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HORTSCIENCE 43(3):949–951. 2008. by Tatum et al. (2006) may indeed be

intraspecific variation, it could be from the
Intraspecific Genome Size Variation in extreme fruit size difference among these
pumpkins. An additional problem with the
inclusion of Jack-B-Little types in intraspe-
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo) cific genome size variation studies in pump-
kin is the possibility that these miniature
A. Lane Rayburn1 pumpkin types may actually represent another
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, taxonomic class in C. pepo.
1201 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801 Goldman (2004) indicates that Jack-B-
Little is not actually a pumpkin but is instead
Mosbah M. Kushad and Wanisari Wannarat an acorn squash. If Jack-B-Little types are
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of acorn squash, they would be of the subspecies
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1201 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801 ‘‘texana’’ not ‘‘pepo’’ (Paris et al., 2003). If
one truly wants to focus on intraspecific
Additional index words. pie pumpkin, flow cytometry, genome size variation, only plants of C. pepo subsp. pepo
should be compared. When the miniature
Abstract. Genome size has recently been reported to vary 16% in pumpkins (Cucurbita
pumpkins were removed from the analysis
spp.). The majority of this variation can be attributed to genome size differences in
of Tatum et al. (2006), the amount of intra-
pumpkins of various taxonomical classes. The purpose of this study was to determine if
specific genome size variation, although
intraspecific genome size variability could be detected by flow cytometry in Cucurbita
reduced to 4%, was still statistically signif-
pepo subsp. pepo pumpkin cultivars with similar fruit morphology. The pie pumpkins
icant. However, even this small variation
group was chosen for this study because of their similar fruit size, shape, and color.
included pumpkins of vastly different fruit
Genome sizes ranged from 1.109 pg in Spooktacular to 1.064 pg in Small Sugar.
size. Gasmanova et al. (2007) also noted
Spooktacular had a genome size larger than Small Sugar in all three experiments.
genome size variation in widely variable C.
Therefore, intraspecific genome size variation does exist in C. pepo subsp. pepo among
pepo accessions. The question becomes: Can
pumpkin cultivars of similar fruit morphology.
genome size variation occur in pumpkins of
similar morphology?
The purpose of this study was to docu-
Changes in cellular parameters that size variation within plant species, with one ment genome size variation in C. pepo subsp.
are brought about by variations in genome report documenting about a 1% variation pepo pumpkins of similar fruit morphology.
size are referred to as nucleotypic effects between different wheat cultivars (Wetzel The experiment was replicated over time, and
(Bennett, 1972; Rayburn, 1993a). Nucleotypic et al., 1999). This small variation was sup- statistical analyses were performed to ensure
effects have been observed in various plant ported by the cytological data of Wetzel and only true genome size variation was reported.
species (Bennett, 1976; Chung et al., 1998; Rayburn (2000).
Rayburn et al., 1985). A recent study by Pumpkin is a somewhat arbitrary term Materials and Methods
Tatum et al. (2006) suggested that nucleo- usually referring to ‘‘any squash used for
typic selection was occurring in pumpkins. In pies, jack-o’lanterns, or stock feed’’ (Robinson Pumpkins tested were of the subspecies C.
particular, the hypothesis was that genome and Decker-Walters, 1997). Pumpkin en- pepo subsp. pepo with the exception of Jack-
size (the amount of DNA within the nucleus compasses various Cucurbita L. species such B-Quik, which is C. pepo subsp. ovifera (L.)
of a cell) fluctuated and that this fluctuation as Cucurbita pepo L., C. maxima Duchesne, D.S. Decker var texana (Scheele) Filov. The
influenced cell size in pumpkins and thus C. moschata Duchesne, and C. argyrosperma seeds were obtained from Rupp Seed, Inc.
ultimately influenced fruit size. One caveat to C. Huber. (Wauseon, OH). The first 10 cultivars listed
nucleotypic studies is to ensure that true The pumpkins studied by Tatum et al. in Table 1 of are of similar fruit morphology
genome size variation exists within the spe- (2006) were of two species, C. pepo and C. and are referred to as pie pumpkins based on
cies in question. maxima. The reported fruit weight of these their sweet, less watery flesh (University of
Over the past several years, concerns have pumpkins ranged from 0.11 to 273 kg Illinois Extension, 2005b). Little October and
been raised over the methods used to deter- (Anonymous, 2005). Tatum et al. (2006) ob- Jack-B-Quik, classified as miniature pump-
mine intraspecific genome size variation served up to a 16% variation in genome size kins (Rupp Seed, Inc. catalog), were selected
(Greilhuber, 2005). These concerns have led in pumpkins, with the smallest genome sizes for their high and low genome sizes, respec-
to doubts of the existence of intraspecific found in two pumpkin fruit types: miniature tively (Tatum et al., 2006).
genome size variation and the amount of such and jumbo. These two fruit types represent Plants were grown in the laboratory in
variation. With the exception of maize (Zea the extreme diversity found in pumpkin with Hummert Growing Mix No. 2 Lightweight
mays; Rayburn et al., 1985; Rayburn et al., regard to fruit size. The jumbo pumpkin Mix. One Sylvania Gro-Lux 40w light bulb
1989), most reports of high genome size cultivars are of the species C. maxima and and one Cool White Deluxe 40w light bulb
variation have not stood up under closer produce fruits ranging from 22.7 to 273 kg were used for the light source with an
scrutiny (Greilhuber, 2005). For instance, (University of Illinois Extension, 2005a). irradiance level of 83 mmolem–2sec–1 pho-
soybean (Glycine max) has a reported Although it is interesting that the C. maxima tosynthetically active radiation (400–800
genome size variation range between 40% cultivars have a smaller genome size than nm). The lights were set on a 16-h light/8-h
and 0%, with two independent studies now most of the C. pepo cultivars, this fact sheds dark cycle.
agreeing on about a 4% variation (Chung no light on existence of intraspecific variation The nuclei were isolated according to
et al., 1998; Rayburn et al., 2004). Several because any differences observed would Rayburn et al. (1989). Briefly, a 2-cm segment
studies have documented a small genome represent interspecific variation. The minia- of pumpkin leaf tissue from each plant and a
ture fruit types, i.e., Jack-B-Little, that Tatum rolled leaf portion above the growing point
et al. (2006) also found to have small genome of the maize seedling were cochopped and
Received for publication 21 Aug. 2007. Accepted sizes have the smallest fruit type of the placed in a beaker containing 10 mL of
for publication 27 Nov. 2007.
We thank Dr. B. Pilas of the Flow Cytometry
pumpkins. Plant and fruit size have been extraction buffer and 200 mL of 25% Triton
Facility, a resource of the University of Illinois hypothesized to correlate with altered X. The material was then homogenized with a
Biotechnology Center, for her assistance. genome sizes in plant species (Rayburn tissue grinder for 10 s, and then the homoge-
To whom reprint requests should be addressed; et al., 1985; Tatum et al., 2006). Therefore, nate was filtered through a 250-mm and a 53-
e-mail although the 13% to 16% variation observed mm diameter nylon mesh filter. The samples

HORTSCIENCE VOL. 43(3) JUNE 2008 949

Table 1. The 2C genome size of the pumpkin cultivars.
Expt. 1 Expt. 2 Expt. 3
Cultivar Average of three experiments N Mean N Mean N Mean
Spooktacularz 1.109 pg 5 1.096 9 1.095 4 1.135
Peek A Booz 1.107 pg 5 1.096 9 1.098 4 1.128
Baby Pamz 1.090 pg 5 1.089 9 1.086 4 1.095
Touch of Autumnz 1.088 pg 5 1.083 9 1.088 4 1.092
Tricksterz 1.088 pg 5 1.081 9 1.088 4 1.094
Snackjackz 1.074 pg 5 1.067 9 1.092 4 1.062
Hybrid Pamz 1.073 pg 5 1.064 9 1.086 4 1.069
Orange Smoothiez 1.070 pg 5 1.070 9 1.068 4 1.073
Pik-A-Piez 1.065 pg 5 1.072 9 1.064 4 1.058
Small Sugarz 1.064 pg 5 1.061 9 1.074 4 1.056
Little Octobery 1.064 pg 5 1.053 9 1.052 4 1.086
Jack-B-Quikx 0.967 pg 5 0.960 9 0.975 4 0.965
LSD(0.05) = 0.028 LSD(0.05) = 0.021 LSD(0.05) = 0.046
Pie pumpkins, C. pepo var. pepo.
Miniature pumpkin, C. pepo var. pepo.
Miniature pumpkin, C. pepo var. texana.

were centrifuged at 200 gn for 15 min at 4 C, Jack-B-Quik to be 1.00 pg. These results are similar morphology, drastic differences in
the supernatant was aspirated, and the pellet also consistent with those of Gasmanova et al. fruit type did not complicate the present
was resuspended in 300 mL of propidium (2007), which found cultivars of C. pepo study.
iodide stain (Bashir et al., 1993). Samples subsp. texana to have lower DNA amounts Baby Pam, Touch of Autumn, and Trick-
were then placed in a 37 C water bath for than C. pepo subsp. pepo. The genome size of ster were observed to rank consistently in the
20 min. Afterward, 300 ml of propidium iodide the Little October in this study was very sim- top five genome sizes in all three experi-
salt (Bashir et al., 1993) was added to each ilar to that observed by Tatum et al. (2006). ments. Although statistical significance did
sample and samples were vortexed for 2 s. The similarity of genome sizes between the vary among the three experiments, the rank-
The samples were placed on ice, covered, and two studies further validates the consistency ings of these cultivars were reproducible.
stored at 4 C for at least 1 h. of genome size determination of pumpkins Pik-A-Pie and Small Sugar followed a sim-
Samples were analyzed using a Flow cultivars by flow cytometry. ilar pattern, always ranking low with respect
Cytometer-Cell Sorter Epics XL-MCL The genome size of Little October was to genome size in all three experiments. Thus,
(Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL) set at a smaller than most of the pie pumpkins (Table the genome size differences are real and
488 m laser wavelength. A histogram plotting 1). Little October was selected based on our reproducible.
the frequency of nuclei versus the fluores- previous observation that this cultivar had a When comparing the mean genome sizes
cence channel was produced. The relative medium to large genome size compared with of Peek-A-Boo and Small Sugar (the pie
fluorescence between the pumpkin G1 peak other pumpkins (Tatum et al., 2006). The fact pumpkin cultivar with the smallest genome
and the maize G1 peak was used to convert that none of the pie pumpkins in this study size), overall, a 4% variation was observed.
fluorescence intensity to picograms of DNA. had a genome size smaller than Little October Although smaller than the 15% variation
The experiment was repeated three times was unexpected. The genome sizes of the observed between Jack-B-Quik and Spook-
over a 7-month period. A total of five, nine, pie pumpkins were larger than expected and tacular, the genome sizes of Peek-A-Boo
and four replicates per cultivar were analyzed exceeded the DNA range of the controls. and Small Sugar were consistently statistically
in the first, second, and third experiments, With respect to the three experiments, the significant at a = 0.05. Given the reproduc-
respectively. Each replication consisted of a observed genome sizes were similar in eight ibility of the results, this variation in genome
single plant, which was analyzed on a sepa- of the 12 cultivars examined (Table 1). Three size appears real. The amount of variation
rate day. For each replicate, one small leaf of the cultivars (Small Sugar, Hybrid Pam, observed here in pumpkins is similar to
of pumpkin and a small leaf segment of the and Snackjack) had aberrantly larger ge- amount of variability seen in soybean and
maize line W22 were chopped together. nome sizes in Exp. 2, whereas Little October much less than that observed in maize
Cochopping with the maize line W22 pro- had a larger genome size in Exp. 3 (Table 1). (Rayburn et al., 2004).
vided an internal standard. The reason this Final comparisons among the cultivars were Intraspecfic genome size variation has
maize line was selected is that it has consis- made based on the average of the three now been confirmed in C. pepo subsp. pepo
tently been reported to have 5.35 pg per 2C experiments. pumpkin cultivars. This genome size varia-
nucleus (Rayburn et al., 2005). For consis- In all three experiments, Spooktacular and tion is found in one specific group of pump-
tency, the nuclear DNA amount is reported as Peek-a-Boo were observed to have the largest kins, indicating that genome size variation
pg per 2C nucleus, the amount of DNA per genome sizes and had significantly larger can occur among pumpkin cultivars of sim-
diploid G1 nucleus (Rayburn, 1993b). The genome sizes than Jack-B-Quik and Small ilar morphology. Upon comparing genome
experimental design was a completely ran- Sugar (Table 1). Overall, when comparing size with reported fruit size in these pie
domized block with blocks being days. Sta- the means, the variation in genome size pumpkins, a complex relationship between
tistical analysis of the DNA contents was between Spooktacular and Jack-B-Quik was genome size and fruit size seems to be
performed using SAS (version 8.2, SAS 15%. This genome size variation is similar indicated. Further studies are underway to
Institute, Cary, NC), PROC GLM. to the amount of variation observed by Tatum confirm that the observed genome size vari-
et al. (2006). Two studies have now con- ation is associated with nucleotypic charac-
Results and Discussion firmed that genome size variation exists in teristics such as fruit size.
pumpkins and that the variation is 15%.
Little October was observed to have an However, this variation includes the minia-
average genome size of 1.064 pg, whereas ture pumpkin cultivar Jack-B-Quik. As such, Literature Cited
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