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College of Industrial Management

Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems
Dhahran, Saudia Arabia

MIS 490: Information Resources Management
Spring Semester 2010-2011 (102)

Name: Dr. Amine Nehari Tal et Rank: Associate Professor
Office: 24/235 Phone: 860-3450 E.mail:
Class Time: Section 01 - 10:00 AM-11:15AM
Section 02 1.10 AM–02:25PM Location: 24/153 and 24/256
Office Hours: Sunday / Tuesday 11.30 -1.00 PM
Web Page:
Theories and practices in the management of organizational information resources. Frameworks
for introduction, evolution, and assimilation of information systems into an organization. Role of
IT and roles of people using, developing, and managing systems. Global concepts of IT. Societal
and ethical issues related to IS design and use.

After completing the course, students will be able to:
1. Explore critical issues related to managing organizational information resources.
2. Study the roles of people using, developing and managing information systems.
3. Analyze the roles of information systems in organization.
4. Identify global, societal and ethical IS issues.

McNurlin, B.C and Sprague, R.H (2006), Information Systems Management in Practice, 7th
Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA.


All students are expected to participate actively in class discussions. All reading assignments are
to be read in advance and students must be prepared to answer questions. Students are expected to
attend all classes on time. Any student who misses 6 meetings with no KFUPM official excuse
will receive a "DN" grade in this course. However, for more than 2 absences your attendance
score will be reduced by 1% per absence. Students may be exempt from attending a class
producing official or medical excuse endorsed by the Deanship of Student Affairs.

All homework assignments and reports must be submitted online, through the WebCT, before or
at the due date and hard copy during the due date. Submission after the due date will not be
accepted. Format, organization, clarity and readability will be considered in determining grades.

Student must do all homework assignments themselves. Any attempt to copy work from other
students will be strictly dealt with. Reuse of assignments or term papers of previous semesters will be
considered cheating. Cheating will result in an "F" grade in the course, and further disciplinary
action will be pursued.

Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%
Quizzes 20%
Term Paper 15%
Presentation 40 %
Final Report 60%
Homework Assignments 10%
Attendance & Participation 5%


TOTAL 100%
The letter grade distribution will be as follow:

A+ 95% - 100% A 90% - 94%

B+ 85% - 89% B 80% - 84%
C+ 75% - 79% C 70% - 74%
D+ 65% - 69% D 60% - 64%
F Below 60%

Homework Assignments:
S. No. Assignment Chapter Points Due Date

HW#1 Find an article about Information Systems success and failure in Developing Countries
20-22 Feb -approval for the article
27 March Submission

Note that the articles must be published in refereed journals. Summarize the article in one page. Submit both the article
and the summary.

S. No. Chapters Points Date

Quiz #1 1, 2 and 3 40 March 1st , 2011

Quiz #2 4, and 7 20 March 29, 2011
Quiz #3 8,and 10, 12 40 May 10, 2011

Three online discussion questions will be posted on the discussion board of the WebCT. You are requested to
give a short paragraph representing your view of the discussion question. You are also requested to reply once
on other students' comments. The online discussions will end by June 1, 2010.


W# Date Topic Reading

1 13-15 Feb Course Overview Ch. 1

20-22 Feb The Importance of IS Management Ch. 2

2 27Feb-1 March The Top IS Job Ch. 3

3 6-8 March Strategic use of IT Ch. 4

4 13-15 March IS Planning Ch. 7

5 20-22 March Managing Information Resources Ch. 8

6 27-29 March Exam Review

Midterm Exam (Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 ). Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

7 3-5 April Managing Operations Ch. 10

9 17-19 April Management Issues in Systems Development Ch. 12

10 24-26 April Supporting Collaboration Ch. 13

11 1-3 May Supporting Knowledge Work

12 8-10 May IS Ethics Handouts

13 15-17 May The Challenges Ahead Ch. 14

14 22-24 May The Challenges Ahead

15 29-31 May Term Paper presentations

Comprehensive Final Examination Tuesday June 7, 201 7.PM 

(Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, & HOs)
The objective of the term paper is to provide students the opportunity to do independent
research in an area related to the MIS discipline, to generate high quality written report
summarizing the results of the research, and to present/defend the findings to the class or
similar forum like a symposium or a conference.


Proposal: Due – Feb 28, 2011

1. Title of the term paper

2. Importance of the paper to IS manager
3. Outline of paper
4. Initial list of cited references

Progress Report: Due - April 3rd , 2011.

1. List of tasks that have been implemented after the proposal submission till today, when
they were implemented, and who implemented them.
2. List of tasks to be implemented before the final report due date, when they will be
implemented, and who will be responsible for implementing them.

Final Report – Due – May 25, 2011.

1. Abstract of paper
2. Final paper (including Table of Contents, Introduction, Literature Review,
Methodology, Findings, Conclusions, References)
3. Presentation slides

29-31 May 2011

Proposed Topics:
1. Risk Management in the era of IT
2. CRM in Saudi Arabia
3. Information systems Success in Saudi Arabia
4. IS outsourcing in Saudi Arabia
5. IS technical and managerial skills
6. Ethics for IT Professionals
7. IS change management
8. The impact of IS investment
9. Business and IS plans alignment
10. User attitude toward IS
11. ERP systems implementation
12. Cost-effectiveness of IS solutions
13. IS satisfaction/IS adoption/IS success
14. IS job design and motivation

Should you desire to propose an alternate topic, you must discuss it with me to gain approval
before the due date of the proposal.
List of Selected MIS Journals

S. No. Journal/Database
1. ACM Digital Library
2. ABI Inform
3. Info Science
4. Emerald
5. Science Direct
6. Artificial Intelligence: an International Journal
7. Computer Bulletin
8. Computer Communications
9. Computer Networks
10. Computer Review
11. Computers and Education
12. Computers and Security
13. Data and Knowledge Engineering
14. Database
15. Decision Sciences
16. European Journal of Information Systems
17. Group Decision and Negotiation
18. IBM Systems Journal
19. Industrial Management and Data Systems
20. Information and management
21. Information Executive
22. Information Management
23. Information Processing Letters
24. Information Resources Management Journal
25. Information Systems Frontiers
26. Information Systems Journal
27. Information Systems Research
28. Interfaces
29. International Journal of Computers & Applications
30. International Journal of Electronic Commerce
31. International Journal of Information Management
32. International Journal of Network Management
33. Journal of Computer and System Sciences
34. Journal of Computer Information Systems
35. Journal of Database Management
36. Journal of Organizational & End User Computing
37. Journal of Global Information Management
38. Journal of Management Information Systems
39. Journal of Management Systems
40. Journal of Systems and Software
41. Journal of the Association for Information Systems
42. MIS Quarterly
43. Network Magazine
44. Omega
45. Software: Practice and Experience

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