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TOPIC: Role of computer aided system tools

Submitted to Submitted By:

Anshu mam Name:M.d.Danish Khan


Roll no:A24

Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) is the scientific application of a set

of tools and methods to a software system which is meant to result in high-quality,
defect-free, and maintainable software products. [1] It also refers to methods for the
development of information systems together with automated tools that can be used
in the software development process.

CASE technologies are tools that provide automated assistance for software
development to the developers. The goal of introducing CASE tools is to reduce the time
of development, reduce the cost of software, and the enhancement of the quality of the
software. Upper CASE tools are used to capture, analyze and organize the models of
system. These models help designers to focus on the systems linear behaviour. Lower
CASE tools are used for development and software maintenance phases. Using these
tools developers classify the scope and boundaries, describe current system, model
requirements, prototyping, prepare design, etc. Integrated CASE tools provide support
for Upper CASE and Lower CASE tool activities. Integrated CASE tools helps specifically in
Analysis & Design, Maintenance and system planning. Integrated CASE tools provide the
support throughout whole development lifecycle.

This paper is almost about, what we already know about the use of CASE tools. First of
all we see if get similar results to previous studies on the use of CASE tools. Then we will
look in more depth and try to find more about the use of CASE tools and their
developments. First of all we will look in the companies which are using CASE tools,
what feature they are using of CASE tools? Secondly does CASE tools change or help the
software developer in any way or not if yes then how and if not then why? Thirdly we
look at the antecedents of intentions use a computer tool, and explore how motivated
systems developers are to actually use CASE tools. This study will add depth to what
already know about the usage of CASE tools, what are the factors that don’t let CASE
tools to penetrate in society, why CASE tools are not helpful for labour in saving time
and try to discuss the other question like these? This report discuss the CASE tools
introduction, history and growth of CASE tools and their use in past ten years, and
especially the usage of CASE tools increase or decrease, if decrease what are the factor
that can be improved and how these factor can be improved. Why the most of the big
software houses don’t bother to use the CASE tools in their development process. And
finally the hurdles in the promotion of the CASE tools as a standard.

The term "computer-aided software engineering" (CASE) can refer to the software used for
the automated development of systems software, i.e., computer code. The CASE functions
include analysis, design, and programming. CASE tools automate methods for designing,
documenting, and producing structured computer code in the desired programming

CASE software supports the software process activities such as requirement engineering,

design, program development and testing. Therefore, CASE tools in

Good Points of CASE Tools

1. They provides better perceptive of system.

2. Facilitates communication among team members.

3. Tools are more effective for large scale systems and immense projects.

4. CASE tools provide visibility of processes and logic.

5. CASE tools improve quality and productivity of software.

6. CASE tools reduce the time for error correction and maintenance.

7. CASE tools provide clear readability and maintainability of the system

Selection of CASE Tool

It is also a big concern that an organization must choose a appropriate CASE tool that suite
there organization, but unfortunality most of the time developer are not consulted and
management use to select the CASE tool that is a big hurdle in the way of CASE tool
penetration. Before selecting any new technology, people who uses them must be
consulted because they can better argue that how they can effectively use the CASE tool. As
there are many tools for same problem in the market tool selection is a big concern as well .
Role in CASE Tools

Need for comprehensive CASE plan framework that considers estimated requirements for
people, time, and money in the course of CASE adoption (awareness, commitment
selection, and implementation)” [ Ronald J. Norman,1991].

CASE is not being used as it was expected; there are many factors that affect the use of
CASE tools.


Many tools are costly and most companies are unwilling to implement these CASE tools by
the fact that it increases the overall cost of the project. And second thing if a company does
not get any extra by using CASE tools then why should they use CASE tools, which are
expensive for it in the end.

Time Limitation

There is always a time limit for every software project for development. Most of developers
do not adopt CASE because it requires a lot of time to train developers and perform all CASE
activities and there are always deadlines to complete the project. You have too meet
deadlines of the company but if you use CASE tools you cannot finish your project on time,
which is also a factor in less use of CASE tools.


Training is a big concern while any company going to use a new tool, which is quite costly
procedure. They have to train there developer for the efficient use of that particular tool.
Most of the companies avoid using CASE tools because of this fact that they would have to
train a large number of staff and it is expensive and as well as time consuming.

Lack of Concern

Most of the developers who use CASE tools are not fully satisfied from the CASE tools, which
are why they are quite neutral about the usefulness of the CASE tools. The developer does
not fully enjoy using CASE tools and if some of them do so, they use only limited
functionality of the CASE tool. Many developers use CASE tools as a requirement of
organization only. Developers do not seem motivated to use CASE tools and this lack of
interest is on of the big factor in less use of CASE tools.

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