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Karel Neleman
Keurmeesterstraat 17
The Netherlands
Due to parallel voting in the national and international
committees for EN and IEC standards we see a lot of new
Abstract – The ATEX directive 94/9/EC was assumed markings being created with additional special conditions
to be a clear ‘New Approach’ directive. Installers and end- for safe use.
users obtain explosion proof required components
through wholesalers and build their required solution
together without having a notice of the rules belonging to II. EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE
Differences between component certification with “U”
certificate and complete certification both as EC-type In the period before ATEX a different name was used
examination certificate will be explained and help to avoid for component- or apparatus-certification, known as
troubles for end customers handling their Explosion Component Certificate and Certificate of Conformity. A
Protection Document. Component Certificate needs always additional
certification before bringing into service. You could
Further, a contradiction appears, between the product- recognize a component certificate through its name and
standard for flameproof enclosures EN 50018 (EN-IEC through a ‘U’ behind its certificate number. ‘U’ is German
60079-1) and the installation-standard for electrical ‘Unvollständig’ and means incomplete certification. Only
installations in hazardous areas EN-IEC 60079-14, where the component is certified, but not - without further action
direct cable entries in flameproof enclosures are selected. - suitable for installation in hazardous areas. Not
completed component certification has a way of
Last but not least a guide through the jungle of many protection- and a group marking. No temperature class is
new variations of Ex markings due to harmonisation of mentioned on this type of certificate. Examples of
IEC standards within the standardization committees. component certified products are terminals, switchgear,
After harmonizing the CENELEC standards for the remote I/O. Often additional enclosures are required,
European (ATEX) market we are nowadays on the however empty enclosures belong also to the examples
beginning of an international harmonisation within the IEC of component certified products.
(not only for IEC Ex Scheme, also for ATEX). On the other hand was the Certificate of Conformity
which meant a completed certification for the equipment
Index Terms — component certificate, equipment which may be put into service. The only possible limitation
certificate, contradiction, direct cable entries, flameproof could be recognized with a ‘X’ behind the certificate
enclosures, global standardization, marking jungle, number. It is a marking for attention to the people putting
Equipment Protection Levels the equipment into service: ‘X’ means ‘special conditions
for safe use’, which are written in the Certificate of
I. INTRODUCTION Today, under the mandatory ATEX directive, there is
only difference appearing with the marking ‘U‘. Both types
In the time before ATEX nobody was complaining when of certification, for component and equipment, mandatory
companies supplied equipment with component for category 1 and 2, are called EC-Type Examination
certification. The most important document was the Certificate. Manufacturers certifying their category 3
CENELEC certificate; the content of this certificate was equipment (not mandatory) receive a Type Examination
often not completely understand by the responsible Certificate. (remark: without ‘EC’). For installers it’s
person of the installation. ATEX is supposed to be a ´new allowed to combine equipment from several
approach´ directive where manufactures have more manufacturers when each part is completely certified
responsibility for the safety of their supplied products (read: certificate without ‘U’). Each product shall contain a
(ATEX 95) and installers and end-users have more manual and a CE declaration with the delivery. When the
responsibility for the installation and application of the manuals are followed, the electrical parameters fit and all
products (ATEX 137). “End-user” means plant owner, EC-type examination certificates are complete certificates
responsible for the plant (installation) safety. this is an allowed situation to put into service. For this
reason the cable gland has nowadays a complete
Secondly many installers and end-users are not familiar certificate in stead of the component certificate before
with the restrictions caused by the installation standard for ATEX.
electrical equipment in hazardous areas. Manufacturers
supplying flameproof equipment with direct cable entries In practice working with explosion proof electrical
through flameproof cable glands are not always aware equipment there are many misunderstandings about
that for certain applications a barrier gland is required. certification. It seemed that end customers were allowing

each type of document containing the word ‘certificate’, aware about the fact that an overall EEx e enclosure is
an Epsilon-x in the six angle and a stamp with signature. required; they buy an empty EEx e enclosure from a
So, component certificates were also accepted. It still wholesaler and build their application together. It appears
happens that machine builders or installers use empty that only manufacturers having distributors with ATEX
flameproof enclosures to build their control panels. certified workshops in the field, are aware and guiding
their customers through this mandatory certification
1) Example: EEx d control panel with ‘U’ certificate

4) Example: EEx d panels with complete certificate

Fig. 1

Sometimes there are flameproof enclosures putted into

service without any marking at the outside, or with a
marking like a component certification; that means without Fig. 4
temperature class (see Fig.1). How can the end customer
comply this equipment with his area classification? He Even in this example there are mistakes in applying the
shall have to check this for his EPD Explosion Protection rules of the directive. In some situations it can be that the
Document. Asking for the belonging certificate there local distributor of a certain manufacturer has a Quality
appears only the EC-type examination certificate (U Control Agreement with this manufacturer, which means
certificate) for the empty enclosure. This is still daily that the distributor may assemble under the responsibility
practice. of that manufacturer. The example is a situation like
above but, with a distributor not having any workshop at
all. (see Fig. 4: type label on cover of empty enclosure,
2) Example: EEx e junction boxes containing the complete EC type examination certificate
number including a temperature class)
This distributor sells empty equipment with complete
certification and forces buyers to fill a questionnaire which
records what will be build in the enclosure. A photograph
shall be sent to the distributor to prove the mounted
equipment in the housing as evidence for the technical
construction dossier. When this is daily practice, the real
Fig. 2 ATEX certified workshops can’t compete with regular
workshops and the safety is not controlled by a NoBo
Everybody is able to buy empty EEx e enclosures and anymore. It means in my opinion that the ‘New Approach’
terminals through wholesalers (see Fig. 2). Is the buyer for trading without barriers and controlled safety by
aware that he buys only component certified products? Notified Bodies has been damaged. An item for the
An empty EEx e enclosure used as junction box needs an agenda of the ATEX Standing Committee?
additional certification for its application. In this case the
total heat loss caused by all terminals put into service
under their nominal current conditions is taken into

3) Example: EEx de[ia] remote I/O Already from the beginning of the CENELEC
harmonised standard EN 50018: electrical apparatus for
potentially explosive atmospheres - flameproof
enclosures “d”, the standard mentions flameproof
threaded cable entries as a suitable way of installation.
Annex C of this standard describes the additional
Fig. 3 requirements for flameproof cable entries, where two
sealing methods are mentioned:
Just like example 2 there are many manufacturers of - cable entries with elastomeric sealing rings
explosion proof remote I/O systems (see Fig. 3) where the - cable entries with setting compound
modules can be bought through wholesalers. In the Due to advantages during installation in the field, the
documentation is mentioned that the enclosure shall be cable entry with sealing ring is most popular.
EEx e, but no remark is made that this has to be Manufacturers of flameproof cable glands comply with EN
assembled in an ATEX certified workshop, having an EC- 50018 where cable glands can accept only one specific
type examination certificate for this application and elastomeric sealing ring when dimensioning a minimum
containing to the mandatory appendix of the Production axial height of the uncompressed sealing ring of 5 mm, in
Quality Assurance Notification. So, many buyers are this case the cable entry shall be marked with an “X”.

However for flameproof enclosures of Group IIC with a So installers shall have to go for the second option:
volume greater than 2 dm , the minimum axial height is
20 mm for cable diameter < 20mm and 25 mm for cable b) thermoplastic, thermosetting or elastomeric cable
diameter > 20mm. which is substantially compact and circular, has extruded
Most manufacturers of flameproof cable glands bedding and the fillers, if any, are non-hygroscopic; may
maintain only 5 mm axial height; these glands are often utilize flameproof cable entry devices, incorporating a
certified Ex II 2GD EEx d IIC, marked with an ATEX sealing ring selected in accordance with figure 7;
certificate number extended with the “X”. The special
conditions for safe use, describe the limitation denoted by
the X after the certificate number: “the cable glands shall
not be used with Group IIC flameproof enclosures that
have a volume that exceeds 2000 cm .”

First contradiction occurs

checking only the marking
according to ATEX. Using an
Ex II 2G EEx d IIC marked
cable gland in an Ex II 2G EEx
d IIC T6 marked enclosure (see
Fig. 5) seems to be okay (both
category 2G, Group IIC) but
can be due to the marked X
behind the certificate number of
the gland, not be okay at all.

Fig. 5

Second contradiction appears where not only the

product standard EN 50018 has to be complied with.
Fig. 7
Where explosion proof electrical apparatus have to be
installed, the installer has to comply with the installation
standard EN 60079-14: this standard is a European
harmonised international standard, based on earlier IEC
Many cable types comply with above description so, the
79-14. Its earliest basis for the chapter we’re now talking
right fitting cable entry devices have to be selected by
about is BS 5345: part 3; “installation requirements for
going through the selection chart in figure 7, belonging to
electrical apparatus with type of protection “d”, flameproof
10.4.2. b). First question to be answered is “does this
enclosure contain an internal source of ignition?” Well, in
In EN 60079-14 are in chapter 10 the additional
some situations a flameproof enclosure is used as a
requirements for type of protection “d” – flameproof
junction box only; terminals are under normal operation
enclosures mentioned. Specific is sub clause 10.4 for the
not sparking; so this may be considered as no internal
selection of cable entries in flameproof enclosures. This
source of ignition, but it doesn’t have to be explained that
means when installer follows 10.4.2 he can choose from 6
in most applications where type of protection “d“ apply,
options as suitable way of direct entering a flameproof
the flameproof enclosures have an internal source of
enclosure with a cable.
ignition. For example motor switchgear or electronic
10.4.2: “The cable entry system shall comply with one
of the following:”
Following the flowchart the second question is “does
the hazardous gas require IIC apparatus?” Answering this
a) cable entry device in compliance with IEC 60079-1
question with “yes” means a loud and clear contradiction
and certified as part of the apparatus when tested with a
with the product standard, where only for IIC enclosures
sample of the particular type of cable;
with a volume greater than 2 litres barrier glands or
sealing rings with higher axial heights are required.
This option is only applicable
The standard is pointing to 10.4.2. d) or e) which
when specific cable has been
means compound sealing devices like a stopping box or
certified by a Notified Body in
sealing chamber or even better certified flameproof line
combination with the cable entry
bushings with compound filling around the individual
device (read: cable gland) and as
a part of the apparatus where
The only way out for not necessarily using compound (it
applied on. This made it
is not an easy way of installing in the field) is:
practically only suitable for
- gas of group IIB and area classification is Zone 2 òr
manufacturers of apparatus with
- gas of group IIB and area classification is Zone 1 and
mounted cable tails and cable 3
the volume of the enclosure is smaller than 2 dm .
glands as cable entry devices
(see Fig. 6). For an installer often
buying cable in a stadium of the
project where the apparatus
already is available, this method is
practically not applicable. Fig. 6

In many applications the These stopping boxes
enclosure contain and barrier glands are
switchgear and terminals. certified as equipment
Most applications exceed and therefore suitable for
the 2 dm (see Fig. 8). So, mounting by installers.
practically the only way out Although the installer has
is a group IIA / IIB in to fulfil the safety
combination with area instructions in the
classification Zone 2. installation manual, the
real safety depends on
the quality of the installers
Fig. 10

Fig. 8 e) flameproof cable entry devices incorporating

compound filled seals around the individual cores or other
equivalent sealing arrangements;
What other options remain?

c) mineral-insulated cable with or without plastic outer

covering with appropriate flameproof cable entry device;

Mineral insulated cables are not often used by general

installers. It’s a type of cable appearing in heating
technology. Manufacturers for heating equipment take
care for the right belonging installation material. While
connecting equipment for electrical heaters can be made
Fig. 11
with type of protection “e” - increased safety, there is no
real need for this type of cable entries in flameproof
This fifth option means the application of factory made
cable entries with compound resin filled bushings (see
Fig. 11), line bushings with individual cores for connecting
d) flameproof sealing device (for example a stopping
a junction box to a flameproof enclosure to made indirect
box or sealing chamber) specified in the apparatus
cable entry (see Fig. 12). Here is the explosion safety
documentation or having a component approval and
employing cable entry devices appropriate to the cables
used. The sealing devices such as stopping boxes or
sealing chambers shall incorporate compound or other
f) other means which maintain the integrity of the
appropriate seals which permit stopping around the
flameproof enclosure.
individual cores. Sealing devices shall be fitted at the
point of entry of cables to the apparatus;
This last option is an opportunity to use by Notified Bodies
for special occasions, not fitting under a) to e)

Cable glands having a elastomeric sealing ring device

obtaining a 20 mm axial height can reach the right flame
path over the jacket of the cable but not the additional
requirements for setting compound between the individual
cores of the cable!

Fig. 9

This option means the application of stopping boxes, like

those which are used in flameproof conduit systems (see
Fig. 10), or filling chambers in so called `barrier glands´
(see Fig. 9) with compound between the individual wires.

What does clause 10.4.2. mean in daily practice? STANDARDIZATION COMMITTEES
Manufacturers of flameproof electrical equipment want to CAUSING A COMMOTION IN WAY OF
have the highest possible safety level to obtain the MARKING THE EQUIPMENT
chance to put their equipment in as much as possible
applications. So, the certification for flameproof th
In the late seventies of the 20 century, when
enclosures is often suitable for category 2G (Zone 1&2) CENELEC was founded, the transition from national
according to directive 94/9/EC. The belonging EC type standards to European CENELEC standards was causing
examination certificate describes in such situations for a new recognizable way of marking the equipment by
example Ex II 2G EEx d IIB T5. The cable entries are not using not only the Epsilon X sign but also the double EE
part of the certification. Threaded entries, made by the where the first E was to show that the equipment was
manufacturer, are suitable for the application of direct certified according those European harmonized
cable entry systems, selectable by end customer or standards. In 1996 when ATEX directive 94/9/EC came in
installer. The installation manual of the flameproof to operation, many of these European standards where
apparatus has to mention EN 60079-14 as suitable renewed and harmonized under the ATEX directive
standard for the selection of a sufficient cable entry 94/9/EC. To check which European standard is
device. When such an enclosure is selected for housing harmonized under the directive you can check the Official
electrical switchgear in Zone 2, it’s possible to use Journal (OJ) at the website of the European Union Online
flameproof cable glands with elastomeric sealing rings. at:
The electrical apparatus, marked 2G (read: Zone 1), is by
the selection of cable glands with elastomeric sealing rdization/harmstds/reflist/atex.html
rings devalued to a Zone 2 application. The contradiction Nowadays, the standardization committees are often
is shown by not only the 2G marking on the enclosure but working in a way of parallel voting for European EN
also the 2G marking on the cable gland. Both, standards and International IEC standards. This causes a
manufacturers and installer are working in the correct renewed use of “single E” for Ex marking.
way, but the final solution contains an Ex marking which For the standards suitable for gas hazardous areas no
is not representative for the actual zone 2 (read: 3G) great changes occur, only for EEx m, EEx p & EEx n
application. Responsibility for this selection remains some changes are to be introduced.
always at the applicable end customer. EEx m changes into Ex ma and Ex mb where Ex ma a
moulded version suitable for Zone 0 and Ex mb a
Manufacturers which are aware of this contradiction ask moulded version applicable for Zone 1. In future an Ex mc
the customer already during quotation in which Zone the variant will occur as extension from EEx nC.
electrical flameproof equipment will be used. In known EEx p changes into Ex px and Ex py each having a
situations the manufacturer will apply an additional certain level of protection.
warning label on the equipment mentioning the From the non incendive variants IEC 60079-15 Ex nC
application only suitable for Zone 2, Group IIB according will probably extended with Ex mc as described above
to EN-60079-14. and Ex nP shortly exchanged by Ex nZ will change into Ex
It should be discussed in the ATEX Standing pz where this last mentioned way of protection for
Committee to add in future on EC type examination pressurization will be moved from IEC 60079-15 to IEC
certificates for direct cable entry systems not fulfilling this 60079-2.
rules, to mention a sentence in the special conditions for EEx nL will change to Ex nL and it is supposed to be
safe use, like: “the cable glands shall not be used with changed in future to Ex ic analog to the Ex ia and Ex ib
Group IIC enclosures, or Group IIB enclosures, to be variants for Zone 0 respectively Zone 1. It is to be
installed in Zone 1 both having a volume that exceeds expected that Ex nL in IEC 60079-15 moves to IEC
2000 cm .” 60079-11 intrinsic safety; safety level Ex ic for zone 2.

As an example is shown a
controller for purged cabinet for
Zone 2, having a marking Ex II 3G
Ex nAC [pz] IIC T4 (see Fig. 13)
where Ex nA: ‘non arcing’ is for the
lower terminal box, Ex nC: ‘closed
construction’ has been used to the
electronic and switchgear in the
upper box and [pz]: this controller is
an associated apparatus
necessary for safe operation of the
belonging (not shown) purged
Fig. 12 enclosure.

To have guaranteed safety for flameproof enclosures

it’s important to be aware that indirect cable entries are Fig. 13
from manufacturer completely assembled, so not
dependent from installers work.

For dust however, there have been several changes Further on in the jungle of new markings a new material
due to the harmonization of international standards as group will be introduced when IEC 60079-0 fifth edition
follows: for European harmonized standardization of will be released. Material group I and II will be extended
electrical equipment, only EN 50281-1-1 was a suitable by material group III
standard to design electrical equipment. It was the I : Mining
standard for ‘protection by enclosure’. Safety for dust II : Gases and vapours
explosion hazards could be realised by a minimum grade III : Dusts, fibres and flyers
of the IP (Ingress Protection) rate and a limited maximum
surface temperature of the equipment. This material group shall identify the most important
Marking is for example Ex II 2D IP 65 T80°C. differences between the several kinds of dusts:
When this same way of explosion protection has been IIIA : combustible fibres & flyers
used under the IEC international standards, the EN-IEC (parts with diameter > 0.5mm)
61241-1 applies. Also called ‘protection by enclosure’ but IIIB : combustible dusts
using a way of marking for example: (parts with diameter < 0.5mm)
Ex II 2D Ex tD A21 T80°C. IIIC : combustible conductive dusts
tD means ‘protection by enclosure for Dust’
A means ‘practice A’ Last but not least there will be a change caused by the
21 means ‘suitable for Dust zone 21’ fact that EN 50014 has already been superseded by IEC
The rest of the marking is identical to the EN way. 60079-0 Edition 4, where nothing is mentioned about the
in Europe mandatory ATEX categories!

Remarkable is that for European ATEX selection the Due to the fact that IEC is international and EN only
marking of the right category is important, where the European there have to be from both sides concessions
relation which way of protection is suitable for application in the standardization committee during parallel voting of
in which hazardous area has to be made by the suitable international and European standards. The newest IEC
category and not the choice of a certain way of protection. 60079-0 Edition 5 which will be launched in 2008 is
The way of protection is a choice of the manufacturer of already as Committee Draft in de Standardization
the equipment. Committees.
Practices A and B are both obtaining a same level of Here will the Categories be replaced by Equipment
protection, however Practice A calculates like the EN Protection Levels. This same introduction appears in the
standard with latest edition from IEC 60079-14.
Tmax = 2/3 x Tignition and
Tmax = Tsmouldering(5mm) – 75°C The cohesion between Categories and Equipment
where the lowest temperature will be the maximum Protection Levels (EPL) can be declared with table I:
allowable surface temperature. Practice B calculates with
Tmax = Tsmouldering(12.5mm) – 25°C. TABLE I

With the acceptation of international standards under Category Zone Group EPL
the ATEX directive several new ways of protection are M1 I EPL Ma
possible to apply: M2 I EPL Mb
Ex pD according to IEC 61241-4 is pressurization for 1G 0 II EPL Ga
Dust where the marking looks like Ex II 3D Ex pD 22 2G 1 II EPL Gb
T135°C. A control unit for such a Dust protection can be 3G 2 II EPL Gc
the same one as above (see Fig. 13) where also the 1D 20 III EPL Da
marking Ex II 3D Ex tD A22 [pD] T80°C applies. 2D 21 III EPL Db
Practices A and B are only applied for Ex tD. The other 3D 22 III EPL Dc
ways of Dust protection are not dependent from those
practices. Remark: preliminary (committee draft)
Ex iaD and Ex ibD are both intrinsic safe ways of
protection for Dust. Ex iaD can be used up to Zone 20, IEC Ex Scheme is coming up which aims one single
Ex ibD up to Zone 21. An example is a mobile computer certificate for any hazardous area product recognized and
(see Fig. 14) accepted throughout the world.
General about IEC Ex Scheme: on this moment 25
countries are member of IECEx. Australia accepts
certificates in their national law. Currently only electrical
equipment to IEC standards are applicable with IEC Ex
Scheme, mechanical equipment can’t be assessed.
Comparing to ATEX, where for Zone 2 no Notified Body
is required, IEC Ex Scheme is for Zone 2 requiring a
certification with a Certification Body.
General, the procedures are as follows: An ExCB
(Certification Body) issues an ExTR (Test Report,
covering the product type) and a QAR (Quality
Assessment Report, covering the production facility). The
ExTR can be used to obtain a national required
certification (for example FM for a European manufacturer
Fig. 14 wanting to sell his products to the USA). The Certificates
of Conformity are created directly on the IECEx website,

fully visible for the whole world to read and check the the Netherlands who keep each other informed in the
status. You’ll have to check on a regular latest developments of the standards for explosion
basis to keep informed. proof equipment suitable for installation in hazardous


Since many standards have changed and still are [1] Directive 94/9/EC, Equipment intended for use
changing, installers and end users need to be up to date in potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX).
how to deal with electrical equipment which have to be [2] EN 50018: 2000, Electrical apparatus for
installed in hazardous areas. potentially explosive atmospheres - Flameproof
It’s important that everybody recognize the difference enclosure "d".
between component- and equipment certificate. The [3] EN 60079-14:2003, Electrical apparatus for
application of equipment which have to be certified in the explosive gas atmospheres. Electrical
right way is a basic requirement for your final EPD. installations in hazardous areas (other than
Where ever flameproof enclosures are to be installed or mines).
maintained, check the cable entry device in order to the [4] IEC 60079-0, Ed. 5.0 (31/580/CD Committee
applicable hazardous area zone and gas group. Many Draft), Electrical apparatus for explosive
end users have not the right cable entry devices on their atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements.
installed equipment, due to unknown contradiction of [5] EN 60079-15: 2005, Electrical apparatus for
product- and installation standard. explosive gas atmospheres - Part 15:
Finally be aware that markings on explosion proof Construction, test and marking of type
electrical equipment are changing due to international protection "n" electrical apparatus.
harmonization of product- and installation standards. [6] EN 60079-2: 2004, Electrical apparatus for
A new certification scheme comes up. IECEx is explosive gas atmospheres - Part 2:
possible the final goal for global harmonization in one big Pressurized enclosures "p".
global market. [7] EN 61241-1: 2004, Electrical apparatus for
use in the presence of combustible dust -
Part 1: Protection by enclosures "tD".
VI. NOMENCLATURE [8] EN 61241-4: 2001, Electrical apparatus for
use in the presence of combustible dust -
ATEX Atmospheres Explosible (French) Part 4: Type of protection “pD”.
CE Conformité Européenne (French) [9] EN 61241-11: 2005, Electrical apparatus for
CENELEC European Committee for use in the presence of combustible dust -
Electrotechnical Standardization Part 11: Protection by intrinsic safety “iD”.
EC European Community [10] IEC Ex Information,
EEx d way of protection: flameproof enclosure [11] European Union online, see URL link at
EEx e way of protection: increased safety
EEx i way of protection: intrinsic safety
EEx m way of protection: moulded ecapsulation
EEx n way of protection: non incendive IX. VITA
EEx p way of protection: pressurized
EN European Norm ing. Karel Neleman (B Eng) graduated as Bachelor of
EPD Explosion Protection Document electrical- and electronic engineering (information
EPL Equipment Protection Level technology) at the University of Professional Education
ExCB Certification Body authorised IEC Ex Rotterdam in 1989. Since 1990 he is working for
Ex iD way of protection: intrinsic safety for Dust BARTEC where he started as sales engineer for
Ex mD way of protection: moulded for Dust explosion proof electrical equipment. He started an
Ex pD way of protection: pressurized for Dust international successful control panel and switchgear
Ex tD way of protection: protection by enclosure building division with an ATEX Production Quality
ExTR Test Report according IEC Ex Scheme Assessment Notification within BARTEC. He is member
IEC International Electrotechnical of the Dutch standardization committee NEC 31 and
Commission ATEX authorised contact.
NoBo Testinstitute authorised by EC Today he is Business Development Manager for
OJ Official Journal (European Commission) explosion proof Automation Technology.
QAR Quality Assessment Report
U incomplete component certificate
X certificate with conditions for safe use


Special thanks to Pete Connell from BARTEC UK who

was willing to help me checking my written text in the
English language.
Also a word of thanks to all members of the NEC 31 in

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