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Neuropsychology of Cortical versus

Subcortical Dementia Syndromes

David P. Salmon, Ph.D.,1 and J. Vincent Filoteo, Ph.D.2


Neuropsychological studies have shown that there are several prominent differ-
ences in the patterns of cognitive deficits that occur in neurodegenerative disorders that
have their primary etiology in either cortical or subcortical brain dysfunction. Quantitative

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and qualitative differences are apparent across many cognitive domains, including memory
(in all its aspects), attention, executive functions, language and semantic knowledge, and
visuospatial abilities. These distinct patterns of deficits have been broadly characterized as
forming cortical and subcortical dementia syndromes. Differentiating between cortical and
subcortical dementia provides a heuristically useful model for understanding brain-
behavior relationships in neurodegenerative diseases and may improve the ability to
clinically distinguish among various dementing disorders.

KEYWORDS: Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, cognition,


N europsychological research that has taken a AD is a prevalent disorder that produces a

comparative approach to the study of various dementing ‘‘cortical’’ dementia syndrome through its effects on
disorders has shown that etiologically and neuropatho- limbic and neocortical brain structures. The disease is
logically distinct neurodegenerative diseases engender characterized by neuronal atrophy, synapse loss, and the
different patterns of relatively preserved and impaired abnormal accumulation of diffuse and neuritic plaques
cognitive abilities. This has been most clearly shown and neurofibrillary tangles. These pathological changes
through the comparison of dementia syndromes associ- begin primarily in medial temporal lobe limbic struc-
ated with neurodegenerative diseases that primarily in- tures (e.g., entorhinal cortex, hippocampus) and then
volve regions of the cerebral cortex (e.g., Alzheimer’s progress to the association cortices of the frontal,
disease [AD], frontotemporal dementia) and those that temporal, and parietal lobes.1 Primary motor and sen-
have their primary locus in subcortical brain structures sory cortices and most subcortical structures are rela-
(e.g., Huntington’s disease [HD], Parkinson’s disease tively spared. Degeneration in the basal forebrain (e.g.,
[PD], progressive supranuclear palsy). Although it is the nucleus basalis of Meynert) results in a major
well known that pathological changes in these various decrement in neocortical and hippocampal levels of
disorders are not limited to either cortical or subcortical the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.2 Consistent with
brain regions, the cortical-subcortical dementia distinc- these widespread neuropathologic changes, the primary
tion serves as a heuristically useful model for describing clinical manifestation of AD is a progressive global
the pattern of neuropsychological deficits that are ob- dementia syndrome characterized by prominent amne-
served in these patient groups. sia with additional deficits in language and semantic

Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego; San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0948.
Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, and Dementia; Guest Editor, Jody Corey-Bloom, M.D., Ph.D.
Psychology Service, San Diego Veterans Affairs Medical Center, La Semin Neurol 2007;27:7–21. Copyright # 2007 by Thieme
Jolla, California. Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: David P. Salmon, 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Ph.D., Department of Neurosciences (0948), University of California, DOI 10.1055/s-2006-956751. ISSN 0271-8235.

knowledge (i.e., aphasia), abstract reasoning, ‘‘execu- The present review will focus, for the most part,
tive’’ functions, attention, and constructional and vi- upon studies that have directly compared patients with
suospatial abilities.3 AD to those with HD or PD. Direct comparisons using
HD and PD are neurodegenerative diseases that the same test measures with both groups ensures that any
produce a ‘‘subcortical’’ dementia syndrome through observed differences are due to the nature of the under-
their effects on basal ganglia and brain stem structures. lying pathology rather than to differences in study
HD is an inherited, autosomal-dominant disease that procedures. Most of the studies reviewed also attempt
results in the development of movement disorder (e.g., to match the patient groups for other factors that could
chorea, dysarthria, gait disturbance, oculomotor dys- potentially influence test performance, such as amount of
function), behavior and personality changes (e.g., de- education and overall level or stage of global dementia.
pression, irritability, and anxiety), and dementia due to This latter factor can be difficult to judge because of
progressive deterioration of the neostriatum (caudate inherent differences in the cognitive dysfunction asso-
nucleus and putamen).4–6 PD is characterized by a loss ciated with different disorders but can be estimated with
of pigmented cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta brief mental status examinations, global dementia stag-
(resulting in a major depletion of dopamine) and the ing systems, or characteristics such as estimated duration
presence of Lewy bodies (abnormal intracytoplasmic of illness. Another factor that must be considered when
eosinophilic neuronal inclusion bodies) in the substantia comparing cognitive performance across disorders is the
nigra, locus ceruleus, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, difference in the usual age of onset for each disease. AD

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and the substantia innominata.7–9 Most brains of pa- usually begins in later life (e.g., ages 60 to 70), whereas
tients with PD also have Lewy bodies in the neocortex.10 HD usually begins in midlife (e.g., ages 30 to 40).
PD is clinically identified by the classic motor-symptom Because performance on many neuropsychological tests
triad of resting tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia, with declines with age, comparisons of AD and HD patients
associated symptoms such as postural stooping, gait must account for this factor through the use of age-
disturbances (shuffling gait), masked facies, microgra- appropriate control groups, age-corrected normative
phia, hypophonia, dysarthria, and poor prosody (mono- data, or statistical age corrections. With these caveats
toned speech).11 PD is also associated with cognitive in mind, differences in the nature of the cognitive
decline, and a recent systematic review suggests that 24 deficits that characterize the cortical and subcortical
to 31% are demented.12 The cognitive dysfunction dementia syndromes will be described. Differences in
associated with PD, HD, and other subcortical neuro- learning and memory, attention, working memory and
degenerative diseases may be a consequence of damage to executive functions, language and semantic knowledge,
so-called ‘‘frontostriatal loops’’ that are circuits consist- and visuospatial abilities will be examined in turn.
ing of projections from the frontal neocortex to the
striatum, striatum to the globus pallidus, globus pallidus
to thalamus, and thalamus back to specific neocortical LEARNING AND MEMORY
regions of the frontal lobes (e.g., dorsolateral prefrontal, A deficit in learning and memory is a hallmark of the
orbitofrontal, and anterior cingulate cortex).13 These dementia syndrome, but the nature and severity of the
circuits are believed to provide a subcortical influence deficit depends upon the distribution of neuropathologic
on both motor control and higher cognitive functions, changes engendered by the underlying disease. This is
and damage to specific aspects of the circuits may explain evident in neuropsychological studies that have com-
subtle differences in the nature of the cognitive impair- pared and contrasted various aspects of memory per-
ment manifested in various neurodegenerative diseases formance in patients with cortical and subcortical
that produce a subcortical dementia syndrome.13 dementia syndromes. These studies have shown that
The distinction that has been drawn between the processes that underlie performance on tests of
cortical and subcortical dementia syndromes arose from episodic memory, remote memory, and implicit memory
clinical observations14–16 that revealed that patients with are differentially affected in the two dementia syn-
subcortical neurodegenerative diseases usually exhibited, dromes. As described below, these findings are theoret-
in addition to their motor disorder, slowness of thought, ically valuable in providing information about the
impaired attention, a deficiency in planning, visuoper- specific brain structures or systems that mediate various
ceptual and constructional deficits, and personality forms of memory and are clinically useful in improving
changes such as depression and apathy. They often had the differential diagnosis of various neurodegenerative
only mild or moderate memory and language disturban- diseases.
ces that were quantitatively and qualitatively different
from those of patients with cortical/limbic neurodege-
nerative diseases such as AD. These clinical observations Episodic Memory
have been confirmed by extensive neuropsychological Episodic memory refers to the storage and recollection of
research that will be discussed in detail below. temporally dated autobiographical events that depend

upon temporal and/or spatial contextual cues for their HD and AD patients could be distinguished by two
retrieval. Examples of episodic memory include the major differences in their performances. First, patients
ability to recall our activities from the previous day and with AD were just as impaired on the recognition trial as
the ability to remember a list of words presented 10 they were on the immediate and delayed free recall trials,
minutes earlier. A severe deficit in episodic memory (i.e., whereas patients with HD were less impaired on the
anterograde amnesia) is characteristic of the cortical recognition trial than on the various free recall trials. The
dementia syndrome of AD and has been attributed to significant improvement shown by the HD patients
ineffective consolidation (i.e., storage) of new informa- when memory was tested with a recognition procedure
tion.17 Patients with the subcortical dementia syndrome has been observed in several additional studies18,19 (but
of HD, in contrast, exhibit mild to moderate memory see Brandt et al22) and suggests that when the need for
impairment that appears to result from a general deficit effortful, strategic retrieval is reduced, the memory
in the ability to initiate and carry out the systematic impairment exhibited by these patients is greatly atte-
retrieval of successfully stored information.18–20 This nuated (Fig. 1).
distinction in the episodic memory deficits associated The second major difference observed by Delis and
with the two disorders was illustrated in a study by Delis colleagues was that patients with AD exhibited signifi-
and colleagues21 that directly compared the perform- cantly faster forgetting of information over the 20-minute
ances of patients with AD and patients with HD on a delay interval than did the patients with HD (also see
rigorous test of verbal learning and memory, the Cal- Butters et al23 and Troster et al24). Although patients

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ifornia Verbal Learning Test (CVLT). The CVLT is a with HD retained 70% of the initially acquired infor-
standardized memory test that assesses rate of learning, mation over the delay interval, patients with AD retained
retention after short- and long-delay intervals, semantic less than 20%. This pattern of performance is consistent
encoding ability, recognition memory, intrusion and with the notion that information is not effectively con-
perseverative errors, and response biases. In the test, a solidated and rapidly dissipates in patients with the
list of 16 shopping items (four items in each of four cortical-limbic damage that occurs in AD. In patients
categories) is presented verbally on five consecutive with the frontal-subcortical damage of HD, information
presentation/free recall trials. A single interference trial appears to be successfully stored but cannot be effectively
with a different list of 16 items is then presented in the retrieved either immediately or after a delay.
same manner. Immediately after this interference trial, Although the episodic memory deficits in cortical
free recall and then cued recall of the first list of shopping and subcortical dementia syndromes are broadly differ-
items is assessed. Twenty minutes later, free recall and ent, there is evidence that the distinction is more or less
then cued recall is again assessed, followed by a yes-no clear depending upon the neurodegenerative disease
recognition test that consists of the 16 items on the first underlying the subcortical dementia syndrome. Massman
shopping list and 28 distractor items. and colleagues25 showed that the CVLT performances of
The results of this study showed that despite patients with HD and PD were quite similar with a
comparable immediate and delayed free and cued recall pattern indicative of a prominent retrieval deficit (e.g.,
deficits (based on age-corrected normative data), the both had mildly deficient encoding, normal retention

Figure 1 The mean age-corrected z-scores achieved by patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Huntington’s disease (HD) on the
20-minute delayed recall and delayed recognition (i.e., discriminability) measures from the California Verbal Learning Test. The pattern of
performance for AD (recognition  recall) suggests an encoding/storage deficit, whereas the pattern for HD (recognition > recall)
suggests a retrieval deficit. (Adapted from Delis et al,21 with permission from the American Psychological Association.)

over a delay, difficulty initiating systematic retrieval dementia,39,40 but dissociable patterns of impairment are
strategies) but that the two patient groups differed in associated with cortical and subcortical dementia syn-
the salience of this pattern. In general, patients with HD dromes.39,41–47 On the one hand, mildly demented pa-
had a more severe free recall deficit and showed a greater tients with AD often exhibit a severe and temporally
improvement on recognition testing compared with free graded retrograde amnesia with memories from the dis-
recall than patients with PD. Zizak and colleagues26 tant past better retained than memories from the more
recently extended these findings in a study that classified recent past.39,44,46,48 The temporal gradient is similar to
the CVLT performances of patients with HD or PD as the pattern of loss exhibited by patients with circum-
demonstrating or not demonstrating a retrieval deficit scribed amnesia and has been attributed to the interrup-
profile (i.e., significantly higher standardized scores on tion of a long-term consolidation process that is critically
CVLT recognition indices compared with free recall dependent upon the hippocampal-diencephalic memory
indices). The results showed that a clear retrieval deficit system. The interpretation of the temporal gradient of
profile was more prevalent in patients with HD than retrograde amnesia in patients with AD is somewhat
those with PD but only occurred in 44% of the HD clouded by the insidious nature of the anterograde mem-
patients. In addition, the profile tended to occur in those ory deficit associated with the disease. It may be the case
patients who had at least a mild to moderate level of that information from the most recent decade (or deca-
global dementia. Several studies have shown that the des) just prior to the diagnosis of AD was not learned as
memory performance of patients with PD can be quite well as more remote information because of a ‘‘preclinical’’

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variable and difficult to classify. Filoteo and colleagues27 anterograde memory impairment that often occurs before
found that 25% of nondemented PD patients produced the development of the full dementia syndrome; however,
a CVLT memory profile indicative of a retrieval deficit this account is less likely to explain the discrepancy
(i.e., a subcortical dementia profile), 25% produced a between the AD patients’ retrograde amnesia for infor-
profile indicative of a deficit in encoding and storage mation from early versus middle life epochs. The very
(i.e., a cortical dementia profile), and the remaining 50% severe retrograde amnesia exhibited by patients with AD
had no memory impairment (for similar results, see for information from the most remote time periods may
Weintraub et al28). The lack of a retrieval deficit in the result from a combination of the episodic and semantic
memory performance of patients with PD has been memory deficits that they suffer (for review, see Sal-
reported by others,29 primarily due to a high rate of mon17). In AD, the temporal gradient related to the loss
false-positive errors on recognition tests, an occurrence of remote episodic memory is superimposed upon a
not usually seen in patients with HD. general semantic memory deficit that arises from damage
to cortical association areas (see section on language and
semantic knowledge). This semantic memory loss reduces
Remote Memory the amount of information available from all time peri-
A deficit in the ability to remember remote events that ods, providing a low baseline level of performance on
were successfully remembered prior to a brain injury or which to observe the temporal gradient.
the onset of a neurological disease is known as retrograde On the other hand, patients with subcortical
amnesia. This form of memory impairment often occurs dysfunction due to HD,39,43 PD,42,46 multiple sclero-
following circumscribed damage to medial temporal sis,49 or HIV-associated dementia47 exhibit a relatively
lobe30 or diencephalic31 brain structures and can extend mild retrograde amnesia that equally affects all time
years or decades into the past. The retrograde amnesia periods (Fig. 2). Presumably, episodic memory that
associated with damage to the medial temporal-dience- was acquired in the past is successfully stored and
phalic memory system often follows a temporal gradient retained over time by these patients but retrieval of this
in which information from the distant past is less information is generally deficient, causing the remote
affected than information from the more recent past. memory deficit to be equally distributed across decades.
This temporal gradient has been attributed to disruption This interpretation is bolstered by an analysis of cued
of a long-term consolidation process,32,33 which has retrieval in a remote memory task, which indicated a
been characterized by some investigators as shifting a preferential cueing benefit for patients with HD or
memory from a hippocampally mediated episodic form HIV-associated dementia compared with patients with
to a cortically mediated semantic form.34–37 When AD.47 As described in the previous section, such a
circumscribed hippocampal-diencephalic damage oc- retrieval deficit has been attributed to the frontostriatal
curs, there is a relative preservation of the older, more dysfunction that characterizes those disorders.
cortically instantiated memories (but see Nadel and
Moscovitch38 for a hippocampally mediated explanation
of the temporal gradient in retrograde amnesia). Implicit Memory
Some degree of retrograde amnesia occurs after the Although memory is usually thought of as a conscious
onset of most neurodegenerative diseases that produce process in which an individual explicitly attempts to

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Figure 2 The mean percentage of correct responses on the Remote Memory battery as a function of life epoch (left panel). Patients
with Alzheimer’s disease exhibit a severe and temporally graded retrograde amnesia (RA), whereas patients with Huntington’s disease
or HIV dementia exhibit a mild RA that is equally severe across life epochs. The temporally graded nature of the RA of patients with
Alzheimer’s disease is more evident when the number of correct responses from each life epoch is shown as a proportion of all correct
responses (right panel). (Adapted from Sadek et al,47 with permission from the American Psychological Association.)

learn, remember, and retrieve a specific bit of informa- HD on a word-stem completion priming test previously
tion, there are some forms of memory that can occur used by Graf and colleagues.52 In this task, subjects were
implicitly without conscious awareness.50 This implicit shown 10 words (e.g., motel, abstain) one at a time and
memory is demonstrated through facilitation of per- were asked to rate how much they liked each word on a
formance due simply to prior exposure to the stimuli 5-point scale. Following these presentation trials, the
or procedures of a given task. For example, an individ- subjects were shown 20 three-letter word stems (e.g.,
ual’s ability to detect a stimulus (or to identify it in a mot, abs) and were asked to complete each stem with the
degraded form) might be enhanced upon its second first word that came to mind. Ten of the stems could be
presentation (i.e., priming), or they may show a gradual completed using study words, and the other 10 stems
improvement in the performance of some motor or were used to assess baseline guessing rates (i.e., complet-
cognitive act with practice (i.e., motor or cognitive skill ing stems with target words that were not previously
learning). There is considerable evidence that implicit presented). Despite pronounced explicit memory defi-
memory is generally preserved in patients with circum- cits, patients with HD and patients with circumscribed
scribed amnesia, indicating that it is not dependent upon amnesia (i.e., alcoholic Korsakoff’s syndrome) displayed
the hippocampal-diencephalic memory system that is significant priming by completing a greater proportion
damaged in these disorders.31 The neurological basis of of stems with previously presented words than with
implicit memory remains largely unknown; however, nonpresented words. Furthermore, the magnitude of
studies suggest that some forms of implicit memory are their priming was the same as that of normal control
dependent upon the frontal-subcortical circuits that are subjects. Patients with AD exhibited impaired priming
damaged in patients with HD and PD although others on this task, with little tendency to complete the word
may be dependent upon the activation of neocortical stems with the previously presented words.
association areas damaged in AD. Dissociations in the This word-stem completion priming deficit in
performance of patients with cortical or subcortical AD has been replicated in several subsequent stud-
dementia syndromes on various types of implicit priming ies,53–60 and the disparate pattern of impaired priming
and motor and cognitive skill learning tasks have been in patients with AD and preserved priming in patients
noted, as described below, and may shed some light on with HD has been generalized to several other priming
the neural bases of these forms of memory. paradigms, including semantic paired-associate pri-
ming53 and priming to enhance the identification of
PRIMING fragmented pictures.61 Word-stem completion priming
Several studies have shown that implicit priming is has also been shown to be normal in nondemented
differentially affected in cortical and subcortical demen- patients with PD54,57 but impaired in PD patients who
tia syndromes. Shimamura and colleagues51 directly are demented.54 From a neurobiological perspective,
compared the performances of patients with AD and these studies indicate that priming is not dependent

upon the hippocampal-diencephalic structures damaged light bias trials and lighter following the heavy bias trials.
in patients with circumscribed amnesia or the frontal- In another study,71 patients with HD, but not those with
subcortical circuits that are damaged in HD and early AD, were impaired on a perceptual adaptation task that
PD. Rather, this aspect of implicit memory may be required them to learn to point to a target while wearing
mediated by the neocortical association cortex that is distorting prisms that shifted the perceived location of
damaged in AD (and that may be compromised by objects 20 degrees to the right or left. Patients with HD
cortical Lewy bodies in PD) or from a deficiency in appeared unable to learn new central motor programs
the level of steady-state cortical activation that could through visual feedback on the accuracy of intended
arise from damage to the ascending noradrenergic pro- movements. In a series of studies, patients with HD72,73
jection system (i.e., the locus coeruleus)62 that may be or PD74,75 were impaired in implicitly learning a repeat-
damaged in AD and PD (see Salmon and Heindel63). ing 10-item sequence of responses in a serial reaction
time task that required them to respond as quickly as
MOTOR AND COGNITIVE SKILL LEARNING possible to the illumination of one of four lights, each
The ability to learn and retain a motor or cognitive skill located immediately above a corresponding response
with repeated practice is another form of implicit memory key.76 Patients with AD or circumscribed amnesia ex-
that is differentially affected in cortical and subcortical hibited a normal rate of learning the response sequence
syndromes. This was initially illustrated in a study that (as evidenced by a gradual decline in response latency),
directly compared the gradual development of the pursuit despite an inability to explicitly recall the sequence76–78

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rotor motor skill in patients with AD, HD, or circum- (but see Ferraro et al74). The results of these studies
scribed amnesia. In the pursuit rotor task, individuals suggest that the frontal-subcortical circuits damaged in
learned over repeated 20-second trials to maintain con- disorders that produce a subcortical dementia syndrome
tact between a handheld stylus and a small metallic disk play a primary role in implicit learning of skilled motor
that rotated on a turntable.64 Patients with AD and behavior.73
amnesic patients demonstrated rapid and extensive motor The subcortical dementia syndrome is also char-
learning across trials that was equivalent to that of normal acterized by a deficit in the acquisition and maintenance
control subjects (other studies have shown similar re- of cognitive and perceptual skills. Several studies have
sults54,65–67). Patients with HD, in contrast, were im- shown that patients with HD are impaired in implicitly
paired in learning the motor skills underlying pursuit acquiring the visuoperceptual skill of reading mirror-
rotor task performance (for similar results, see Gabrieli reversed text79 or the cognitive skill necessary to solve
et al68). Heindel and colleagues64 postulated that the complex problems such as the Tower of Hanoi puz-
neostriatal damage suffered by HD patients leads to a zle.18,80 Other studies showed that similar deficits were
deficiency in developing motor programs, which forces not apparent in patients with AD58,81–83 or circum-
them to rely on an error-correction mode of performance scribed amnesia (for review, see Squire32).
rather than the more effective predictive mode of per- Patients with HD and PD have also been shown
formance utilized by AD patients, amnesic patients, and to be impaired in implicitly learning the cognitive skills
normal control subjects. Importantly, the normal learning necessary to perform a probabilistic classification
exhibited by the patients with AD or circumscribed task.84,85 In this task, subjects must classify stimulus
amnesia show that this form of memory is not dependent patterns as being associated with one of two outcomes
upon the hippocampal memory system necessary for that occur equally often. The stimulus patterns are
episodic memory or the neocortical association areas composed of four stimuli, which are independently and
that are thought to underlie priming. probabilistically related to the two outcomes (i.e., cor-
Several subsequent studies using a variety of tasks rectly predicted one of the outcomes 25, 43, 57 or 75% of
have replicated this pattern of impaired motor skill the time). The probabilistic structure of the task dis-
learning in patients with HD and preserved motor skill courages attempts to explicitly learn the relationship
learning in mildly demented patients with AD. In one between the stimuli and outcomes but allows implicit
study, patients with HD, but not those with AD, were learning of these relationships to take place. Although
impaired in developing adaptation-mediated biasing in patients with circumscribed amnesia were able to learn
a weight judgment task that required them to judge a the probabilistic relationship as well as normal control
standard set of weights following exposure to either a subjects, nondemented patients with PD and patients
relatively heavy (heavy bias) or a relatively light (light with HD were impaired in learning the probabilistic
bias) set of weights.69 Because perceptual biasing of relationship between the stimuli and outcomes even
weight involves the modification of programmed move- though they had normal recall of the training episodes.
ment parameters (i.e., motor programs; see Jones70), they Interestingly, patients with AD showed normal learning
judged the standard weights the same way at all times, on this task,86 although performance was related to the
and patients with AD, like normal control subjects, degree of subcortical integrity as measured by magnetic
perceived the standard weights as heavier following the resonance spectroscopy.

The studies by Knowlton and colleagues84,85 were on the Attention/Concentration Index and scored sig-
among the first to implicate subcortical structures (par- nificantly worse than equally demented patients with
ticularly the striatum) in implicit category learning. Sub- AD. This was true in both early and more advanced
sequent studies have attempted to determine if there are stages of the diseases.
distinct types of category learning that might be differ- Specific aspects of attentional processing are dif-
entially mediated by the striatum. One such distinction ferentially affected in cortical and subcortical dementia
has been made between rule-based category learning syndromes. Lange and colleagues100 and Lawrence and
(e.g., learning that a line stimulus is in one category if associates101 showed that patients with AD and mildly
it is long and another category if it is short) and demented patients with HD were able to effectively shift
information-integration category learning (e.g., learning attention between stimulus dimensions in a visual dis-
that a line stimulus is in a particular category based upon crimination task in which first one stimulus dimension
integrated information from two or more stimulus com- (e.g., color) and then another (e.g., shape) was reinforced
ponents like length and orientation). In a series of studies, as correct. Moderately to severely demented patients
patients with HD were shown to be impaired in both with HD, in contrast, were impaired in maintaining
rule-based and information-integration category learn- the proper response set and persisted in returning to a
ing,87 although nondemented patients with PD were previously correct response strategy when attention
impaired only in information-integration category learn- should have shifted. A deficit in shifting or allocating
ing.88 Because of concern that the particular stimulus attention has been observed in other studies of patients

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conditions used in their information-integration category with HD100–103 and appears to be particularly evident
learning task may have inadvertently allowed the use of a when attentional shifts must be internally regulated.104
rule-based learning processes,89 Filoteo and colleagues90 A similar deficit in maintaining response set and shifting
reevaluated nondimensional category learning using both attention across stimulus dimensions has been observed
a simple linear integration condition (as in the previous in patients with PD105 or progressive supranuclear
study) and a complex nonlinear integration condition that palsy,106 whereas patients with AD and patients with
had been shown to elicit striatal activation in healthy circumscribed frontal lobe lesions can maintain attention
subjects.91 Patients with PD exhibited normal categori- but not effectively disengage from a previous set.105,107
zation learning in the linear condition but were impaired Cortical and subcortical dementia syndromes also
in the nonlinear condition, and model-based analyses differ in the nature and severity of the working memory
indicated that most patients used an information-inte- deficits they comprise. Working memory refers to a
gration approach to learning the linear and nonlinear limited capacity memory system in which information
categorization rules. Similar deficits in nonlinear category that is the immediate focus of attention can be tempo-
rule learning occur in patients with HD87 but do not rarily held in limited capacity language-based (i.e., the
occur in patients with circumscribed amnesia.92 The phonological loop) or visual-based (i.e., the visuospatial
deficit in learning the nonlinear categorization rule ex- scratchpad) buffers while being manipulated through a
hibited by the patients with PD or HD suggests that the primary central executive system.108 The central executive
striatum may be particularly important for implicitly system is critically responsible for strategic aspects of
learning complex rules. memory that facilitate the encoding and retrieval of
information in long-term memory. The subcortical de-
mentia syndrome of patients with HD or PD is charac-
Attention, Working Memory, and Executive terized by early deficits in all aspects of working memory,
Functions including the maintenance of information in the tempo-
Although deficits in attention, working memory, and rary memory buffers (e.g., as evidenced by poor digit span
executive functions occur in both cortical and subcort- performance), inhibition of irrelevant information, and
ical dementia syndromes, they play a more prominent the use of strategic aspects of memory (e.g., planning,
role in defining the latter syndrome. A deficit in organization) to enhance free recall.93,100,101,109–114 The
attention, for example, is an early and prominent cortical dementia syndrome of AD, in contrast, is initially
feature of cognitive decline in patients with HD or characterized by relatively mild working memory deficits
PD,93–95 but it is not a particularly salient feature of that primarily involve disruption to the central executive
early AD.96 This discrepancy is apparent in studies that with sparing of the phonological loop and visuospatial
directly compared the performance of patients with HD scratchpad.115,116 It is not until later stages of AD that all
or AD on the attention items of the Mini-Mental State aspects of the working memory system become compro-
Exam,97 the attention subscale of the Mattis Dementia mised115,116 as they are in the early stages of most
Rating Scale,98 or the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised subcortical dementia disorders.
Attention/Concentration Index, which entails tests of The prominent deficits in attention and working
digit span, visual memory span, and mental control.23,99 memory associated with the subcortical dementia syn-
In these latter studies, patients with HD were impaired drome are accompanied by impairment of various

‘‘executive’’ functions involved in planning and problem studies have been replicated several times and confirmed
solving. These include deficits in goal-directed behav- in several meta-analytic studies.130,131 The pattern of
ior, the ability to generate multiple response alterna- performance of PD patients across types of fluency tasks
tives, the capacity to resist distraction and maintain is less clear, although a meta-analytic study suggests that
response set, and the cognitive flexibility to evaluate these patients have slightly greater deficit on category
and modify behavior (reviewed in various stud- than letter fluency tasks.132
ies6,117,118). Deficits in these abilities are apparent on The results of these studies support the notion
a variety of tests that require executive functioning such that qualitatively different processes underlie the verbal
as the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test,119–122 the Stroop fluency deficits of AD and HD patients. The fact that
Test,119,122,123 the Tower of London test,100 the Gam- patients with AD are more impaired on the fluency task
bling Decision Making task,124 and tests of verbal that places greater demands on the integrity of semantic
concept formation.103 These deficits are not unique to memory suggests that they have a loss of semantic
subcortical dementia, however, as extensive executive knowledge or a breakdown in the organization of
dysfunction is also characteristic of the cortical demen- semantic memory, rather than a general inability to
tia syndrome of AD (for review, see Perry and retrieve or access semantic knowledge. A loss of knowl-
Hodges125). It may be the case that specific aspects of edge of the attributes, exemplars, and organization that
executive dysfunction are more common in one syn- define a particular semantic category is thought to reduce
drome than another, but there are few studies that have the ability of patients with AD to efficiently generate

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directly compared this aspect of cognition in the two words from a small and highly related set of exemplars.
disorders. The equivalent deficit that patients with HD exhibit on
the two fluency tasks suggests that their impairment
reflects a general retrieval deficit that is not influenced by
Language and Semantic Knowledge the demands the various tasks place on semantic mem-
A major distinction between cortical and subcortical ory. This interpretation of the disparate patterns is
dementia syndromes is the prominence of language supported by a series of studies that examined the
and semantic knowledge (e.g., general knowledge of temporal dynamics of retrieval from semantic memory
facts, concepts, and the meanings of words) deficits in during the letter and category fluency tasks.133,134 Ac-
cortical disorders such as AD and the virtual absence of cording to well-known random search models,135 if the
these deficits in subcortical disorders such as HD and set size for a particular semantic category is reduced due
PD. Patients with AD are noted for mild anomia, word- to a loss of semantic knowledge, mean latency should
finding difficulties in spontaneous speech, and a decline decrease and be lower than normal. If, on the other hand,
in the general structure and organization of semantic the semantic set size remains intact but retrieval is
knowledge. In contrast, patients with HD and other slowed, mean latency should increase and be higher
forms of subcortical dementia are often dysarthric with a than normal. The results of these studies showed that
slow and reduced speech output,126,127 but the semantic patients with AD exhibited a lower than normal mean
knowledge that underlies their language abilities appears latency consistent with the notion that they suffer a loss
to be relatively preserved. of semantic knowledge. Patients with HD, in contrast,
These differences in the language and semantic exhibited a higher than normal mean response latency,
memory abilities of patients with AD and HD were which is consistent with the view that damage to frontal-
shown in a series of studies of verbal fluency that directly subcortical circuits results in a disruption of retrieval
compared their performances on letter fluency tasks that processes.
required them to generate as quickly as possible (for 60 Differences in the language abilities of patients
seconds) words that begin with the letters F, A, or S, and with cortical and subcortical dementia syndromes are
category fluency tasks that required them to generate as apparent on tests of confrontation naming. Numerous
quickly as possible (for 60 seconds) exemplars from a studies have shown that patients with AD have a
designated semantic category (e.g., animals, fruits, or significant naming impairment136–138 that is not shared
vegetables).128,129 Patients with HD were severely and by patients with HD.6,139 Direct comparisons have
equivalently impaired on both types of fluency tasks, shown that patients with AD are significantly worse
whereas patients with AD were more impaired on the than patients with HD on confrontation naming tasks
category fluency task than on the letter fluency task. and that the two groups produce distinct patterns of
Indeed, in the study by Butters and colleagues,128 the naming errors.139 Patients with AD make a greater
AD patients exhibited a significant category fluency proportion of semantically based errors (e.g., superordi-
deficit even though their performance on the letter nate errors such as calling a ‘‘camel’’ an ‘‘animal’’) than
fluency task was not significantly different from that of patients with HD, whereas patients with HD make a
normal control subjects. The unique patterns of letter greater proportion of perceptually based errors (e.g.,
and category fluency performance observed in these calling a ‘‘pretzel’’ a ‘‘snake’’) than patients with AD.139

The tendency of patients with AD to make semantically about the specific components of visuospatial process-
based errors is consistent with a disruption of the ing that might be differentially affected in the two
structure and organization of semantic knowledge that disorders.
may arise from damage to cortical association areas in the In one of the few studies to directly compare
temporal, parietal, and frontal lobes. patients with AD and patients with HD on visuospatial
Chan and colleagues directly compared the tasks, Brouwers and colleagues143 found that patients
structure and organization of semantic knowledge in with AD, but not those with HD, were impaired on tests
cortical and subcortical dementia syndromes using of visuoconstructional ability that required extrapersonal
cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling techni- orientation (e.g., copying a complex figure), whereas
ques to statistically model a spatial representation of the patients with HD, but not those with AD, were im-
degree of association between concepts in semantic paired on visuospatial task that required personal ori-
memory (for reviews, see Chan et al140 and Salmon entation (e.g., the Money Road Map Test). Thus, the
and Chan141). The degree of association between the distinct pattern of deficits produced by the two groups
various exemplars in the category ‘‘animals’’ was esti- was interpreted as a dissociation between personal and
mated from their proximate position when generated in extrapersonal spatial orientation abilities in cortical and
a verbal fluency task or from the frequency with which subcortical dementia syndromes.
they were paired in a triadic comparison task. The This interpretation of the visuospatial deficits
modeling showed that the network of semantic associ- exhibited by patients with AD and patients with HD

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ations (i.e., the semantic network) for patients with HD was supported by the results of a recent study that
was virtually identical to that of control subjects, examined their ability to mentally rotate representations
whereas the semantic network of patients with AD of objects.151 In this task, subjects were asked to simply
was abnormal in several ways. First, AD patients press a key on the side in which a stick figure held a
focused primarily on concrete perceptual information target ‘‘ball’’ when the figure was in the fully upright
(i.e., size) in categorizing animals, whereas control position. The stick figures were presented in various
subjects stressed abstract conceptual knowledge (i.e., orientations away from the vertical, with the notion that
domesticity). Second, animals that were highly associ- the subject would have to mentally rotate the figure to
ated and clustered together for control subjects (e.g., cat make an accurate judgment concerning the side of the
and dog) were not strongly associated for patients with target. The further the target was from vertical, the
AD. Third, AD patients were less consistent than longer the mental rotation should take. By examining
control subjects in utilizing the various attributes of the change in response time as a function of the degree of
animals in categorization (e.g., consistently considering rotation that was required, the speed of mental rotation
dog a domestic animal). These results provide further could be inferred. The results showed that patients with
evidence that the cortical dementia syndrome of AD is HD were significantly slower than normal control sub-
characterized by a loss of semantic knowledge and jects in performing the mental rotation but were as
semantic organization that does not occur in the sub- accurate as the control subjects in making the rotation
cortical dementia syndrome exhibited by patients with and reporting the correct side of the target. Patients with
HD. AD, in contrast, performed the mental rotation as
quickly as the control subjects, but were significantly
impaired in making an accurate rotation and reporting
VISUOSPATIAL ABILITIES the correct side of the target. These results suggest that
Although visuospatial deficits are characteristic of both HD patients can perform mental rotation of visual
the cortical and subcortical dementia syndrome, few representations accurately but suffer a general brady-
studies have directly compared the two conditions to phrenia (i.e., slowed thinking) that parallels the brady-
determine if there are qualitative differences in the kinesia that characterizes the disorder. The impaired
processes affected. Visuospatial abilities are often ad- ability of AD patients to perform mental rotation may
versely affected early in the course of HD and decline reflect a deficit in extrapersonal visual orientation sec-
as the disease progresses.122,142–146 Patients with HD ondary to neocortical damage in brain regions thought to
have been shown to be impaired compared with age- be involved in processing visual motion (e.g., the middle
matched controls on many different tests of visuospa- temporal gyrus).
tial function such as the Block Design subtest of the A recent study by Festa and colleagues152 com-
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised,147,148 the pared the performances of patients with AD and patients
Clock Drawing Test,144 and tests of the ability to with HD on a visual sensory integration task that
follow a visual ‘‘map.’’143,149 Patients with AD have required subjects to detect the direction of coherently
also been shown to be impaired on these and many moving dots that could be segmented from randomly
other visuospatial tasks (for review, see Cronin-Go- moving distractor dots by color (red versus green) or by
lomb and Amick150), but relatively little is known luminance (light gray versus dark gray). Patients with

HD were as effective as normal control subjects in tended to make graphic, visuospatial, and planning
integrating motion and color or motion and luminance errors in both the command and copy conditions,
information to enhance their ability to detect the direc- whereas patients with AD tended to make conceptual
tion of motion above baseline levels of performance (i.e., errors (e.g., misrepresenting the clock by drawing a face
when color or luminance did not segment coherently without numbers or with an incorrect use of numbers;
moving dots). Patients with AD effectively used lumi- misrepresenting the time by failing to include the hands;
nance information to enhance their motion detection, but incorrectly using the hands; or writing the time in the
they were impaired in their ability to use color informa- clock face) in the command condition but not in the copy
tion in the same way (Fig. 3). This deficit was interpreted condition. These disparate patterns of deficits are
as an impaired ability to bind motion and color informa- thought to reflect distinct processing deficits in the
tion that is processed in distinct cortical visual systems cortical and subcortical dementia syndromes. The defi-
(the dorsal visual processing stream for motion informa- cits exhibited by patients with HD appear to be a
tion, the ventral visual processing stream for color in- manifestation of the planning and motor deficits that
formation) because the cortical pathology in AD leads to accompany disruption of frontal-subcortical circuits,
the loss of effective interaction between distinct neo- whereas those of patients with AD seem to reflect a
cortical areas.153 The ability to integrate motion and deficit in accessing knowledge of the attributes, features,
luminance information was not affected in the same and meaning of a clock.
way, presumably because both types of information are

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processed within the dorsal visual processing stream.
At least one study has directly compared visuo- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
constructional deficits in cortical and subcortical demen- There are several prominent differences in the patterns
tia syndromes by examining the ability of patients with of cognitive deficits that occur in neurodegenerative
AD and patients with HD to draw to command and to disorders that have their primary etiology in either
copy clocks.154 In the command condition, patients were cortical or subcortical brain dysfunction. Both quantita-
asked to ‘‘draw a clock, put in all the numbers, and set the tive and qualitative differences are apparent across many
hands to 10 past 11.’’ In the copy condition, they were cognitive domains including memory (in all of its
asked to copy a drawing of a clock. Both patient groups aspects), attention, working memory, executive func-
were impaired on both conditions of this task, but tions, language and semantic knowledge, and visuospa-
patients with AD were significantly worse in the com- tial abilities. Future research on the distinction between
mand condition than in the copy condition and patients cortical and subcortical dementia is needed to address
with HD were equally impaired in both. A qualitative several questions. First, are distinct cognitive profiles
analysis of the types of errors produced also revealed a apparent in the earliest stages of the various diseases
difference between the patient groups. Patients with HD before the full manifestation of dementia? Second, will
neuroimaging studies in cognitively normal individuals
provide converging evidence for the respective roles of
specific cortical and subcortical brain circuits in media-
ting the cognitive processes that are differentially af-
fected in cortical and subcortical dementia syndromes?
Third, are there reliable differences in the cognitive
profiles associated with various subcortical disorders
(i.e., HD versus PD) that would help to explain the
heterogeneity observed within the subcortical dementia
syndrome? As the answers to these and other questions
provide knowledge of the processes underlying the
cognitive deficits associated with different neurodege-
nerative disorders, a better understanding of the neuro-
logical substrates of cognition will emerge, and the
ability to clinically distinguish among disorders should
Figure 3 The mean color-motion integration index scores improve.
achieved by normal control (NC) subjects, patients with Alzhei-
mer’s disease (AD), and patients with Huntington’s disease (HD)
on a visual sensory integration task. The color-motion integration
index reflects the gain in motion direction detection derived from ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
using color information that segments coherently moving targets The preparation of this article was supported, in part, by
from distractors. Patients with (AD), but not those with (HD), are
significantly (*) impaired in integrating motion and color informa-
funds from NIA grants AG-05131 and AG-12963 to
tion. (Adapted from Festa et al,152 with permission from the the University of California, San Diego, and NINDS
American Psychological Association.) grant NS-41372 to the Veterans Medical Research

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