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How to install this Accordion on your website

Step 1. SWF embedding

Download the archive and put all the files from this archive into the same folder
with the HTML file in which you want the component to be embedded.

You should know first of all that the SWF file is the one that actually represents the component,
while the other files (settings.xml, images.xml and JPGs in the images folder) are the assets that
the SWF file uses.
A short explanation on how SWFs and XMLs interacts you will find here.

Open your HTML file with a text editor and insert somewhere between the <head> </head> tags
the following lines:

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.scale = "noscale";
params.salign = "tl";
params.wmode = "transparent";
var attributes = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("accordion.swf", "AccordionDiv", "600", "300", "9.0.0",
false, flashvars, params, attributes);

For a fast and easy publishing, the best thing to do is to have the SWF file, the HTML file which
embeds the SWF, the swfobject.js file, and the assets that the SWF uses (XMLs, JPGs folder) in
the same folder.

If that is not possible, please read this detailed article on how to specify the paths correctly.

The above code itself isn’t enough to publish the SWF file on your webpage. You just need to
add a div somewhere in the body section of your page (between the tags of your HTML file).

So, in a specific location of your HTML body section insert this div:

<div id="AccordionDiv"></div>

Step 2. Customization

You’ll be able to define a maximum size of 1680 in width and 1050 in height in the 3rd and 4th
arguments of the swfobject.embedSWF() function above. Usually the same values as for width
and height (which you will set below).

Now you will have to define the properties of your Accordion.

You can do that by editing the settings.xml file, or much simpler, set your values on the Live
Demo above and press Generate button, then select all (Ctrl+A) and copy-paste over the
existing content of settings.xml file.

If you intend to have multiple Accordions on the same page, for the same accordion.swf file
you’ll need to have different settings. Please read here how publish a component twice on the
same page.

Now all you have to do is to put your own images, add the text and add the behavior for when
clicking each image. All these through the images XML file. Open the XML file with a text
editor and define in each row the image path, the URL to go to when clicking the image, the
target (_self for the same browser window, or _blank for a new browser window), and the text
in CDATA tags.
You can have as many images as you like. To add a new image add a new row in the XML file.

To add Lightbox functionality (showing a bigger image and a description when clicking on an
image) please read this article.

If you’ll want to use the Accordion in Flash projects (FLA files), the Accordion is available as a
Flash component (MXP file) in the commercial archive available at

Instructions on how to use the Accordion component in Flash you will find here.

To be able to remove the label from the top-left corner you will need to purchase
the commercial archive

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