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Veterinary World, Vol.

2(2): 79-82 REVIEW

Biobased Packaging - Application in Meat Industry

S. Wilfred Ruban

Department of Livestock Products Technology

Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore-24

Because of growing problems of waste disposal and because petroleum is a nonrenewable resource
with diminishing quantities, renewed interest in packaging research is underway to develop and
promote the use of “bio-plastics.” In general, compared to conventional plastics derived from
petroleum, bio-based polymers have more diverse stereochemistry and architecture of side chains
which enable research scientists a greater number of opportunities to customize the properties of
the final packaging material. The primary challenge facing the food (Meat) industry in producing
bio-plastic packaging, currently, is to match the durability of the packaging with product shelf-life.
Notable advances in biopolymer production, consumer demand for more environmentally-friendly
packaging, and technologies that allow packaging to do more than just encompass the food are
driving new and novel research and developments in the area of packaging for muscle foods.
Keywords: Meat, Industry, Environmental, Product, Packaging, Shelf life, Bio-plastic.

Introduction is concern with finding cost-effective ways to

The purpose of food packaging is to preserve manufacture packaging materials. In addition to the
the quality and safety of the food it contains from the above environmental issues, food packaging has been
time of manufacture to the time it is used by the impacted by notable changes in food distribution,
consumer. An equally important function of packaging including globalization of the food supply, consumer
is to protect the product from physical, chemical, or trends for more fresh and convenient foods, as well a
biological damage (Dallyn & Shorten, 1998). The most desire for safer and better quality foods. Given these
well-known packaging materials that meet these criteria and previously mentioned issues, consumers are
demanding that food packaging materials be more
are polyethylene- or co-polymer based materials, which
natural, disposable, potentially biodegradable, as well
have been in use by the food industry for over 50 years.
as recyclable (Lopez-Rubio et al., 2004).
These materials are not only safe, inexpensive,
To meet the growing demand of recyclable or
versatile, but also flexible (Tice, 2003). Within the plastic
natural packaging materials and consumer demands
packaging market, food packaging is the largest
for safer and better quality foods, new and novel food-
growing sector (Comstock et al., 2004). However, one
grade packaging materials or technologies have been
of the limitations with plastic food packaging materials and continue to be developed. Examples of these
is that it is meant to be discarded, with very little being packaging materials include bio-based polymers,
recycled. The presence of these types of packaging bioplastic or biopolymer packaging products made from
materials in landfills can be problematic on many fronts. raw materials originating from agricultural or marine
First, if plastic is not recycled, these items end up in sources (Cha & Chinnan, 2004). These types of
land- fills, where they can last forever and never packaging materials include, starch, cellulose,
degrade. Secondly, many countries are faced with a chitosan/chitin, protein (animal, plant-based), or lipids
decrease in landfill space, especially in densely (animal, plant-derived, etc.). Within this context of
populated areas. So, finding landfills for consumer and packaging, edible films, gels or coatings may be
industrial waste may become more difficult in the future considered biopolymers with some biodegradable
(Comstock et al., 2004). properties. Another example of a biopolymer is
Another factor to consider is the dependence on polylactic acid (PLA). Other biopolymers have been
petroleum products in the production of plastic made from marine prokaryotes, chemical synthesis,
packaging materials. With rising petroleum costs, there as well as from by-products of other microorganisms Veterinary World Vol.2, No.2, February 2009 079
Biobased Packaging - Application in Meat Industry

(ie., fungal exopolysaccharides). This review will potatoes, or tapioca. Starch-based films exhibit physical
address the implementation of biopolymers (i.e. edible characteristics similar to plastic films in that they can
gels, films, or coatings), bio-based plastic packaging be odorless, tasteless, colorless, non-toxic, biologically
materials to improve the quality and/or safety of fresh absorbable, semi-permeable to carbon dioxide, and
or further processed meat and poultry products. resistant to passage of oxygen. High amylose starch
Bio-based polymers or biopolymers films have been made that are flexible, oxygen
impermeable, oil resistant, heat-sealable, and water
“Biobased food packaging materials or
soluble. Since the water activity (aw) is critical for
biopolymers are materials derived from renewable
microbial, chemical, and enzymatic activities, edible
sources. These materials can be used for food
starch based films can retard microbial growth by
applications”. (Comstock et al., 2004; Weber et al.,
lowering the aw within the package, thereby reducing
2002). Biobased polymers may be divided into three
drip loss of meat products and binding water that
main categories based on their origin and production:
otherwise would be available for microbial growth
Category 1: Polymers directly extracted/removed from
(Wong et al., 1994).
biomass. Examples are polysaccharides such as starch
b) Alginate: Alginates are derived from seaweed, and
and cellulose, chitosan/chitin and proteins like casein
possess good film-forming properties that make them
and gluten. Category 2: Polymers produced by
particularly useful in food applications (Nisperos-
classical chemical synthesis using renewable biobased
Carriedo, 1994). Divalent cations (calcium, magnesium,
monomers. A good example is polylactic acid
manganese, aluminum, or iron) are used as gelling
(Kandemir et al., 2005), a biopolyester polymerised
agents in alginate film formation. Desirable properties
from lactic acid monomers. Category 3: Polymers
attributed to alginate films, include moisture retention,
produced by microorganisms or genetically modified
reduction in shrink, improved product texture, juiciness,
bacteria. To date, this group of biobased polymers
color, and odor of treated muscle foods.
consists mainly of the polyhydroxyalkonoates, but
c) Carrageenan: Carrageenan is a complex mixture
developments with bacterial cellulose are in progress.
of several polysaccharides. To date, there are only a
(Cutter & Sumner, 2002a).
limited number of studies addressing the use of
Researchers also have further categorized
carrageenan with muscle foods. Carrageenan-based
biopolymers based on the ability to be compostable or
coatings have been used to prolong the shelf life of a
biodegradable (Comstock et al., 2004). It is important
variety of muscle foods including poultry and fish.
to note that while some bio-based packaging materials
Additional studies have demonstrated that antioxidants,
may be biodegradable, not all biodegradable materials
such as gallic or ascorbic acids or lecithin, salt or
are bio-based (Weber et al., 2002). Recent
antibiotics, can be added to the coatings to improve
technological advances also have allowed biopolymers
the quality and microbiological stability of muscle foods.
to be processed similarly to petroleum-based plastics,
d) Cellulose ethers: Cellulose is a non-digestible
whether in sheets, by extrusion, spinning, injection
component of plant cell walls. In the manufacture of
molding, or thermoforming (Comstock et al., 2004).
edible films, cellulose-based films tend to be water
A. Polysaccharide Films: soluble, resistant to fats and oils, tough, and flexible.
Polysaccharide films are made from starch, Cellulose based films applied to muscle foods can
alginate, cellulose ethers, chitosan, carageenan, or reduce oil uptake during frying, minimize run-off during
pectins and impart hardness, crispness, compactness, cooking, and reduce moisture loss when applied as
thickening quality, viscosity, adhesiveness, and gel- glazes for poultry and seafood (Cutter & Sumner, 2002).
forming ability to a variety of films. These films because Cellulose based films have been commonly used to
of the make up of the polymer chains exhibit excellent provide mechanical, oxygen barrier, and oil barrier
gas permeability properties, resulting in desirable properties for foods such as pizza and ice cream cones,
modified atmospheres that enhance the shelf life of where as very little information exists for application
the product without creating anaerobic conditions to fresh or further processed muscle foods (Gennadios
(Baldwin et al., 1995). Additionally, polysaccharide films et al., 1997). Cellulose casings also are widely used
and coatings can be used to extend the shelf-life of by the meat industry in the manufacture of ready-to-
muscle foods by preventing dehydration, oxidative eat meat and poultry products, including frankfurters,
rancidity, and surface browning, but their hydrophilic sausages, bologna, and other small diameter meat
nature makes them poor barriers for water vapor products subject to thermal processing.
(Nisperos-Carriedo, 1994). e) Pectin: Pectins are a group of plant-derived
a) Starch: Starch, composed of amylose and polysaccharides that appear to work well with low-
amylopectin, is primarily derived from cereal grains, moisture foods, but are poor moisture barriers (Baldwin Veterinary World Vol.2, No.2, February 2009 080
Biobased Packaging - Application in Meat Industry

et al., 1997). Currently, very little information exists to (Ben & Kurth, 1995). Protein-based films adhere well
the application of pectin-based edible films on muscle to hydrophilic surfaces, provide barriers for oxygen and
foods. carbon dioxide, but do not resist water diffusion. Casein
f) Agar: Another seaweed-derived polysaccharide is and whey are the two common milk proteins that have
agar. Used extensively in microbiological media to been used in the manufacture of edible films. These
provide firmness, agar exhibits characteristics that proteins are desirable as components of these films
make it useful for coating meats. It forms strong gels because of their nutritional value, excellent mechanical
characterized by melting points far above the initial and barrier properties, solubility in water, ability to act
gelation temperature (Whistler & Daniel, 1985 and as emulsifiers, and because of their industrial surplus.
Natrajan & Sheldon, 2000a). While a considerable amount of research has been
g) Chitin/Chitosan: Chitosan is an edible and conducted with films made from milk proteins on fruits
biodegradable polymer derived from chitin, the major and vegetables and other dairy foods, there are limited
organic skeletal substance in the exoskeleton of studies addressing the application of these films on
arthropods, including insects, crustaceans, and some muscle foods. Despite the advantages to using proteins
fungi. Next to cellulose, Chitosan is the most abundant in film formation, research has indicated that enzymes
natural polymer available. Some desirable properties associated with muscle foods can degrade protein films.
of chitosan are that it forms films without the addition Additionally, the application of protein films to muscle
of additives, exhibits good oxygen and carbon dioxide foods may present health problems, especially for
permeability, as well as excellent mechanical properties individuals with food allergies associated with milk, egg,
and antimicrobial activity against bacteria yeasts, and peanut, soybean, or rice proteins (Cutter & Sumner,
molds (Var tiainen et al., 2004). However, one 2002).
disadvantage with chitosan is its high sensitivity to Gelatin/collagen: Edible films also may serve as gas
and solute barriers, thereby improving the quality and
shelf life of muscle foods. Gelatin films have been used
B. Lipid Films as a delivery system for applying antioxidants to poultry
Larding, or enrobing muscle foods with fats, has or applied directly to poultry meat surfaces or
been performed primarily to reduce shrinkage of the processed meats to prevent microbial growth, salt rust,
food product, as well as to provide oxygen or moisture grease bleeding, handling abuse, water transfer,
barriers. Waxes and other types of fat-based oils also moisture loss, and oil adsorption during frying. Despite
have been added to protein- or polysaccharide-based these successes, gelatin lacks strength and requires
films to impar t flexibility, to improve coating a drying step to form more durable films. Currently, the
characteristics, or to prevent sticking during cooking. meat industry currently uses collagen films during the
Edible lipid or resin coatings can be prepared from processing of meat products. When heated, intact
waxes (e.g., carnauba, beeswax, and paraffin), oils collagen films can form a ‘‘skin’’ or edible film that
(vegetable, animal, and mineral), and surfactants. There becomes an integral part of the meat product (Cutter
are a number of advantages for coating foods with & Miller, 2004). These commercially available collagen
lipids. Lipids not only impar t hydrophobicity, films have been purported to reduce shrink loss,
cohesiveness, and flexibility, but they also make increase permeability of smoke to the meat product,
excellent moisture barriers due to the tightly packed increase juiciness, allow for easy removal of nets after
crystalline structure of lipids that naturally restricts the cooking or smoking, and absorb fluid exudates.
passage of water vapor molecules. Despite these D. Composite Films
advantages, lipid-based films at higher storage When it comes to improvements in edible film
temperatures may exhibit lower permeability to gases technologies, most research has addressed film
such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ethylene, leading formulations using various combinations of edible
to potentially anaerobic conditions which may present materials. Two or more materials can be combined to
food safety issues, as well as lack structural integrity, improve gas exchange, adherence to coated products,
and poor adherence to hydrophilic surfaces. Lipid- or moisture vapor permeability properties. Composite
based films are vulnerable to oxidation, racking, flaking, films consisting of lipids and a mixture of proteins or
retention of off-flavors, as well as bitter aftertastes (Ben polysaccharides take advantage of the individual
& Kurth, 1995). component properties. In doing so, these individual or
C. Protein Films combined films can be applied as emulsions or bilayer
Casein, whey protein, gelatin/collagen, films. Additionally, plasticizers can be used to modify
fibrinogen, soy protein, wheat gluten, corn zein, and film mechanical properties, thereby imparting resulting
egg albumen have been processed into edible films film. Example- a combination of vegetable oils, glycerin,
citric acid, and antioxidants prevented rancidity by Veterinary World Vol.2, No.2, February 2009 081
acting as a moisture barrier, restricting oxygen
transport, and serving as a carrier for antioxidants to
various foods (Baldwin et al., 1997). If these types of
films are to be considered as alternatives to plastic
packaging, future research should determine the edible
Biobased Packaging - Application in Meat Industry

resulting film. Example- a combination of vegetable oils, 3. Comstock, K., Farrell, D., Godwin, C., & Xi, Y. (2004):
glycerin, citric acid, and antioxidants prevented From hydrocarbons to carbohydrates: food packaging
rancidity by acting as a moisture barrier, restricting of the future. Website: http: // depts. .washington .edu/
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oxygen transport, and serving as a carrier for
antioxidants to various foods (Baldwin et al., 1997). If
4. Cutter, C. N. (2002a): Microbial control by packaging: a
these types of films are to be considered as alternatives review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,
to plastic packaging, future research should determine 42:151–161.
the edible nature of these composite films and overall 5. Dallyn, H., & Shorten, D. (1998): Hygiene aspects of
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E. Poly lactic Acid Films Biodeterioration, 24: 392–3876.
6. Gennadios, A., Hanna, M. A., & Kurth, L. B. (1997):
Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and
derived from fermentation of starch and condensation seafoods: a review. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und
of lactic acid. It is a highly versatile material and is Technology, 30: 337–350.
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(Krishnamurthy et al., 2004). In addition to its strength, biodegradable films of crude exopolysaccharides
obtained from Aureobasidium pullulans fermentation.
biodegradability, and compostability, PLA polymers also
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anti-oxidants), bio-based, edible, or biopolymer 12. Tice, P. (2003): Packaging materials 4. Polyethylene
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13. Vartiainen, J., (2004): Chitosan-coated paper:
(color, flavor, etc.) to the food. However, as with all new
effects of nisin and different acids on the antimicrobial
or novel packaging developments destined for activity. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 94, 986–
consumers, cost, organoleptic, consumer preference, 993.
toxicological, safety, and regulatory considerations 14. Weber, C. J., Haugaard, V., Festersen, R., & Bertelsen,
must be addressed if these types of technologies are FG. (2002): Production and applications of biobased
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