Briana Edwardsresume

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                     Briana Edwards 


Elon University, Elon, NC         May 2021
Major: Media Analytics (BA)                       GPA: 3.63
Honors Fellow: Took specialized courses, conduct original research, and received a $54,000 scholarship
Relevant courses: Data Science and Visualization | Communicating Media Insights | Applied Media Analytics |
Strategies for Emerging Media | Statistics Foundations 1 | Scrum: Project Management


Google Analytics Individual Qualification Certification  | Statistics | R, | Excel | Gephi | Tableau | Data Mining
Data Cleaning | Data Visualization

Honors Fellow Independent Thesis, Elon University August 2019-Present
The Representation of Women in Hip-Hop Lyrics Before and During the Me Too Movement
 This project seeks to explore the representation of women in hip-hop by utilizing R to conduct natural
language processing analyses, raw word frequency, tf-idf, bigram, sentiment and semantic network
analyses to examine the influence of the #MeToo Movement on the representation of women in hip-hop


National Conference for Undergraduate Research: Accepted to virtually present research in April 2021
Spring Undergraduate Research Forum: Accepted to present research on campus in April 2021
Benjamin A. Gilman Program Scholarship: *Received scholarship to study abroad in Fall 2020
*Study abroad experience cancelled due to COVID-19 travel restrictions

Data Analytics, The Center for Design Thinking August-December 2020
Data Analytics Intern
 Maintained large database sets and use statistical methods to collect, analyze and interpret Qualtrics data
 Utilize quantitative survey methods to measure participants’ experience within the Center for Design
 Interpreted data in order to draw conclusions for managerial action and strategy

Market Research, The Fresh Market                                     May 2020-August 2020

Market Research Intern
 Provided sales analyses of the impact of COVID-19 on consumer buying behavior within the company
 Defined and track peak product performance during the North Carolina stay at home order to optimize
supply chain management and increase external customer satisfaction
 Generated daily sales reports to provide feedback to corporate officers, store managers, and vendors

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