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1) Eye Communication

Joseph A. Devito in his book “Human Communication” (2009) stated that research on
the messages communicated by the eyes shows that these messages vary
depending on the duration, direction, and quality of the eye behavior. One of the
most universal expressions appears to be the eyebrow flash. The speaker sudden
raising of the eyebrows when meeting someone or interacting with other
(Interpersonal Communication, 2008)
In this film, this elements of eyebrow flash are shown by Danie Clear while
talking to the Chudsnofsky. This expression is shown by him to show that he felt
annoyed to that man. Its also like to get the agreement from Chudsnofsky for what he
had been said about him.
2) Become Other-Oriented
In interpersonal communication, to be skilled is to be capable of putting into action
what you know and want to achieve and one of the strategies is to become other-
oriented. It means focusing on others rather than yourself and it is an important way
to enhance our interpersonal competence. There are three ways to socially decenter,
or to take other’s perspective:
i) Develop an understanding of another, based on how we have
responded when something similar has happened to us.
ii) Base our understanding of others on the knowledge that we have
about a specific person
iii) Make generalizations about someone, based on our understanding of
how we think most people would feel or behave.

Besides, acknowledge sympathy is also the way to become other oriented. It

is an acknowledgement that someone may be feeling bad; compassion toward
someone. When we offer sympathy, we tell someone that we are sorry he or she
feels what he or she is feeling.

In this film, Scalon acknowledge his sympathy toward Bratt after his father’s
funeral ceremony. Below is is dialogue.

Scalon : Hey, I’m so sorry for your lost. May father was a federal court judges,

so I think I can know how do you feel.

3) Sosial Penetration

According to “Interpersonal Communication, 2008 ” the sosial penetration model of

self-disclosure suggest that self-disclosure can be described by both breadth- the
number topic we discuss and depth- the levelof intimacy we establish with each
others. Interpersonal relationship also cannot be achieved without self-disclosure.
We can confirm annother person’s self-concept, and have our own self-concept
confirmed, only if both of we and our partner have revealed oursleves each-other.
In this film, we can see that in order to built a good relationship and become a
partner, Britt Reid and KIto confirm about each-other self concept. Britt used to ask
personal information and share his own with Kito. During Britt first meet Kito who he
just know that Kito works for his late father as a coffee maker, he ask Kito to live with
his side and tell him the details. Kito than tell him about his origin and his family.
4) Compliment
Other than that, the element of compliment is also shown in this film. Compliement is
one of the confirming response that we should apply while response to other. A
conforming response is an other-oriented statement that causes others to value
themselves more. In Interpersonal Communication (2008) by Steven A. Beebe he
cited that when we tell people what we like what they have done or said, what they
are wearing, or how they look, we are conforming their sense of worth.
In this film, Kito show Britt his lab, and there are so many things that
impressive Britt. Kito is very genius as he do a lots of modify at the car and many
other cools thing in his lab.
The dialogue:
Kit : Check this man.
Britt : Wow! You do all this? You are awesome. Kido you
are really do a good job, this is really impressive. You are genius.
5) Conversation
The other interpersonal communication that has been shown in this il is conversation.
Conversation is the most displayed scened that we can see. In book “Human
Communication, 2009” conversation has five stages which is opening, feedforward,
bussiness, feedback and closing. Opening is the first step to open the conversation,
while feedforward in the second stage give the other person a general idea of what
the conversation will focus on. At the third stage is bussiness where the substance or
focus of the conversation. It emphasizes that most conversation whether face to face,
on the phone, or via e-mail- are goal directed. The feedback is the reverse of the
second, which might be agree or not agree with the bussiness.
In this film, we can see the stages of conversation and the majority one is on
bussiness. Kido has many ability Britt suggested to Kito that they can do something
meaningful in their lives and save the lives. At the end of the conversation both of
them are agreed that they would become a hero and fight crime.
6) Ego-conflict
At some time or another, many close relationships go through a conflict phase. This
is the same thing happen to Britt and Kito. Researchers Gerald Miller and Mark
Steinberg declared that conflicts fit into one of three different categories : i)
pseudoconflict, ii) simple conflict, and iii) ego-conflict. Pseudoconflict is a conflict
trigered by a lack of understanding and misscommunication. Simple conflict is a
conflict that stems from different ideas, definitions, perceptions or goals. While ego
conflict is the conflict in which the original issues is ignored as partners attact each
other’s self esteem.
In this film, Kito feels tired of being ignored in the media and being dismissed
as the ‘nameless thug’, and Britt’s obsession with his leading role causes him belittle
and mock Kato as a weaker sidekick. There’s the tension between them arised.
Tensions erupts into a fight that nearly end with Kato’s death and his dismissal from
Britt’s employ. Here is the dialogue that shows ego-conflict between them;
Kato : Stop fooling yourself. The Green Hornet is nothing without me. I’m
alone design the ‘Black Beauty’. You are ego-manic just like your
7) Proximity
If we like someone, we usualy will have the proximity cues during w ecommunicate
with that person. Proximity is like close and forward lean. In “interpersonal
Communication, 2008” it stated that proximity means physical nearness to another
that promotes communication and thus attraction. As we talked, we develop an
impression of our partner, and we asses the interaction’s POV- the potential for
continuing a pleasant and rewarding conversation. In this way, proximity can lead to
the development of interpersonal communication POV means potential for a
relationship to confirm our self-image compared to its potential cost.

In this film, we can see that Britt stand close to his employee during his
conversation with her. This is because he fonded for her. He hopes by doing this, he
can attract Lenore’s attention.

8) Apology
One of the ways to mend a relational rift when we have made a mistake is to offer an
apology. Apology is an explicit admission of an error, along with the request for
forgiveness. An apology is the power of words that hepls us save face and repair
relational stress.

In this film, we can see the scene that Britt ask for an apology from Kato. It is
at the restaurant where Scalon tells Britt about his plans to control the media and
become D.A, finally admitting that he had been responsible for James death. Britt’s
shows him USB he had used to record the entire convesation, but Scalon is
unmoved. Then Kato appears in the restaurant and points a gun at Britt’s head,
scaring the other customers away, but for once Britt does not act recklessly in a
tense situation. He apologizing for his behaviour towards Kato and convinces Kato of
his sincerity.

9) Sexual Harrasement
In this film, there is also element of sexual harassment. It can be defined as any
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or other inappropriate
verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature. The examples of it is;
i) Repeated and unwanted requests dor dates, sexual flirtations, or propositions
of a sexual nature.
ii) Unwanted sexual remarks or questions about a person’s clothing, body, or
sexual activity.
iii) Unnecessary touching, patting, hugging, or brushing againts a person’s body.
iv) Direct or implied threats that failure to submit to sexual advances will affect
employment, work status, grades, letters of recommendation, or residental
v) Physical assault
vi) A pattern of conduct that causes humiliation or disconfort.

In this film, Britt do an action that Lenore consider it as sexual harrasement.

After they ends their bussiness, Britt tries to kiss her. She also give a warning to Britt
that if he look at her again, she will make a police report. She be direct and candid
with Britt and stress that she don’t like to be treated like that.
10) I Language
I language is used to describe our own feelings and thoughts about situation or
event. When we describe our own feelings instead of berating the receiver of the
message, we are, in essence, taking ownership of the problem. This approach leads
to greater openness and trust because your listener is less likely to feel rejected or as
trying to control over him or her.
In this film, Britt’s late father used to use I language during advised him when
he is child. Elow is the dialogue:
i) James: I know you miss your mother, so do I.
ii) James: I have to take care of 750 employess and you have to take
care only of your self.

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