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Tutankamón was a egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. ( ruled 1336/5 a 1327/BC).

Recent studies have confirmed that tutankamon wasn´t murdered. His death was cause
by a broken leg, its cured complicated and the pharaoh died by an infection.


Tutankamón had been buried Valley of the Kings.

Valley of the kings, is a valley in Egypt where, tombs were constructed for the

For centuries, valley of the kings had been loot by crooks, adventurous, conquerors
and finally archaeologists.

Few person knew where tutankamón tomb.

Many Archaeologists tried to find the tomb of tutankamon but it got only one, Howard
carter, he wanted reveal of the mystery of the teenager pharaoh.


The tomb of tutankamon was discover in 26 november of 1922 (nineteen twenty-two) .

In the discovery of the tomb carter find a door where there was hieroglyphics, under the
door was able to see towards inside and found precious stones, golden furniture, royal

The most emtional momento was 3 february of 1924 when opened the door of the last
room where found the tomb of pharaon.

There was a big coffin and inside this two more.

The two exterior coffin had made Wood with incrustation the precious Stone and golden
and the last coffin found the rest of the pharaon, this last coffin had made solid golden,
inside this coffin found mummified body of pharaon and his face had a golden mascara.

And spread a egyptian leyend that those person violating of tomb woul find the death.


carter had installed a cage with a canary and a one day a cobra ( the snake keeper of
pharaon) devour his pet.

Lord carnavon, was an English aristocrat best known as the financial backer of the
search for and the excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb in Valley of the Kings. Lord
carnavon Died 5 april of 1923. He was crushed in the left cheek (in the same place the
pharaon have a stamp). One week later he cut under the sting. And worsened his health
and finally he died. Curiously everyone involved in the discovery of the tomb was died
for different causes traffic accidents or simply because his health worsened. Carter
survived until 67 years old and then he died for natural causes. Since 1922 until 1935
had 21 person died related death of tutankamon.

In the 70’s the curse continues.

The doctor ezze-din taha, discovery the persons that work with ancient remains
suffering from respiratory infections due to the existence of various fungi. When he
expose that the curse was able to have origin this danger fungies. When he finished to
the conference suffere a traffic accident.

During the decade following the curse continued.

the list continued again in the eighties.

It seems that the curse takes years inactive

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