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“For on you has Yahweh poured a SPIRIT of LETHARGY. He has

closed your eyes. He has veiled your heads.”—Isa. 29:10,
Jerusalem Bible

Several years ago, I was holding a meeting near Pensacola, Fla. One night while I was praying,
the Lord showed me a snail. The next day as I shared, God revealed that we were to pray for
“THE SLUGGARD,” which would be the name of a person who had the SPIRIT of LETHARGY!
Later, I was shown in the Jerusalem Bible his name and his fruit[s]. All this information was
necessary before I could share it with the Body of Christ.

God revealed to me the SPIRITS OF FEAR and LETHARGY are two spirits rather than one.
When I wrote How to Try a Spirit, I had a glimpse of this evil SPIRIT of LETHARGY that works in
harmony with the SPIRIT of FEAR, but I did not know there was another spirit involved. In the
book I listed its fruit as belonging to the SPIRIT of FEAR: manic depressive psychosis--inert,
inactive, sluggish, dreading to face life, idleness, melancholia.

Manifestations of the Spirit of Lethargy

Sluggishness, Pro. 6:9

Sleepiness, Pro. 6:10
Laziness, Pro. 10:26
Being stupefied, Isa 29:9
Can't read, Isa. 29:12
Being Stunned
Dizziness, exhaustion, weariness, Pro. 26:15
Blurred vision, Isa. 29:9, 11
Dry throat
Stomach feels empty, Pro. 19:15
Disinclination to action or labor, Pro. 6:6, 20:4
Habitual laziness
Closed Understanding, Isa. 29:10
Morbid drowsiness
Poverty, Pro. 6:11, 13:4, 20:4
Extreme withdrawal

Profile on the "Sluggard"

A person who has a SPIRIT of LETHARGY was known in the Bible as a sluggard. The
following describes some of the problems and characteristics.

He turns, tosses, and is restless at night, Pro. 26:14

He is weary. Pro. 26:15
He tries to justify his laziness or slothfulness. Pro. 20:4
He allows his possessions to decay and waste; procrastination. Ec. 10:18
He has a manic-depressive psychosis; is inert, dreading to face life. Pro. 19:15
He's reduced to begging.
A slothful person has fear. He is slothful. Pro. 26:13
He falls behind in progress through laziness and a refusal to make an effort.
He is a laggard in paying his debts or finding a job; usually lets parents or relatives support him.

(This connects this SPIRIT of LETHARGY with the SPIRIT of FEAR. Pro. 19:15.)


The SPIRIT of LETHARGY works on both the mental and the physical:

Catatonia–a state of mental unresponsiveness; depression.

Stupor–points to a more lasting deep-seated state near to that of hibernation. The

person may stare blankly with no expression for days on end. Or sit in the same uncomfortable
position for hours.

This spirit alienates, breaks down communication, causes hostility and delinquency in
children by a breakdown of norms or standards. Also, I believe that smoking marijuana will
open the door for the SPIRIT of LETHARGY to enter in.

We must move quickly to minister to and forgive and comfort a person who has the
SPIRIT of LETHARGY less he become "swallowed up with overmuch sorrow. (Melancholia)
Sufficient to such a man is this punishment." We do not need to punish him further.


1. Forgive the person of any sins he or his ancestors have sinned that caused the curse to
2. Bind the SPIRIT of LETHARGY, cast him out. People who are bound by the SPIRIT of
LETHARGY are powerless to free themselves. Therefore, it is necessary that an external
force minister deliverance to them such as a believer that understands the correct way to
lift curses put upon someone by Yahweh God.

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