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Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402

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New fission-track age constraints on the exhumation of the central

Santander Massif: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Northern
Andes, Colombia
Sergio Amaya a,⁎, Carlos Augusto Zuluaga a, Matthias Bernet b
Departamento de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá, Colombia
Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Late Cretaceous to late Neogene exhumation history of the central Santander Massif in the Northern Andes of
Received 24 June 2016 Colombia is controlled by the geodynamic interactions between the Caribbean, South American and Nazca plates,
Accepted 24 March 2017 as well as the Neogene collision and accretion of the Panama arc. Slab-breakoff of the Caribbean plate, with the tip
Available online 29 March 2017
of the slab tear presently being located beneath Bucaramanga, and the east-west oriented Caldas tear are the
main structures relating seismic activity and Late Miocene to Pleistocene magmatic/hydrothermal activity and
associated gold mineralization in the central Santander Massif.
Fission-track analysis Here we present new apatite (AFT) and zircon fission-track (ZFT) data from 18 samples collected along two pro-
Thermal modelling files in the California–Vetas block (including the Rio Charta), to the south of the Rio Charta fault, and from Buca-
Santander Massif ramanga to Picacho on the western flank of the central Santander Massif. The fission-track data are used for time–
Rio Charta fault temperature history modelling and for estimating long-term average exhumation rates. The California–Vetas
Bucaramanga fault block in the central Santander Massif to the north of the Rio Charta fault cooled rapidly at a rate of about 24
°C/Myr between 10 and 5 Ma. Fast cooling was not related to post-magmatic cooling or hydrothermal activity,
but rather to exhumation, with rates based on apatite fission-track cooling ages on the order of 0.3–
0.4 km/Myr. However, long-term average exhumation rates since the Late Cretaceous, based on zircon fission-
track data, were only on the order of 0.1–0.2 km/Myr. Our data indicate that next to the Rio Charta fault also
the Surata fault contributed to the exhumation of the California–Vetas block.
The western flank of the central Santander Massif, shows a more complete thermal history along the Bucaraman-
ga–Picacho profile, with the exposure of an exhumed zircon fission-track partial annealing zone. Thermal history
modelling of zircon fission-track data of this profile shows that after burial and heating from about 150 Ma on
cooling at rates of 7–10 °C/Myr started at about 25 Ma. For the lower part of the profile, the early Miocene ZFT
ages indicate exhumation at rates of 0.3–0.5 km/Myr along the Bucaramanga fault, but were only about
0.1 km/Myr on the high plateau of the central Santander Massif.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Fig. 1; Bermúdez et al., 2010, 2011; Montes et al., 2005; Shagam et al.,
1984; Taboada et al., 2000).
The Santander Massif in the Northern Andes of Colombia, is the The structure of the Santander Massif is controlled by the Bucara-
northern extension of the Eastern Cordillera. The current configuration manga strike-slip fault to the west, and the Labateca–Chucurima thrust
of the Santander Massif is the result of oblique convergence between faults to the east of the massif (Fig. 2). Several tectonic models have
the Caribbean and South American plates, accretion of the Panama arc, been proposed for the evolution of the Santander Massif based on
and rotation and translation of the continental Maracaibo block field observations and thermochronological and geochronological data
(Fig. 1; Aleman and Ramos, 2000). These plate tectonic interactions re- (see for example Shagam et al., 1984; van der Lelij, 2013; van der Lelij
sulted in rapid exhumation of individual tectonic blocks at different et al., 2016a, 2016b; Villagómez et al., 2011). Shagam et al. (1984) pre-
rates in the Santander Massif along the Bucaramanga fault, and the sented a wide range of apatite, zircon and sphene fission-track cooling
Merida Andes along the Boconó fault during the Paleogene and Neogene ages from samples collected across the massif and related the range of
cooling ages to local fault activity. Villagómez et al. (2011) used zircon
⁎ Corresponding author. and apatite fission-track ages of 28.1 ± 3.2 Ma and 16.7 ± 3.2 Ma re-
E-mail addresses:, (S. Amaya). spectively from a Jurassic granite to propose rapid cooling of the
0024-4937/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402 389



10° N






5° N G

75° W 70° W

Fig. 1. Overview map of the Northern Andes. WC: Western Cordillera, CC: Central Cordillera, EC: Eastern Cordillera; MTB: Maracaibo Triangular Block, SNSM: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta,
MA: Mérida Andes, SM: Santander Massif, SL: Serrania de San Lucas, SP: Sierra de Perija, LB: Llanos Basin, BA: Barinas-Apure Basin, MC: Maracaibo Basin, VMMB: Valley Middle Magdalena
Basin, CRB: Cesar-Rancheria Basin, SMBF: Santa Marta–Bucaramanga fault, OF: Oca fault, BF: Bocono fault, GF: Guaicaramo fault, PIV: Paipa-Iza Volcano.
Digital relief map (Amante and Eakins, 2008) showing the tectonic provinces of northern South America modified from Feo-Codecido et al. (1984) and Ostos et al. (2005).

Santander Massif from temperatures N 200 °C during the middle Mio- study has a rather local focus with more closely spaced sampling. The
cene. However, because of the lack of track lengths measurements in purpose of this study is to provide new constraints on the thermal his-
apatite, no thermal model was presented. Van der Lelij (2013) sug- tory and the timing and rate of exhumation of the central Santander
gested that the Santander Massif started exhuming at ~ 40 Ma during Massif between Bucaramanga and Picacho on the western flank of the
a period of accelerated convergence between the Nazca/Farallon plate massif, and of the California–Vetas district in its central part (Fig. 2).
and the western margin of South America. Van der Lelij et al. (2016a) The California–Vetas district, which is known for its gold mineralization
described diachronous exhumation in distinct fault blocks of the San- (e.g. Mantilla et al., 2011, 2013; Rodriguez, 2014), is located on what we
tander Massif since at least ~17 Ma at rates of 0.5–1.0 km/Myr, conclud- refer to in this study as the California–Vetas block, delineated by the Rio
ing that exhumation in the Santander Massif are strongly controlled by Charta fault to the South and South-East, and by the Surata fault system
secondary faults. From this previous work it is unclear whether the col- to the West and Northwest (Fig. 2). The western flank of the central San-
lision of the Panamá arc with the western margin of South America at tander Massif is controlled by the Bucaramanga fault.
~25 Ma (e.g. Farris et al., 2011) had significant effects on the exhuma- Using fission-track data from six apatite and fifteen zircon sepa-
tion of the Santander Massif, because exhumation supposedly started rates, we model the thermal history of the central Santander Massif
at ~40 Ma and accelerated since ~17 Ma. along two E-W oriented profiles with samples collected from sedi-
Whereas consensus seems to exist about the timing of the Cenozoic mentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. The first profile has a
tectonic evolution of the Santander Massif, the first-order characteris- length of about 26 km, starting near Matanza at 1425 m elevation,
tics of its evolution are still under debate: Is there more than one tecton- going up onto the high plateau of the central Santander Massif at
ic block formed within the Santander Massif during its Late Cretaceous/ 3961 m elevation north of Berlín, and back to about 3400 m elevation
early Paleocene to the present-day evolution, and which faults con- to the west of La Laguna (Fig. 2). For this profile thermal histories
trolled exhumation of the tectonic blocks within the Santander Massif? were determined for individual samples with the HeFTy program of
The previous thermochronological studies in the Santander Massif had a Ketcham (2005). The second profile has a length of about 14 km,
more regional sampling approach (Shagam et al., 1984; Van der Lelij, starting to the east of Bucaramanga at 1293 m elevation and going
2013; Van der Lelij et al., 2016a; Villagómez et al., 2011), whereas our up to the Picacho toll station at 3400 m elevation (Fig. 2). All ZFT
390 S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402


7°N 7°N

Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of the Santander Massif, Colombia. Locations of all samples analysed in this study are shown as squares. Apatite fission-track ages are marked in italic text,
whereas bold text indicates a zircon fission-track age. LC = La Corcova quartz-monzonite, SB = Santa Barbara quartz monzonite. The Surata fault system to the west and northwest, and
the Rio Charta fault to the south and southeast delineate the California–Vetas block.
Modified after Zuluaga et al. (in revision).

samples of this profile were also modelled with HeFTy, but with a over a length of about 600 km from Santa Marta in the north to south
stacked multi-sample approach for determining a common thermal of Bucaramanga, where it ends defining the western margin of the San-
history. The thermal history modelling results are interpreted in tander Massif (Fig. 1). The south-eastern fold-and-thrust belt of the
the Northern Andes geodynamic context. Merida Andes delimits the Maracaibo block to the south-east against
the South American continental plate (e.g. Colletta et al., 1997; Mann
2. Geological setting et al., 2006; Fig. 1).
The Santander Massif crystalline basement consists of metamorphic
The Santander Massif in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia forms rocks of Precambrian to Paleozoic age, cut by Triassic and Jurassic intru-
with the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the Perija Mountains in sive bodies (Goldsmith et al., 1971; van der Lelij et al., 2016b; Ward
Colombia, and the Merida Andes in Venezuela, the main mountainous et al., 1974). The metamorphic basement rocks can be divided into
belts of the triangular Maracaibo block (Fig. 1). This block is delineated three units, which from bottom to top are the Bucaramanga gneiss,
to the north by the E-W trending dextral Oca strike-slip fault, along the Silgará schists and the Orthogneiss units (Ward et al., 1974).
which Cretaceous and older rocks of the continental crust of the Guajira The basement of the Santander Massif is unconformably overlain by
Peninsula are moving towards the east (Fig. 1; Cardona et al., 2009). The low-grade meta-sedimentary rocks of the “Guaca–La Virgen” Formation
western margin of the Maracaibo block is defined by the NNW-SSE (formerly Floresta Formation), calcareous and clastic rocks of the
trending sinistral Santa Marta–Bucaramanga fault system, extending Carboniferous–Permian Diamante Formation, Tiburon and Bocas
S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402 391

Santander Massif simplified stratigraphy

Jurassic Cretaceous
Top: quartz sandstone, light colored withl ayers
TAMBOR Fm. Bottom: reddish brown silstone and conglomeratic
145 Ma
Quartz monzonite, biotite Conglomeratic sandstone and conglomerate,
Jc GIRON Fm. gray - reddish - brown silstone
meduim grained, gray pink
Granodiorite, porphyritic
Jgd biotite, gray JORDAN Fm. Siltstone and fine grained sandstone,
reddish - brown and calcareous in certain parts
201 Ma
La Cocrova quartz monzonite, biotite

fine grained, gray

JTRclp La Cocrova quartz monzonite, porphyritic facies
Quartz monzonite and granite, biotite
JTRcg light gray or pink and tonalite, hornblende
biotite, gray
252 Ma
BOCAS Fm. Sandstone and shale, gray to brownish-gray

TIBURRON Fm. Conglomerate with limestone pebbles

299 Ma

DIAMANTE Fm. Gray limestone, gray to reddish-brown shale


359 Ma

Yellowish-gray silstone and phyllite

fine-grained sandstone

419 Ma

444 Ma
Quartz monzonite and granodiorite gneiss

PDs: Phyllite, schist and quarzites, less metavolcanic rocks
low to medium grade metamorphism
PDs + Jgd: PDs with numerous small granodiorite intrusions
485 Ma

541 Ma


PCab: Schist, gneisses and migmatites, high-grade metamorphism
PCabs + Jgd: PCa with numerous small granodiorite intrusions
PCabm: PCab with abundant small orthogneiss masses

Fig. 3. Schematic stratigraphic column of the Santander Massif Precambrian to lower Cretaceous units.
Modified after the Colombian Geological Survey 1977; van der Lelij et al. (2016b).

Formations (Fig. 3). Clastic rocks of the Tiburon Formation contain Pescadero granite to the south near Cepita, or the Santa Barbara quartz
sedimentary rock fragments that were derived from erosion of the monzonite and the Corcova Mogotes quartz monzonite in the central
Diamante Formation due to epirogenic surface uplift during the Late Pa- Santander Massif (Fig. 2). Jurassic intrusions in the northern Santander
leozoic (Ward et al., 1974). Mesozoic units of Early and Middle Jurassic Massif include biotite-quartz-monzonite, granodiorite and biotite
plutonic and sedimentary rocks include the plutons that Ward et al. tonalites. Lower and Middle Jurassic sedimentary rocks make up the
(1974) called the Santander Plutonic Group. Outcrops of Jurassic intru- continental and volcanoclastic Jordan Formation, and Upper Jurassic
sive bodies in the south and center of the Santander Massif include the sedimentary rocks are represented by the Giron Formation (Fig. 3).
392 S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402

Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, such as the Tambor Formation crop out 4. Methods
to the east and west of the Santander Massif and are preserved locally
as erosional remnants on the massif high plateau. Cenozoic sedimentary 4.1. Fission-track analysis
rocks can be found in the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of the
Santander Massif. Quaternary deposits are widely distributed to the All samples collected in the field were crushed, pulverized and
west of the Santander Massif, filling the alluvial valleys of the major sieved (200–80 μm fraction). The heavy mineral fraction was concen-
drainages of this region. trated using a Wilfley table and apatite and zircon grains were separated
In the central part of the Santander Massif, between the California– using standard magnetic and heavy liquid separation techniques. All
Vetas block and Bucaramanga (Fig. 2), the massif shows a particular mineral separation was done at the Servicio Geologico Colombiano in
fault pattern with dominantly NE-SW trending faults such as the dextral Bogotá. Apatite aliquots were mounted in epoxy resin, polished and
Surata fault (Fig. 2). In the eastern part of the study area, the sinistral Rio etched for 20 s at 21 °C in 5.5 M HNO3. Zircon aliquots were mounted
Charta fault system forms a northwest to east oriented arc (Fig. 2), in Teflon® sheets, polished and etched in a NaOH-KOH melt in a labora-
showing small apparent vertical offset, but appreciable horizontal dis- tory oven at 228 °C for 5–30 h. Grain mounts were covered with musco-
placement. Northeast of Bucaramanga, in the Matanza and Surata vite external detectors for irradiation. Samples were prepared in the
areas, the Surata fault is within the Silgara schist. fission-track laboratory of the Servicio Geologico Colombiano in Bogotá
The Bucaramanga fault separates the Bucaramanga gneiss of the and at the ISTerre thermochronology laboratory in Grenoble, and irradi-
Santander Massif from Mesozoic sedimentary rocks to the west of the ated at the FRM II research rector in Garching, Germany. A nominal
Bucaramanga area. The western flank of the Santander Massif, east of neutron flux of 8.0 n/cm2 was used for apatite sample irradiation.
the NNW-SSE trending Bucaramanga fault, is characterized by a much IRMM540R dosimeter glasses and Durango and Fish Canyon Tuff age
deeper level of exhumation than the eastern flank towards the Maracai- standards were included in the irradiation packages for determining
bo basin, where a large scale strike-slip fault system is absent and Creta- fluence and zeta values. Zircon samples, Fish Canyon Tuff age standards
ceous and Tertiary cover units are better preserved. and CN1 dosimeter glasses were irradiated with a lower neutron flux of
0.5 n/cm2. After irradiation, muscovite external detectors were etched
for 18 min at 20 °C in 48% HF to reveal induced tracks. Samples were
3. Sampling locations analysed dry at 1250× with an Olympus BX51 optical microscope and
the FTStage 4.04 system in the fission-track laboratory of the Servicio
Samples were collected along two E-W profiles in the California– Geologico Colombiano in Bogotá or the ISTerre thermochronology
Vetas block and between Bucaramanga and the Picacho toll station. laboratory.
The samples from the California–Vetas block profile were collected For AFT and ZFT samples central ages are presented. The central age,
over an ~ 2000 m elevation range from the Surata fault near Matanza as defined by Galbraith and Laslett (1993), represents an estimate of the
up onto the plateau of the Santander Massif near Berlín (Figs. 2, 4). In mean age of a discordant, over-dispersed grain age population. Over-
addition, a modern river sediment sample was collected from the Rio dispersion may be due to the intrinsic variation of radioactive decay,
Charta near the village of Charta, and two samples were collected to given that spontaneous track formation follows a Poisson distribution,
the south of the Rio Charta fault on the high plateau (Fig. 2). The profile equally to the formation of induced tracks. On the other hand, over-
sampled between Bucaramanga and the Picacho toll station on the dispersion may also be the indication for a complex thermal history
western flank of the Santander Massif plateau covers an elevation differ- and partial annealing of fission tracks in apatite and zircon. The implica-
ence of ~2200 m (Figs. 2 and 4). The samples of both profiles were col- tion is that discordance in FT dating is more commonly an indication of a
lected from crystalline rocks, mainly the Bucaramanga gneiss, Silgara mixed distribution rather than a poorly measured distribution. There
schist, and Orthogneiss units, and plutonic rocks such as tonalite, the are a number of possible reasons for this (see Galbraith and Laslett
Paramo Rico granodiorite, the La Corcova quartz monzonite, and sedi- (1993) or Galbraith (2005) for details), but in our study we believe
mentary rocks of the Jurassic Giron Formation and the Cretaceous that over-dispersion is a result of partial annealing, differences in
Tambor Formation (Figs. 2 and 3). The coordinates and lithologic infor- annealing properties, as caused by variations in chemical composition
mation of all samples are given in Table 1. for apatite (e.g. Donelick et al., 2005, and references therein) or


California -Vetas block plateau south of Rio Charta fault

Elevation (m)

Surata fau



0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Fission -track age (Ma)

Fig. 4. Age-elevation relationship California–Vetas block profile. Squares denote apatite fission-track ages and circles indicate zircon fission-track ages.
S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402 393

Table 1
Sample locations and lithologies (coordinates are in the reference system WGS84).

Sample number Latitude Longitude Elevation Lithology Stratigraphic unit

(°N) (°W) (m)

Bucaramanga–Picacho profile
07SACZ-15 7.1256917 −73.9586320 1239 Quartz feldspar gneiss Bucaramanga gneiss
07SACZ-17 7.1092533 −73.0615681 1779 Quartz feldspar gneiss Bucaramanga gneiss
13SACZ-30 7.1064379 −72.9847066 3077 Mica schist Silgará schist
13SACZ-31 7.1045039 −72.9698230 3217 Orthogneiss Orthogneiss
13SACZ-32 7.1055091 −72.9667344 3400 Quartz sandstone Giron Formation?

California–Vetas profile
12SACZ-8 7.2415575 −72.8231577 3356 Sillimanite gneiss Bucaramanga gneiss
12SACZ-8B 7.2406415 −72.8220829 3360 Sillimanite gneiss Bucaramanga gneiss
12SACZ-10B 7.2373735 −72.8176779 3367 Sillimanite gneiss Bucaramanga gneiss
12SACZ-16 7.2373735 −72.7967417 3482 Quartzite Silgará schist
12-SACZ-31 7.2531214 −72.8908157 3961 Sillimanite gneiss Bucaramanga gneiss
13SACZ-10 7.2373735 −72.8171945 3340 Quartzite Orthogneiss
13SACZ-18 7.3022927 −72,9,582,222 2526 Quartz sandstone Tambor Formation
13SACZ-19 7.2785000 −72.9671600 2001 Sand modern river sediment
13SACZ-21 7.2806982 −73.0195450 1425 Mica schist Silgara schist
13SACZ-24 7.3134700 −73.0296500 1575 Quartzite Silgara schist
13SACZ-25 7.3091786 −73.0320640 1584 Diorite Jurassic intrusion

South of Rio Charta fault

12SACZ-13 7.1925390 −72.865457 3336 Sillimanite gneiss Bucaramanga GNEISS
13SACZ-11 7.1915500 −72.865060 3323 sillimanite gneiss Bucaramanga gneiss

variations in radiation damage for zircon (Brandon, 1992; Garver et al., both on the ZFT data of all samples and also the AFT data of sample
2005). The central age is clearly not appropriate for finite mixed distri- 13SACZ32, using the ZFT cooling ages of samples 07SACZ-15 and 17 to
butions, but given that we deal here with samples collected from crys- constrain the onset of cooling at about 25 Ma after roughly 125 Myr of
talline rocks, except for sample 13SACZ-19 from the Rio Charta near burial heating.
Charta, the central age provides a better estimate for the average age
of a sample than the pooled age (Galbraith and Laslett, 1993). Further-
4.3. Exhumation rate estimates
more, for samples with uniform, and not over-dispersed grain age spec-
tra, the central age is equal to the pooled age.
The 1-D thermal advection model age2edot of Brandon (see Ehlers
et al., 2005) is used in this study for determining first-order exhumation
4.2. Time–temperature history modelling
rate estimates from our AFT and ZFT data. Model input parameters in-
clude an assumed pre-exhumation steady state thermal gradient of 30
We used the HeFTy program (v. of Ketcham (2005) to
°C/km, and a mean surface temperature of 10 °C of the Santander Massif
model the thermal history of individual samples from the California–
during exhumation and surface uplift. Further input parameters include
Vetas profile, for which we have apatite and zircon fission-track data.
an activation energy for 50% annealing of 147.2 (kj/mol) for apatites of
Because of low track counts and low uranium concentrations no suffi-
average composition and annealing parameter Beta of 2,050,000 (s−1)
cient track lengths could be measured in our apatite samples. However,
(Ketcham et al., 1999). For radiation damaged zircons an activation en-
given that the mean track lengths published by van der Lelij et al.
ergy of 208 (kj/mol) and a normalized frequency factor of 1 × 108 (s−1)
(2016a) of apatite samples throughout the Santander Massif narrowly
were used, whereas for zero damaged zircons an activation energy of
range between 14.47 ± 0.1 and 15.37 ± 0.1 μm, independent of sample
321 (kj/mol) and a normalized frequency factor of 5.566 × 1013 (s−1)
location and elevation (636 m–3731 m), we use a mean track length
(Rahn et al., 2004; Willett and Brandon, 2013) were used. For the pur-
value from the van der Lelij et al. (2016a) data of 14.92 μm to constrain
pose of this study such a simplistic approach is sufficient for determin-
our HeFTy models. Furthermore, the models are based on apatite
ing long-term average exhumation rates in the Santander Massif.
fission-track age and Dpar values, and zircon fission-track ages, and
100,000 tried paths. The constraint boxes for inverse modelling were
placed following the forward model to match observed fission-track 5. Results
ages as closely as possible. Nonetheless, for comparison we ran HeFTy
models with and without constraint boxes for the California–Vetas pro- 5.1. California–Vetas block profile
file samples.
For the Bucaramanga–Picacho profile we also used HeFTy to deter- Four igneous and metamorphic rocks from the California–Vetas
mine t–T histories from ZFT data of five samples collected over an eleva- block yield central AFT ages ranging between 29.7 ± 5.25 Ma and 7.9
tion difference of about 2200 m. We used the approximate depositional ± 1.1 Ma (Table 2; Figs. 2 and 4). Except for sample 12SACZ8b, obtained
age of the Giron Formation (sample 13SACZ-32) in order to constrain from the Orthogneiss unit, all AFT ages have P(χ2) values higher than
the part of Late Jurassic to present-day thermal history that the sampled 7.9% (Table 2), suggesting that the AFT ages of each sample define single
metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of this profile had in common. We age populations. Because of the relatively young cooling ages and the
therefore assigned a surface temperature of about 20 °C to sample low uranium concentration no sufficient track length measurements
13SACZ-32 at the time of deposition of the Giron Formation at about of statistical value could be obtained. Dpar measurements show rela-
150 ± 5 Ma at the start of the model and assuming a thermal gradient tively small values of b1.75 μm. Five samples from igneous and meta-
of 30 °C/km, we assigned increasing starting temperatures for the morphic rocks from the California–Vetas block yield central ZFT ages
other 4 samples of metamorphic rock depending on their elevation ranging between 111.8 ± 15.5 Ma on the high plateau of the central
today and therefore paleo-depth distance below the top sample Santander Massif, and 37.3 ± 2.6 Ma near the Surata fault on the west-
13SACZ-32 at 150 ± 5 Ma. We modelled the thermal histories based ern flank of the massif (Table 3; Figs. 2 and 4). Samples 13SACZ-18 and
394 S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402

Table 2
Apatite fission-track data of the central Santander Massif.

Sample n ρs Ns ρi Ni ρd P(χ2) Dispersion Agea (Ma) ±2σ U (ppm) ±2σ MDpar (μm) n
(10−5 cm−2) (10−5 cm−2) (10−6 cm−2) (%) (%) Dpar

12SACZ-8B 19 0.25 29 4.71 546 1.210 1.9 43.5 9.8 4.5 6 1.0 1.21 ± 0.1 3
12SACZ-31 20 1.34 77 27.1 1557 1.269 50.6 0.9 8.6 2.2 32 1.9 1.31 ± 0.21 38
13SACZ-10 16 1.05 60 23.2 1324 1.268 39.6 12.5 7.9 2.3 28 1.7 1.86 ± 0.39 13
13SACZ-19 50 1.01 229 14.4 3266 1.270 1.9 26.1 12.6 2.3 17 1.0 - -
13SACZ-21 20 0.94 43 5.52 252 1.266 7.9 34.5 32.8 12.5 6 0.8 1.60 ± 0.24 94
13SACZ-32 30 1.14 197 15.4 2649 1.140 0.4 29.8 12.3 2.6 20 1.0 1.39 ± 0.11 29
Note: samples were counted dry with a BX-51 Olympus microscope at 1250× magnification. Central ages were calculated with the Binomfit program of M. Brandon (see Ehlers et al.,
2005), using a zeta value of 274.44 ± 11.56.

13SACZ-25 have a P(χ2) value N 5%, as all other samples have more com- 13SACZ-10 the thermal histories are very similar, with best-fit solutions
plex grain-age populations. indicating a phase of rapid cooling on the order of 20–30 °C/Myr be-
The AFT ages determined for detrital apatite grains of sample tween 10 to 5 Ma. Possibly accelerated cooling occurred already in the
13SACZ-19 range from 2.8 to 67 Ma (Fig. 5), with main peak ages at late Oligocene–early Miocene, but the cooling histories between 240
11.5 ± 2.1 Ma and 31.8 ± 28.4 Ma. However, the two age peaks are °C and 120 °C are not well resolved (Fig. 7).
not well separated. The central age of this sample is 12.6 ± 2.3 Ma. Sample 12SACZ-21 from the western flank of the Santander Massif,
shows a somewhat different cooling history. The phase of rapid late
5.2. Bucaramanga–Picacho profile Miocene cooling is not detected in this sample, but rather rapid cooling
at around 30 to 25 Ma (Fig. 7C).
Five samples of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks col- The thermal history models of the samples collected along the Buca-
lected along the Bucaramanga–Picacho profile yield central ZFT ages ramanga–Picacho profile can be stacked to emphasize the common
ranging from 123.2 ± 10.30 Ma to 19.2 ± 2.0 Ma (Table 3; Figs. 2 & thermal history of the western flank of the central Santander Massif
6). Samples 07SACZ-15, 07SACZ-17 and 13SACZ-32 have P(χ2) values since deposition of the Giron Formation in direct contact with Bucara-
of N5%, whereas the other two samples contain over-dispersed age pop- manga gneiss near the Picacho toll station (Fig. 8). The individual ther-
ulations. Only sample 13SACZ-32 collected along the Bucaramanga– mal history models of each sample can be found in the supplementary
Picacho profile contained sufficient apatites for analysis to yield a cen- data. Here we use the weighted mean solutions and only show the con-
tral age of 12.3 ± 2.0 Ma, but with a P(χ2) value of b5% (Table 2). straint points good and acceptable fits to make the thermal histories
more visible. The model results are shown in Table 5. The common ther-
5.3. Thermal history modelling mal history that emerges is slow burial heating because of deposition of
the Giron Formation and the subsequent Cretaceous and Cenozoic sed-
The three samples 12SACZ-8, 13SACZ-10, and 13SACZ-21 from the imentary units, which are partly preserved in the eastern Santander
California–Vetas block profile were modelled using the HeFTy software Massif today (Fig. 2). The ZFT ages of 25–20 Ma of the two lower most
of Ketcham (2005). Each sample was modelled twice, once using con- samples (07SACZ15 and 17) suggest that these rocks were heated to
straint boxes based on the forward model, and once without any con- temperatures exceeding the ZFT partial annealing zone, whereas the
straint boxes (Fig. 7). For each model 100,000 paths were tried and other samples support heating with the partial annealing zone to pro-
the number of acceptable and good paths are given in Table 4. Fig. 7 vide partially reset central ages younger than the depositional age of
shows that there is no significant difference between the models with the Giron Formation. It seems from these models that cooling of the
and without constraint boxes, as the models are controlled by the data western flank of the Santander Massif since about 25 Ma occurred at
and not the constraint boxes. For the two samples 12SACZ-8 and rates of about 7–10 °C/Myr until the present day. The thermal history

Table 3
Zircon fission-track data of the central Santander Massif.

Sample n ρs (10−5 cm−2) Ns ρi (10−5 cm−2) Ni ρd (10−5 cm−2) P(χ2) Dispersion Age (Ma)a ±2σ U (ppm) ±2σ
(%) (%)

Bucaramanga–Picacho profile
07SACZ-15 11 30.7 223 0.8 224 2.09 63.9 0.5 19.2 2.0 587 81
07SACZ-17 29 28.9 745 3.2 600 2.10 50.7 9.7 24.1 1.6 442 39
13SACZ-30 20 85.7 1878 3.7 300 2.62 3.5 22.1 112.5 10.2 262 31
13SACZ-31 10 95.2 774 3.4 109 2.62 3.9 27.3 122.9 33.9 256 50
13SACZ-32 21 71.7 1458 10.3 209 2.62 70.3 0.4 123.5 10.4 196 28

California–Vetas profile
12SACZ-8 20 117.0 2152 33.0 610 3.36 0.2 21.4 67.4 5.1 391 34
12SACZ-10B 13 110.0 1760 36.6 587 3.47 0.0 58.0 66.4 11.5 420 37
12SACZ-16 20 87.5 3113 23.9 852 3.38 0.0 23.0 71.6 5.3 282 21
13SACZ-10 20 75.5 3102 13.5 554 3.39 1.9 17.4 111.8 15.5 158 14
13SACZ-18 20 81.3 2469 17.9 542 3.41 55.2 1.3 91.4 5.4 208 19
13SACZ-21 7 110.0 534 24.5 119 3.42 20.7 18.1 89.4 23.5 285 53
13SACZ-24 19 22.3 689 19.7 607 3.42 0.0 34.2 23.4 4.8 229 20
13SACZ-25 20 33.3 774 18.1 420 3.43 56.6 7.5 37.5 5.4 210 21

South of Rio Charta fault

12SACZ-13 19 63.2 2162 7.96 272 3.43 0.0 41.4 154.7 37.6 92 11
13SACZ-11 8 10.6 937 14.6 129 3.40 0.0 55.0 136.6 60.6 171 30
Note: fission-track age is given as central age. Samples were counted dry with a BX-51 Olympus microscope at 1250× magnification. Central age was calculated with the Binomfit program
of M. Brandon (see Ehlers et al., 2005), using zeta values of 118.48 ± 3.85 (SA) and 136.65 ± 5.17 (MB).
S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402 395

exhumation that did not yet allow the complete removal of not fully
reset rocks.

40 6. Discussion
6.1. Thermochronological constraints on the exhumation of the Santander
20 Massif

The three uppermost samples from the Bucaramanga–Picacho pro-

file, collected between 3400 and 3077 m elevation, yield central ZFT
ages ranging from 123.2 ± 10.3 to 107.0 ± 17.1 Ma. Samples 13SACZ-
-2 30 and 13SACZ-31 were collected from crystalline rocks whereas sam-
ple 13SACZ-32 was collected from sedimentary rocks of the Jurassic
Giron Formation, which unconformably overlies the crystalline base-
ment (Ward and Goldsmith, 1973). The ZFT data of all three samples re-
flect partially reset ages because of burial heating, rather than being
2Ma indicative of a specific tectonic or thermal event. In fact, the ZFT data
of this study from the Bucaramanga–Picacho profile, together with sam-
103 45 29% ple 10VDL05 of van der Lelij et al. (2016a), plotted against elevation
show that an exhumed ZFT partial annealing zone (PAZ) is exposed
0 1 2 3 4 on the western flank of the central Santander Massif (Fig. 6). This ex-
humed PAZ has a thickness of about 2.0 km, which corresponds to a
pre-exhumation thermal gradient of about 30 °C/km, depending on
hold time (Reiners and Brandon, 2006). The samples collected at 1239
and 1779 m elevation near Bucaramanga indicate that cooling caused
Fig. 5. Radial plot of the Rio Charta (13SACZ-19) detrital apatite fission-track data. The
central age is 12.6 ± 2.3 Ma, but the range of observed individual apatite fission-track by exhumation of this PAZ occurred between 25 and 20 Ma (Fig. 8).
ages in this river sediment sample is between 2.8 and 66.5 Ma. This is also consistent with the 23 ± 4.8 Ma ZFT age of sample
13SACZ-24 collected at 1586 m elevation along the California–Vetas
profile to the west of the Surata fault. In contrast, sample 13SACZ-21,
of the Santander Massif prior to the deposition of the Giron Formation which was collected at 1425 m elevation from a granodiorite in direct
cannot be determined with our thermochronological data. contact with the Early Cretaceous Tambor Formation has a ZFT cooling
age of 89.4 ± 23.5 Ma (Fig. 11). The sampled granodiorite and the over-
lying Tambor Formation rocks must have been displaced along the
5.4. Long-term average exhumation rates Surata fault zone during early Miocene exhumation because the AFT
age of the same granodiorite sample corresponds within its 2 sigma
For the California–Vetas block profile long-term average exhuma- error to the about 25 Ma rapid cooling observed in the ZFT age elevation
tion rates are on the order of 0.3–0.4 km/Myr based on late Miocene profile (Fig. 6). Because the apparent ZFT cooling age of sample 13SACZ-
AFT ages, and 0.1–0.2 km/Myr based on the Cretaceous ZFT ages 21 is much younger than both the crystallization age of the granodiorite
(Fig. 9A). For the lower part of the Bucaramanga–Picacho profile the and the depositional age of the overlying Tambor Formation, we think
early Miocene ZFT age indicate exhumation at rates of 0.3–0.5 km/Myr that sedimentary burial heating of the Santander Massif crystalline
for radiation damaged or zero-damage zircons (Fig. 9B). The partially rocks from the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous until the late Oligocene was
reset zircon ages of the three upper samples of the profile hint slow sufficient for partial resetting of the ZFT system. The phase of fast

Bucaramanga - Picacho ZFT age-elevation profile



Elevation (m)

Exhumed ZFT partial annealing zone

2500 ?
fast exhumation starting at aorund 25 Ma ?


ZFT data this tsudy
10VDL05, van der Lelij et al. (2016)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Zircon fission-track age (Ma)

Fig. 6. Zircon fission-track age-elevation plot of the Bucaramanga–Picacho profile of data from this study and sample 10VDL05 of van der Lelij et al., 2016a). The zircon fission-track ages
follow the typical trend of an exhumed partial annealing zone.
396 S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402

A) 0 B) 0
20 12SACZ-8/8b, Bucaramanga gneiss 20 12SACZ-8/8b, Bucaramanga gneiss
3356 m elevation 3356 m elevation
40 with constraint boxes 40 without constraint boxes
60 based on forward model 60
80 80
100 100
acceptable paths
Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C)
120 120
good paths del
140 140 mo
160 forw
180 ard 180
200 200
220 220
best-fit model
240 240 best-fit model
260 260
280 280
300 300
100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Time (Ma) Time (Ma)

C) 0 D) 0
20 13SACZ-10, Orthogneiss 2E
20 13SACZ-10, Orthogneiss
3340 m elevation 3340 m elevation
40 with constraint boxes 40 without constraint boxes
60 based on forward model 60

80 80

100 Temperature (°C) 100

Temperature (°C)

120 120

140 140


180 180 best-fit model

200 best-fit model 200
ard m

220 odel 220 forw

ard m
240 240

260 260

280 280

300 300
145 135 125 115 105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 145 135 125 115 105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0
Time (Ma) Time (Ma)

E)0 F)0
20 13SACZ-21, Silgará schist 20 13SACZ-21, Silgará schist
1425 m elevation 1425 m elevation
40 with constraint boxes 40 without constraint boxes
60 based on forward model 60

80 80
100 100
Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C)

120 120

140 140

160 160

180 180

el l
d de
200 mo 200 mo
w ard w ard
220 for 220 for

240 best-fit model 240

260 260
280 280
300 300
145 135 125 115 105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 145 135 125 115 105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0
Time (Ma) Time (Ma)

Fig. 7. Time–temperature history models using HeFTy of Ketcham (2005) for samples 12SACZ-8/8B, 13SACZ-10 and 13SACZ-21, with and without constraints. Shown are acceptable paths
and good paths solution envelops, the forward model and the best fit model.

cooling of the western flank of the central Santander Massif at around needed for better constraining the activity of individual faults from the
25 Ma was most likely caused by fast erosional exhumation in relation Late Cretaceous to the present-day, exhumation of the different tectonic
to rapid surface uplift as a result of an oblique motion on the Bucara- blocks of the Santander Massif was controlled by the activity of primary
manga fault with a strong vertical component. The higher level of exhu- (Bucaramanga) and secondary (Surata, Rio Charta) faults.
mation on the western flank of the Santander Massif is also reflected in The geodynamic cause for accelerated exhumation starting at
its asymmetric topography with a steep western flank defined by the around 25 Ma is most likely related to the start of the collision of the
Bucaramanga fault, and a much smoother eastern flank without a Panama arc with north-western South America around that time (e.g.
major bounding strike-slip fault. So, even if more detailed data are Farris et al., 2011), and based on our thermochronological data, we
S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402 397

Table 4
HeFTy model results of samples with AFT and ZFT age pairs.

Sample AFT age AFT age error AFT age model GOF TL model ZFT age ZFT age error ZFT age model GOF Model Acceptable Good
(Ma) (Myr) (Ma) (μm) (Ma) (Myr) (Ma) runs fits fits

12SACZ-8 8.77 +4.20, −2.84 8.75 0.99 14.54 ± 1.15 69.8 ±4.1 69.8 1.00 100,000 19,392 7809
13SACZ-10 8.10 +2.66, −2.00 8.12 0.99 14.63 ± 1.62 112.0 ±7.0 112.0 1.00 100,000 23,011 12,986
13SACZ-21 29.6 +12.0, −8.6 29.6 1.00 14.55 ± 1.08 90.3 ±9.7 90.3 1.00 100,000 51,206 34,484
13SACZ-32 11.6 + 2.10, −1.80 11.6 1.00 14.48 ± 1.41 123.0 ±10.0 123 1.00 100,000 26,364 29,178

Unconstrained models
12SACZ-8 8.77 +4.20, −2.84 8.89 0.94 13.83 ± 1.89 69.8 ±4.1 69.3 0.91 100,000 3760 1399
13SACZ-10 8.10 +2.66, −2.00 8.03 0.95 13.76 ± 2.05 112.0 ±7.0 112.0 0.97 100,000 3359 1366
13SACZ-21 29.6 +12.0, −8.60 29.3 0.96 14.22 ± 1.59 90.3 ±9.7 90.4 0.99 100,000 14,184 9406

Temperature (C)


160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Time (Ma)

Fig. 8. Stacked HeFTy models of five samples of the Bucaramanga–Picacho profile. The top-most sample is sample 13SACZ-32 from the Jurassic Giron Formation which constrains the start
of the common thermal history. The weighted mean solution paths and forward models are shown for all samples. Onset of cooling at around 25 Ma is constrained by the central ages of
sample 07SACZ15 and 17. The model shows that cooling at rates of 7–10 °C/Myr occurred between 25 Ma and today.

think that the California–Vetas block was exhumed when changes in the data are thought to reflect very local high heat flow during the intrusion
tectonic regime caused reactivation of pre-existing faults (Kammer, of magmas and the upper crustal circulation of hydrothermal fluids in
1993; Osorio et al., 2008). Fault reactivation is a common phenomenon, the gold mining district of the central Santander Massif. For this reason
as major surface uplift occurred along inversion structures in the North- post-magmatic cooling in the central Santander Massif needs to be con-
ern Andes (e.g. Bermúdez et al., 2010, 2011; Colletta et al., 1997; Cooper sidered. However, the samples of the California–Vetas block profile
and Addison, 1995; Cortes et al., 2006; Mora et al., 2009). were collected far from the area with hydrothermal activity and gold
Thermal modelling of the AFT data of samples 12SACZ-8/8b and mineralization, and close to the Rio Charta fault (Fig. 2). Therefore, we
13SACZ-10 from the California–Vetas block profile indicate that acceler- think that post-magmatic/hydrothermal is less likely to have affected
ated cooling on the high plateau of the central Santander Massif, started the apatites and that the AFT data record cooling driven by exhumation
most likely after 11 Ma (Fig. 7A–D). The question arises, whether the during a time of important shortening and exhumation in the Eastern
fission-track ages from the high plateau record exhumational cooling Cordillera, possibly related to the final accretion of the Panama arc on
caused by regional tectonic activity and erosion, or do they record the north-western margin of South America (Farris et al., 2011;
post-magmatic cooling? AFT ages are compatible with a) zircon U-Pb Gómez et al., 2005; Parra et al., 2009; Taboada et al., 2000). Therefore,
ages of porphyritic igneous rock of 13.9 ± 0.2 Ma (Mantilla et al., our AFT data suggest that late Miocene exhumation of the California–
2014) and calc-alkaline intrusive rocks of 10.9 ± 0.2 to 8.4 ± 0.2 Ma Vetas block occurred at rates of about 0.3–0.4 km/Myr (Fig. 10A). Part
(Bissig et al., 2014; Mantilla et al., 2013); b) a ZFT age of 11.3 ± of this exhumation was probably accommodated by the Surata normal
2.8 Ma from the Bucaramanga gneiss host rock with gold bearing min- fault. The ~ 37 Ma ZFT cooling age of granodiorite sample 13SACZ-25
eralization in the Vetas mining district (Urueña, 2014), and c) with a to the west of the Surata fault (Fig. 2) could suggest that exhumation
sericite 40Ar/39Ar age of 10.9 ± 1.5 Ma for the gold mineralization of the Santander Massif along the Surata fault and as that of the Bucara-
(Rojas, 2014), also in the California–Vetas mining district. All these age manga fault zone may have been active since ~ 40 Ma, similar to the

Table 5
HeFTy models of ZFT data from the Bucaramanga–Picacho profile.

Sample ZFT age (Ma) ZFT age error (Myr) ZFT age model (Ma) GOF Model runs Acceptable fits Good fits

13SACZ-32 123 ±10 123 0.99 10,000 4334 5627

13SACZ-31 120 ±14 120 1.00 10,000 7030 2946
13SACZ-30 111 ±8.0 111 1.00 10,000 4682 3252
07SACZ-17 24.2 ±1.6 24.2 1.00 10,000 684 374
07SACZ-15 19.4 ±2.1 19.4 1.00 10,000 1058 523
398 S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402

1.9 Fluorapatite: default FT annealing parameters:
1.8 Activation energy for 50% annealing (kcal/mole): 44.6
1.7 Annealing parameter Beta (s^-1) : 9.83E+11
1.6 Thermal Parameters:
1.5 Ts(°C)= 10 Tgrad(°C/km)= 30
Zlw(km)= 30 Tlw(°C)= 910

Exhumation rate (km/Myr)

1.2 Radiation-damaged zircon: default FT annealing parameters:
1.1 Activation energy for 50% annealing (kcal/mole): 49.77
1.0 Annealing parameter B (Myr) : 3.16E-22
0.9 Thermal Parameters:
0.8 Ts(°C)= 10 Tgrad(°C/km)= 30
0.7 Zlw(km)= 30 Tlw(°C)= 910
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fission-track age (Ma)

Fig. 9. A) Relationship between fission-track age and exhumation rate determined for a 30 °C/km steady-state thermal gradient and an average surface temperature of 10 °C for the apatite
and zircon fission-track systems. The exhumation rates are estimated from the curves of the appropriate thermochronological system. B) Zircon fission-track age and exhumation rate
relationship for radiation damaged and zero damaged zircons.
Data obtained from the age2edot program of M. Brandon (see Ehlers et al., 2005).

Califronia Vetas block ZFT data

West East


Elevation (m)






-73.05 -73 -72.95 -72.9 -72.85 -72.8 -72.75
Longitude (°W)

Fig. 10. Plot showing longitude of sample locations plotted against elevation for the California–Vetas block zircon fission-track ages. The approximate position of the Rio Charta and Surata
fault lines are indicated as stippled lines to indicate age off-set across fault lines at similar elevations.

interpretation of van der Lelij et al. (2016a). However, as discussed set across the Rio Charta fault, with younger ages to the north and older
above about the exhumation of the ZFT PAZ, we would expect to find ages to the south of the fault (see Fig. 7b of Shagam et al., 1984). Our
~ 40 Ma ZFT cooling ages in rocks that were near the base of the ZFT own AFT data to the north of the Rio Charta fault are consistent with
PAZ before onset of fast cooling at around 25 Ma (Figs. 6 and 8). the Shagam et al. (1984) data. Furthermore, the age off-set is also visible
The Rio Charta fault limits the California–Vetas block to the south. Al- in the ZFT data (Fig. 10). To the north of the Rio Charta fault most of the
ready Shagam et al. (1984) demonstrated an about 4–6 Myr AFT age off- central ZFT ages are ~50 Myr younger than the ZFT ages to the south of

Fig. 11. (a)–(d): Geodynamic model of the evolution of the Santander Massif. Crustal-scale cross-sections from 70 Ma to 1 Ma, showing the relationship between exhumation of the
Santander Massif and regional tectonics. (a) In Late Cretaceous and early Palaeocene times, the collision of the Caribbean Plate with the north-western South American continental margin
produced reactivation of intraplate structures that contributed to the exhumation and surface uplift of the Santander Massif. (b), (c) and (d) Regional tectonic setting, showing the collision
of the Panama Arc with the north-western South American continental and its effects on magmatism, hydrothermal activity and exhumation of the Santander Massif.
In panel a, the position of the Caribbean plate, the Central American Arc, the Panama Arch and direction of movement of the plates is taken and modified by Boschman et al. (2014); the
Caribbean dynamics subducting below South America is taken from Bayona et al. (2013). In panels b, c and d, the position of the Caribbean plate, the Central American Arc, the Panama Arch
and direction of movement of the plates is taken and modified by Boschman et al. (2014); the Caribbean dynamics by subducting in the Pleistocene below South America is taken from
Vargas and Mann (2013).
S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402 399




400 S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402

the fault (samples 12SACZ-13 and 13SACZ-11). From the exhumed ZFT intraplate magmatism and hydrothermal activity in the Santander Mas-
partial annealing zone on the western flank of the central Santander Mas- sif and the Paipa–Iza volcanic complex in the Eastern Cordillera during
sif we know that the level of exhumation difference is only about 1–2 km late Miocene–Pleistocene times (Bernet et al., 2016; Jaramillo et al.,
between zircons with 110 Ma and 60 Ma cooling ages (Fig. 6). The consis- 2005; Pardo et al., 2005). It is possible that fast exhumation and surface
tent age off-set of both AFT and ZFT ages give the Rio Charta fault a south uplift of about 2000 m of the Santander Massif during the late Neogene
dipping normal fault component. This interpretation is supported by ex- was supported by fast erosion and unloading, coupled with an isostatic
tensional features such as triangular facets, fracture orientation and line- response of the massif. Strong erosion of the Santander Massif at this
ation analysis (Velandia, pers. communication). time has already been suggested by Osorio et al. (2008) based on geo-
The ZFT data of the California–Vetas block can also be used to deter- morphological evidence, and there is no evidence that the young AFT
mine first-order long-term average exhumation rate estimates which ages in the central area of the Santander Massif are the result of partial
are only about 0.1–0.2 km/Myr since the Late Cretaceous (Fig. 9B). As annealing caused by Pliocene-Pleistocene magmatic or hydrothermal
these rates are slower than those derived from the AFT data, exhuma- activity. Nonetheless, we think that the late Miocene phase of exhuma-
tion rates must have increased at some time after the Late Cretaceous, tion of the Santander Massif as well as the volcanic activity of the Paipa-
probably first during the late Oligocene to early Miocene, as shown by Iza volcanic complex and the hydrothermal activity in the California–
the ZFT data near the city of Bucaramanga, and further during the late Vetas area with its associated gold mineralization, are linked to the un-
Miocene to Pliocene. derlying regional geodynamic processes in the Northern Andes. Slab-
The Rio Charta drains the western flank of the California–Vetas block breakoff of the subducting Caribbean plate is most likely responsible
to the west of the Rio Charta fault, and towards the Surata fault. The for the magmatic/hydrothermal and seismic activity in the Eastern Cor-
modern river sediment sample, collected near the village of Charta dillera and the Santander Massif (Vargas and Mann, 2013). Today, the
(Fig. 2), displays a range of AFT ages from 2.8 to 67 Ma, which is typical tip of the slab tear may be located beneath Bucaramanga, explaining
for a detrital sample (Fig. 5). However, the central age of this sample is the high seismicity of this area (Vargas and Mann, 2013). The flat-slab
12.6 ± 2.3 Ma, which corresponds largely to AFT ages found to the south subduction of the Caribbean plate was impacted by the collision of the
of the Rio Charta fault on the high plateau (Fig. 2), indicating the back- Panama arc with north-western South America between 12 and 9 Ma
ward erosion of the Rio Charta drainage. and caused a change in subduction direction and angle of the Caribbean
plate, leading to slab-breakoff propagation to the north (Vargas and
6.2. Tectonic model Mann, 2013). The Caldas tear which separates the Caribbean from the
not yet subducting Nazca plate extends for approximately 240 km
Using our and previously published thermochronological data a new from the extinct Sandra oceanic ridge and the Nazca subduction zone
model for the thermo-tectonic evolution of the central Santander Massif in the west to beneath the Eastern Cordillera and the Paipa volcanic
is proposed (Fig. 11). Previously Shagam et al. (1984) had identified the zone in the east. The Caldas tear may penetrate the upper crust as a
California–Vetas block, but they had neither recognized the importance fault zone and provide a conduit for the upward rise of magmas and hy-
of the Surata fault as the north-western and western limit of the Califor- drothermal fluids produced by slab dehydration and melting (Vargas
nia–Vetas block, nor the role it played during early Miocene to late Mio- and Mann, 2013), which caused the magmatic and hydrothermal activ-
cene exhumation of the central Santander Massif. Van der Lelij et al. ity in the California–Vetas block and the Paipa–Iza volcanic complex.
(2016a) concluded that exhumation patterns in the Santander Massif Therefore, the tectonic conditions caused by the accretion of the
are strongly affected by secondary faults, and that small structural Panama arc indenter to the north-western margin of the South
blocks were exhumed diachronously since at least ~ 18 Ma. However, American plate (Gómez et al., 2005; Parra et al., 2009; Taboada et al.,
these authors did not clearly identify the blocks and what their structur- 2000) were responsible for the magmatic and hydrothermal activity in
al limits are in the central Santander Massif, nor did they recognize that the California–Vetas Block between about 14 and 8 Ma (Bissig et al.,
in this part of the massif there is evidence of exhumation during the 2012, 2014; Mantilla et al., 2011, 2013; Raley, 2012; Rodriguez, 2014;
early Miocene, as we did in this study with samples 07SACZ-15 and Rojas, 2014; Urueña, 2014). Furthermore, the local thermal perturba-
07SACZ-17 along the Bucaramanga–Picacho profile (Fig. 6). Therefore, tion was synchronous with exhumation and possibly surface uplift of
in contrast to van der Lelij et al. (2016a, 2016b), it is demonstrated in the Santander Massif since the late Miocene, whereas the epithermal
this study the importance that the Panama arc collision with north- mineralization in the Santander Massif between ~4 and 1.6 Ma (Bissig
western South America during the late Oligocene-early Miocene (e.g. et al., 2014) was coeval with the volcanic activity in the Paipa-Iza volca-
Bayona et al., 2013; Farris et al., 2011; Pindell and Kennan, 2009; nic complex between 5.8 to about 1.8 Ma and contemporaneous with
Spikings et al., 2010; van der Lelij et al., 2010; Villagómez and surface uplift of the Eastern Cordillera during that time (Bernet et al.,
Spikings, 2013) had on the thermal history of the central Santander 2016; Pardo et al., 2005; Parra et al., 2009).
Massif. In Fig. 11 we outline the tectonic evolution of the Santander
Massif from the Maastrichtian to the Pleistocene, and define how exhu- 7. Conclusion
mation of the Santander Massif was driven to some part by the interac-
tion of the Caribbean and South American plates and the Panama arc. AFT and ZFT data from topographic profiles of the California–Vetas
During the Maastrichtian to early Palaeocene (Fig. 11a) the Caribbean block and along the western flank of the Santander Massif between Bu-
plate collided with the north-western continental margin of South caramanga and Picacho document the Miocene to present-day cooling
America, producing reactivation of intraplate structures that permitted and exhumation history of individual tectonic blocks of the Santander
surface uplift of the Santander Massif and erosion, supplying sediments Massif. Thermal modelling of ZFT data from the California–Vetas block
to the western and eastern basins. Sediment supply from the Santander and Bucaramanga–Picacho reveals cooling since about 25 Ma, most like-
Massif basement rocks is well documented in both domains by the pres- ly caused by exhumation. This exhumation phase is seen in connection
ence of metamorphic lithic fragments, as well as stable and unstable with the initial collision of the Panamá arc with north-western South
heavy mineral associations (Bayona et al., 2009, 2013; Villamil, 1999). America. Long-term average exhumation rates since the Late Cretaceous
Surface uplift of the Santander Massif was not continuous until the were only about 0.1–0.2 km/Myr for the California–Vetas block and Bu-
late Oligocene–early Miocene when the Panama arc collided with caramanga–Picacho profile. However, the AFT data of the California–
north-western South America and as a consequence, surface uplift and Vetas block show that exhumation accelerated during the late Miocene
exhumation of the western flank of the Santander Massif accelerated. Fi- with rates of 0.3–0.4 km/Myr. The accelerated late Miocene exhumation
nally, during the middle Miocene to Pleistocene shallow eastward-dip- of the California–Vetas block is here seen in relation to the final accre-
ping subduction of the Caribbean Plate (Fig. 11c, d) produced local tion of the Panama arc to the western margin of South America and
S. Amaya et al. / Lithos 282–283 (2017) 388–402 401

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