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The role of the supervisor/manager in terms of increasing worker  

motivation cannot be overestimated. According to Vecchio (1991),

supervisors and managers can either enhance or impair workers'

Enhancement is said to be associated with increased job

performance, goal attainment, job commitment levels, and job
satisfaction levels; further, enhancement can lower rates of
absenteeism and turnover. On the other hand, Vecchio (1991)
reports that the debilitation of worker motivation can increase
absenteeism and turnover, lower the quality of product output, job
commitment and job satisfaction.

While there are many attributes, skills and other behaviors through
which supervisors can increase worker motivation, Timm and
Peterson (1994) report that one of the most important factors is
feedback. However, what kind of feedback should supervisors
provide to increase subordinates' motivational levels?

Should feedback be positive, negative, or a balanced mixture of

both? The research review presented here examines for an answer
to this question. The significance of the research lies in the fact
that it can be used by organizations developing managerial
programs designed to train supervisors to increase employee
motivation through supervisory feedback.

The purpose of this study is to investigate for the kind or kinds of

supervisory feedback maximally contributive to enhancing worker

ive) feedback in those cases where salespeople are viewed as

highly socially attractive than in those cases where salespeople are
viewed as socially unattractive. The objective of research
conducted by Marrero (1994) was to determine whether job
characteristics had a significant effect on job satisfaction in a
computer programming/analysts practitioners environment. The
research was based on the theoretical foundation of the Job
Characteristic Model, a theoretical model used for organizational
diagnosis to identify task characteristics of jobs, how these
characteristics are combined to form different jobs, and their
relation to employee motivation, satisfaction and job performance.
Subjects in the study consisted of 64 employees of the Puerto Rico
Electric Power Authority, Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer
Authority, and Puerto Rico Telephone company. All subjects were
randomly selected from the various organizations. The Job
Diagnostic Survey (JDS) is used to measure the degree to which
the independent variables, (job characteristics) were present in a
job. The Job Descriptive Index (JDI) was used to measure job
satisfaction and worker motivation. The findings of the study
revealed a significant, positive correlation betwee

Category: Business - T

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