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Praxis Core Analysis

Tiffany San Nicolas

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 299

Wyckoff, Theri

February 7, 2021
Praxis Core Analysis

I’m currently an elementary education major at the College of Southern Nevada

pursuing my associate’s degree. I am currently finishing my associate’s degree, so I must

start preparing for the Praxis Core Exam for Nevada to continue towards a Bachelor’s

program to gain my elementary education degree. I have given it some thought, and I

hope to continue my education at Nevada State College after passing my Praxis Core

Exam in Math, Reading, and Writing. I will need to receive scores of 156 in reading, 162

in writing, and 150 in math on the Praxis Core Exam.

In preparation for the Praxis Core Pretest, I utilized Khan Academy and ETS to

work through problems. While going through the practice, I had issues accessing reading

and writing material, but I had no issues accessing math problems to practice. There were

many familiar problems with the Praxis Core Pretest, but because it has been so long

since I last exercised them, I will need to refresh my mind on these subjects. I have joined

a Praxis Study Group on FaceBook, filled with tons of helpful advice, as well as

programs for practice.

On the Teacher’s Test Prep website, I took the Praxis Core Pretest for Math,

Reading, and Writing (Multiple Choice). Unfortunately, I need to do quite a bit of

studying based on the exam results. For the Reading Praxis, I scored a 43%, which means

I need a significant amount of improvement. For the Writing Praxis, in which I did

multiple choice questions, I scored a 73%, which means I am borderline from passing or

failing and will need to focus on raising my score. For the Math Praxis, I scored a 54%,

in which I will also work towards significant improvement.

After taking the Praxis Core Pretest, I realized that I am far from ready for this

exam. Due to this, I have already started looking into options to practice and study for the

exam. I first reached out to my fellow substitute teachers on a CCSD Substitute group

page on FaceBook for helpful advice on how I could prepare. I was directed to a Praxis

Study Group Facebook page, filled with tons of different study techniques, learned about

different paid programs like MGM Tutoring and free programs like Khan Academy. I

also learned about C-BEST, which I was initially unaware of. According to many who

have taken both, they said that C-BEST was easier than the Praxis. However, I will

probably continue studying for the Praxis and take that exam, as opposed to the C-BEST.

According to many of my helpful fellow substitutes, C-BEST may be an easier route, but

it is not accepted everywhere, so if I were to transfer out-of-state, I might be required to

take the Praxis for their licensing. Overall, I know I have some work to do when studying

for the Praxis, and I’m glad I have a network where I can find many useful resources.

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