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Working In BC:
Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities
6th Edition

Glossary: (Pages 2 & 21)

a. Averaging Agreement:
A person legally appointed or empowered to act on behalf of another

b. Collective Agreement:
An agreement between employers and employees which regulate the terms and conditions of employees in their workplace.

c. Gross Pay:
your pay before deductions

d. Double Time:
twice the amount of your regular wage

e. Net Pay:
Your take home pay after deductions

f. Time and a half:

one and a half times your regular wage

g. Under the Table:

employment not reported to the state

h. Variance:
when employers, with the agreenebt if their employees, ask the branch to vary or change how parts of the act apply to them

1. What is the Employment Standards Act?

A BC law that outlines the rights of employees and

2. What is the role of the Employment Standards Branch?

The government office that enforces the ESA.

3. What is the phone number and website of the ESB?


4. List the people who are not covered by the ESB.

Babysitters, Sec students working through their schools,
News paper carriers, people receiver financial assistance

5. Who are covered by the Collective Agreements?

People who belong to unions

6. What Government issued document must you have in order to be hired in BC?
Social insurance number

7. How old must you be to work in BC?

If under 12, with parent and written esb permission, children age 12-14 may work restricted hours
15+ no restrictions

8. Define minimum wage.

The lowest amount of money an employer can pay.

9. What is minimum wage in BC?

10.25 dollars, now 14.60 dollars.

10. Define Minimum Daily pay

if you go to work requested by the employer you must be payed for atleast 2 hours. if
scheduled for more than 8 hpurs of work, you mist be paif for at least 4 hours.

11. Besides shifts worked, what duties must an employer pay you for?
Orientation, training, or meetings

12. What should be included on your pay check?

wage rate, hours worked, overtime, deductions, gross pay, net pay , hours banked, employers name
and address

13. What can an employer deduct from your wages?

canada pension plan. employment insurance plan income tax , co garnishees

14. Define Special Clothing (p.21). Who pays for the upkeep of this?
CLothing that is easily identified w/ a company logo or unique company colors
employer must provide and pay for upkeep.

15. Define Dress Code. Who pays for the upkeep of this?
Clothing that is easily identified w/ a company logo or uniqueue company colors
Employer must perovide and pay for upkeep

16. Describe what work breaks you are entitled to.

Every 5 hours employee is entitiled to 30 minutes Unpaid rest period

17. What is a split shift?

You work some hours, have an unpaid break and go back to work on the same day

18. When must you be paid overtime?

YOu must be paid overtime after 8 hours of work in one day paid as time and a half

19. When must you be paid double time?

for each hour worked over 12 hours in one day

20. How is weekly overtime calculated?

over 40 hours in a one week period

21. Do employers have to pay you if you are sick and cannot work?
The law does not require an employer to pay sick pay but some employers provide it

22. What vacation time are you entitled to?

After you work a t a job for 1 year= 2 weeks annually. 5 years in a row with the same employer = 3 weeks annually

23. What is vacation pay?

A percentage of the total wages you receive in a year
At least 4% earnings. AFter 5 years = 6%

24. How many statutory holidays are there in BC?


25. How can you be eligible for stat holiday pay?

Been employed for at least 30 calender days before the stat holiday.
Worked or earned wages for 15-30 days before the sat or worked under an
averaging agreement and time in the 30 days before.

27. How does the ESA protect you if you take an unpaid leave?
You cannot be terminated. You mist be given the same or similar job
in regards to duties and salary

28. Name 6 unpaid leaves which are covered by the ESA

Pregnancy,Parental, Family REsponsibiliy, Bereaverment, compassionate care

and jury duty

29. What should you do if you feel your working conditions are unsafe?
Report immediately to employer/supervisor. report condition to worksafebc

30. What does the Human Rights Code state about discrimination in the
workplace? What are the protected grounds?
Employers are not allowed to discrimiante against employees in the hiring processes
or in the workplace. Protected grounds are:race,color ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs
religion , material status, family status. physical or mental ability, sex, sexual orientiation ,age, crime

31. What is a layoff and when does it become a termination?

Employers tells employees that they mist take an updaid leave from work

32. Does an employer need to provide a reason to fire you?

No, you have no legal rights to your job

33. What are you entitled to if you are terminated without notice?
1 week’s pay after you have been employed 30 months in a row.
2 week’s pay if you have been employed for 1 year
3 week’s pay after 3 years plus 1 week for eery addition week to a max of 8 years.

34. What is a T4?

a form needed to do. your taxes.

35. What are the disadvantages of “working under the table”?

You are working illegally and ineligable for employment insurance benefits and possibly not coverred by workers compensation act

36. What steps should you take if you have a problem at work?
Report any incidents, make and keep own records
talk to your employer
if employer won’t listen, report employment standard branch

37. What is the purpose of the Employment Standards Self-help Kit?

Assists employees and employers to resolve problem amongst themeselves,. Kit must be filled out
before a complaint will be processed by the employment standards branch


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