Minor Demons 1

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cast Kenny Simmonds Deke Winters Vince Deiat Diane Sitorti O'Brien Carmella DetGato Mre. Simmonds Mr. Simmonds SErTING Scene: Amal town ovide of Paburgh Minor Dress is basically writen in the form of a dream. Per- haps aighuare i'w beter word. Therefore stings should be fugpested and characters can move in aod Ont in a ay that tmppote « det sale MINOR DEMONS AGT ONE THE SCENE: A tam, sonawhe in wee Pershania, a for from Pisbgh Tha ation of the play shifts costanthy, Thrfore, simpli 4th bs course. Pohaps various geome thas to a ft fume 1 dan? ha, Tm dg Thre, {the author mentions couch, he tang aul ug fete” euch Hand pp canbe asd Donk We hearth sound of ain eppacing ad wie: pet fing Dake name: hi, Winter Mr Windy "The rie our louder asthe light vise om Dike Win, he 4s whadu on couch. He appar to bees but ei. He cts @ aoa ident the one thet wl De hd by Kenny. A. up and sour ar othe for eat 19 him. The train sound mach @ senda, DEKE, (In his sep) Please! (He alt wp ling oul loud (259, Sic He iso of eth ond twtng. He fly ted ‘The maok als tothe floor ax he reaches forthe cup and sane 4nd lala « chink. Diane ex fom Whind him, dred in bth tebe She daa nt say ating} Tm hay DIANE. Come to bed DEKE. (Ail eur) Fm okay. (She meer tmards him. Pics ‘ip goat Du fom the wie ofthe euch He tke enh rom the taeup. Dine wats nat happy) DIANE. "Hungry? (He shake is heed) can make you some 7 co, DEKE. (mtabie) I'm not hungry (She washer he Hight igwrate) DIANE. I's gonna uke time Deke, (He das mi refond. Ie aks daly) Give Wa week or two, then talk to his parent ‘They aow where he ie — DEKE. (Nat linger finish) They don't wanta wk to me Diane DIANE. You don't know — DEKE. you were them would you want talk to ae? Hub? Would ya? DIANE" I'm to0 tired for crott examination, (She pis the ae ofthe flr) This tnt helping you any. Why do yn Keep looking at iP (Date aids lating other) Vou wants do omethin’ to help yoursel? Rip thir stupid thing up. and ‘hw i say. DEKE, Jun leave it (She teri bck om Ue the flr and sits tes to hin) DIANE. don't want it i the house DEKE. That’ ridiculous — DIANE. Take it to your apartment, take it tothe offi, 1 don't care (Be reowe «tus fo her mie ack nd wafer the ‘eat rom his foread) 1 don't want in toy howe. He hs lnm th his hea her op) DERE.” “Okay. Ue Kerr fr & moment. She runs her fingers rough hs hat dis to sak i head th he igeats) Harder. (Se dies) I only somebody could went tae that you pat in the back of your neck» like in'a prestute cooker it could It all the seam out of your head whem you got fee spas «like a balloon. Thad be grea. Exeryhing be nice and dull. no more fights no more divorce no mote murder DIANE. "No more linger DEKE. (Laughing) We'd be out of «job, wouldn't we? Of well (ew Bans te eas) DIANE. “The wont is over Deke, IC just gonna tke time (te rls ov, turning into her Voy slaty and wry ge se begin to ae is head. Tights into fe) You did te ihe thing Deke, It doesn’t look that way now, it probably never ws. but you ais the right thing © you did the ight tng (The ices are heard. Dek, im Bl fii slap, ees the ‘Afi the escs are wring, moe of am ominous as than ‘pase er. Eventual they tema deere and oud) VINCE. "How could you do thin? Hon? CARMELLA.” Tm go sared MR. O'BRIEN, “Have any Kids of your own Mr, Winters? MRS. SIMMONDS,” ‘Thats no way for any young lady to de MB.SIMMONDS. That boy did’ ll anybody! MRS. SIMMONDS. Thats no way for any Young ly to ae MR. O'BRIEN, Have any bids of your own Me: Winter? VINCE. How could you do thie? Hom? CARMELLA.” Tm a0 wared MR. O'BRIEN. ‘Have any Bids of your own Mr. Winters? VINCE. “How could you do this? How? (The was fee and ein fe eciap. The wes ra Kenny ean and cass othe le ‘oak The wie subside Dee turn Kent) KENNY. "You know like how sometimes you just 40 some- ‘hing relly stupid you know, relly supe, and You brow ies stupid bat you do cana. You Know what mean, dont Yyou Mf. Winters? That's why Tm ging you this book. Te not that good or anything, just some sul T wrote, T know you won't show it to anybody — confidential, right? — ike you ‘Sid that day in'my room. Anyway Tent you to have ie (Tha lights adem Kenny. Inthe dark, ww hear the ice of mals Deiat) CGARMELLA. Deke! (Ligh rie om Carmela Seis in her mid ‘his, ging eaey and ey much mom) Ohhh is ood to See yout (Date nur the ren, Hei 36 alk ie dar ‘is iy which was eens and perl tall a oe ting ne appears ble worm aa wrt hang on him, Carma eto fim. peng him warm hg) DEKE. How ya doin’ Carmella? CARMELLA.” ‘Tm good — howe you? (She ebener him) DERE, Wheres your husband? CARMELLA, He's stn? out the radio when I heard yu pull DEKE. “Rannin’ aspect tap? CARMELLA. (Shaking had) Wali’ fr you, (She pins) No wonder ya got past "em — that your cal) (Dede nats) What Inappened 9 the Mercedes? (Dae rage) DEKE. How're the ki? CARMELLA” "The gies are great. Vincent's pain in the DEKE. He's fourteen, That's a requirement. CARMELLA. "They caught him in schoo! the other diy with 2 Pray, DERE.” Jou ke hid man CARMELLA, "Tel me aout How's Heather? (A bat) DERE. Olay. (Se pam Aba ony CARMELLA “Hope yu don't mina DEKE. ‘The ofce got mean apartment ot at Sher Lake Teme CARMELLA, ‘That pce iy. ring te gi ot ter we gine i pit ner (De ek ta he supa hoe Sy mine DEKE! "Sony meted up his urprie CARMELLA.” Yeah bem gone tow the siren on and pall aon, hen come walk pan hand yo ape (Deke laughs.) You want some coffee? i Dex: "No thanks Camel Tn jst heci’ fn and syn helo. Te gots meng CARMELLA™ Look beter wam ya now. Bes gonna gee Ye tome gt about tat pod yu cet pi pegs Korine) oe VINCE."Wekome home you tas! (Vine DG, 3, and ted ine ifr of 2 fb thf rah De pny Sg hin hr hag Ws po ting me ee ‘amigo alan the ide He the on a «) DERE. You wope ate to0 emotion VINCE. Damn i's good to sce youl (Hl fulsKm dm.Laks 10 a him) Jeces . you Took Uke shit (Carma mats him on the om) CARMELLA. Vince VINCE. Well he docs. Don't ya think? CARMELLA. Yeah, but you're not poe ta sy it VINCE. “Wait my mom seer ya. She'll be shorn’ pasta down your throst with both hands DEKE.” (fring to Viner gut) She been doing that to you? MINCE. ‘Tin jos ty to Keep up with Carmella (A st) ‘Wihyn' ya ge ‘em some coffee? CARMELLA. He did't want any VINCE. "How ‘bout a beer? T adda six pack in the car there for yu CARMELLA. Look, you two have fun, (She hse De, hold ing hs fata moma) He's ight. You Took awl. Wel fatten Ya up. (She ier him andthe has end ens) VINCE. No wonder ya got by me, That what you're devin’ (ide nods) She mona cleaned yn out hu? DEKE. didn ight VINCE, Yeah, I was walla’ for ya out on 208 there. You haven't been around for a while. Whats yr think hah This ‘ovo finaly gots mall DERE.” Yeah, T noticed VINCE. Gourse everybody's outa work. I don't know who the hell's gonna buy anything. (Thstng his ame erund Dee) “Thinkin” about you the other night. Cuese where T busted some hide DERE. Our spot? VINCE. Our spot DEKE.” Playin’ chicken? VINCE, Nah they don’t have the guts, DEKE, Maybe theyre smarter we wee VINCE. They were putin’ beer bates on the teste for the tex ta run over: Wimpe: Hey, you're comin” over for diner ‘night. DERE. OF coune, VINCE. Then we'll go over to my parent, They wants see 4% Who'd you hook up with again? Mom was asta’ DEKE. Ben Gold VINCE That it old her it wat one of those Jewish guy. ‘They find place for ya? DEKE. "Sher Lake Terme VINCE. “Phce' a pit DEKE.” (Wading) I'm sl looking forthe terrace, let alone the siher lake, VINCE. I get called out there three, four times « month Unully some asshole beat’ his wile DEKE. “Well I'm one les you'll have t9 wory about VINCE. You're official now huh DEKE,” She's almost remaried, VINCE. How "bout Heather? She in first grade now hu? (Deke i Kestant) You gots pictte of "x. Con, let's ee? DERE. “No ~. no pictures I dont. have any vdtation of ‘anything. (Vine gies slighty disapproving lak. Deke seas fnmetiaey) Con. Dont gimmie the ditbag Took INGE. “Hey, my cousin Mare just got divorced. You ‘mem ter er. Big family eandal right? Del Gatto's don't get di vorced: they just put up wth each cher, She's probaly the smartest one inna fail. Whata a sy, TM give “er ea DEKE. Hey Vince, I just moved back. Gimmie = couple weeks before a get me arsed again (A at) VINCE.” So © where the hell yo been for thice months? DEKE. Around, VINCE. "Don't gimmie “around.” That card you sent scared the hell outa us DEKE, “That wasn't the purpose VINCE. We sil got it om the Feltgcrator DEKE,” 1 gous go Vince, T got mec VINCE. “Going away for awhile. Call you when T get back" (Dike sorts to mie muy) DEKE. "Tim ie VINCE. What the hell wat I spoted to make outta that? Where were ya? (Dele seye mating) DEKE, "What times dinner? VINCE. Freshiry DEKE.” What can't bring? 2 VINCE. Nothin 1 even gota botle of Tanguey. We're tit lone ae DEKE. "You ready forth uit drinkin’ vse. Ya Ant wed Ia (Days mahing) Hey You're serous aren't ju (Dae als) You ray et Foe food? Everhing (ae a) No wonder ok sy: ae ees) So wht shuld Ite? Pep or omen? DERE? “Toi wee wth a Sce of te: That mf pretend Geta go. thw to meet wis Diane Ses VINCE” Ohhh. god tek sans She» prick. beg sow mabe Vince. "She manage, Fethiye bg f mee any Ligh ode om Vinci om fer ae So nd fo he har far fn of hero whieh she fo, Sei DIAN Well DK. Wines MINCE Hoy Good to have uch man. Vina ad DIANE. You to's to lo telecon, DERE: Exentny dows DIANE. T'm afraid you're mot going to get much media cow erage here DEKE, Tim not looking for media coverage, DIANE. Realy? What are you looking fore DEKE. (Wishing to aust ae) Nothing speci DIANE. “I mean, the uttal tend is to move out of & town like this. We don'e get many big Gime Philadelphia lwyere Working here. Ym curious DERE.” I grew up here, Look is Ben gonna be in today, 1 ould alle 1 him DIANE. Ten ie never here. I prety much run the office since he dicovered Florida, Bat he filed me in. You grew vp fon Connor Steet. gradused University of Pit and porte best fiends with our isrious police chit (She tones te fey the deck) Tm sure he told you 8 few things about me, Wee ‘not exactly the best of friends He thinks i a dye DEKE, ‘That's beaween you guys DIANE. He's Lnwyer's bet frend inthis town, His incom petence makes our job a breeze DEKE, “Think anything you van shout my fiend Vince, but 14 rather not ear if tel) DIANE. Do you remember a guy named Laid Duncan? You ‘went 16 schoo! with him DEKE.” Yes. DIANE. Tm his cousin. When {was a senior in high scoot he brought me ost to Pitt 0 lok around. And he id T had to meet youu. you were the bi sar of the law schol DEKE, ‘Did T offer you any sage adhee? DIANE. You looked down my’ Bouse all night and tried to pick me up. You were drunk. oy, were you dun, DEKE.” Kind of holding onto » grade, don't think DIANE. “Actually, Twas very Matereds ut thet agen T was sixteen. Tve been with Ben five years now. Its taken me all that time to be accepted ata competent storey in ths tno Women aren't supposed to be lawyers around heres if you arya briefase you're a dj, ak your buddy, And now dat 1¥e built up a reputation, you come along. And Tl Be hom, ‘0% I can't compete wth DIC Winters Ive ever represented mob figures, I've never wied a cate through the newspaper ‘oF on the court step for the abr o'clock news I know hy Ben hired you — you're real eoup for the fm here bea I you the truth, 1 don't expect you to ls very long, Is prety dull around here DEKE. "We better get some things out in the open here Diane. I don't want Your jb. don't want to ru "the fe Fm here because I need a paycherk. Til do wills, diorce, real estate, criminal anything that gets thrown ny doo 4 won't call any pres conferences I just want to iat ay desk and do ny job. I do get desk don't DIANE. (Phining) That office ener there. You'll have to DEKE. “Fine. (le rier She conn older) DIANE, Daniel Kenneth. Do you prefer Dan or Danie? DEKE. My fiends call me Deke, Is up to you DIANE. "Your seereury’s Eileen. She'll show you around, (Dike starts lve Sips) DERE. “By the way, If makes you feel any better Vince ocm’t think you're a dyke. He thinks you're & prick (Lights rise om Vine and Carma athe ithe tle) VINCE. "What'd Tull ya) A regular all buster, (She ile him on the arm) CARMELTA. You wonder why Vincent's gota mouth ike he docs, VINCE, They can’t hear me CARMELLA (To Date) More coee? DEKE, No thanks, . . VINCE. (Mating offtage) Do somethin’ wit them, will a “TW dein me nut GARMELLA. "'(Caling of) Heyl Turn that TV. down! (To Deke and Vince) More cake? MINE You tlk to Ben. He'll straighten her at ont GARMELLA. You're worth more there than she i VINCE Tit You hear what your mother aid? Tum that thing down DEKE. Tel bow over. VINCE. “T have to come in there I'm gonna smack some Ibut = (To Daa) Jesus = don't ever have Kids (Pe cath ims glancing Dade who simpy turns aay. Carella ies him a tok} DEKE, "Anyway, is not worth making 4 big thing over, She's ‘ide paranoid I eat sy t blame Bet VINCE." You're gen’ old man, Couple years ago you'dve Licked her aut round the block (it th arm) CARMELLA Vinee VINCE.” T saw his fist court case ya know. He was sixteen and he fought parking ticket. VINCE. "Souda sen “em Carma. Wear’ a sian hve tthe got aff ose Sheye go at (Dar ss Ute en ‘BERE ‘Come on Vict» youre vin’ the hel outa our TINGE. He ta wie all my motes or me when we'd tip shook DEKE. (To Caras) 1 love being reminded of how I sated fou asa lar and s forge. VINCE. Yeah wT always knew you'd become a lawjer, The best ome was the time we toe tigeretes fom my sid ea hat were we, twelve? And we took ‘em out back rahe woods: He pulls out a cgerctte holder (Shain hod) Ya were weird fuckin’ Kd CARMETLA. (Te hit) Vinee VINCE. "What ya itn’ me ~ go hit your kids. stem to that (He rises) T warned youn's =. Comin’ i there ad smack some butt (fe eats) DERE, “Te cracks me up» pliyin’ da CARMELLA, "Yeahs If he smacked butt ax mich at he sye he’ gonna he'd a been locked up for child bute Tony ne ago. (A bat. She thes hs hand) Tes glad youre tack Hee tien like litle Kid ever since yu alle Deke ses) Hie ‘went lookin’ for ya, ya know Aller ne go your card He wane 2 Jong weekend and drove ta Phill. That's why he war o6 ‘ts Your house was sold nabody at the ce knew where Ya were anyway, he didnt find yu (Loring wae) Hes not the won greatest detective. Dae tyr Raking) Any sere glad you've back DERE. MC too CARMELLA. “ut he's right shout one thing you gota atch out for that Sori woman. She can be real brut, he Snows, beleve'me (Lights bain fo fade om te cho me oe my, wh wring ins ste tare foe hah DERE, Give ita litle me Carmella 'm just gonna ignore her KENNY; I tred to ignore them (Lights ade on ich, Rise om Ar. Simmonds in'adiffoent ara. He ti im hs late orn reed in work cathe. Although he it tn a ifien we he als dict Ken) dida’t oaaything «= T id's one MR. SIMMONDS. What the hells your problem oy KENNY. I didn't do anything! I did what mown sat. MR, SIMMONDS. "Ruth .. what'd you say to bien” (Mrs 6 Simmonds come in Bnd er Buda Pl hin the sme og Mr Smmonas) MRS. SIMMONDS. 1 told him to ignore them. They'd sop. MR. SIMMONDS. ‘They been doin this for yar! fons = fet called at work «come to school they threw bh other in the shower = he's wand theve the lacker oom in his underpants cryin’ wy ya let em do tha? KENNY. didn't they jus wok "em MR, SIMMONDS. “What'd you do? Just std there cryin? ike» ee gi. Thats what you are pal = le ie Cae start makin’ you wear a dre! MRS'SIMMONDS. What happened Kenny? (Mr. Simmonds turns on her Sh back a) MR SIMMONDS. js tot ya what happened! Why didn't KENNY, There was a bunch them MR SIMMONDS. So what How many mes 1 gota tll a sek one of ‘em in the bal MRS: SINMMONDS. Frank MR SHIMONDS. SHUT GP RUTH Jost «shut up Ts Renny) 1 been putin” up with this shit fr years now aod Fm actin’ sick of fe You've gonna start fightn’ back boy, you Understand? You pick up whatever handy — you understand you pick up anything and you bit "em = (fe mimes gab: bingy. Key ht oe, racing pis han and crting Ns fae) No werd by? (te pe. Rey ec) MS SIMMONDS Fra MR SIMMONDS. Get ont here Ruth (Sie Bac ay, ino fhe dk) You're gonna hit‘ back boy I don't care what Iappens — you sar ihn” back! (Th hhh fade me to Das athe dak wh apr) KENNY." Tim sony dade Tm sony dad (Ligh fade om Ronny. Dians ees Da eee) DIANE, T'm sory, am Tinterrptng anything? DEKE. Come om in She mie) DIANE, Oh, thats ight Me. Scin was ere DEKE, She does lad up on the perme, dosnt she? DIANE. (Nodding Sst Just go a the phone with Ben, Ym sorry ” DEKE. How is Bend DIANE. Tan. He's naying in ori for Chrsas, DEKE. Doe that sarpse your DUANE. No Bot! hope he drop in before Valentine’ He's gven me the Watton cae een DEKE" Congraiains. (he yt mathing) That wa an ape opriate thing toys was’ DIANE. You're #tersifie actor. (He 296 nhing) You knew, Aid’ you DEKE, "Yeah, 1 tne, DIANE. He offered it to you frst, dda’ he? DEKE. (Nodding) Lax night. DIANE. ‘Well atleast yourte honest DEKE.” Somethin’ new Thought Ta give i¢ a DIANE, “Why don't you call him back and tell him you'l fake it DERE, 1 don't want it DIANE. 1 thought you needed the money, DEKE. You've got the seniority around here. 1¢ should be Your cate, twas wrong of Ben to offer i te. f dest eae kOuy DIANE, "(Gurung him) Okay. (Sh Hats t lee, sop) ve ot 2 confession to make. I punposey et you up wah Mic DEKE, 1 figured that. Interesting woman DIANE. "Pain in the an, but sha end of Ben's so anyway ually get stack with Her, none too suceel DEKE: 0 for for, according to the ie » DIANE. "(Not ral plaid that he hn) Youh well she mes up withthe mont ridcilous sale and the nce see etement so abe abvays ets beaten tn court I gre hes out s0T could watch you for, and you ta sroubd and ale her int setting How'd you doi DEKE, "Profesional secret DIANE, "Come on. how? (He maton hr bs cme dtm, a {ft thr tt) DEKE. “Chart (Se lds Aon ge «smal sae) DIANE, “Thou ty it ometine DERE (ot lang at Mr) Yeah, you shoul. (A hat) DIANE. “Plane for ie bap esa his ead) Get ce your daughter? ie tums, sharp igs seo Key) DERE. Nos (Dien bgt ment oun, rings he sid 2 wrong thing) DIANE” Well, havea nice holiday KENNY. This year Tate a gilt goto the holiday dance. DEKE. Yeah, you too — (Lge fle Date Crna mi si heard htm tude a Rey spats) RENNY. Her mame fe Karen and she's inthe ninth grade tnd she sein ffontof me in uy hall on Mondays. She ab eas wears these funn and these tight sir that dot come {Tom all he weytoT can sce prt oer back and sometimet Tice the top of her underwear. She has a ue line of hair hat runs down her back and fs teal light snd you can't a vay se i So called er up “ase T did't wat to ak ber hook Twas prety merous. Then her ster anawered the hone. She's ith grade and a's ra prey and he shed who was cling. Then I old er. Ther she aid bold fn, she sid she'd sce if Karen wat here. Then T heard er talking t0 someone, it sounded like Karen. Then she came Pec an Hae a ther Then the aed me wat Pvanted And Thing ap. And the next day at schoo So ann sd tr and wile or teas tote og fn then they ran ino the gf's room and they lghed. (The me sie mJ ga Cima I aly he Gris. (The muse ie deny. Lights re on Vince wih ‘mp in shan. We are his baton ei mopping an) VINCE. "You bids get to bed of I'm tli” Sama Cla ome wp there and smack some but! (Dee even) DEKE.” Ho, ho, ho VINCE. Lookit thst Whole darn basement’s flooded! I's t'poted to now on Chekias Bre notin, DEKE. "Gimmie a broom. (Vine hends hin one During the ours of tis te they eh the ser) . VINCE. "We gotta go to her mother’s house .. and its cn’ late and’ the Kids are etn rammy and we all wanta ome home, ight? But no a's gott ait and tlk to her sie 19 ter (imal up the stain Carma) Who she aks to evice 4 it And 1 gota come home and see the basement looks Ike Johisicam! Aim toward the dein, wily? (Carma aes ‘arin tos bas) CATOIELEA, "Theyre ll in ed. You gonna quit ein? (Ste ands tem tach a ler. Vince oon his imme Be wh fale uted) VINCE.” “We Coulda Tet an hour ago. Isl got dc bikes Chine Ea vein 2 has ‘ere in any hay to lene 1, VINCE. My mother ean cook.) 7" Powe Paes DERE.” (Ginging) Have yours, » metry ile Christmas (hay sp coma logis) CARMEELA.""Isobay Deke. We fight every hota. VINCE. indy) And mon the oes in between. (Thy Tes Dee has aloe is be. To Carala) Woats Vm sory, or) ‘canara, Forgot. Sorry Deke DEKE. Its olay VINCE. That's reat smart Carmella CARMELLA. I forget hay? What can T get ya? DERE, Tonic water tea» anything VINCE. Yeah, "get me = pop too (fe sats to Rand her his ee) DEKE, Don't do that Teo pop. DERE, No ya don't. Drink the beer: I tke the smell (Carmala darts Yo ext) CARMELLAT Mel called. He wantnyou to call him back as VINCE. “Tall em I'm cleanin’ the CARMELLA,” THe sid the O'Brien’ called again. She's a VINCE. 1 all ‘em iter, (Carma exits) DEKE. Ravine? VINCE. Girl misin’. Went out tothe store, id’ come bck yet. She's thirteen, Probably stopped at « party, got leaded on egg nog. gotta Buck mye the in womecme® bah -_ som pukin her gus up right now. One of the O'Brien Ae Od ets ot tos pac = you mnt Snow hi DERE.” Oh yeah. (Vn tate Lng mg) VINCE. YOU sre tie okay? Tcl fonny doin’ thie in froma you DERE, ""World can't stop drinkin’ jn come 1 VINCE. "Tthink about quit” everytime T gets roten hang er I ght ees “Neh su we on : VINCE. “That wha you were doi’ for thee month? (se sys mahing) Look 1 fame aged yo "ou ce the day yorgot tac. Yow don't wanta HE aout i hay un tll ne Oey Oar sepe fo mont) DEKE." wan hoi VINCE. "That's what Carmela figured. twas hopin you were In Tahiti or somethin’ but shemale Were you gi oa? DEKE." Anon other hinge Cimore > (na dom Dei Is Aad ac ond fon to Kr nt) Look up there. VINCE: Wase for vice. "ax euta bere. DEKE, Go ahead VINCE. “Bos't go shootin’ any booges at me That 1 spose ta see DEKE” 'Ninepshousnd olla. (A bat) Vince. "Youve sou? DEKE Modding) Fore nosti vanes. “Yeror Ghrt Deke = (le trun dou hit mip.) 1 tan Ate You wee fin around wi hat ath ime Jon vere beck ase Ot fom oy dba ol DERE” Wnt could dct VINCE. Teolda iced the sit ont ya for sates DEKE heat ye to WN eine ow = DEKE. Approsintchy, Dees don't gv receipt. Come on, ite your basnen Ti dete werk. tend We (tte vote) i TIRGE. How dhe hell could you be xo sup? a exe, = that ike sense enegy thats oy ray ~ ashy cocnne b he drop of Shcice with overacheyert. ets mal 6 agate) Sd est ‘a erty. Wh te sec undteel tnd Mercedes fr » second cat Ad ty cents were abet ‘more than lad to help me find some Easy — it makes ya fect great. That inital rush that MINCE. “Ah man T gotta tell yu, that ta piss me off Deke Sci’ yuan TV. thereover tnne Mile ashore Ianocet. You Ene th) wer hacen How col ye DERE Part of the jb. VINCE. Don't gnate dat DEKE. Vince, people have io iden what a layers jb se ally is Were lol ht men, thas all Weve hited we 82 cece People's ley work You wants get crn wid someday ee ime. And they want ufo be mean man They want fo ie aon ViNeE DERE. me IKE, Right. And depending pon the cen, cern perks Bags of coke, aes of Doore Wound dea «night oe WINE Mut id’ esas hha) What 3 they do for thousand buck «night DEKE." Brenthing VINCE. Yow sill ih Joye when all this was goin” on? (De mos avy. arping) DEKE.” "Ny mother — to her dying day — could not make ime fel as gill about things te you Could fe loses Rs foi) You mean Yo ic me you never cheated? VINCE. "ever di, no. And Tha opportunities to. (te tak suig) Listen to’ me. Opporuniten, Four in fen Years And of them were Pg5c. (Anat ug) nee Seated on Carmel Ad tat ej ot com froma ‘uy who gets it maybe wo, sree tines « month DEKE." {Smiling} You wad to getty thee times comin’ heme from the moves. You got tore acon in my baseat a Tad And the more vicious yu are the higher the bi 2 VINCE. Lemme tell ya, ie caer getn’ it im » tacksat Than it ie with four kide runnin” around. (Thay laugh. Vine ‘his 2 mommt) A thousand bucks? Really? (Dole nds. Vine ‘hae Ai end ming) DEKE, What? VINCE. Nothin’ DEKE,” Doa't gimmie “nothin” VINCE. Just you've done all hi staf. You been places — where the belive T ever been? DERE, (Uncmfotie) I'm back here aren't I? VINCE. “Mtybe T shoulda gone t college or somethin’, 1 don’t nom. Ts feel tke Fever did anything DEKE! "You got four nice Kids and a wife who pase up with your shit VINCE.” (Sniing) Yeah yeah. They're good kids Deke Theyse « pain in the ay but they're good hids and 1 Tove fem But wr I gota tll yx». | woulda mind spendin’ one right witha thousand dollar hooker. (The laugh Night, hel Teeny minuterd be plenty. (Laugh, then git) Soo» You say now You normal? DERE." Not somethin? you ever care ya just have to «con trol i That's the tough part — feng the fact that part of jour brain knows you're doing something incredibly fuckin’ Topi and the her part sae who cares ~ chop out another line. Facing the fact that you're out of control tha’ the fal bitch, {A shrug) And Pve got afew cents ia Philly who rant my bead. Tactewed up o+ wasn’t prepared wasn't ve ‘Sous enough, [don't know, Came ver core to geting com fred, So Tran away. Typical. Checked myself in checked Inyself out. And T exme tack here figured tht would be the safe place 19 come CARMELLA'S VOICE. Vince! (She els, coring @ so) Mel Called again.» They talked to the guy at the store. She never Showed up thre. (Ts Dae) Diet 7UP. Okay? (He nods) Some tod stw her talkin” to a kid around Od and Connor, where they're bull the new hoster Mel's got his description VINCE. "Tell him to end a car over there to check out all hove buildings CARMELLA, Since when am I the chie® VINCE. Oa, you gota choice. You ther make a nice dy phone eal, or ome down here and play Mea (Carma 2 DERE, Look i you gotta go, 1 do this VINCE. Nahi nothin’ serious Chris, is Chrismas Eve, the Kid's just loaded some place, I gotta admit, been tway Only one really crazy ease tnce I took ener. Couple monte go this hid — seventeen — rapes 74yearold woman then slaps her around with «ball pren hammer for Hicks, Know hat he got? Huh? Know what he got? Six months in juve ‘ause he's Tour months shy of 8 That fat? DERE, “I did't hear the case Vince VINCE. The litle bastard was gully Deke, Trust me on th all ight. le was guilt, That ad Iady’s in's home now she’s neared ta death of everthing bacly gets around oa ‘walker. Sic months, that lair Deke? DERE, "Lets not get into this again VINCE. Gues who his ler was? Your biteh boss Put that ‘ld tay on the sand with that shithead who rape er in Fiteen feet avay and badgered the hell outa her Got her all

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