Structure of The Essay - Nou

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Structure of the essay

(180-200 words)

1. Introduction (2-3 sentences)

2. Firstly, (On the one hand) + 1 argument (3-4 sentences) + For example, (example from own
experience) (2-3 sentences)

3. Secondly, (On the other hand) + 1 argument (3-4 sentences) + For example, (example from
own experience) (2-3 sentences)

4. In conclusion, (To sum up) (1-2 sentences)

Linking words for the body of the essay: (cuvinte de legătură / связующие слова)
(6-8 words)
due to – datorită / благодаря,
at the same time – în acelaşi timp / в то же время,
for example – de exemplu / например,
also – de asemenea / так же,
so – deci / таким образом,
although – deşi / хотя,
therefore – astfel / итак,
moreover – cu atât mai mult / более того,
in my opinion / from my point of view – după părerea mea / по моему мнению)


The message of the text (30-40 words)

The message of the text is:
to underline the role / importance / significance of …………… (importanța / значение)
to underline the impact / influence of …………. on ………… (impactul / влияние)
(a sublinia / подчеркнуть)

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