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Chem Wel \ Qecixakion A Solutions cw.93 15, 94,3431, Ab cad, 47,4454, 54 chad. 84,27, sae (on, 104, \13,43,93; 1, \2o Lmel SC = O44 Ronn rs ( 09a x/o"3 Ao): LG x 107? % * i \a W Kage 638x108 Ty : = = Mat 10"? Yc In Wey 1.3¢x 10? Ye = B41 Wetec 4s x46? Lsqutd —> superba? alye super fluid is’ “Ameried “ordered So entropy decreases. - BS Syotem + H,0 cs) —> 4,0 way +AScys Surroundings 15 the lemonade VT sure ze MSouee a) ASuniv = MS sys cli seer a,b are Mathmatical ly {sible but c 1% pet, AS univ can hot be Negative when both | Moe and AS sure ate poss Hue. @), AS: BneS predcts - S nS reactants ASe: (a met Now) + 310.7 Ynol» E> ~[L Claret Nacgy “19S Yoel +(e 044 808.0% = 949 He GD A nejptve AW helps contribute te ex neqative AG an a spertaneous Ceactron. ThereSere man Spentan cous Ceactrens are |rorher mn + AG: AK-TAS Buk Tt 19 SIL mathematically possible Cor AG to be Negative when AH x6 positive. Therefore an exothermic feactron iS Not a Requitemen fur a Spea taneous (eacton, Coyisy —> Co, p> tN TIMPs must be broken +hsS §e94 Grom Salid +o qo “AG becouse te flocess 1g Spontaneous at asec a) AG: AY-TAS AG: -1a ys - Oe DC-0.4G FD 7449 LS bY 2 moles of geo palticles ave convelted into =. moles os qs particles, S Tr u AG: En. AG? products - 2 NAGg reactants = Chast H,S0u (2) * -690.6 *Yrol) EU mol 50564) -37LL *Ymat S+ (Lael Hdgy--208.6 nel) | - =90,% bY -AG. This Ceactton 1% Spontaneous at OSC and Standen. ‘conditions, a * Chaghe 13 4) Most Ss as phase ceackionS happen a5 a (esu le of Collisions betwen mMoleumbes. Ouer times Ceactants aft converted to prodacts 50 the Conuentration of Ceackants decreas@. This, testy Tr Collisions hagentng less Slequently andy the Ceackion Core slewing down over time. ) No change. The tate constank fer a reaction only changes Qate< KCXol™ a) a Oo ml rates KE XO] b) Y: ayn mre fate: Kixol? wk the temperature changes. O42 GY nel rates KLXOl ) \ i a™ Mi @ rate: KLXOP? K 63) Cote ak (Cas the largest Cate constant and therefore the Gastest tate, | min, =GOS InCtade 20.0335) (608) + In (375 torr 7 US6 Re 2 e788 TYG torr G46 tore femainS at ( min. 276 tore -AWio torr = AGO torr Ceacts 20.4 tore 278 torr xloo = 75% cect NO %6 the Catalyst as TH is regenerated in the Sinal Step and i5 then able to Catalyze another Feaction, Ke Ae ele - 7s, Eq _ TES = -7.144 ee GBI Ee (AIBKY 4 “1S cm MH 203 x 10 molecules S Ke $.0 x 10cm? 0 molecules +S es [000 5 =a 7 - OOF Tree = -O.871l oy Ss (aasKS S 7) =o? -~O.SNFS ah 3 1 Oe eel amlo Molecules *S oon male les +S The Second Ceackton hes the larger tate Constan*. The spark Is needed to inihate the feathion by providing Some Molecules wikn ea energy fo extee) the attivatten energy The reaction 1 exethermse, So ome Some WMolecales Cote products, the enerpy teleased ‘5 then used by other flactant rholecles ackivation eneray barrel. + act atv t to ge aver Ane No, it Means that +ne (eactant 15 M2 atk of Ane cate Oa) step. The ¢ my collide in other Steps. a) 9 H,05 cag) Yaa s Toh atom * Toft + Oalg> + Tay) GHjO3 (ag) —> 2H,Oce> t Oaglq) L) cates KLHOsICII C) Catalyor goes Tn and then 7 (og enerort) « t- dS Trtermediates ate formed then consumed, BO- The first Step because that is rhe bh, ep thet Aeyelvys “NG fon) Gly stboth! da Clachant ALTA, - 120.) The rate law allows the jaitral rate of the feaction to be calculated with any feattat Concentration, - Cater Kno? Ley" From expt. (and 2 ee Oe Ose. G.d0 OlGe ym = 4 m= From expt | and 2 0.30 ne 5.70 0.10 - 0-64 aN 24 nza 3 fates KCNOALCI, § vn Sate Crom Expt. l ot tere a 2 0.63 Ey CNOLCCIje . (0-30 pe 19 t! = 31S Wes For Expt. 4: CBSA rE? rarez 315 dg (040 “FC 0.80 et) 21 PSOne \Norkoheer Rcoblems ® CoS become the Ca paveee ie SiQased . Oya + b) + cy + 3) + e) - Q@ AW onl NS must beth be positive . AG: An-TAS Wak ue \ give a auative AG and a spentancens (tackren ot higher temperatares. ~Workoneck Rroblems ® » Yer — Ccauvighe Ceahelo \ o.107Mm a \eCi4ss) v ! 0,450M { 420.0183 Fg iD i eel * Cound K. ~ (0.200m)(6,0153 FE * 397s WY Te 269% cemthe , Phen T1% cemans COqngl: (0.566 MoT 2 O.397M as ( O39 (o.01s3 bya + ose ta Ss e a - iv) cares KLeuWe ) e (0.016395 10.134 m) = 951 xlo" % ANgS6(q ——> 1a + Cac [ntngosk vs. € — berng Isnear, indicates the teackien must be \ot order, Kz ~Colope) = - (0.897 w= 0.347 h" \aLn,osh.: -Kt + IALNOgd, CNjOs\, 756 mmHg /_l stm spe J Coen)" eau PvenRT _ Lh, _O.ffs atm mM: 2: ar” cates ONO) (0.08300 EMO (049 1S ee eo 135 min. (th \: 2.05 h & 60 mind \nln,oc1,: -Co.4rn)(aasn) + In (0.0407 ost’) inCNOche: -276 Lnose: e7°*= 0.0832 Thet ts the Cencenttatren of the temaraing NiO The amoant of NOs thet reacted > 0.0407 24 - 6.0933 oe 20,04 ot O.0174 mal Nog (_Lmel Oa \ Ke 0-043 — 0.64% 4 a ty Behe 0.351 he 9) gables (BEa8): @50 mq, = Cal, 4° 4 he InCee: -Ke 4 Wn Cal, In (Ade: -Co.aat ne) C4 bey + Ie (oso mg) InCay 2 3:55 $85 2 Carly: e = 960 my 960 ona o& aspirin CemainS in the blood Stream,

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