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The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

The Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas Manila

I. Course Description

This course is designed to allow the students to commit themselves to ethical

catholic standards in their practice of medicine. As they develop their skills in
communication and clinical diagnosis, it is expected that a parallel growth in
profession, social and bioethical skills accompany the students’ encounters with
patients, other physicians and allied health professionals.

II. Rationale

The course is being offered to:

1. Discover the budding physician’s view of ethics in medical practice.
2. Expose ethical dilemmas and issues and to address them with basic ethical
3. Improve professional and to promote virtue in medical practice.

III. Curriculum Objectives

The module’s goal is to guide the students in:

1. Utilizing their moral imagination.
2. Recognizing ethical issues.
3. Analyzing key ethical concepts and principles and applying them to ethical
4. Accepting a sense of responsibility.
5. Dealing effectively with ethical ambiguity and disagreement.

IV. Outline

1. Human Life and Relationship to Others

2. Hippocratic Oath and Code of Ethics ( International and Philippines)
3. Physician-Patient Relationship
a. The Rights of Patients
b. Truth-Telling and Professional Secrecy
c. Informed (and Proxy) Consent: Patient and Family
d. Interviewing and Communicating with Patients
e. Phone and Internet Consultations
f. Honoraria
g. Advertising
4. Physician-Society Relationship
a. Human Rights and Social Justice
b. Health and Culture
c. Allocation of Scarce Resources
d. Dumping of Drugs and Medical Missions
e. Special Issues: Catastrophes, Epidemics, and Communicable Diseases
5. Other Important Relationships
a. Physician- Physician Relationship: Consultations and Referrals
b. Physician-Allied Health Professionals Relationship
c. Physician-student Relationship
d. Physician-Pharmaceutical Company Relationship
e. Physician-HMO/ Managed Care Relationship
f. Physician-Institution/ Hospital Administration Relationship
6. The Physician And Bioethics Committees
7. Human experimentation and Research
8. Mental Health Therapies: Drugs and Behavior
9. Health Care Ministry and Spirituality

V. Methods of Learning

Lecture, Interactive Learning, Role Playing, Case Studies, and Research

VI. Evaluation

Attendance = 20%
Quizzes = 40%
Shifting Exams= 20%
Research= 20%

VII. References

Prescribed Textbooks NA Supplementary Materials

• Textbook in Healthcare Ethics. 2nd edition Kevin O’Rouke, OP
• Ethical Guidelines for Medical Practice
• Forum in Bioethics by the Department of Bioethics UST Faculty of Medicine
and Surgery
• The National Bioethics Quarterly Journal
Suggested Websites

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