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Revision notes

The past can serve as a guide for our future, but Labour’s latest
bout of revisionism must engage with society as it evolves, writes
Gregg McClymont

A S the Labour party begins renewing itself in opposition,

attention inevitably turns to Labour’s history – and,
specifically, previous episodes of Labour renewal. Of particular
that politicians were always running to stand still in
identifying social change. The revisionist answer to this
perennial problem was a deep and continuing engagement
interest is ‘revisionism’, associated with the Gaitskellites of the with Britain’s leading economists, sociologists, and social
1950s and frequently cited by the New Labour modernisers of scientists. To absorb the latest social science, and reflect
the 1980s and 1990s as an inspiration. on its implications for politics, was to equip Labour with an
Revisionism’s influence lies less in any particular policy analysis of social change – one against which to measure the
prescriptions (policies right for the society of the 1950s or even the instincts and intuitions that politicians inevitably bring to
1990s are unlikely to be right for the society of the 2010s) than in policy development.
its method. Tony Crosland’s Future of Socialism is the classic text, The policy review announced by Ed Miliband and headed by
from which two relevant lessons emerge. The first is the danger Liam Byrne is therefore welcome. It offers a vehicle for analysing
of conflating ‘means and ends’ or, as we might put it, policies and how Britain’s economy and society have changed since 1997; it
principles. This trap is best avoided by beginning any period of offers a chance to engage with the electorate and assess what
renewal with a simple question: what is the ‘end’ – the fundamental we got right in government, what we got wrong, and how the
objective – of the Labour party? Answering this question is not tectonic plates of social change shifted under our feet during
straightforward: though Crosland and New Labour both saw the Labour’s 13 years in government.
party’s fundamental objective as ‘equality of opportunity’, what Support ebbed away after the superb 2001 election result.
those original revisionists and New Labour understood by this But it was the further erosion of support after 2005 which was
concept was in reality very different. Yet only by defining the ends decisive. Political scientists suggest that after 2005 the collapse
of Labour circa 2011, can we begin to will the means. of Labour’s vote was above all else a collapse in support among
The second revisionist lesson is the importance of studying the skilled working class C1s and C2s. This collapse began in
the society in which we live. Revisionists saw the world as 2006 and was driven by rising unemployment and a
complex and rapidly changing; as such, they understood squeeze in living standards.

What lessons
can we learn from
the revisionism of
Tony Crosland,
Hugh Gaitskell and
Tony Blair?

24 Progress March 2011

essay: revisionism

If, as this evidence indicates, Labour’s support fell away quickly also demand the commission’s attention. Lord Mandelson is
after 2005 because of economic changes working against the clearly well placed to contribute to such a commission given his
interests of the skilled working classes, two observations follow. mixture of UK and European experience.
First, the New Labour programme which proved so popular in 1997 A sceptic could argue that this view of the political economy is
and 2001 was no longer calibrated to the requirements of the broad based on a particular set of short-term economic circumstances,
electoral coalition which elected it. The New Labour coalition was that as the economy picks up the Conservative party will be able to
being undermined by economic developments which worked against reconstruct a tax-cutting politics to which Labour must be alert. No
the skilled working-class voters who were at its heart. Understanding doubt it will try. However, room to manoeuvre on that front will be
the nature of these economic changes therefore becomes critical. constrained by, likely, sluggish and unevenly distributed economic
Is stagnation in skilled working-class living standards a short-term growth, as well as by the distributional implications of the Tory-
product of a cyclical downturn? Or is there a structural tendency in Liberal Democrat welfare reforms. For these reforms promise to
the British or global economy depressing working-class wages? In redistribute the costs of previously taxpayer-funded services onto
other words, if the primary concern of the ‘squeezed middle’ is the the skilled working classes: a redistribution against the interests of
‘squeeze’, a swift reversion to a the skilled working classes which may limit or outweigh the impact
The lessons we 1997-2005 ‘business as usual’ of income tax cuts for this critical electoral group.
is not likely to be particularly To take one example, marketising higher education is an area
draw from previous successful. The conservative where the redistribution of costs will heavily penalise university-
periods of Labour American writer David Frum educated workers in wage brackets between £21,000 and £41,000
renewal involve noted the temptation: ‘When per annum. The new student loans will impose a permanent 30-
a political party offer the voters year additional nine per cent charge on the income of people in
method rather ham and eggs and the voters say, this wage category who have been to university. In other words,
than specific policy “No, thanks”, its first instinct regardless of what they call it, the coalition government has just
proposals, which by is to say, “OK then, How about invented a graduate tax – it just happens to be a very regressive
double ham and double eggs?”.’ one. It is hard to imagine a proposal that could be better described
definition are likely Polling from 2010 found as an attack on aspiration.
to be outdated that economic issues were the The lessons we draw from previous periods of Labour renewal
voters’ overwhelming concern. involve method rather than specific policy proposals, which by
Focus group polling by Deborah Mattinson also confirmed definition are likely to be outdated. The revisionists of the 1950s
that swing voters considered that none of the parties offered and the modernisers of the 1980s and 1990s both sought to
anything they considered relevant to defending their economic match policy proposals with popular needs. But the revisionists
circumstances. Observations from two leading New Labour emphasised that the priorities of the electorate are not fixed,
figures are relevant in this respect. Lord Mandelson’s tenure at instead they are shaped by time and social change.
the business department was characterised by an implicit and Thus Labour must investigate how the economy has changed
explicit recognition that New Labour left too much to the market since 1997, and what this has meant for the skilled working-class
in the sphere of industrial policy. Manufacturing matters, it must voters who deserted Labour, especially after 2005. My hunch
be nurtured, and the state has a significant role to play in doing is that the incomes of the skilled working classes are under
so – this was the starting point for the more engaged industrial long-term threat from structural economic change. But the
policy Mandelson moved towards in New Labour’s final days. revisionists would be the first to repudiate hunches, or anecdotal
In a recent Prospect article James Purnell observed that evidence, as a basis of policymaking. Revisionism in fact means
Tony Blair’s reluctance to intervene in markets partly stemmed a commitment to examining and analysing social change using
from an awareness of the difficulties involved. But given the all the means at our disposal – this is the first step to renewal.
strong belief among C1 and C2s that the social and economic
gains made during their working lives will not be matched, let Gregg McClymont is MP for Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and
alone exceeded by their children, this nettle needs grasping. A Kirkintilloch East and a former history fellow at St Hugh’s
distinctive, credible growth strategy is College, Oxford
likely to be critical to any winning
Labour electoral programme. Images l-r: PA Archive/Press Association Images; Edward Webb/Alamy;

Labour might therefore want to

consider a party commission into the
future of British manufacturing,
along the lines of the John Smith-
era Social Justice Commission.
Such a body would have to Why don’t you get debating the issues in this piece?
consider British manufacturing’s It’s easy to form a Progress reading group. We’ve put
output and capacity limitations together a short flyer to show you how and give you
and the sheer lack of scale
some pointers for your discussion. Copies are on the
which inhibits the development
Keystone Pictures USA

reverse of the address sheet which came with this

of UK supply chains. The
absence of enough large British magazine or you can visit
manufacturing companies to uk/readinggroup to download more copies.
drive these supply chains would

Progress March 2011 25

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