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Data Sources 5.1

User Guide

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Part number 215-04648_A0

April 2009
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Table of Contents

Preface ........................................................................................................................ix
NetApp Products.....................................................................................................x
Documentation Set ............................................................................................... xii
Chapter 1 SANscreen Architecture ..........................................................................1
1.1 Overview of Components ................................................................................1
1.2 SANscreen Server and Local Acquisition Unit ................................................3
1.3 Remote Acquisition Unit ..................................................................................3
1.4 SANscreen Client GUI.....................................................................................4
Chapter 2 Installing the Remote Acquisition Unit ..................................................5
2.1 Before You Install the Remote Acquisition Unit...............................................5
2.2 RAU Installation Procedure .............................................................................6
2.3 Verifying the New RAU Service.....................................................................10
2.4 Validating the Installation...............................................................................10
2.5 Uninstalling the Remote Acquisition Unit ......................................................10
Chapter 3 Viewing Acquisition Units ......................................................................11
3.1 The Acquisition Units Screen Described .......................................................11
3.1.1 The Main Acquisition Units Table ........................................................13
3.1.2 The Event Log......................................................................................13
3.2 Operations .....................................................................................................14
3.2.1 Removing an Acquisition Unit ..............................................................14
Chapter 4 Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN.............................................16
4.1 Understanding Data Source Concepts..........................................................17
4.2 Unsupported Configurations..........................................................................18
4.3 Preparation ....................................................................................................18
4.4 The Data Sources Screen Described............................................................19
4.4.1 The Main Data Sources Table .............................................................20
4.4.2 The Event Log Detail Pane ..................................................................22 Gathering More Status Information .............................................23
4.4.3 The Devices Detail Pane .....................................................................24
4.4.4 The Changes Detail Pane....................................................................25
4.5 Operations .....................................................................................................26

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Table of Contents ♦ v

4.6 Adding a Data Source ...................................................................................27
4.7 Editing Data Source Properties .....................................................................31
4.8 Starting a Data Source ..................................................................................32
4.9 Stopping a Data Source ................................................................................32
4.10 Removing a Data Source ............................................................................33
4.11 Forcing Acquisition ......................................................................................34
4.12 Clearing the Event Log................................................................................35
4.13 Troubleshooting Data Source Activity .........................................................35
4.13.1 Unauthorized Operation.....................................................................35
4.13.2 Faulty Acquisition Unit Status ............................................................36
4.13.3 Unsuccessful Acquisition or Faulty Data Source...............................36
Chapter 5: Available Data Sources .........................................................................38
Using the Data Source Wizard ......................................................................38
5.1 3PAR InServ (SMI-S) ....................................................................................39
5.2 3Par (CLI) ......................................................................................................41
5.3 Brocade (API) (fabric aware).........................................................................42
5.4 Brocade (CLI) (fabric aware) .........................................................................44
5.5 Brocade (HTTP r-fabric aware) .....................................................................46
5.6 Brocade (MPR – Multi Protocol Router)........................................................47
5.7 Brocade (All Models) .....................................................................................48
5.8 Brocade (SNMP Firmware 4.2x / 4.4x) .........................................................50
5.9 Cisco..............................................................................................................52
5.10 EMC (CLARiiON CLI)..................................................................................54
5.11 EMC (Connectrix 7).....................................................................................56
5.12 EMC (Connectrix – 8.1, 8.6, 8.7, 8,8, 8.9, 9.0, 9.1, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7) ...............57
5.13 EMC (ECC StorageScope Host Resolver)..................................................59
5.14 EMC Solutions Enabler (CLI) ......................................................................60
5.15 EMC Solutions Enabler (CLI) with CLI Performance ..................................62
5.16 Engenio Arrays ............................................................................................64
5.17 HDS (HiCommand DeviceManager) ...........................................................65
5.18 HDS (HiCommand DeviceManager Lite) ....................................................67
5.19 HP (EVA) .....................................................................................................68
5.20 HP (CommandView, Advanced Edition) .....................................................69
5.21 HP (CommandView, Advanced Edition Lite)...............................................71
5.22 HP (XP) .......................................................................................................72
5.23 IBM (FAStT).................................................................................................73
5.24 IBM (DS CLI) ...............................................................................................74
5.25 IBM (ESS CLI) .............................................................................................75
5.26 IBM (SVC) ...................................................................................................76
5.27 IBM (TotalStorage DS4000) ........................................................................77
5.28 Incipient NSP...............................................................................................78

vi ♦ Table of Contents NetApp

5.29 McData (EFCM) Manager ...........................................................................79
8.1, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.0,9.1, 9.5) .......................................................................79
5.30 McData Sphereon SNMP ............................................................................81
5.31 McData (Switches – SMI-S) ........................................................................82
5.32 NetApp (Filers using ONTAPI™).................................................................83
5.33 QLogic SANsurfer (SNMP)..........................................................................85
5.34 QLogic (SMI-S)............................................................................................87
5.35 SUN (StorEdge 6130)..................................................................................88
5.36 SUN (StorEdge 6x20)..................................................................................89
Chapter 6 Array Performance Setup .......................................................................91
6.1 HDS USP Application Insight for Array Performance....................................91
6.1.1 HDS (HiCommand DeviceManager)....................................................91
6.1.2 HDS Performance ................................................................................93
Prerequisites: Export Tool .......................................................................93
Licensed Performance Monitor................................................................93
6.1.3 How to Configure the Data Source for HDS Performance ..................94
Batch File Creation ..................................................................................94
6.1.4 Data Points Comparing Storage Navigator to
SANscreen User Interface...................................................................95
6.1.5 Product Limitations...............................................................................95
6.2 EMC Symmetrix Application Insight for Array Performance Using SMI-S ....96
6.2.1 Prerequisites ........................................................................................96
6.2.2 EMC Solutions Enabler (CLI)...............................................................97
6.2.3 EMC Solutions Enabler (CLI) with CLI Performance ........................ 100
6.3 EMC CLARiiON Application Insight for Array Performance ....................... 102
6.3.1 Prerequisites ..................................................................................... 102
6.3.2 Configuration in Navisphere.............................................................. 102 Data Source Attributes ............................................................. 102
6.3.3 Installation/Deployment Guide .......................................................... 103 Enabling Data Logging ............................................................ 103
6.3.4 Limitations .......................................................................................... 105
6.3.5 Configuring the Data Source Views .................................................. 106 Configuring the Initial Data Source View................................. 106 Configuring the Detailed Data Source View ............................ 107

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Table of Contents ♦ vii


The SANscreen Data Sources User Guide is intended for use by

SAN administrators, and other members of the storage management
team who install and administer SANscreen.

Chapters describe the configuration parameters and some installation

procedures for data sources used by SANscreen. They also describe
recommended methods of discovering a SAN environment for a
SANscreen deployment.

This user guide assumes knowledge of the basic screen- and table-
handling tools detailed in the SANscreen Service Insight User Guide,
including use of the toolbar to display detail panes.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Table of Contents ♦ ix

NetApp Products
The following products comprise the NetApp SANscreen suite of
Product Name Description

Service Insight Offers visibility into your SAN environment,

including host-to-storage access paths, storage
availability and change management.
Service Assurance Enables risk-free migrations and real-time
monitoring of storage services.
Capacity Manager Capacity Manager manages the end-to-end
resource order and allocation process to allow
companies to accelerate application provisioning,
manage resource reservations and forecast based
on past trends and future demand, enabling
educated capacity management decisions.
VM Insight Enables virtual machine to array path visibility for
organizations deploying VMware ESX technology
combined with VMware Virtual Center.
Application Insight Uses SAN traffic data to reclaim underutilized
resources, manage tiers, identify multipath risks
and troubleshoot ongoing performance
bottlenecks. Discovers, collects, and maintains
performance information measured by critical
array metrics throughout the SAN.

Enterprise Reporting Provides a centralized reports portal to support

for Capacity viewing critical information from the data
Manager warehouse in capacity-related reports such as
chargeback, consumption analysis, capacity
planning, purchasing, storage tier analysis,
storage service catalogs, trending, and historical
Enterprise Reporting Provides a centralized reports portal to support
for Service Insight viewing critical information from the data
warehouse to facilitate operational, strategic, and
tactical storage-related decisions.

x ♦ Preface NetApp
Product Name Description

Data Warehouse Provides a central repository for all inventory

information, giving IT the ability to consolidate
multisite environments, provide global visibility of
distributed infrastructures and allow access to
critical analysis and reporting.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Table of Contents ♦ xi

Documentation Set
The following table lists the full documentation set for NetApp’s
SANscreen products. These user guides and manuals are available
for download from the SANscreen Client Help menu and from the
NOW site (URL):
User Guide Description of Content

SANscreen Installation Overview of the suite’s architecture with

and Administration User instructions to get the system up and running,
Guide discover the SAN and perform administrative
SANscreen Data Sources Describes the configuration parameters and
User Guide some installation procedures for data sources
used by SANscreen. Provides recommended
methods of discovering a SAN environment
for a SANscreen deployment.
SANscreen Service Information about the tools and features
Insight User Guide available to help you gain visibility into your
SAN environment, including FC and iSCSI
SANscreen Service Overview of how to use Service Assurance to
Assurance User Guide analyze and validate your storage network
environment and to automate operational
monitoring, as well as procedures to make
safe changes without disrupting availability.
Includes FC and iSCSI paths, policies and
violation information.
SANscreen VM Insight Overview of virtualization in SANscreen,
including the VC Plug-in feature.

xii ♦ Preface NetApp

User Guide Description of Content

SANscreen Application Overview of how to use Application Insight to

Insight User Guide reclaim underutilized resources, manage tiers,
identify multipath risks and troubleshoot on-
going performance bottlenecks. Information
about how Application Insight discovers,
collects and maintains performance
information measured by critical array metrics
throughout the SAN.

SANscreen Capacity Overview of how to use Capacity Manager to

Manager User Guide enable educated capacity management
decisions by managing the end-to-end
resource order and allocation process.
Enterprise Reporting for Overview of the centralized reports portal that
Capacity Manager User supports viewing critical capacity-related
Guide information from the data warehouse.

Enterprise Reporting for Overview of the centralized reports portal that

Service Insight User supports viewing critical inventory information
Guide from the data warehouse.

Enterprise Reporting A description of the metadata model upon

Data Model Reference which SANscreen reports are based.
Data Warehouse User Overview of Data Warehouse structure.
SANscreen Connect API Overview of how to use the API interface to
User Guide enable integration with other applications,
such as reporting and monitoring systems.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Table of Contents ♦ xiii

Chapter 1 SANscreen Architecture

This chapter presents a high-level description of the SANscreen


1.1 Overview of Components

The SANscreen solution is comprised of five main components:

• SANscreen Server — SANscreen’s main repository and
analysis component. The server stores the SAN
information and policies, and provides impact analysis
and simulation capabilities.
• SANscreen Acquisition Unit — SANscreen’s acquisition
component, which communicates with SAN devices and
provides device information to the SANscreen server.
There are two types of Acquisition units:
o A Local Acquisition Unit (LAU) is installed with the
SANscreen server.
o A Remote Acquisition Unit (RAU) can optionally be
installed on a remote server(s), as required.
• SANscreen Client GUI — SANscreen’s Java-based GUI,
which provides access to the various SANscreen features
through a Graphical User Interface.

Figure 1 shows an example in which four islands are managed

centrally, using:
• SANscreen server.
• LAU (to communicate with the main data center and two
local data centers).
• RAU (to communicate with a remote data center).

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide SANscreen Architecture ♦ 1

While communication flows in both directions, the arrows indicate the
direction in which communication is initiated:

Figure 1: Example of a Common SANscreen Implementation

The following sections describe each component in more detail.

2 ♦ SANscreen Architecture NetApp

1.2 SANscreen Server and Local Acquisition Unit

The SANscreen server is comprised of:

• An SQL database that stores information about your SAN
• The impact analysis and simulation engine.
• The Local Acquisition Unit.

The server receives regular updates regarding SAN changes from the
Local Acquisition Unit (LAU), and from any Remote Acquisition Unit(s)
that are installed (detailed in the next section). These updates are
passed through a secured communication channel.

1.3 Remote Acquisition Unit

The Remote Acquisition Unit (RAU) is installed on remote servers to

acquire SAN information about remote data centers. The RAU is fully
controlled and configured from the SANscreen server, using the
secured communication channel (https). Upon discovery of SAN
changes, the RAU sends the information to the SANscreen server
through the secured channel.

Installation of a RAU is required to:

• Acquire information from SAN devices that reside behind
a firewall.
• Acquire information from SAN devices that are located at
a remote site.
• Acquire information from SAN devices that are on a
private network.
• Add load balancing to the installation, and provide
redundancy to the other (local and remote) Acquisition

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide SANscreen Architecture ♦ 3

1.4 SANscreen Client GUI

The SANscreen client GUI is Java-based, and requires no specific

installation. It must run on a PC that is compatible with the client
hardware and software requirements, including Java (see Appendix A
in the SANscreen Installation and Administration User Guide).

4 ♦ SANscreen Architecture NetApp

Chapter 2
Installing the Remote Acquisition Unit

This chapter steps you through the process of installing a Remote

Acquisition Unit (RAU). Installation of an RAU is required to:
• Acquire information from SAN devices that reside behind
a firewall.
• Acquire information from SAN devices that are located at
a remote site.
• Acquire information from SAN devices on a private
• Add load balancing to the installation, and provide
redundancy to the other (local and remote) Acquisition

2.1 Before You Install the Remote Acquisition Unit

Before installing a RAU, make sure that:

• The RAU server meets the hardware and software
requirements outlined in Appendix A.
• The RAU server has full network access to the SAN
devices with which it has to communicate to properly
acquire the data it must forward to the SAN server.
• At least one port is open and available between the RAU
server and the SANscreen server, to forward change
information to the server. If you are unsure about this,
validate it by opening a Web Browser on the RAU
computer and directing it to the SANscreen server:


SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Installing the Remote Acquisition Unit ♦ 5
The acquisition port defaults to 443 but may have been changed
during the server installation.

If the connection is successful, you will see a SANscreen

response page indicating an open and available port between the
RAU and the SANscreen server.

2.2 RAU Installation Procedure

The SANscreen server must be installed before installing the

RAU. See Chapter 2 in the SANscreen Installation and
Administration User Guide for those procedures.

1. Log in to Windows using an account with administrator

2. Open Windows Explorer; then open the directory where the
RAU installation file is located.
3. Double-click rau_5.1.msi to start the installation:

4. Click Next to continue:

6 ♦ Installing the Remote Acquisition Unit NetApp

Accept the terms of agreement and click Next.

5. In the following screen select the type of installation you want.

Click Next.

6. Using the configuration window that appears, shown below,

set parameters that are specific to your site. Click Next when
you are through.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Installing the Remote Acquisition Unit ♦ 7
Attribute Used to Configure the…

SANscreen Server Hostname or IP address to identify the

Name or Address SANscreen server. The RAU uses this
name/IP to open a communications link with
the server. If you specify a hostname, make
sure it can be resolved through DNS.
Acquisition Unit Unique name that identifies the RAU.
HTTPS Port Port used by Remote Acquisition Units to
send SAN change information to the
SANscreen server.
This setting should match the value entered
when installing the SANscreen server and
must be the same on all RAUs.

7. Review your selections; then, either click Back to go back and

make changes, or Install to approve the parameters and

8 ♦ Installing the Remote Acquisition Unit NetApp

8. After clicking Install above, wait for the installation to
complete. This should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes,
and ends with the window shown on the next page:

9. Mark the Start Remote Acquisition Service box to start the RAU;
then, click Finish to end the installation.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Installing the Remote Acquisition Unit ♦ 9
2.3 Verifying the New RAU Service

After a successful installation, the following SANscreen service

should be available in the Windows services environment:

SANscreen Acq — SANscreen’s Remote Acquisition Unit (RAU).

Look for this service in the OS Services view:

Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services

Alternatively, open the command window (Start – Run) and enter the
following command to obtain a list of services:

net start

2.4 Validating the Installation

To validate proper installation of the RAU:

1. Go to SANscreen’s Acquisition Units screen (see Chapter 3)

and verify that the new RAU was registered correctly and it
has an OK status. If it does not, contact the NetApp support

2. Define the appropriate data sources to run from the newly

installed Remote Acquisition Unit (see the SANscreen Data
Sources User Guide).

2.5 Uninstalling the Remote Acquisition Unit

If you wish to uninstall the RAU, use the Add/Remove Programs feature
from the Control Panel. Then select the SANscreen application for

10 ♦ Installing the Remote Acquisition Unit NetApp

Chapter 3 Viewing Acquisition Units

You can monitor the status of all running Acquisition Units, including
the Local Acquisition Unit that is installed by default with the
SANscreen server. This chapter describes how to so this, as follows:
• Section 3.1 The Acquisition Units Screen Described
provides an overview of the Acquisition Units screen, and
details the information displayed in that screen.
• Section 3.2 Operations describes the various operations
available from the Acquisition Units screen.

3.1 The Acquisition Units Screen Described

Choose Acquisition Units from the launch menu to open the main
Acquisition Units display:

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Viewing Acquisition Units ♦ 11

This screen comprises up to three tables (one main table and two
detail panes, available through the toolbar):

• The main Acquisition Units table lists the various

Acquisition Units that are installed. The Local Acquisition
Unit, illustrated above, is installed by default with the
SANscreen server. As you install Remote Acquisition
Units, they appear in this main table as well. Refer to
page 13 for more information about this table.

• The Event Log detail pane appears in the main table

when you have selected an Acquisition Unit. It lists any
errors that occurred during the latest attempt to run the
selected Acquisition Unit. Look at the error message to
understand the cause, or contact the NetApp support
team for assistance. Refer to page 13 for detailed
information about this table.

• The Data Sources detail pane applies after you

select an Acquisition Unit in the main table. It lists the
data sources that are assigned to (that is, that run within)
the selected Acquisition Unit. The fields listed in the
detail pane are the same as those in the main Data
Sources table, described in the SANscreen Data Sources
User Guide.

12 ♦ Viewing Acquisition Units NetApp

3.1.1 The Main Acquisition Units Table

Look at the main table and verify that the Local Acquisition Unit and
all RAUs are shown, and that they have an OK status. For any other
status, the LAU is not running.

The following fields display in the main table for each Acquisition Unit:

Field Description

Name Name of the Acquisition Unit, as specified when

it was installed for an RAU). Always local for the
IP IP address of the server where the Acquisition
Unit is installed.
Status Status of the Acquisition Unit:
• OK — The Acquisition Unit is up and
• error message — There is a problem with
the Acquisition Unit, as stated by the

3.1.2 The Event Log

Click the Event Log button in the toolbar to display any events and
errors that occurred during the most recent attempt(s) to run the
selected Acquisition Unit. Look at the error message to understand
the cause, or contact the NetApp support team for assistance.

Field Description

Time Date/time of the acquisition attempt, in

mm/dd/yy hh:mm format.
Error Description of the error or event reported.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Viewing Acquisition Units ♦ 13

3.2 Operations

With Acquisition Units displayed, the Action

or right-click menu allows the actions
described below:

Action Used to…

Add Data Define a new data source.

Clear Data Clears the event log for all data sources
Source assigned to the selected Acquisition Unit.
Event Log The discussion referenced to the right clears
the event log for a single data source, but
the processing is essentially the same.
Remove Removes the selected Acquisition Unit and
Acquisition all data sources assigned to it.

3.2.1 Removing an Acquisition Unit

This operation removes the Acquisition Unit and all data sources
assigned to it. Use it with caution, and only after the devices
corresponding to the data sources are no longer used in the SAN.

After completing this operation:

• SANscreen presents any data that was acquired by the
removed data sources as non-current.
• You will no longer see paths that were created based on
the information acquired from the removed data sources.

To remove an Acquisition Unit:

1. Stop all data sources for the Acquisition Unit and remove or
migrate them to another LAU or RAU.

2. Right-click the target Acquisition Unit in the main table.

14 ♦ Viewing Acquisition Units NetApp

3. Choose Remove Acquisition Unit from the Action or right-click

4. Click Yes in the confirmation box to confirm removal of the

Acquisition Unit. The row corresponding to the Acquisition
Unit is dropped from the main table.

5. As necessary, use the Delete Inactive Device feature to remove

devices permanently. This feature is available from the
appropriate Inventory list (host inventory, switch inventory,

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Viewing Acquisition Units ♦ 15

Chapter 4 Using Data Sources to
Discover the SAN

This chapter describes how to add and maintain data sources within
SANscreen. Data sources discover SAN information that is used for
analysis and validation. The chapter is organized as follows:
• Section 4.1 Understanding Data Source Concepts
introduces the concept of a data source.
• Section 4.2 Unsupported Configurations lists device
configurations that cannot be reported by SANscreen.
• Section 4.3 Preparation tells what information you need
to have at hand before proceeding.
• Section 4.4 The Data Sources Screen Described
provides an overview of the data sources screen, and
details the information displayed in that screen.
• Section 4.5 Operations describes the various operations
available from the data sources screen.
• Section 4.6 Adding a Data Source provides detailed
instructions to add a new data source.
• Section 4.7 Editing Data Source Properties tells how to
modify a data source definition.
• Section 4.8 Starting a Data Source tells how to start a
data source.
• Section 4.9 Stopping a Data Source tells how to stop a
data source.
• Section 4.10 Removing a Data Source tells how to
remove a data source after the devices corresponding to
the data source are no longer used in the SAN.
• Section 4.11 Forcing Acquisition tells how to force a
data source to start the acquisition process.

16 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

• Section 4.12 Clearing the Event Log tells how to clear
the log for a data source.
• Section 4.13 Troubleshooting Data Source Activity
describes some common problems and how to correct

4.1 Understanding Data Source Concepts

A data source is a logical SANscreen component that continuously

communicates with one or more SAN devices (or device-
management applications), and provides SAN topology and
configuration information to the SANscreen server. Each data source
runs within a specific Acquisition Unit — either the Local Acquisition
Unit, which is a standard part of each SANscreen server, or a Remote
Acquisition Unit.

Each data source communicates directly with a management agent

that is installed on a SAN device or management station. Depending
on the management agent, each data source is capable of reporting
on one or more SAN devices, as follows:
• If the management agent is installed on a SAN device,
the data source will report on the device itself, and
possibly on its sibling devices (for example, all devices of
the same type on the same fabric).
• If the management agent is installed on separate
hardware, such as a management station, the data
source will report on all devices managed by that station.

There are many different types of data sources, representing the

various SAN devices supported by SANscreen. Refer to Chapter 5
for a complete list of the supported device types, and the parameters
specific to each.

SANscreen data sources use a combination of IP-based

communication techniques to gather the required data from SAN
devices, combining the use of the following communication modes:
• Event driven mode — Used to update the system
automatically when device information changes (based
on SNMP trap messages).

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 17
• Polling mode — Used to sample devices regularly for
their status, at some user-configured interval.

4.2 Unsupported Configurations

SANscreen does not report changes related to the following device

• Arrays with no volumes.
• Arrays with no ports.
• Switch devices with no ports.

Although a data source might acquire status information from such

devices, the information will fail the integrity checking done by the
Acquisition Unit, and is not forwarded to the SANscreen server.

4.3 Preparation

For each data source, the specific requirements to define that data
source depend on the vendor and model of the corresponding SAN
device(s). Refer to Chapter 5 for detailed information.
In general, to complete discovery of your SAN you will need a list of
installed RAUs and their device connectivity responsibilities. You will
also need the IP address, user name, and password to access each
of the following:

• SAN switches

• Device management stations

• Storage systems that have IP connectivity

• Storage management stations

• Host servers running management software for storage

devices that do NOT have IP connectivity

18 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

4.4 The Data Sources Screen Described

Choose Data Sources from the launch menu to open the Data Sources

The screen contains one main table and several detail panes that are
available through the toolbar:
• The main Data Sources table lists all the registered data
sources. By default, and before any data sources are
added, this list is empty. After you add the first data
source, the list shows the parameters and status of each
data source that is running, across all Acquisition Units.
Refer to page 20 for more information about this table.

• The Event Log detail pane applies after you select a

data source in the main table. It lists the recent
acquisition attempts made by the selected data source.
Refer to page 22 for details about this log.

• The Devices detail pane applies after you select a

data source in the main table. It lists the devices on
which the data source reports. Refer to page 24 for more
information about this table.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 19
• The Changes detail pane applies after you select a
data source in the main table. It lists the SANscreen
changes that resulted from information reported by this
data source. Refer to page 25 for more information about
this table.

4.4.1 The Main Data Sources Table

The following fields display in the main table for each data source:
Field Description

Name Name assigned to the data source when it was

created (see page 27).
IP IP address where the corresponding
management agent is installed. This is the IP
address of a SAN device or a device-
management station.
Poll Interval Interval (in minutes) at which the data source
polls its corresponding management agent.
Note 1: Receipt of an SNMP trap restarts the interval
Note 2: The information received is only as current
as the polling interval for the management agent with
which the data source communicates.
Vendor Vendor for the device(s) reported by the data
Model Model of the device(s).
State Current state of the data source:
• Running — The data source is active and
running at the configured polling interval.
• Acquisition not running — The entire
acquisition service is down, including all
data sources running on the Acquisition
• Stopped — The data source has been
• Starting — The data source is initializing.

20 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

Field Description
This is a temporary state between Stopped
and Running.
• Stopping — The data source is shutting
down. This is a temporary state between
Running and Stopped.

Recent Status Status of the latest attempt to acquire

information from the devices that are polled by
this data source:
• Success — The attempt is complete and
was successful.
• Acquiring devices — The acquisition is in
• Sending data to server — The acquisition
results are being forwarded to the server.
• 3 out of 5 devices finished successfully —
The data source successfully reported only
a subset of the components it queried.
Refer to the Event Log detail pane for
additional information regarding the failed
• error message — The acquisition attempt
failed for the reason stated.
Acquisition Unit Name of the Acquisition Unit where this data
source is running.
Acquisition Unit Current status of the parent Acquisition Unit:
• OK — The Acquisition Unit is up and
• error message — There is a problem with
the Acquisition Unit, as stated by the
message. Refer to page 36 for suggestions
if you see an error message here.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 21
4.4.2 The Event Log Detail Pane

Click the Event Log button in the toolbar to display the acquisition
history for the selected data source:

Each row in this table represents one or more acquisition attempts

that are grouped according to their status. If more than one attempt
was made with the same resulting status, they are grouped under a
single row, and the Times column reflects the number of attempts.

The information in the Event Log changes ONLY when a new event
has occurred. The Log does not display the results of every
consecutive session, but shows the event if the status has changed
from Success to Failed or from Failed to Success. For example, in the
following view of the Event Log Detail Pane, Application Insight
Arrays shows two event times, because each time registers a
different status, yet the number of actual polls was 56:

22 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

The Status column displays the results, which are described in the
Field Description

From Starting time of the acquisition(s), in mm/dd/yy

hh:mm format. If the line represents more than
one acquisition attempt, this is the starting time
of the earliest attempt.
To Ending time of the acquisition(s), formatted as
described above. If the line represents more
than one acquisition attempt, this is the ending
time of the last attempt.
Times Number of acquisitions reported on this line,
that is, the number of acquisitions that have the
same status.
Status Status of the acquisition(s) reported on this line.
The values with a most likely cause can be
explained directly in the column.
See also Gathering More Status Information

If the Status column in the Event Log detail pane shows a link—
Package Dependency—then there is more information you need to
diagnose the problem. Clicking on this link opens the next view:

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 23
1. Click on Knowledgebase. This takes you first to a login
screen and then into the Knowledgebase on the NOW
website, where you are given additional resources to address
the problem:

4.4.3 The Devices Detail Pane

Click the Devices button in the toolbar to display details about the
devices on which the data source reports. Each row in the Devices
table represents a single SAN device.
Field Description

Device Name Name of the SAN device.

Type Type of device (Storage, Host, etc.).
WWN WWN to identify the device.
Additional Data Additional data sources that report on the same
Sources device, if any.

24 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

4.4.4 The Changes Detail Pane

Click the Changes button in the toolbar to display changes relating

to the selected data source; in other words, a summary of changes to
the SANscreen database that resulted from information reported by
this data source.

Field Description

Time Date/time at which the change took place.

icon Icon indicating the type of event documented on
the line (see the SANscreen Service Insight
User Guide for a list of icons and their
Event Description of the change action that occurred
at the time indicated.
Changes that resulted from a single action are
stamped with the same time, and are
summarized on a single row. Click the button
to display more detailed change information for
nested events.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 25
4.5 Operations

With data sources displayed, the Action or

right-click menu allows the actions described

Action Used to… page

Add Data Open a wizard that lets you add a new data 27
Source source.
Edit Data Open a wizard that lets you change the 31
Source parameters of the selected data source.
Remove Remove the selected data source and flag 33
Data all data acquired from this data source as
Source non-current.
Note: Only remove a data source after it is no
longer used. Do not remove a data source
if it is temporarily out of use.
Start Data Start the selected data source (applicable 32
Source only if the data source is Stopped).
Stop Data Stop the selected data source (applicable 32
Source only if the data source is Running). A
stopped data source does not communicate
with its corresponding device and does not
retrieve SAN data.
Force Force the selected data source to initiate a 34
Acquisition data acquisition, thereby ensuring that the
most recent data has been acquired.
Clear Event Clear the event log for the selected data 35
Log source.
Crawl With Solve communication problems between the —
Data selected data source and a SAN device.
Source Only use this option upon request by the
NetApp support team.
Manage Launch the management console/interface —
for the selected data source.

26 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

The sections that follow describe the actions for which this user guide
provides more detail, in order as listed above.

4.6 Adding a Data Source

Add a data source when a new switch, storage device, or SAN

management tool is added to the SAN environment — and you want
to make its information available for analysis in SANscreen. If the
new device will be reported by an existing data source, there is no
need to add a new one.

Before adding a new data source:

• Read the device-specific information in Chapters 5 and 6.
• Prepare the information required to connect to the device
(IP address, login user name, login password, etc).
• As necessary to the specific data source, install the
management agent through which the data source
communicates with its device(s). The specifics of this are
covered in Chapters 5 and 6 where appropriate.
• Verify that the Local Acquisition Unit and all RAUs are
shown in the Acquisition Units table and that they have an
OK status (see Chapter 3).

• Choose Add Data Source from the Action or right-click

menu to open a wizard that guides you through the
process of adding a new data source:

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 27
1. Enter a name for the data source that is unique across all
Acquisition Units. Choose a name that will make it easy for you
to identify the data source. The name is comprised of
alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). No symbols can be
used; the field will change to red if the name is not correct.

2. Choose the Acquisition Unit where the data source will run (local
specifies the Local Acquisition Unit on the SANscreen server).

3. Choose the vendor and model of the device where the

management agent is installed. This is the agent from which the
data source will acquire SAN information. It might be the SAN
device itself, or separate hardware, such as a management

4. Click Next to open the License Information view, which lets you
select which license packages you want to activate for the data
source. The following is a sample—each data source will have
different packages from which it is capable of collecting related

28 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

Each license package that you enable for the data source will
show an associated configuration screen.

5. Click Next to open the data source Configuration screen. This

screen is specific to the license package and to the type of
device specified above, and is illustrated here for a Brocade

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 29
6. Fill in the information requested by the configuration screen.
Definitions are provided in Chapter 5 in tables that
accompany each data source.

NOTE: Invalid field values are highlighted, including required

fields that are not yet specified, such as the IP address above
(Brocade Switch field). Refer to Chapters 5 and 6 for device-
specific details about each parameter.

7. Click Finish when you are through, to activate the data source
in your environment. (SANscreen activates the Finish button
after all required fields are filled in, assuming there are no
invalid field values.)
NOTE: The Import button is used only upon request by the NetApp
support team.

After you complete the configuration, a new row displays in the main
table of the data sources screen. Proceed as follows to verify the
new data source:

1. Allow a reasonable amount of time for the acquisition to

complete. Several seconds is generally enough, but some
devices may be slow or highly populated and may take
several minutes to acquire.

2. Select the new data source in the main table.

3. Examine either the main Data Source table or the acquisition

event log for successful acquisitions. If the Status field is
Acquiring Devices, the acquisition has not yet finished.

NOTE: As necessary, press <F5> to refresh the display.

30 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

4.7 Editing Data Source Properties

The Edit Data Source option lets you

examine and/or modify the parameters
for one or more selected data sources.
You might do this to correct an error in
the original definition, or because of a
configuration change to the SAN
device (e.g., an updated password).
NOTE: You cannot modify the device
name, vendor, or model.

To edit a data source:

1. In the main table, right-click the data source(s) to edit.

2. Choose Edit Data Source from the Action or right-click menu;

then follow the instructions in the edit wizard.

3. Click Next.

4. View and/or update the parameters, referring to Chapters 5

and 6 for details about each field. If you selected multiple
data sources, SANscreen displays (and allows you to modify)
only the common attributes.

5. Click Finish.

If the data source was active (status is Running), it will restart

to run with the new parameters. If it was not active (status is
Stopped), it remains inactive.

6. Verify the change(s) as follows:

• Start the data source if it is not already Running.
• Allow a reasonable period of time for the acquisition to
complete; then examine the event log for a successful

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 31
4.8 Starting a Data Source

Starting a data source changes its status from Stopped to Running

(with the transitional Starting state in between).

To start a data source:

1. Right-click the data source in the main table.

2. Choose Start Data Source from the Action or right-click menu.

3. Click Yes to confirm the operation.

4. After several seconds:

• Verify that the status changes to Running. As necessary,
press <F5> to refresh the display.
• Allow a reasonable period of time for an acquisition to
complete; then examine the event log for a successful
• NOTE: Data sources will be in standby when starting the
data source. Data sources will randomly start acquiring
automatically, based on poll interval. If you want to force
acquisition on a data source, select the data source,
right-click on the data source and "Force Acquisition,"
and then click “Yes” on the Force Acquisition prompt.
(See also 4.11.)

4.9 Stopping a Data Source

Stopping a data source changes its status

from Running to Stopped (with the transitional
Stopping state in between).

To stop a data source:

1. Right-click the data source in the main


2. Choose Stop Data Source from the Action or right-click menu.

3. Click Yes to confirm the operation.

32 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

4. After several seconds, verify that the status changes to Stopped.
As necessary, press <F5> to refresh the display.

4.10 Removing a Data Source

This operation removes the data source and all entities it reported on
during the most recent acquisition (volumes, zones, connectivity,
etc.). For this reason, you should use this operation with caution, and
only after all devices corresponding to the data source are no longer
used in the SAN.
NOTE: If a second data source reports on one or more of the
same entities, they are not removed.

One exception exists to this rule, and that is the devices on which the
data source reported. These are not removed, but are grayed out in
the topology view and tables, marking them as inactive. Use the
Delete Inactive Device option to remove them, as necessary. This is
described in the SANscreen Service Insight User Guide.

To remove a data source:

1. Right-click the target data source in the main table.

2. Stop the data source (see page 32).

3. Choose Remove Data Source from the Action or right-click


4. Click Yes in the confirmation box to confirm removal of the

data source. After you confirm the removal, the row
corresponding to the data source is dropped from the main

5. As necessary, use the Delete Inactive Device feature to remove

a device permanently. This feature is available from the
appropriate Inventory list (host inventory, switch inventory,

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 33
etc.), as detailed in the SANscreen Service Insight User

After completing the Remove Data Source operation:

• SANscreen presents any data that was acquired by the
removed data source as non-current. This means that all
connectivity, ports, volumes, masking, zones, etc. that
were discovered solely by the removed data source will
disappear, and the data source Changes detail pane will
indicate their removal. The corresponding device itself
still appears in SANscreen tables and in the topology
pane, but is grayed out.
• You will no longer see paths that were created based on
information acquired from the removed data source.

4.11 Forcing Acquisition

Forcing acquisition causes the selected

data source to initiate the acquisition
process immediately. If the data
source is already in an acquisition
process, SANscreen ignores this

Follow these steps to force acquisition

for a data source:

1. Make sure the data source is

started (status is Running).

2. Right-click the data source in the main table.

3. Choose Force Acquisition from the Action or right-click menu.

4. Click Yes to confirm the operation.

After forcing acquisition:

• The event log should show a status of Acquiring Devices.
• Allow a reasonable period of time for an acquisition to
complete; then examine the event log for a successful

34 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

4.12 Clearing the Event Log

The data source Event Log shows what

acquisitions succeeded and failed. After a
few weeks, this information typically has no

Follow these steps to clear the event log for

a selected data source:

1. Right-click the data source in the main


2. Choose Clear Event Log from the drop-down menu.

3. SANscreen verifies the request. Click Yes to continue.

After completing this process, the event log will contain only the most
recent two entries.

4.13 Troubleshooting Data Source Activity

This section describes problems you might encounter while

performing the operations described above, in order as follows:
• Unauthorized operation
• Faulty Acquisition Unit status
• Unsuccessful acquisition, or faulty data source

4.13.1 Unauthorized Operation

If the following dialog appears when you click Finish from a wizard:

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 35
The operation failed because you are not an authorized user for the
requested operation. You must have administrative privileges in
order to work with data source configurations.

You can:
• Ignore the error and keep working with your current
privilege level.
• Log in under a user name that has administrative
privileges and try again.

4.13.2 Faulty Acquisition Unit Status

If the Acquisition Unit Status field contains an error message in the main
Data Sources table (i.e., is not OK), make sure the Acquisition Unit is
running. For example, a Not Connected status indicates that the
software is not running.

To verify that the service is running, open the Services window on the
server where the Acquisition Unit was installed (on the SANscreen
server for a Local Acquisition Unit):

Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services

1. Look for the SANscreen Acq service. If the service is not

running (that is, its status is not Started), right-click the service
and choose Start.

2. Recheck the status of the data source in the main table. The
status should change to OK.

4.13.3 Unsuccessful Acquisition or Faulty Data Source

If a data source is unsuccessful in acquiring from its SAN devices:

1. Examine the acquisition failure message in the event log’s

Status field.

2. If the message is related to connectivity, make sure:

• The device is operational (not in maintenance).

36 ♦ Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN NetApp

• The device is reachable. Try to ping the device, or use
the Edit Data Source operation to verify that the
connectivity parameters are correct (e.g., IP address).
• The device is manageable (e.g., by telnet).

3. If the message is related to device access (e.g., Failed to log in

to fabric), use the Edit Data Source operation to verify that the
user name and password are correct.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Using Data Sources to Discover the SAN ♦ 37
Chapter 5: Available Data Sources

This chapter lists the various SAN devices and management stations
from which an installed management agent can communicate with a
SANscreen data source. For each such device, it tells how to
configure the corresponding data source to acquire SAN data from
the device.
The devices are listed alphabetically according to their Vendor and

NOTE: Data sources specific to Application Insight Array

Performance also appear in Chapter 6 with expanded information.

Using the Data Source Wizard

Every data source shown in SANscreen has one or more license

packages that are shown through the wizard. These are configured
separately for each data source. You have the option to enable or
disable the license packages before configuring the data source:

38 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

This process exposes the capabilities of a data source based on the
type of information that it is able to acquire rather than by license
name. See also section 4.6, “Adding a Data Source.”

In this user guide one or more of the different configuration screens

are shown that appear after the wizard, one for each package that is
enabled. Up to ten different screens might be available depending on
the number of packages.

A table combines all possible values, with definitions, for the

configuration screens that can appear, though for economy only one
or two are shown herein.

5.1 3PAR InServ (SMI-S)

The 3Par InServ is an SMI-S device. When you select this data
source, you need only identify the server itself. All the other fields are
set correctly by SANscreen.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 39

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

SMI-S server Network address for the SMI-S server, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
SMI-S port Number of the server port through which the data
source acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Password Password used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Protocol used HTTP (if unsecured access) or HTTPS (if secured).
SMI-S namespace SMI-S namespace used to query the data (always
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of 3Par devices, identified by
IP address, that will not be discovered by this data

40 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.2 3Par (CLI)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Cluster/s IP Network address for the cluster/s, specified as an

IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that
can be resolved through DNS.
User name Name used to log in to the 3PAR device.
Password Password used to log in to the 3PAR storage
Poll Interval (min.) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of 3PAR devices, identified
by IP address, that will not be discovered by this
data source.
SSH process wait Time in seconds waiting for command to finish. If
timeout in sec not completed when timeout expires, the run fails.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 41

5.3 Brocade (API) (fabric aware)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Brocade switch Network address for the switch device, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
User name Name used to log in to the switch.
Password Password used to log in to the switch.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source
(blank to report the fabric WWN).
Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon receiving
an SNMP trap from the device. If you mark this
box, you must also activate SNMP notifications.
Minimum time Minimum elapsed time between acquisition
between traps (sec) attempts triggered by traps, in seconds.

42 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Description

Ignore Brocade API Checkbox used to ignore all occurrences of

error -21 on N-Ports Brocade API error –21, which can indicate a
problem in a connected port (N-Port). Sometimes
this error occurs because of a bug in the Brocade
API. Activate this flag only when you are
absolutely sure that there are no issues with the
connected port, and that the error code indicates a
problem in the Brocade API. If you are in doubt,
contact NetApp prior to marking this checkbox, to
receive a better analysis of the issue.
Comma separated IP address of one or more switches to ignore,
list of switches to separated by commas. The data source will not
ignore poll devices that are referenced by this list.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 43

5.4 Brocade (CLI) (fabric aware)

44 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Switch IP Network address for the switch device, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source
(blank to report the fabric WWN).
Username Name used to log in to the Brocade device.
Password Password used to log in to the Brocade storage
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of Brocade devices,
identified by IP address, that will not be discovered
by this data source.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Timeout in The period of time that data source will wait for
SECONDS before it declares that connection has failed (timed
Time needed to wait In seconds.
for the banner output
to finish after login
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.
Application Insight Set the Application poll interval to 10 (seconds).
poll interval This is the recommended setting.
SNMP community SNMP read-only community string used to access
the device.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 45

5.5 Brocade (HTTP r-fabric aware)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Brocade switch Network address for the switch device, specified as an IP

(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that can be
resolved through DNS.

46 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Description

Poll interval Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should poll
(min) the device.
Use HTTPS Check the box if HTTPS is desired.
SNMP SNMP read-only community string used to access the
Community device.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source (blank to
report the fabric WWN).
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of Brocade devices, identified by IP
address, that will not be discovered by this data source.

5.6 Brocade (MPR – Multi Protocol Router)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Brocade switch Network address for the switch device, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Username Name used to log in to the Brocade device.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 47

Field Description

Password Password used to log in to the Brocade storage

Command execution The period of time that data source will wait for
timeout command to execute before it declares that
command execution has failed (timed out).
Command is a CLI command that data source
issues to the NSP administrating server (console).

5.7 Brocade (All Models)

48 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

NOTE: The API, CLI, HTTP and SMI-S are fabric aware, and the two
SNMP data sources are not fabric aware.
Field Description

Brocade switch Network address for the switch device, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Brocade API User Name used to log in to the switch.
Brocade API Password used to log in to the switch.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source
(blank to report the fabric WWN).
Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon receiving
an SNMP trap from the device. If you mark this
box, you must also activate SNMP notifications.
Minimum time Minimum elapsed time between acquisition
between traps (sec) attempts triggered by traps, in seconds.
SNMP community SNMP read-only community string used to access
the device.
Ignore Brocade API Checkbox used to ignore all occurrences of
error -21 on N-Ports Brocade API error –21, which can indicate a
problem in a connected port (N-Port). Sometime
this error occurs because of a bug in the Brocade
API. Activate this flag only when you are
absolutely sure that there are no issues with the
connected port, and that the error code indicates a
problem in the Brocade API. Contact NetApp prior
to marking this checkbox, to receive a better
analysis on the issue.
Comma-separated IP address of one or more switches to ignore,
list of switches to separated by commas. The data source will not
ignore poll devices that are referenced by this list.
Starting port index 0 is default.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 49

Field Description

Application Insight Set the Application poll interval to 10 (seconds).

poll interval This is the recommended setting.
BB-Credit inclusion Applies to Application Insight. One of the counters
in Error reported is the number of errors during
transmission of data from the switch to host/array or
between switches. Check the box to enable BB
credit as a type of transmission error.
SNMP community SNMP read-only community string used to access
the device.

5.8 Brocade (SNMP Firmware 4.2x / 4.4x)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

NOTE: These data sources are not fabric-aware.

50 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Description

Brocade switch Network address for the switch device, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Use HTTPS to get Check the box to enable this feature.
SNMP community SNMP read-only community string used to access
the device.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source
(blank to report the fabric WWN).
Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon receiving
an SNMP trap from the device. If you mark this
box, you must also activate SNMP notifications.
Minimum time Minimum elapsed time between acquisition
between traps (sec) attempts triggered by traps, in seconds.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 51

5.1 Cisco

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

52 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Description

Cisco switch Network address for the switch, specified as an IP

(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that can
be resolved through DNS.
SNMP community SNMP read-only community string used to access the
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should
poll the device.
Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon receiving an
SNMP trap from the device. If you mark this box, you
must also activate SNMP notifications.
Minimum time Minimum elapsed time between acquisition attempts
between traps (sec) triggered by traps, in seconds.
Support chassis Looks for other switches in the Fabric. This is using the
discovery Cisco CDP protocol to discover neighboring switches
and report them.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by Cisco
ID, that will not be discovered by this data source.
Check device type If set, the data source will accept only those devices
that explicitly advertise themselves as Cisco devices.
Primary Alias Type Provide first preference for resolution of alias.
Secondary Alias Provide second preference for resolution of alias.
Tertiary Alias Type Provide third preference for resolution of alias.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 53


Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure EMC’s NaviCLI is

installed on the target device. The NaviCLI version must match the
firmware version on the controller.

54 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

CLARiiON storage Network address for the CLARiiON storage

device, specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
format), or as a hostname that can be
resolved through DNS.
User name Name used to log in to the CLARiiON storage
Password Password used to log in to the CLARiiON
storage device.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device. The default is 40.
navicli.exe path Full pathname to the navicli.exe executable.
DR enabled DR protection. If checked, then disaster
recovery information is acquired by the data
Use secure client Provides a secure management facility for
(naviseccli) activating the required CLARiiON array
replication support functionality.
CLARiiON CLI port CLARiiON port through which the data source
communicates with the switch management
console . The NaviCLI uses port number 443
by default. Change this port if the CLARiiON
array is configured to listen to a different port
Enable Application Insight Used to obtain performance data.
How often (in seconds) the Enter the poll interval in seconds for collecting
storage performance utility CLARiiON performance information.
polls the NaviSphere
Analyzer (must be 10
times ‘Archive Poll
Interval’ set on the
Include: Data collected CLARiiON arrays can be either excluded or
only from devices on list. included for acquisition by selecting the filter
Exclude: No data from type as “exclude” or “include.”
these devices is collected.
Device list to The comma-separated list of CLARiiON array
include/exclude. IP addresses to be included or excluded,
depending upon the filter type selected.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 55

5.3 EMC (Connectrix 7)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Connectrix server Network address for the Connectrix server, specified as an

IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that can be
resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should poll
the Connectrix device.
User name Name used to log in to the Connectrix device.
Local IP Local address of the SANscreen server. . Used when
working on an RAU with two NICs.
Password Password used to log in to the Connectrix device.
Connectrix port Connectrix port through which the data source
communicates with the switch management console
(required if port numbers were changed on the Connectrix
Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon receiving an
SNMP trap from the device. If you mark this box, you must
also activate SNMP notifications.
Minimum time between Minimum elapsed time between acquisition attempts
traps (sec) triggered by traps, in seconds.
Comma separated list of Connectrix reports on multiple switches. If a switch name is
switch names to ignore added here, it will not be reported by the data source.

56 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.4 EMC (Connectrix – 8.1, 8.6, 8.7, 8,8, 8.9, 9.0, 9.1, 9.5,
9.6, 9.7)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 57

Field Description

EFC server Network address for the EFC server, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the Connectrix device.
User name Name used to log in to the Connectrix device.
Controls which NIC Applicable when the data source reports to a
to use Remote Acquisition Unit that has two or more
network cards: one used to acquire information
about SAN devices, and the other used to connect
with the SANscreen server.
Indication of which network interface to use on the
RAU when reporting on SAN devices.
Password Password used to log in to the Connectrix device.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source
(blank to report the fabric WWN).
Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon receiving
an SNMP trap from the device. If you mark this
box, you must also activate SNMP notifications.
Minimum time Minimum elapsed time between acquisition
between traps (sec) attempts triggered by traps, in seconds.
Comma separated Comma separated list of devices to ignore,
list of unit names separated by commas. The data source will not
poll devices that are referenced by this list.

Communication port Communication port that CommandCentral

Storage uses to communicate.
Inactive zonesets List of inactive zonesets on which to perform
(comma delimited) acquisition (in addition to performing acquisition on
the active zonesets).
Separate multiple zonesets using a comma.

58 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.5 EMC (ECC StorageScope Host Resolver)

This is a generic database data source that can query any database
to attach host names to HBA WWNs. To change the data source
parameters, please update the XML configuration file with any
specific database information. This data source instance is
preconfigured with ECC database query information.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

ECC server Network address for the Enterprise Control Center (ECC)
server, specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as
a hostname that can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should poll
the device.
ECC port Number of the ECC server port through which the data
source acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the ECC.
Password Password used to log in to the ECC.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 59

5.6 EMC Solutions Enabler (CLI)

For an EMC Symmetrix device, make sure that SYMCLI (with

appropriate version) is installed and has the appropriate license to
operate. SANscreen communicates with the Symmetrix device using
this CLI.

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure the Server is installed
locally on the target device.

60 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Service name as Service Name for the Solution Enabler server As

specified in netcfg described in the local netcnfg file (Solutions
Enabler install).
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Full path to CLI Full path to the SYMCLI commands (default is
C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMCLI\bin).
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
Symmetrix ID, that will not be discovered by this
data source.
Connection Caching Type of remote connection to the Solutions
Enabler. Could be REMOTE or
REMOTE_CACHED is the default and should be
used in most cases
Sometimes REMOTE_CACHED options makes
CLI commands to fail. In this case REMOTE
option should be used. Keep in mind that it will
slowdown acquisition process (possibly to hours or
even days in extreme cases)
The following parameters are useful only if you have Array Performance
installed. See Chapter 6.
SMI-S Provider Host Host name or IP address of the EMC SMI-S
provider host
SMI-S Provider Port Number of the server port through which the data
source acquires information.
Protocol Used HTTP (if unsecured access) or HTTPS (if secured
SMI-S Namespace SMI-S namespace used to query the data.
Username Name used to log in to the DS.
Password Password used to log in to the DS.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 61

5.7 EMC Solutions Enabler (CLI) with CLI Performance

For an EMC Symmetrix device, make sure that SYMCLI with CLI
Performance (with appropriate version) is installed and has the
appropriate license to operate. SANscreen communicates with the
Symmetrix device using this CLI.

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure the Server is installed
locally on the target device.

62 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Service name as Service Name for the Solution Enabler server As

specified in netcfg described in the local netcnfg file (Solutions
Enabler install).
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Full path to CLI Full path to the SYMCLI commands (default is
C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMCLI\bin).
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
Symmetrix ID, that will not be discovered by this
data source.
Connection Caching Type of remote connection to the Solutions
Enabler. Could be REMOTE or
REMOTE_CACHED is the default and should be
used in most cases
Sometimes REMOTE_CACHED options makes
CLI commands to fail. In this case REMOTE
option should be used. Keep in mind that it will
slowdown acquisition process (possibly to hours
or even days in extreme cases)
Enable RPO Used to obtain Recovery Point Objective, the
threshold at which data must be replicated.
How often (in seconds) Interval default is 300 seconds.
the RPO utility polls the
Solutions Enabler server
The following parameters are useful only if you have Array Performance
installed. See Chapter 6.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.
How often (in Interval default is 60 seconds.
seconds) the storage
performance utility
polls the Solutions
Enabler server
Interval which is Interval default is 30 seconds.
passed to the symstat
utility in minutes

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 63

5.8 Engenio Arrays

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Array controller IP Network address for the management controller of

each array from which this data source will acquire
information, specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
format), or as a hostname that can be resolved
through DNS. Separate multiple network
addresses using a semicolon.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.

64 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.17 HDS (HiCommand DeviceManager)

The HDS data source supports the HiCommand DeviceManager

server. SANscreen communicates with the HiCommand
DeviceManager server using the standard HiCommand API.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 65

Field Description

HiCommand Device Network address for the HiCommand Device

Manager server Manager server, specified as an IP
(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that can
be resolved through DNS.
HiCommand Device Number of the HiCommand server port through
Manager port which the data source acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the HiCommand.
Password Password used to log in to the HiCommand.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should
poll the device.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
device ID, that will not be discovered by this data
Query host Provides host information on aliases from
manager HiCommand.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.
How often (in Interval default is 300 seconds.
seconds) the
performance utility
polls the Solutions
Enabler server
Full path to Export Path to the batch file folder which contains
Batch File directory information on how to acquire HDS array for
performance. HDS Array Performance package will
scan this folder for batch files: that is, all files with
".bat" extension. Each file found will be used to
acquire an array.

66 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.18 HDS (HiCommand DeviceManager Lite)

The HDS data source supports the HiCommand DeviceManager

server. SANscreen communicates with the HiCommand
DeviceManager server using the standard HiCommand API.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

HiCommand Device Network address for the HiCommand Device

Manager server Manager server, specified as an IP
(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that can
be resolved through DNS.
HiCommand Device Number of the HiCommand server port through
Manager port which the data source acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the HiCommand.
Password Password used to log in to the HiCommand.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should
poll the device.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
device ID, that will not be discovered by this data
Query host Provides host information on aliases from
manager HiCommand.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 67

5.19 HP (EVA)

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure the SSSU command
utility is available. The version number of the SSSU must match that
of the HiCommand server being accessed by the data source.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

CommandView server Name of the CommandView manager.

Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source

should poll the device.
User name Name used to log in to the CommandView
CLI home Full pathname to the CLI home directory where
sssu.exe is located
Password Password used to log in to the CommandView.

68 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.20 HP (CommandView, Advanced Edition)

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure the SSSU command
utility is available. The version number of the SSSU must match that
of the HiCommand server being accessed by the data source.

The HDS data source supports the HiCommand Device Manager

server. SANscreen communicates with the HiCommand
DeviceManager server using the standard HiCommand API.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 69

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

HiCommand Device Network address for the HiCommand Device

Manager server Manager server, specified as an IP
(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that can
be resolved through DNS.
HiCommand Device Number of the HiCommand server port through
Manager port which the data source acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the HiCommand.
Password Password used to log in to the HiCommand.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should
poll the device.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
device ID, that will not be discovered by this data
Query host Provides host information on aliases from
manager HiCommand.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.
How often (in Interval default is 300 seconds.
seconds) the
performance utility
polls the Solutions
Enabler server
Full path to Export Path to the batch file folder which contains
Batch File directory information on how to acquire HDS array for
performance. HDS Array Performance package will
scan this folder for batch files: i.e., all files with ".bat"
extension. Each file found will be used to acquire an

70 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.21 HP (CommandView, Advanced Edition Lite)

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure the SSSU command
utility is available. The version number of the SSSU must match that
of the HiCommand server being accessed by the data source.
Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

HiCommand Device Name of the CommandView Advanced Edition

Manager server manager.

HiCommand Device Name of the CommandView Advanced Edition manager

Manager port
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should
poll the device.
User name Name used to log in to the CommandView Advanced
Password Password used to log in to the CommandView
Advanced Edition.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by device
name, that will not be discovered by this data source.
Query host manager Provides host information on aliases from HiCommand.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 71

5.22 HP (XP)

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure the CV CLI is installed
on the target device.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

CommandView server Network address for the management controller of

each array from which this data source will acquire
information, specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
format), or as a hostname that can be resolved
through DNS. Separate multiple network
addresses using a semicolon.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
User name Name used to log in to the CommandView.
Path to cvcli.bat Absolute path to the CV CLI batch file (cvcli.bat) –
with or without the trailing backslash (\).
Password Password used to log in to the CommandView.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
serial number, that will not be discovered by this
data source.

72 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.23 IBM (FAStT)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Array controller IP Network address for the management controller of

each array from which this data source will acquire
information, specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
format), or as a hostname that can be resolved
through DNS. Separate multiple network
addresses using a semicolon.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 73

5.24 IBM (DS CLI)

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure IBM’s DS CLI is

installed on the target device.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

DS storage Network address for the DS device, specified as an

IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that
can be resolved through DNS.
Storage display User-specified alias used as the storage name.
dscli.exe path Full path to the dscli utility.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
User name Name used to log in to the DS.
Password Password used to log in to the DS.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
serial number, that will not be discovered by this
data source.

74 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.25 IBM (ESS CLI)

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure IBM’s ESS CLI is
installed on the target device.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

ESS storage Network address for the ESS device, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.

Storage display User-specified alias used as the storage name.


esscli.exe path Full path to the esscli utility.

Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
User name Name used to log in to the ESS.
Password Password used to log in to the ESS.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 75

5.26 IBM (SVC)

The IBM SVC is an SMI-S device. When you select this data source,
you need only identify the server itself. All the other fields are set
correctly by SANscreen.
Field Descriptions
Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.
Field Description

SMI-S server Network address for the SMI-S server, specified as an

IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that
can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should
poll the device.
SMI-S port Number of the server port through which the data
source acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Password Password used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Protocol used HTTP (if unsecured access) or HTTPS (if secured
SMI-S namespace SMI-S namespace used to query the data (always
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by serial
number, that will not be discovered by this data source.

76 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.27 IBM (TotalStorage DS4000)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Array controller IP Network address for the management controller of

each array from which this data source will acquire
information, specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
format), or as a hostname that can be resolved
through DNS. Separate multiple network
addresses using a semicolon.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 77

5.28 Incipient NSP

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description
Incipient Network address for the management controller of
Administrator server each array from which this data source will acquire
information, specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
format), or as a hostname that can be resolved
through DNS. Separate multiple network
addresses using a semicolon.
User name Name to log into the Incipient NSP.
Port Number of the Incipient NSPserver port through
which the data source acquires information.
Password Password to log into the Incipient NSP.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Command Execution The period of time that data source will wait for
Timeout command to execute before it declares that
command execution has failed (timed out).
Command is a CLI command that data source
issues to the NSP administrating server (console).
Create virtual host
for initiator ports

78 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.29 McData (EFCM) Manager
8.1, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.0,9.1, 9.5)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 79

Field Description

EFC server Network address for the Enterprise Fabric

Connectivity (EFC) server, specified as an IP
(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that
can be resolved through DNS.

Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source

should poll the EFC.
User name Name used to log in to the switch.
Controls which NIC Applicable when the data source reports to a
to use Remote Acquisition Unit that has two or more
network cards: one used to acquire information
about SAN devices, and the other used to connect
with the SANscreen server.
Indication of which network interface to use on the
RAU when reporting on SAN devices.
Password Password used to log in to the McData device.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source
(blank to report the fabric WWN).
Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon receiving
an SNMP trap from the device. If you mark this
box, you must also activate SNMP notifications.
Minimum time Minimum elapsed time between acquisition
between traps (sec) attempts triggered by traps, in seconds.
Comma separated Comma separated list of devices to ignore,
list of unit names separated by commas. The data source will not
poll devices that are referenced by this list.
Communication port Communication port that CommandCentral
Storage uses to communicate.
Inactive zonesets List of inactive zonesets on which to perform
(comma delimited) acquisition (in addition to performing acquisition on
the active zonesets).
Separate multiple zonesets using a comma.

80 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.30 McData Sphereon SNMP

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Sphereon switch Network address for the switch, specified as an IP

(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that
can be resolved through DNS.

Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source

should poll the device.
SNMP community SNMP read-only community string used to access
the device.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source
(blank to report the fabric WWN).
Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon
receiving an SNMP trap from the device. If you
mark this box, you must also activate SNMP
Minimum time Minimum elapsed time between acquisition
between traps (sec) attempts triggered by traps, in seconds.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 81

5.31 McData (Switches – SMI-S)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

SMI-S server Network address for the switch, specified as an IP

(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that
can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
SMI-S port SNMP read-only community string used to access
the device.
User name Name used to log into the device.
Password Password used to log in to the device.
Protocol used HTTP (if unsecured access) or HTTPS (if secured
SMI-S namespace SMI-S namespace used to query the data (always

82 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.32 NetApp (Filers using ONTAPI™)

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 83

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Address of Filer IP Address.

Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
User name Name used to log into the device.
Password Password used to log into the NetApp device.
Address of the partner If filers are configured as a fail-over cluster, add
filer in cluster the second filer’s IP address here
User name of partner If filers are configured as a fail-over cluster, add
filer in cluster the second filer’s user name here
Password of partner If filers are configured as a fail-over cluster, add
filer in cluster the second filer’s password here

84 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.33 QLogic SANsurfer (SNMP)

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 85

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

SANSurfer switch Network address for the SANsurfer device,

specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as
a hostname that can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
SNMP community SNMP read-only community string used to access
the device.
Fabric name Fabric name to be reported by this data source
(blank to report the fabric WWN).

Enable trapping Checkbox used to trigger acquisition upon receiving

an SNMP trap from the device. If you mark this
box, you must also activate SNMP notifications.
Minimum time Minimum elapsed time between acquisition
between traps (sec) attempts triggered by traps, in seconds.

86 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.34 QLogic (SMI-S)

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

SMI-S server Network address for the SMI-S server, specified as an

IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that
can be resolved through DNS.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in seconds, at which the data source should
poll the device for performance data (applicable only if
Enable Performance Insight is marked).
SMI-S port Number of the server port through which the data
source acquires information.
User name Name used to log into the device.
Password Password used to log in to the device.
Protocol used HTTP (if unsecured access) or HTTPS (if secured
SMI-S namespace SMI-S namespace used to query the data (always

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 87

5.35 SUN (StorEdge 6130)

The SUN StorEdge 6x20 is an SMI-S device. When you select this
data source, you need only identify the server itself. All the other
fields are set correctly by SANscreen.
Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

SMI-S server Network address for the SMI-S server, specified as an IP

(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that can be
resolved through DNS.

Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should poll
the device.
SMI-S port Number of the server port through which the data source
acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Password Password used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Protocol used HTTP (if unsecured access) or HTTPS (if secured access).
User name Name used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Password Password used to log in to the SMI-S server.
SMI-S SMI-S namespace used to query the data (always interop).

88 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

5.36 SUN (StorEdge 6x20)

The SUN StorEdge 6x20 is an SMI-S device. When you select this
data source, you need only identify the server itself. All the other
fields are set correctly by SANscreen.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Available Data Sources ♦ 89

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

SMI-S server Network address for the SMI-S server, specified as

an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname
that can be resolved through DNS.

Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source

should poll the device.
SMI-S port Number of the server port through which the data
source acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Password Password used to log in to the SMI-S server.
Protocol used HTTP (if unsecured access) or HTTPS (if secured
SMI-S namespace SMI-S namespace used to query the data (always

90 ♦ Available Data Sources NetApp

Chapter 6 Array Performance Setup

All data sources described in this chapter require a license for

Application Insight for Storage Arrays in SANscreen.

6.1 HDS USP Application Insight for Array Performance

6.1.1 HDS (HiCommand DeviceManager)

The HDS data source supports the HiCommand DeviceManager

server. SANscreen communicates with the HiCommand
DeviceManager server using the standard HiCommand API.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 91

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

HiCommand Device Network address for the HiCommand Device

Manager server Manager server, specified as an IP
(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as a hostname that can
be resolved through DNS.
HiCommand Device Number of the HiCommand server port through
Manager port which the data source acquires information.
User name Name used to log in to the HiCommand.
Password Password used to log in to the HiCommand.
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should
poll the device.
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
device ID, that will not be discovered by this data
Query host Provides host information on aliases from
manager HiCommand.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.
How often (in Interval default is 300 seconds.
seconds) the
performance utility
polls the Solutions
Enabler server
Full path to Export Path to the batch file folder which contains
Batch File directory information on how to acquire HDS array for
performance. HDS Array Performance package will
scan this folder for batch files: that is, all files with
".bat" extension. Each file found will be used to
acquire an array.

92 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp

6.1.2 HDS Performance

The HDS Performance uses an Export tool for collecting performance

statistics. On collecting the statistics from the export tool, the data is
parsed and processed to fill the Volume Counters and the Disk
Counters that are sent to the Server.

Prerequisites: Export Tool

This tool is available as a self extracting executable. This should be

installed on the collecting host. This tool has a batch (runWin.bat) file
that takes jar files, command.txt and log file path as input. The output
of the tool is a set of CSV files. These files will be generated based on
the commands that are listed in the command.txt. The command.txt
file contains:

• IP address of the storage array

• Commands that need to be executed on the storage array.
• Output path for the export tool data.
• Short range (normally set to 5 mins).
• Option Compress (to get the output as zip files).
o NOTE: For a Sanity Check, run the batch file to
ensure the Export Tool is working. A successful run
will create an output folder and it should contain zip
files and folders specific to the commands (for
example:, LDEV_dat folder).

o NOTE: Jar file names might be different for different

versions of the Export Tool

Licensed Performance Monitor

• Storage Navigator should have a license for Performance

• Monitoring should be enabled.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 93

6.1.3 How to Configure the Data Source for HDS

The HDS communicates directly to storage arrays. The following

steps should be used to configure HDS performance:

1. Enter the HiCommand Server IP Address, Username and

Password into the SANScreen UI (see table above).

2. Enter or edit the Poll Interval in minutes for SANscreen.

3. Click the checkbox to Enable Application Insight for HDS

Performance Data.
NOTE: Performance data is collected for only those storage
arrays managed by the HiCommand Server

4. Enter or edit how often to poll for Storage Performance in

seconds (no less than every 60 seconds).

5. Enter the location (folder) of the Batch File(s) for collecting

Performance Data for all the storage arrays managed by the
HiCommand Server (see table above).

Batch File Creation

1. For each storage array, a separate batch file should be


2. The batch file should have extension *.bat. The contents

should follow the format below (including "rem" lines) or else
the file will be ignored.

Sample batch file format:

rem -ip <ipaddress>
rem -user <username>
rem -password <password>
java -classpath
DS\export\export\lib\JSanRmiServerSx.jar" -
Xmx512m -Dmd.command=%1 -Dmd.logpath=%2

94 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp

6.1.4 Data Points Comparing Storage Navigator to
SANscreen User Interface

Storage Navigator Sanscreen UI

LDEV = Volumes and Volume Members

Cache Hit = Cache Hit Ratio
Read IOPS = IO(R). This is not a direct comparison,
since this is dependent on the Sampling
Rate. For example, if the sampling rate is 5
mins, this is reported to the Sanscreen
Server as 5*60*1(IOPS) = 300 IOPS per
second for the volume. However, in Storage
Navigator, it is Read IOPS =1
Write IOPS = IO (W) same as Read IOPS

6.1.5 Product Limitations

• The Export Tool fails if a user is logged onto an HDS

device using Storage Navigator.
• The Export Tool and Storage Navigator cannot be used
simultaneously for the same device.
• HDS data source uses the Export Tool internally and so it
is recommended that you log out from Storage Navigator
before starting the data source.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 95

6.2 EMC Symmetrix Application Insight for Array
Performance Using SMI-S

6.2.1 Prerequisites

Install SMI-S provider on each EMC Solutions Enabler host for each
Solutions Enabler on which you would like to collect Array
Performance statistics.

NOTE: SANscreen currently supports and has confirmed data from

Solutions Enabler versions and The SMI-S provider
comes with a special version of Solutions Enabler ( and This is available via

96 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp

6.2.2 EMC Solutions Enabler (CLI)

For an EMC Symmetrix device, make sure that SYMCLI (with

appropriate version) is installed and has the appropriate license to
operate. SANscreen communicates with the Symmetrix device using
this CLI.

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure the Server is installed
locally on the target device.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 97

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

Field Description

Service name as Service Name for the Solution Enabler server As

specified in netcfg described in the local netcnfg file (Solutions
Enabler install).
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Full path to CLI Full path to the SYMCLI commands (default is
C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMCLI\bin).
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
Symmetrix ID, that will not be discovered by this
data source.
Connection Caching Type of remote connection to the Solutions
Enabler. Could be REMOTE or
REMOTE_CACHED is the default and should be
used in most cases
Sometimes REMOTE_CACHED options makes
CLI commands to fail. In this case REMOTE
option should be used. Keep in mind that it will
slowdown acquisition process (possibly to hours or
even days in extreme cases)
Enable RPO Used to obtain Recovery Point Objective, the
threshold at which data must be replicated.
Polling interval (in Interval default is 300 seconds.
secs) for performance

98 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp

The following parameters are useful only if you have Array Performance
SMI-S Provider Host Host name or IP address of the EMC SMI-S
provider host
SMI-S Provider Port Number of the server port through which the data
source acquires information.
Protocol Used HTTP (if unsecured access) or HTTPS (if secured
SMI-S Namespace SMI-S namespace used to query the data.
“Interop" is the default namespace.
Username Name used to log in to the DS.
Password Password used to log in to the DS.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.
How often (in Interval default is 300 seconds.
seconds) the storage
performance utility
polls the Solutions
Enabler server
Include: Data Include or Exclude, used as values for
collected only from Include/Exclude arrays drop-down.
devices on list.
Exclude: No data from
these devices is
Device list to If the value in the Include/exclude drop down is
include/exclude: include, only devices which were discovered
by Service Insight AND listed in this field will be
If the value in the previous field is exclude,
performance data will be polled for devices
discovered by Service Insight, except for devices
in the list.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 99

6.2.3 EMC Solutions Enabler (CLI) with CLI Performance

For an EMC Symmetrix device, make sure that SYMCLI with CLI
Performance (with appropriate version) is installed and has the
appropriate license to operate. SANscreen communicates with the
Symmetrix device using this CLI.

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure the Server is installed
locally on the target device.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

100 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp

Field Description

Service name as Service Name for the Solution Enabler server As

specified in netcfg described in the local netcnfg file (Solutions
Enabler install).
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device.
Full path to CLI Full path to the SYMCLI commands (default is
C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMCLI\bin).
Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by
Symmetrix ID, that will not be discovered by this
data source.
Connection Caching Type of remote connection to the Solutions
Enabler. Could be REMOTE or
REMOTE_CACHED is the default and should be
used in most cases
Sometimes REMOTE_CACHED options makes
CLI commands to fail. In this case REMOTE
option should be used. Keep in mind that it will
slowdown acquisition process (possibly to hours or
even days in extreme cases)
Enable RPO Used to obtain Recovery Point Objective, the
threshold at which data must be replicated.
How often (in Interval default is 300 seconds.
seconds) the RPO
utility polls the
Solutions Enabler
The following parameters are useful only if you have Array Performance
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.
How often (in Interval default is 60 seconds.
seconds) the storage
performance utility
polls the Solutions
Enabler server
Interval which is Interval default is 30 seconds.
passed to the symstat
utility in minutes

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 101

6.3 EMC CLARiiON Application Insight for Array

6.3.1 Prerequisites

Data Logging should be enabled on CLARiiON array to collect the

Performance data.

6.3.2 Configuration in Navisphere

Acquisition of performance data for CLARiiON arrays can be enabled

by checking the 'Enable Application Insight' checkbox while
configuring the CLARiiON data source: Data Source Attributes

All NaviSphere Analyzer Commands have following syntax

naviseccli.exe -h <IP address> -user <user> -password

<password> -scope <scope,use 0 for global scope> -port <use
443 by default> analyzer <analyzer command> <analyzer
command parameters>

102 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp

The following NaviSphere Analyzer Commands are executed for
acquiring CLARiiON performance data:

o -get : This command returns the archive poll interval

set on the CLARiiON device.

o -status : This command returns the status of data

logging (Running|Stopped) on the CLARiiON device.

o -archive -new :This command creates a new archive

file on CLARiiON device if there are at least 10
samples available.

o -archive -path <file path on client> -file

<filename> -o : This command retrieves the
specified archive file from the CLARiiON device to
the specified path on client. With -o flag no
confirmation is asked.

o -archivedump -data <file name on client> -out

<extracted output file on client> -o : This command
extracts specific attributes of archive file to a text file
specified. With -o flag no confirmation is asked.

6.3.3 Installation/Deployment Guide Enabling Data Logging

1. Open the management console of the CLARiiON device by

launching the browser and typing the IP address of the
CLARiiON array in the address bar.

2. The management console prompts for username and

password, Enter the username and password with
administrator privileges and press OK as shown on the
next page:

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 103

3. Select "Tools->Analyzer->Data Logging...",

This opens the Data Logging window as shown on the next


104 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp

4. Press Start if Status is “Stopped.”

5. Note down the “Archive Interval.”

6.3.4 Limitations

• If files archived on a CLARiiON array are encrypted, then

decryption of these archive files fails due to limitation of
NaviSphere CLI. Thus, performance data cannot be

• Please refer to the "analyzer -archivedump" command in

NaviSphere Analyzer CLI documentation.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 105

6.3.5 Configuring the Data Source Views

The following data source views are configured for EMC CLARiiON. Configuring the Initial Data Source View

1. Enter a name for the data source.

2. Select the acquisition unit, local or remote.

3. Select “EMC” as the vendor.
4. Select “CLARiiON CLI” as the model.
5. Press Next to continue.

106 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp Configuring the Detailed Data Source View

Requirement for a Management Agent

Before configuring this data source, make sure EMC’s NaviCLI is

installed on the target device. The NaviCLI version must match the
firmware version on the controller.

Field Descriptions

Refer to the screen(s) shown above for default values.

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 107

Field Description

CLARiiON storage Network address for the CLARiiON storage device,

specified as an IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format), or as
a hostname that can be resolved through DNS.
User name Name used to log in to the CLARiiON storage
Password Password used to log in to the CLARiiON storage
Poll interval (min) Interval, in minutes, at which the data source
should poll the device. The default is 40.
navicli.exe path Full pathname to the navicli.exe executable.
DR enabled DR protection. If checked, then disaster recovery
information is acquired by the data source.
Use secure client Provides a secure management facility for
(naviseccli) activating the required CLARiiON array replication
support functionality.
CLARiiON CLI port CLARiiON port through which the data source
communicates with the switch management
console . The NaviCLI uses port number 443 by
default. Change this port if the CLARiiON array is
configured to listen to a different port number.
Enable Application Used to obtain performance data.
How often (in Enter the poll interval in seconds for collecting
seconds) the storage CLARiiON performance information. (CLARiiON
performance utility Performance Analyzer reports data in batches of 10
polls the NaviSphere
samples each.)
Analyzer (must be
10 times ‘Archive
Poll Interval’ set on
the device):
Include: Data CLARiiON arrays can be either excluded or
collected only from included for acquisition by selecting the filter type
devices on list. as “exclude” or “include.”
Exclude: No data
from these devices is
Device list to The comma-separated list of CLARiiON array IP
include/exclude. addresses to be included or excluded, depending
upon the filter type selected.

108 ♦ Array Performance Setup NetApp

SANscreen Data Sources User Guide Array Performance Setup ♦ 109

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