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UCA June 2019

Reading comprehension and Précis

Name _______________________ Order number _____ Semester ____ Group

 Read through the text below, answer the questions that follow . Circle the best
answer . (7 points )

Scottish Independence
The majority of people in Scotland are in favour breaking away from the rest of the
UK and becoming independent, according to a poll taken just before the 300th
anniversary of the Act of Union, which united Scotland and England.
A pair of Acts of Parliament, passed in 1706 and 1707 that came into effect on May 1,
1707, created Great Britain. The parliaments of both countries were dissolved, and
replaced by a new Parliament of Great Britain in Westminster, London.

The poll showed support for independence for Scotland is running at 51%. This is the
first time since 1998 that support for separation has passed 50%, and the first time
since devolution gave power to the country in 1999. Six months before elections for
the Scottish Parliament, these poll results come as good news to the Scottish
Nationalist Party, who are hoping to make progress against Labour and further the
cause of an independent Scotland.
Many people have become disillusioned with devolution, and believe that the Scottish
Parliament has failed to deliver what they had hoped it would; only a tenth have no
opinion. In fact, only 39% of those polled want to keep things as they are.

Comprehension Questions
1 - Scotland and England
a- have always been united. b- want to break up the union.
c- have been united for a long time. d- were united by war.

2 - Great Britain
a- was formed by an Act of Parliament in 1706.
b-was formed by two Acts of Parliament in 1707.
c-was formed by an Act of Parliament that came into effect on May 1st 1707.
d- was formed by Acts of Parliament that came into effect on May 1st 1707.

3 - People who want independence for Scotland

a- are the vast majority. b-are in the minority.
c-are the slight majority. d- have decreased in number since devolution.

4 - The majority of people wanted independence for the first time

a-before devolution. b- in 1999.
c- after devolution. d- before and after independence.

5 – The results of the poll are good news

a-for Labour. b-for both parties.
c-for the Scottish Nationalist Party. d-for devolution.
6 - Most people's opinions of devolution
a-have gone up. b-have gone down.
c-are the same. d-make progress against Labour.

7 - The number of people who want to keep things as they are

a- is greater than those that don't know. b-is smaller than those that don't know.
c-is increasing. d-is the majority.

II- Read the following short passage (6points)

It is widely acknowledged fact that machines are stronger than people, but is it
possible for them to become smarter than us too? Some scientists fear that it is,
or so says the theory of technological singularity. In a nut shell, the theory of
technological singularity says that when a computer becomes capable of
improving its own capabilities, even in just the slightest way, it will go into an
infinite loop, getting progressively smarter, which would inevitably lead to
machines becoming smarter than people, or so the theory goes. Such gains in
available intelligence might lead to huge improvements in science and medicine.
Diseases could be cured and so forth. On the other hand, it could lead to the total
domination of mankind by robots, which would be bad. I, for one, welcome our
new computer overlords.

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main

An appropriate title: ____________________________________________________

III- Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using the context (3 pts )
1. Vexed: When Jose found out that his little brother Emilio carelessly broke Jose’s Xbox disc tray,
Jose was vexed and sure let Emilio know it.
Definition: ________________________________________________________________________
2. Emphatic: Her parents really wanted her to attend the local university, but Shaniqua argued her
case so emphatically and with such great passion, that her parents gave Shaniqua their consent
Definition: _________________________________________________________________________
3. Conjecture: Stanley tried to determine the meaning of the vocabulary word, but there were so few
clues in the sentence all he could do was hopelessly conjecture as to what the word might mean.
Definition: _________________________________________________________________________

IV - Use the word in brackets at the end of each line to form a new word that fits
into the blank. (4 points)
1 She has a job in which she takes on great __________________ . (RESPONSIBLE)
2 His _______________came as a great shock to all of us (DIE).
3 I made a remarkable ______________when I opened the box (DISCOVER).
4 We reported the ________________of our car to the local police. (LOSE)
5 The boy didn't get _______________ to leave the school playground (PERMIT).
6 If your doesn't improve , we will have to expel you from this school (BEHAVE).
7_When he lost his trousers , the whole room shook with ______________. (LAUGH)
8-It’s been a ______________ meeting you . (PLEASE)

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