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Government flunks on school funding fundamentals

P&C President Suzy Velkou, art

teacher Mark Crasti and students
show off the school’s creative side.

Despite pressures on Leichhardt

Secondary College’s budget, P&C
president Suzy Velkou said there
was creativity among the students.
This month, students will reveal their
talents in the exhibition,‘LikeArt’, a
fundraiser for fundamentals at the
The school has already received
more than 100 art works from
students, local painting enthusiasts
and professional artists.
Fifteen per cent of all artworks sold
will go towards buying textbooks and
sport uniforms for the school.
LikeArt will be held at the campus,
210 Balmain Rd, Leichhardt on
August 15 from 6.30 to 9.30 pm and
August 16 from 10am to 4pm. Call
the school on 9560 2355 for more.

Continued from page 1 Ms Connell said the State A similar story was told at “We have uneven surfaces right
The president of Leichhardt’s Government also gave Year 7-10 Balmain Secondary College cam- through our school because we sit
Parents and Citizens’ Association schools less funding per student pus. on a hill and some of it is sinking,”
(P&C) Suzy Velkou said this put than Year 7-12 campuses. But this did Principal Lee Wright said the he said.
added pressure on an already not reflect the needs of the school, school recently had a fire safety A spokesman from the NSW
stretched budget. as younger students often required system installed that costs $4,000 a Department of Education and
“Our casual teacher bills go up more supervision and guidance than year to maintain. Training said they “acknowledged”
and we don’t have a way of bringing senior pupils, she said. But there is no specific budget the problems Leichhardt Secondary
it down,” Ms Velkou said. These funding shortfalls meant for it. School faced, and for the first time
“We run really, really close to our projects around the school were “We would like not to cut back have awarded them a ‘supplemen-
budget. It is a structural issue in the missing out. on education or resources but un- tary’ budget of $29,000 for casual
system,” she said. “You can imagine, After 14 years of fighting for a fortunately if the toilet is leaking the teachers this year.
each year there are times where you new oval, Ms Velkou said the school toilet has to get fixed,” Mr Wright The school has also received a
have each individual faculty coming faced a new battle equipping it. said. $16,000 grant for oval equipment.
up with a list. There is a wish list It needs shade clothes and a 25- Mr Wright said the school had The spokesman said schools
and then there is a realistic list and metre high net to prevent stray balls been fighting for “uneven surfaces” could use several methods to man-
everything on that just gets pared heading into the bus depot at a cost on the grounds to be repaired for age their budget, such as printing on
down and down.” of $25,000. more than three years. both sides of paper to save money.

Village Voice Balmain August 5

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