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Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020
Mata Pelajaran :BahasaInggris Hari/Tanggal : Desember 2019
Kelas :VI (Enam) Waktu : 09.00-10.30 WIB

A. Answer the question by reading the text!

Hansel and Gretel

A carpenter and his wife were so poor, because they could feed their
children. They decided to take them into the forest. The next morning, Hansel
hid some breadcrumbs in his pocket and made a trail. That night they found
them selves alone. Hansel could not find his way back. All the breadsrumbs
were gone. Lost in the forest, they came upon a strange house. It was made
from sweets and chocolate! “Come in, children,” said the old woman. She was
a witch. She took Hansel into the cage, she would eat him.
Gretel had to save her brother! she pushed the witch into the fire. The
witch was dead. The children found gold and diamonds in the witch house.
They were leave the sweet house. A magic swan carried them back to their
parents. They were so happy to see each other.

1. What is the title of the story?

2. Why did the carpenter take Hansel and Gretel to the forest?
3. Did Hansel find his way back home?
4. What did the strange house made from?
5. What did Gretel do to save her brother?

B. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang huruf A, B, C, atau D!

The dialogue is for number 5 to 8

Shopkeeper : What can I do for you?
Devina : Do you have a soap?
Shopkeeper : Of course. Here you are.
Devina : How much is it?
Shopkeeper : It is Rp 5.000. Anything else?
Devina : Please give me a toothpaste, and a toothbrush.
Shopkeeper : Sure. The toothbrush is Rp 4.000, the toothpaste is Rp8.500
Devina : Here is the money.
6. Devina buys some tools, except ...
A. a soap
B. a toothpaste
C. a toothbrush
D. an underwear

7. Where does the dialogue take place?

A. bookstore
B. florist
C. hospital
D. shop

8. How much is the toothpaste?

A. It is Rp 4.000
B. It is Rp 4.500
C. It is Rp 5.500
D. It is Rp 8.500.

9. How much is the total cost?

A. It is Rp 16.000
B. It is Rp 17.500
C. It is Rp 18.000
D. It is Rp 19.000

The following picture is for number 10 and 11

10. What do you see in the picture?

A. Father and his son are shopping.
B. Mother and her daughter learn cooking.
C. Mother and her daughter are shopping together.
D. Mother takes her daughter to school.

11. What do they bring?

A. Shopping‘s bag
B. Bread
C. Stationery
D. Washing machine

The following table is for question number 12 and 13
No Shopping lists Price
1. Frying oil 2 liter Rp 11.500 per liter
2. Sugar ½ kg Rp 12.000 per kg
3. Shampoo 1 bottle Rp 20.000 per bottle
4. Soap 3 bars Rp 4.000 each bar

12. How much money do you need to pay all the things above?
A. Rp 47.500
B. Rp 53.500
C. Rp 60.000
D. Rp 61.000

13. If you bring Rp 100.000, how much do you have a change (uang kembali)?
A. Rp 47.000
B. Rp 39.000
C. Rp 33.500
D. Rp 23.000

14. Merapi is the name of a….

A. lake
B. river
C. hill
D. Mountain

15. The famous legend from East Java is ….

A. Danau Toba
B. Sura and Baya
C. Sangkuriang
D. Roro Jonggrang

The following text is for number 15 up to number 18

In the Florist
Hi, my name is Amanda. I am very happy because my mom wants to
buy some flowers to decorate our house. I like flower very much.
We are in the florist now. There are many kinds of flowers in the
shop. I buy five stalks of roses and my mom chooses a yellow and
white orchid.
After shopping, my mom says, “Amanda, lets go home. We will
decorate our house with flowers. I like my mom idea.

16. What does Amanda want to buy?

A. flower

B. fashion
C. sock
D. stationary

17. Are there many kinds of flowers in the shop?

A. Yes, there is
B. Yes, there are
C. No, there is not
D. No, there are not

18. What flower does Amanda buy?

A. Jasmine
B. Orchid
C. Tulip
D. Rose

19. This T-shirt belongs to my sister. It is … T-shirt.

A. Her
B. his
C. my
D. your

20. These animals are pet animals, choose the correct one!
A. Dragonfly, dog, deer, elephant
B. Chicken , cow, goose, goat,
C. Rooster , sheep, snake, wolf
D. Cheetah, caterpilar, kangaroo, owl

21. I have a pencil. It is my pencil. It is …

A. mine
B. yours
C. hers
D. his

22. Rino has three pairs of shoes. These are … shoes.

A. her
B. his
C. my
D. your

The following text is for number 23 up to 26

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. In the past, the telephone used cables.
People used it only to talk to people in other places. Now, it is very different. Today, most of the
phones do not use cables. People use the phone not only to talk to people in other places. We can
use the phone to send messages, take pictures and video, play music, and even play games.
Because it can do different things, people call it smartphone.

23. Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone?

A. Yes, he is
B. Yes, he did
C. Yes, he can
D. Yes, he does

24. What is the use of telephone in the past?

A. Send messages
B. Take pictures and video
C. Play music and games
D. To talk to people in other places

25. “We can use the phone to send messages.” The word send means…
A. menulis
B. membuka
C. menerima
D. mengirim

26. Why people call the telephone today as smartphone?

A. Because it can do different things
B. Because it can only to talk to people in other places
C. Because it can make you smart
D. Because it can increase your health

The following dialogue is for number 27 and 28

Intan : Do you have a (27)…?
Shopkeeper : Yes, I do
Intan : How much is it? Rp 5.000
Shopkeeper : It is (28)… rupiahs

27. A. Pencil sharpener

C. Pencil case
D. Rubber eraser
E. Protractor

28. A. five hundred

B. five thousand
C. fifteen thousand
D. five million

29. Would you ... the lamp, please? It is very dark.

A. Turn off
B. Pick up
C. Turn on
D. Switch off

30. The two animals in the legend of Surabaya are …

A. snake and crocodile

B. shark and crocodile
C. shark and tiger
D. crocodile and tiger

31. Erika’s shoes is Rp 190.000

Deni’s shoes is Rp 230.000

Serina’s shoes is Rp 200.000

Based on the information above, Deni’s shoes is the … among all.

A. cheapest
B. most handsome
C. most expensive
D. cheaper

The following dialogue is for number 31 and 32

Ali : How (31) … is the pen?

Shopkeeper: It is two thousand and five hundred rupiah.

Ali : Please give me five pens.

Shopkeeper: Here you are. So, the total cost is (32) … rupiah.

Ali : Here is the money.

32. A. is
B. long

C. many
D. much

33. A. ten thousand

B. eleven thousand and five hundred
C. twelve thousand
D. twelve thousand and five hundred

34. Efendi’s height is 180 cm and Rizal’s height is 178 cm.

We can conclude that Effendi is … than Rizal.
A. thinner
B. shorter
C. longer
D. taller

35. What animal is it?

It is a small animal. It has six legs and lives in groups.
A. mosquito
B. ant
C. caterpillar
D. dragonfly


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ............................

Kelas : VI (Enam) No. Urut : ............................


I. Read the text to answer the questions number 1 – 5

1. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
4. ...........................................................................................................................................
5. ...........................................................................................................................................

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D !

6. A B C D 21. A B C D
7. A B C D 22. A B C D
8. A B C D 23. A B C D
9. A B C D 24. A B C D
10. A B C D 25. A B C D
11. A B C D 26. A B C D
12. A B C D 27. A B C D
13. A B C D 28. A B C D
14. A B C D 29. A B C D
15. A B C D 30. A B C D
16. A B C D 31. A B C D
17. A B C D 32. A B C D
18. A B C D 33. A B C D
19. A B C D 34. A B C D
20. A B C D 35. A B C D


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