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Instructional Plan (Lesson Plan) Form

For Use By: Student Teacher

The student teacher may use the instructional plan format below or another that suits the
classroom situation. An instructional plan must be submitted to you and/or KSU
supervisor at least 24 hours before an observation.
Jillian Boyle
October 19, 2020
Cooperating Teacher:

Jamie Martinez


Elizabeth Ide Elementary



Lesson Title:

• Introduction to Characters: Spookley the Square Pumpkin

Standard, Benchmark, • I can ask questions about words I don’t know. (RL.K.4)
Indicator • I can ask questions about a story. I can answer questions about a
story. (RL.K.1)
District/Building • SEL Target(s): Social Awareness: b- I can describe ways that
Standards/School people are similar and different. Responsible Decision Making: I
Improvement Process can make choices to ensure the safety of others and myself.
(if applicable)

with standards)

Lesson Goal N/A

(Secondary only)

Lesson Objective Students will be able to:

• Explain who a character in a story is

• Identify who the main character is in Spookley the Square Pumpkin
• Draw a picture of the main character (Spookley) based on their new
knowledge of what a character is in a story
• Identify and explain the differences between Spookley and the other
• Make a personal connection to the story: It is okay to be and look
different than others.
Essential Question(s) • How did Spookley save the day?
and new & guarded • What made Spookley unique from the other pumpkins?
vocabulary • Who was the main character in the story?

New Vocabulary:
• rare (pg.2)
• teased (pg.3)
• gawk (pg.22)
Assessment and Informal Assessment:
Criteria (Pre-Assessment • For the assessment portion students will use their iPads to log into Seesaw
if new concepts/material. (both remote and in-person students will complete the simultaneously)
Should be observable and and open up the activity I assigned them earlier in the morning. Students
measurable with established
will then open up the activity and will have to draw the main character
(Spookley) from the story. This shows that the students know the
character from the story and can draw him accurately. If students
understood the concept of who a character is in the story their drawing
will most likely consist of a square, orange pumpkin. This is a quick way
for me to evaluate if they understand how to identify a character in a
Physical, Cognitive, Physical:
• Students will draw the main character from Spookley the Square Pumpkin
Social, Emotional Are
you using multiple modes to Cognitive:
reach the students with • Students will be cognitively challenged because they will have to recall events in
different learning styles? the story or what the story was about to help them determine the main character

• Using a social emotional standard in the lesson is important because it allows
students to think about what made Spookley alike and different from the other
pumpkins. Then they can make the comparison between how we are all like
Spookley because we all do not look the same.

Materials / visuals / • Spookley the Square Pumpkin

equipment / sources / • ELMO: Allows remote learners to visually follow along with the class during the
read aloud
use of technology • Student iPad
• Seesaw

Modifications and/or High or Low-

Accommodations for
• If a student is having no trouble identifying who the main character in
the story is then challenge them by using the voice recording in Seesaw
to record a sentence explaining who Spookley is and how he saved the
day. This would challenge the student to explain details in the story and
recall what Spookley did (summarizing).
• If a student is having no trouble identifying who the main character in
the story is then have them brainstorm some adjectives (describing
words) to explain Spookley in their drawing. Students have learned
what adjectives are the week prior so this would be a good time to have
students think of some describing words on their own. The student
could use the voice recording feature and share their list of describing
• Note: These modifications would be time permitting because most
students will take the full amount of time to complete their drawing
without having extra time.

• If a student is having trouble identifying who the main character in the
story is assist them by asking helpful questions to guide their thinking.
“What happened in the story we just read?”
“Do you remember who helped save the other pumpkins?”
“Can we look at the cover of the book to help us think about who the
book was about?”
Asking questions like these will help guide the student in the right
direction of thinking and might help them recall what happened in the
book to then allow them to identify who the main character is.

special needs students: ELL-

(Reminder: Do not list • Doing an interactive read aloud would be very beneficial for ELL
students because the teacher can model fluent reading with appropriate
use of voice. I think one accommodation that can be done to help
support ELL learners would be to make sure that during the read aloud
while the book is projected on the ELMO, pointing to each word
while it is being read would help the student see and hear the word
specific student names) Gender- N/A

Remote Learners-
• Using the ELMO so that the students at home can see the story
through Google Meets
Inquiry Learning The students will be very engaged throughout the entire lesson. The interactive read aloud is
(explanation): How do you important to student engagement because I will encourage participation by asking questions
that help the students follow along and use some reading skills such as making predictions to
plan to engage students in
help them practice these skills. The students also enjoy working on their iPads so using the
content? Brain work, not app Seesaw on their iPads for the assessment portion of this lesson will have them engaged.
busy work! What will YOU They get to draw the main character from the story and color him, which is a fun thing for
do? What will the students them to do and a great way for me to assess if they understood the concept.
do? Cooperating Teacher?

Assignment for next

class period (if
Timing Lesson Plan

5-20 Minutes

20-40 Minutes

40-60 Minutes

60-80 Minutes

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