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By Rubina Naaz

MBA 4th Sem

Group C.


Contrasted with batch processing

Batch processing is not transaction processing. Batch processing involves

processing several transactions at the same time, and the results of each
transaction are not immediately available when the transaction is being
entered;[1] there is a time delay.

Real-time and batch processing

There are a number of differences between real-time and batch

processing. These are outlined below:

Each transaction in real-time processing is unique. It is not part of a group

of transactions, even though those transactions are processed in the
same manner. Transactions in real-time processing are stand-alone both
in the entry to the system and also in the handling of output.

Real-time processing requires the master file to be available more often

for updating and reference than batch processing. The database is not
accessible all of the time for batch processing.

Real-time processing has fewer errors than batch processing, as

transaction data is validated and entered immediately. With batch
processing, the data is organised and stored before the master file is
updated. Errors can occur during these steps.

Infrequent errors may occur in real-time processing; however, they are

often tolerated. It is not practical to shut down the system for infrequent

More computer operators are required in real-time processing, as the

operations are not centralised. It is more difficult to maintain a real-time
processing system than a batch processing system.


Rapid response

Fast performance with a rapid response time is critical. Businesses cannot

afford to have customers waiting for a TPS to respond, the turnaround
time from the input of the transaction to the production for the output
must be a few seconds or less.

Many organizations rely heavily on their TPS; a breakdown will disrupt
operations or even stop the business. For a TPS to be effective its failure
rate must be very low. If a TPS does fail, then quick and accurate recovery
must be possible. This makes well–designed backup and recovery
procedures essential.


A TPS wants every transaction to be processed in the same way

regardless of the user, the customer or the time for day. If a TPS were
flexible, there would be too many opportunities for non-standard
operations, for example, a commercial airline needs to consistently accept
airline reservations from a range of travel agents, accepting different
transactions data from different travel agents would be a problem.

Controlled processing

The processing in a TPS must support an organization's operations. For

example if an organization allocates roles and responsibilities to particular
employees, then the TPS should enforce and maintain this requirement.

Example : ATM Transaction

ACID test properties: first definition


Main article: Atomicity (database systems)

A transaction’s changes to the state are atomic: either all happen or none
happen. These changes include database changes, messages, and actions
on transducers.[2]


A transaction is a correct transformation of the state. The actions taken as

a group do not violate any of the integrity constraints associated with the
state. This requires that the transaction be a correct program![2]


Even though transactions execute concurrently, it appears to each

transaction T, that others executed either before T or after T, but not both.


Once a transaction completes successfully (commits), its changes to the

state survive failures.[2]

Ensures that two users cannot change the same data at the same time.
That is, one user cannot change a piece of data before another user has
finished with it. For example, if an airline ticket agent starts to reserve the
last seat on a flight, then another agent cannot tell another passenger
that a seat is available.

Online transaction processing

Online transaction processing increasingly requires support for

transactions that span a network and may include more than one
company. For this reason, new OLTP software uses client/server
processing and brokering software that allows transactions to run on
different computer platforms in a network.

In large applications, efficient OLTP may depend on sophisticated

transaction management software (such as CICS) and/or database
optimization tactics to facilitate the processing of large numbers of
concurrent updates to an OLTP-oriented database.

For even more demanding Decentralized database systems, OLTP

brokering programs can distribute transaction processing among multiple
computers on a network. OLTP is often integrated into service-oriented
architecture (SOA) and Web services.


Online Transaction Processing has two key benefits: simplicity and

efficiency. Reduced paper trails and the faster, more accurate forecasts
for revenues and expenses are both examples of how OLTP makes things
simpler for businesses.


As with any information processing system, security and reliability are

considerations. Online transaction systems are generally more susceptible
to direct attack and abuse than their offline counterparts. When
organizations choose to rely on OLTP, operations can be severely
impacted if the transaction system or database is unavailable due to data
corruption, systems failure, or network availability issues. Additionally, like
many modern online information technology solutions, some systems
require offline maintenance which further affects the cost-benefit analysis.
Transaction processing system

A transaction processing system is a type of information system. TPSs

collect, store, modify, and retrieve the transactions of an organization. A
transaction is an event that generates or modifies data that is eventually
stored in an information system. To be considered a transaction
processing system the computer must pass the ACID test. The essence of
a transaction program is that it manages data that must be left in a
consistent state. E.g. if an electronic payment is made, the amount must
be both withdrawn from one account and added to the other; it cannot
complete only one of those steps. Either both must occur, or neither. In
case of a failure preventing transaction completion, the partially executed
transaction must be 'rolled back' by the TPS. While this type of integrity
must be provided also for batch transaction processing, it is particularly
important for online processing: if e.g. an airline seat reservation system
is accessed by multiple operators, after an empty seat inquiry, the seat
reservation data must be locked until the reservation is made, otherwise
another user may get the impression a seat is still free while it is actually
being booked at the time. Without proper transaction monitoring, double
bookings may occur. Other transaction monitor functions include deadlock
detection and resolution (deadlocks may be inevitable in certain cases of
cross-dependence on data), and transaction logging (in 'journals') for
'forward recovery' in case of massive failures.

Transaction Processing is not limited to application programs. The

'journaled file system' provided with IBMs AIX Unix operating system
employs similar techniques to maintain file system integrity, including a

A transaction processing system is a type of information system. TPSs

collect, store, modify, and retrieve the transactions of an organization. A
transaction is an event that generates or modifies data that is eventually
stored in an information system. To be considered a transaction
processing system the computer must pass the ACID test. The essence of
a transaction program is that it manages data that must be left in a
consistent state. E.g. if an electronic payment is made, the amount must
be both withdrawn from one account and added to the other; it cannot
complete only one of those steps. Either both must occur, or neither. In
case of a failure preventing transaction completion, the partially executed
transaction must be 'rolled back' by the TPS. While this type of integrity
must be provided also for batch transaction processing, it is particularly
important for online processing: if e.g. an airline seat reservation system
is accessed by multiple operators, after an empty seat inquiry, the seat
reservation data must be locked until the reservation is made, otherwise
another user may get the impression a seat is still free while it is actually
being booked at the time. Without proper transaction monitoring, double
bookings may occur. Other transaction monitor functions include deadlock
detection and resolution (deadlocks may be inevitable in certain cases of
cross-dependence on data), and transaction logging (in 'journals') for
'forward recovery' in case of massive failures.

Transaction Processing is not limited to application programs. The

'journaled file system' provided with IBMs AIX Unix operating system
employs similar techniques to maintain file system integrity, including a

Role of Data Manipulation and Idea

Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a family of computer languages
used by computer programs and/or database users to insert, delete and
update data in a database. Read-only querying, i.e. SELECT, of this data
may be considered to be either part of DML or outside it, depending on
the context.

Currently the most popular data manipulation language is that of SQL,

which is used to retrieve and manipulate data in a Relational database.[1]
Other forms of DML are those used by IMS/DLI, CODASYL databases (such
as IDMS), and others.

Data Manipulation Language comprises the 'SQL-data change' statement,

which modify stored data but not the schema or database objects.
Manipulation of persistent database objects (e.g. tables or stored
procedures) via the 'SQL-schema' statements, rather than the data stored
within them, is considered to be part of a separate Data Definition
Language. In SQL these two categories are similar in their detailed syntax,
data types, expressions etc., but distinct in their overall function.
Data Manipulation Languages have their functional capability organized
by the initial word in a statement, which is almost always a verb. In the
case of SQL, these verbs are:

• SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ...

• UPDATE ... SET ... WHERE ...

The purely read-only SELECT query statement is classed with the 'SQL-
data' statements and so is considered by the standard to be outside of
DML. The SELECT ... INTO form is considered to be DML because it
manipulates (i.e. modifies) data. In common practice though, this
distinction is not made and SELECT is widely considered to be part of DML

Most SQL database implementations extend their SQL capabilities by

providing imperative, i.e., procedural, languages. Examples of these are
Oracle's PL/SQL and DB2's SQL PL.

Data manipulation languages tend to have many different flavors and

capabilities between database vendors. There have been a number of
standards established for SQL by ANSI, but vendors still provide their own
extensions to the standard while not implementing the entire standard.

Ideation or Idea Generation is the creative process of generating, developing, and

communicating new ideas, where an idea is understood as a basic element of thought that can
be either visual, concrete, or abstract. Ideation is all stages of a thought cycle, from
innovation, to development, to actualization. As such, it is an essential part of the design
process, both in education and practice

Several large companies, like Starbucks and Best Buy, have opened up this process to their
consumers, inviting anyone to raise new ideas for possible company products using dedicated
idea-management software open on the internet.

Methods of innovation

Methods of innovation include:

• Problem solution This is the most simple method of progress, where someone has
found a problem and as a result, solves it.

• Evolutionary idea Evolutionary ideas derive from somewhere else, taking something
that already exists and improving on it.

• Symbiotic idea A symbiotic method of idea creation is when multiple ideas are
combined, using different elements of each to make a whole.
• Revolutionary idea A revolutionary idea breaks away from traditional thought and
creates a brand new perspective. For example, Marxism (an evolutionary form of
Hegelianism), or the writings of Copernicus (a development of classical Greek

• Serendipitous discovery Serendipitous solutions are ideas which have been

coincidentally developed without the intention of the inventor. For example, the
discovery of penicillin.

• Targeted innovation Creating a targeted innovation deals with a direct path of

discovery. This is often accompanied by intensive research in order to have a distinct
and almost expected resolution. For example, linear programming.

• Artistic innovation Artistic innovation disregards the necessity for practicality and
holds no constraints. This is the purest form of invention.

• Philosophical idea The philosophical idea lives in the mind of the creator and can
never be proven. This type of idea however can still have vast residual effects. For
example, the idea of eternal recurrence.

• Computer-assisted discovery This uses a computer in order to widen possibilities of

research and numeric possibilities

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