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0, you want tell me what's goin" on with you seo guj? {Bae ve iy "he tate him) Het yu Rey Simonds and Tita fad say hall gether? Hae Reed ben Her Deke. I vant things ack to amc aad Ru MINCE Tey * ‘ CARMEL & you DEKE. Hey MINCE. How's your New ean? Get lid or anything Hee wa yours? . Sime ol shit Midnight, Carmela’ uncle comes dws des ea ty, ya kno, tanner son nf ican, its fanny theft jas bt get nee tk ike 4p thing) You sant coffe or somethings “ DEKE No thanks Had «le lk wid Sam, (Smng) Right ater yu let ere Nice to know tim DEKE. Doo sare VINCE, Vs feel beter now? (Di sys mhing) Hanh? Can 15 £0 back to bein” normal again? (Delete at bath Vint as at hi siping hn) DEKE, Now I want you to do me a big for: don't den that you Het tomes kaye " VINCE. “Hey, was mitate — DEKE." (Laur) Ue had two dye to punch wal and f'n fine now. (Sfening) 1 now how srongy You eel aoa ne and I know you'e worried about the tepercunione VINCE. Thac got notin’ do mith DIKE. Ju dont deay i O ince, "ihe ne” ante) you do somethin’ about this, okay? to wory aout legal crap DEKE.” Don't etre Vine, We got problem, VINCE. What tis "we" ait youre tub pct im the e's gotta watch hin wep. (te lugh Dele des est seule ed’ Ud sayfa mina teed ikea tel lupe and nt js Ko you ns DEKE." At he hearing tomorow Tm gong hse cove * CTC that all exdence he supprened a tinted because my client stor not advised of his ight at the tne of questioning. (Vie Uke a Kin are, tho sie) VINE. "Okay olay 0 ya did your jo. (He pus Dee into lin afeionate headick} Ya wared Ube hell ota me, alight? Foe a minute there T thought you were serous. (Te bags & Ide wupsing, De din ot fly alg) I earned my lesson, ‘Shay? Tl write it onna board a hundred tines. °T will ge the lle seumbag hit rights” Okay, hank? Nov let's jst for gait DERE, I'm serious . VINCE, "Wha? (No anser) Come on, don't gimmie “seek fous” You do somethin” Hke that, that Kil get — DEKE, I have to — VINCE, You know what they'll do t2 me? Hanh? (Date move Soup, Vine seer at him il nol compreending) Jesus you'll ‘So anything t win, won't 3? DERE Ive not that — VINCE. “Olay, shay. This conversation never took place, Tight? You sid ta So hete wth you — the truth. Tomorrow in cour, Igo back to dhe ther story: DEKE, "You cant do that Vice VINCE, Watch me DEKE. Your witnemes didn't back you up. You got to Sam, but you dia’t get to them. VINCE. "Then don't call any witness DERE, I have to — VINGE. Go ahead then, call em. Sam and me'l be enough, DERE. 1M rip him apart on the stnd Vince! You know 1 will ve had 30 year FILL. yew up there and Tve made them Diss thermchen ad thy ner tlng the but! What you think Thm gonna do to a rookie cop who's in’? MINCE. "This town's gonna believe wr cause they wanta bee DEKE.” That's not good enough Vince. 'm talkin’ about erin: . SINCE. People ie alla time in court You know it DEKE. Thats not the point. 5s VINCE. You never hada client Hie? DEKE.” That har nothin’ todo = BINGE, Anover the question! (Deer) Where y goin’? DEKE. out probably be gettin’ « call from tee Deng He white You gonna be heen? VINCE Sidon il pod DEKE. Hell be tld that the ow cops are pexoring them {ehcind tat si be proved on eon Samide Te shows Sam's report ich was rewiten prety bed ak MINCE. Stal) What ya sin? DEKE. How ym been seep Vice? vince. You payin gneet DEKE, You haven't been sleepin wo well hear. You usta Ym not doin’ anything to you Vince! I'm tyn’ ta cep ya out of fil “ ae Viner “het DEKE, Then fick you Vince ur sory aid sce what happes MINCE. "Ya sel big ones uh — get back on TV DEKE.” Believe anything ya want — fo ko" T% High? VINGE. Just get of the ase Deke! Tha’ YING J ft ofthe ene Dak! That al a got do DEKE, | That won't do it Vince. They jat get another Ine et up on the sand with ‘ie youl get mated for perry nd — who haan ae You won't actly do dine, bt youl ever work ae ae $l Amrehere, Wanta put your lamily though tha inact INCE. "What i with you? Since when are you Me Poking DEKE. 1 just can't He anymore! Pye DERE spent my whole ite vin’ out tught me nothing ei espe at Can't keep Wing! "Gre once 1 tte a ene ef 56 rm dead. VINCE.” 'So . what'm I spoted to do? DEKE. Tele truth, Get on the phone to Sam, tll kim to go back to his orginal tory and Mi orginal report and 1 von ty a thing about any of ti. VINCE.” “Mighty white of ya (Vine pics up hiv barr and staat him) How "bout 4 Beer Deke? Hunh = how “bout = JERE. nt tell dhe trth Vince, That's not askin’ a ot VINCE. "That sounds prety ny coming from you, man. (Ligh i om hf Sands sd beg to fade om Vince) SiS SIMMONDS. T'don'undersund any of this Mr. Wine VINGE. How you been sleepin’, Deke? + Mis SIMMONDS. Tim sory but F dont understand DERE, Ws not teat ity'a hearing. I'd eather just go ‘hough this once — where's your husband? " MIRS"SIMMONDS. Hell be down in 2 minste, Wha’ go- ing to happen Me. Winters? DERE, Hes sort of Ike a preliminary tial. Testimony and tvidence is presented to ace i there's enough to go to Wa MRS" SIMMONDS. Is dere? DEKE. That what we have tock about MR SIMMONDS. (a from offstage) Get owt goddam GET OFF MY LAWS! (enters ane til puting om is ut) Gnidamn it Roth, they're al over ty tv (fe as et) DEKE. Me. Simmonds MR SIMMONDS. "You've a lager goddamnit! Get them out of here DEKE, jst ignore them MR SIMMONDS, "ICs not your lwo! (Unt, Key eter, searing suit) MRS SMMONDS. Wet go out the ack «(Mr Siwmonds ‘gna hr, ming Wher de of age) They've been out there ‘Seryday. And when ies not them i's people fom the torn Mit SIMMONDS. Get off my property damnit se your asses! My boy's innocent! NOW GET OFF MY LAWN! a7 KENNY. Mom it Thy dit tne he a the He a, MRS. SIMMONDS. Oh Kenny .. te our father to hep yoo Drie." Canere Rey, 1 help you. (ie mots hein Ken ading er) Ca al de il ie Mi SNOLONDS. sored “om DEKE. Congrtation’ si oak nowy Sane, MR. SIMMONDS. "Youve our tnger — something about them? inet ahs Dene "ive a tie) ‘my hands huet today. Get ack to the street Mr. Simmonds. You jst made the MR SIMMONDS. (ning 6 Ken.) 1 do that tie Kenny's tie from the front} (ree DEKE al eh Seo exp what sing to happen X the hearing because the pres goog to Ea aren ws aller i oer and 1 want yo eee, So {To Mr. Simmonds, who is btching up the tie) Ured m MR. SIMMONDS. "Its ox yout seq.) Ondertoad? DEKE. You want to doi Huh? Youve got al dhe goddamn anon! You go to coun Here fie tr Jing it at him.) ee oe MB. SIMMONDS. You can't lk to — DEKE." SHUTUP CoDDaMNIT: YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT! You hanes of his ight What evidence i theres Ugerng her quan) Wat we've doing i perfectly * nota Gi or anything, bu is ging grog pe could You help me with this? (Thay bah re loc of people. You've got to be prepared for that Yins: SRtONS, What dow tat mea Me Winters? I'm DERE” "here we he x decom toy, but should mean hat there wil be mo al. IMR, SIMMONDS. "That means he's innocent. DEKE. Memeans there'll be no teal. (le ernest» Mr Simmonds) H means not a word. To the courtroom, on the parthotse sep, on the Frnt lw. nohing, Nothing. (A teat) MR SIMMONDS. TM bring the car up bac. KENNY. (Holding wnt te) Da Mit SIMMONDS" “Get your moticr to do it Kenny. (As he ‘eix) Why can’t you weat clon tes like everbody ee? MRS, SIMMONDS. Lacking of 'm sory. KENNY. That was cally somethin’ — you yl’ at dad RS. SIMMONDS. You forget tat happened Kenny. Waitin the car, We be out in a ine : KENNY," Okay. (eset Dac) That was really somethin (Ge xis) His. SIMMONDS. Me. Winters. Tm not the Brightest per ton in the world. (te mie, mou) And Tm having Tot Sf wouble understanding this" not jst the legal things ute all of rand ance I happened .- no ene tll me Anything -- Frank and T never talk about it Tot think we ald tree words to Kenny s» youve beer very se, but {hal don't know whats going On (Dity at im) What ex dence Mr. Winter? wha. they sid tomething about 4 Confesion, and i here was a confeion then» at woud fmean that he =. Tm seared of htm Mr Winters «Tm in Iny ow house with my som and Vm scared». Pm srry 7 A edo (Dae tye making) He ei n't he? He did that to her =: Gat terble Tm sony, I don’t undersand tie DEKE. Mrs, Simmonds when this is all over ~ (He popes, ten) You have to get Kenny some help Mr. Simmonds. Do you understand what mean? Pachiatie help — Mis. SIMMONDS. Frank doesn't beleve in chat MINCE, 1 ean’ as isc = Tean't take any ques ERE. For Go whe Mi. Sond VINCE, 1 just have a statement fet your son some eet might ga ek ay BRIN Yu's sy ae maa ao OBI) VINCE" Andrei ake fl rapa igh fe on Vine) DERE. I can't ak to you Me. O'Brien, you can Mr. Witers. You just don't wane to O'BRIEN. “Yes (Dae atempr a js Ovee ‘ {Be sump ps: Obrien gre om) What you tang DEKE, "Don't do that. (hie us O'BRIEN. "My wife wasn't the heating because our oh huge wot beck shel dn ans tt hed {ah (A smi) Thats overeating» bie woul tea a Be ae i 4 you (es dum oe neh REN, “Ret amy Mr stn ner Sea, {2 you, Aer all. youre ale, ames Dae aig Kis bck Dat hat anes ‘et of our him I ean do someting Ss (Diane move to « DIANE, ‘That bad, bub? O'URIEN. And Tal Me. Winters! DEKE, Oh yeah, (Ligh ou on O'Brien) DIANE. (Managing) T can fel i. (She dig i epecily hand Dede yats) Don't be such 9 baby. DERE. I. OBrien shooting hit mouth off or can he act ty do something? DIANE. Not by himself, but he's got fiends on council He tn one of them who dia't want Vince in the Bint pace. (She ede back A shoulder, he reat) DEKE. Why don't you juste me to the back of the find get this over with DIANE: Stop fighting me. Rela. DEKE.” What do you think they'll do to hin? DIANE, "God Deke, Ton’? Know. You grew up Bere. What to you think? DERE. “think they're gonna mail Kim to a eos DIANE. "You don't know forse, 1 gota lot of harasment for defending certain people. It dies down DERE. ‘Thats because hey can’t do anything to you. Vince ‘hey can get to. Things are lack or white inthis town fray area Last week Vince was the big hero ar 100m a That deciion comes down -- forget it, he's dead around here People love to nail cope. DIANE. "There are ther places DEKE. He lines here Diane. Tis family’s here. (igh rie on Oren My and Mrs Simmonds) DIANE. People hane shore memories DERE, Not around here, O'BRIEN. "To the editor DEKE. Theyre gonna nal im Diane) ‘O'BRIEN, Today the court has rleaed a person suspected ‘of murdering my daughter due to lack of evidence. We wll fever know the truth MiU SIMMONDS." Happy? OF course I'm happy. Te been ‘ying tall along: amy boy is ianocent O'BRIEN” My famiy and’ are cognizant of the fact that the (ighe fate om Dede and a highest courts in the ts individual MR" SiNMMONDs, someone and not know whether something like this O'BRIEN ith the la, we realize that atic form of government is such tat, Sate in proteting al ind MRSINMONDS.” We're jut ga oer wih, OTERIEN. "Theres {ain eueing Yor nem come eration thatthe inde repent by nen a office * ve MR. SIMMONDS. (75. Simmonds ant to Ee things back to normal O'BRIEN. "And that a properly tained person who ean en: fore the land pect our community appa Be MRSIMONDS. OF coune were not sing to move ‘should we? fens ae ‘O'BRIEN. For the protection ‘eet at you ane? nis Stns ts of te ga Shares MRS, SIMMONDS. Thats no way for ay young ly wo de, ee, ss om the Simmondies) Frames a "BRIEN. "Inthe name of God, do mot let « wagdy tke happen again Lip wom Kay he ne Se Aer nba. ope) ee DERE. Kon KENNY. “wing H Me DERE twee fa eo KENNY. Sire DEKE. "Your fther’s ging = pre conference cut on the rot inn He hee ting ebone Nas ense a, 5) Aren't we? We ju of the people in this town, 1 fon in this mate. (Git jus fel ery ba or the pare ‘My family has suffered & los that we can never inter. Kinds surprised me. 6 Da ind ate aking stands to protect the You can't te under the sme root with or not theyre capabie of Though in our personal grief we do not agree the basic Concept of our dees Be ee eee i Fe ae etd ot Share ecg iH tna og RENN "Glo of my pi DIKE. Do you understand ail of dis? KENNY Yeah Tg DEKE. Kenny, do you reale what you id? (Kony das ot tpn) Talk to 6 RY Yo mt aot i? DERE. Yeu Wha you tld me about RENNY. “Thnow Tid 1 Tus sceme Hike somebody ee ‘ha cand Tova ut there wathing Like Ie wat = moe or Stmeting. That's dhe uth Me. Winters. (Lacks Dee for ‘cone none coma) You Delve me about tha, don't you Mr ‘Nee DERE” Ye KENNY. “Trou tel you belive me. That day you yelled a fy dad. that was’ really you, T wate yout Hok Tike that somtimes (He hand Duke he rn nto) Deke "Wars oe KENNY. "Stuff I write. Ewa you to have i (De ros the eto om the for) DEKE. You bled get Kenny. KENNY. “Tine DEKE. And you're not being punished for it! You should be tat you're not KENNY. T guess . DERE. Thee mo yew at tp ee youl do ia ail KERN’ Mape. 1 dnt know It You're sick — you need (Deke thos is i gore 1 Kony ad grabs hi by the shir) DEKE.” Don't tell me you don’t know! You dot MRS. SIMMONDS. "Mr. Winter! (She atop 1 Beak sp. Dede reas him.) DERE Your ton gota chy break Mrs. Simmonds, If you're smart you'l get him out of this town, (He gins tot soap) KENNY. "Mr Wines (He supe Rouy oe up We saute, anding i to Da) snot that good of hoybieg foe ae sf Tot. how You won't ow two ame cae eo right? — Ike You sd tat day tna sone ASS {sanyo hin [ae et nd od ox anything: ee mows sey st Oren fp) ORIEN Mr. Winters ° KENMYT undertand (Rew fe) OPBRIEN. Now that i all wer wat you to now that 1 bear animosity towards ou Yeu hed oh to taf ‘eho don't even wel you may ih aro eh. it canting myc to hate tat boy saya fae hat he did, Be sort of Te hating» dog tat eso as Tish And there's no ente inna Wouldnt yoo ageay (Dae moet ey ath fade om, OBrien) Woe ene Table man, Me. Winters, Who’ Knows, Ics smal Gaon (Camala appears) CARMELLA, Deke — O'BRIEN. "1 may hire you myself someday. (O'Brien CARMELLA. ra T GAR Toe ot knw where he DERE Whore Yo Carmel OAIMELLA. "H's pponed tbe at a met expe ype sng, They called DERE. “You gota sign on your front lawn. Where you CABMELLA. ntamanat) He dosn't want you to bom. (A beat.) Find him, reno DERE” Tm the last person he want to tak to — CARMELLA “Find him! The mam dove tee handed mies Jething for you at leat you can fr G's othe et sme wl ys Deke? Tim a0 seared (Se bec its te dee 1 Sand of Wan shad nd ig fad oes ae, ~ sting lone “The snd of th tem faa mayo hs (the rin fa os Deke apres DIKE. You got your wife scared to death 6 MINCE, (ing papr) You rend th? Hank? You sould fearsome the grees tout me Bet my than n't buy thy copies thee (te rte Shaw pup) I tink Te gona me cme Be ike ebay aie tr tro: Rr any good lumen? int, "eute supposed to beats cen VINCE, “Fuck "tm, Let "em hang me oy the Dalle in vinta That the igh wd DEE” came wore INCE. ‘Sou weno coe — thatthe Hight won? le be [pu wah ite ow lk) Brkt, “Comet nce, ge the wack VINCE, ‘Tver beat pt Never won a game chicken im m0 for 00, That a bg ese eto he buh) Aesop ied ilion nes pay that But yo ak wt supe longer = aay Beate Tat ne me Ie gar per your tan os Sem? os INGE. "Yi bo tie you id’ gne shit whether dha tran spned you ot DEKE," (Quit) Tid’. (Silene) VINCE, "That b's guily Deke DEKE. (Exhaust) Vince MINCE. wt you and me here now, Our spot. He killed. her, Sidr he (0 responae) Didnt he? DERE. "You know VINCE. You tell me DEKE, C'mon, let's go home VINCE. You tell met (Dae ses uthing) He Killed her. AE {cr he sipped er up with s pipe he kled her. But he don't fo to jal couse T fucked up. Right? (Swe) Bagh? DERE, Right. VINCE. You wanta explain that to me DEKE, Teant VINCE, ‘Cause I don't ge it ya know: Maybe I'm jus st Pid, nk? (Smee) Basement fala water. bikes ta pat to ether simple sit Uke that. But Vm inna big hurry and 1 {fide Gok hard enough and dat gil was bein” crushed by ee Sie fo ate isto AA core ao Sopa sees Bee ia ae ce RN vtec SEG oo pein i Pektetrretted mete hae ed eae a ie ped boo Ad he ft even afer she was den A hcl it aan rentualy 1 know that "came he's gota demon DERE, "ria eo Cvs Vince Ne'd take Tanna’ my grandmother, “member wa. ‘randmother, ‘member? pit hugh hee fers andy meta, hada de sone and e't gh mer ssf become cp sce thes not scary There's prope out there wih de mn ine a hin ig eg tome majo gue demons ti Lid fa. And pepe paneer people the hat EE.” Te tn doe wk tt ay Vine might nice if it did buc — * ae VINCE." Then the stem’ fucked up — DERE, What ce we got Vine? Hah? Whats ys want do lock up evenbody your grandiother spits a Pat may ee tty who migh be dangerous oma ht hat youre se vine. Dene. vives. Dex vine. Sounds good w me — (A tain ie head) There'd be nobady let Vince Cnere = Roock « of — MINCE. ‘Cine YERE, Youre dk. Get olla the tack — MINCE. “Cinere and get me of DEKE. Thin spi (i of Vin, tng him bse arm Vince grab im tack, ling Kim din Trai % paling om YINGE can on puny you wot et rah vs me Yeast play some chicken» eke arth De he 's not Fanny. rot copeating) Gimme » chance tp beat ya x. just once 1 na feu. (Diy inte Dk fe) You owe me man {Dake rps Thy pat tthe, arms Bde) Al igh Brings feck merry enh DERE Trim stupid then — it stupid now Ynez. "Sve get’ od Deke. Where's your sense of ad Werure (ice bad) Here se comms! (DA@ jump oon sid “Sling on he gun) DERE," Youlait ay — you wink (ine da nt mene, The fe gras) Vince. (Vc ape ote same Sd ting ilo Take he mei denne Tay are neni om the Goud for {oman Vins lung) MINCE. Had yavsered dida't 1 (The mse agin to fe) Don't worry Deke. Ta not gonna All ysl. Special tke that. Know why? "Cnune the newspapers would all «xy sBitca’ The shih Dumb wop cop ls i font ain Somethin Hee at Benes Yeah hi ath) Jom vt ee) GRC Yue best end man (He kines De who ic Tutu) You eve os for es Say Dex Wha? MINCE. “T'wanc hear you say 1 want heat fom you, DEKE, What Vince? MINCE. "He led her Say i Dee sy ating) Sey it DERE tte hile her (De tae ir me) Come oo (cr ae my ln) GENCE.” Don't you fakin’ touch me! (Vine bags to mone hoy) Wanted tear yoy Ste oat brow wh i al ree tl ever» Tom aot how could you this to Ihe? Hion? How 2 (He diapers) DEKE." Where you moving 1? Come on Vince — tlk to ‘el Whata yu sy, huh? (Ue mont te ec, etal bing Sick on she diate kong of ey) Come 0 = ‘Pls! Jost ak to1me — pleae (THe wes ard ate is ply stat) TRE Thom fou you do this t9 me? How? CARMELLA.” fn so veaced (Thy twp Vie it MR. O'BRIEN, Hive any kids of your ove Me Winters? MRS. SIMMONDS. That's no vay for any young lady to Mix"SIMMONDS. That boy didn’t kill anybodyt MRS. SIMMONDS. "That's no way for any young lady to MR O'BRIEN, Have any bids of your own Me. Winters? CARMELLA. Tn so seared MRC O'BRIEN, Tae any His of your own Me. Winter? VINCE. How could you do this to me? How? DEKE. Plone! (The enc sop alrapiy as he als wp. Diane Seyt nuthin at elke othr She ner nest from hi oe ode nes unselfish gm notch. He Begins lo teen wp, rowing ier all oe) Tit ean it up toramenron. (Diane nD sh the cach and echs fr his ta cup. Se spe hm get) DIANE. “Come to bed. (Quay) No = (She stars 1 tah the ‘vp enc from him He ison) Far encugh you lipped far ough (He sae at hor « moment, wane, ten as he take the (pH cul hic hd nto Br lap) DEKE. I'm frezin’ DIANE. You di the right thing Deke is allover «shih Shih wi allover (Se saan i aad he igs die 1 tem and rie on Ronny Dale and Diane are ill se) KENNY. Now tha ite all oer T thought 74 drop you a Hine ns know everything allright ere. Ts warn all the we get to go mvunming a lot and my dad found a ‘ew jb that he relly Utes and my new school i realy nce (ligt bn 0 fade) Nobody here knows anything about what happened there a sometimes I think we ought t tell hem ‘but mom says ne ity all over and lee Keep ie that way. 1 fuer she's ght. Anyway, tha all or now. Thanks for every ‘hing, TM wie agin soon. Kenny. (Ligh fade om Kony then odo Dake and Diane) PROPERTY LIST Onttage Right [New You's nolsemaker (DIANE) ‘New Year's party hat (DIANE) New Year's tueamers (DIANE) Sandwich im plastic tag (MR. SIMMONDS) Milky Way candy bars (MR, SIMMONDS) Handeutls (VINCE) Police le with 2 black and white, 8 x 10 photos (DEKE) Kenny's green notebook and pencil (KENNY) Dete's green notebook (double of Kenny's) and pencil (DEKE) (Checkbook (DIANE) Pen Rubberband eter to editor (yped on sheet of paper) (O'BRIEN) Brown pune (MRS. SIMMONDS) {TV remote contol Tie (Kenny) 1 unopened beer botde (VINCE) 1 unopened can of Diet 7UP (CARMELLA) Nompaper with picture of Chief DelGatto on front page ‘wINce) Seiors Dish towel “Try wh sla, ke, crackers (CARMELLA) 2 prec of cake on plate Fata plate Ge nite

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