisure, aviation, hotels, …. Health & safety Guideline will be revised every 2 weeks accordingly
the restriction will increase or ease and available for tourist and organizers to plan and manage
business and leisure event.
 Media partners will work with DCT to ensure the communication through different segments a
mechanism: social, digital, online, offline, and they asked for hotels support to use their
channels for the same communication.

Q&A session:

 Tourist coming from Dubai, they need 48 hours PCR tests before coming to Abu Dhabi and only
from the safe list can book in hotels and access attraction sin the emirate.
 Business, entertainment meetings events in meeting rooms can reopen again and allowed.
 The border between Abu Dhabi and Dubai will be removed for all by 24th December.
 List of countries will be shared with hotels and the link where to receive the updates will be
 Senior citizens above 70 if allowed in malls (NCEMA not DCT)
 Residents from other emirates do not need a PCR tests anymore to come to Abu Dhabi unless if
they are travelers.
 Weddings are permitted following the DCT guidelines.
 Shisha permission is under DED and DCT is liaising with DED.
 Abu Dhabi residents from Abu Dhabi, they will follow the federal protocol, it will be clarified
within the next week, not under DCT.
 Visit visa for family members will be regulated by the federal authority.
 Residents coming from grade 1 and 2 countries will no longer to do quarantine.
 For taxes and municipality fees exemption till 31 st December will remain effective, any change
will be communicated.
 If travelers arrive to Abu Dhabi from Dubai and coming from unsafe list, hotels should reject
the booking and even if pre booked the guests should be informed about the hotel’s right to
cancel the booking.
 Residents ICA is still needed if coming from non-green safe list of countries.
 Tourists form unsafe countries can move freely between the emirates, but cannot enter any
attractions and hotels if coming from unsafe countries and if not, residents holding an emirates
 Abu Dhabi tourist visa issuance is open.
 If a long staying tourist is in the emirate initially arriving form safe countries a during stay his
country was delisted, hotels should show flexibility

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