2014 Energy Paradigm

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Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52

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Energy Research & Social Science

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Closing the gap between energy research and modelling, the social
sciences, and modern realities
Michael Jefferson ∗
ESCP Europe Business School & Advisory Board Member, RCEM, 527 Finchley Road, London NW3 7BG, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Disregard or ignorance of history, the overlooking of energy issues in standard economic growth theory,
Received 31 July 2014 and failure to recognise the role which declining marginal returns on energy exploitation has played in
Accepted 18 August 2014 the decline of earlier complex societies, are evident in academic and more general discourse. Excessive
Available online 22 September 2014
resort to equations, modelling, and standard economic theories, have instead clouded imagination and
focus on reality, while hindering focus on complicating factors as we consider future possibilities. This
paper provides an overview of these issues and their potential implications now and for the future.
Energy transitions
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Energy modelling
Economic methodologies


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2. Ignorance of history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3. Disregard of history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4. Selectivity in the choice of historical material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5. Perspectives on the Anthropocene Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6. Energy and economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7. Energy and the shortcomings of the first law of thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
8. Power densities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
9. Energy return on energy invested (EROI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
10. The challenge of the “peak oil” hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
11. New renewable energy prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
12. A need for more fundamental change? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
13. The need for re-thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
14. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

1. Introduction favour of asserting that labour and capital are the only two factors
of production. There is a widespread disregard for the role which
In human actions, academic discourse, and media coverage declining marginal returns on energy production have played in
ignorance of history, disregard of history, selectivity in the choice the decline and collapse of complex societies in the past. Con-
of historical material where used, and failures to check historical cepts fundamental to the usefulness of different forms of energy
facts where possible, have long been apparent. are regularly overlooked. Several core examples are fundamen-
This state of affairs is clearly evidenced in energy research and tally irrefutable, as the works of Ted Trainer, Charles Hall and Kent
policy, and the forces underlying the latter. Mainstream economic Klitgaard, and others have pointed out [1]. The challenges to the
growth theory has tended to overlook energy issues completely in future of the human race embodied in growing world population,
and limited resources, find many in a state of denial.
The exploitation of fossil fuels, and efforts to expand the avail-
∗ Tel.: +44 (0) 1234708285. ability of low carbon energy technologies, are seen by an increasing
E-mail addresses: mjefferson@escpeurope.eu, jeffers@dircon.co.uk number of observers to place the “great acceleration” of economic

2214-6296/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52 43

growth and material living standards under fundamental pressure. earlier societies. Minoan civilisation is just one of 18 cultures which
Some consider that the resulting pressures put what has been called he considered, and he concluded that complex societies depend on
the Anthropocene Age – variously claimed to have begun with the production of agricultural, energy and minerals production. He
Francis Bacon, Thomas Newcomen, or simply “the 1800s” – under found that energy and minerals production follows the same pro-
terminal threat. ductivity curve as subsistence agriculture, that fuel resources used
Lying behind the ideas and evidence presented in this paper is first by a rational human population are those that are most eco-
the view that so complex, uncertain and incomplete a set of future nomically exploited, and that when it becomes necessary to use less
possibilities cannot usefully be handled by seeking to model them. economical resources then marginal returns automatically decline.
Modelling specific aspects – the estimated future supply and use Some have followed the same trail but with more obvious (and to
of conventional oil resources, for example – may help assess future my mind unfortunate) ideological purpose, and while calling for
challenges and underpin aspects of the scenarios developed. But “a radical critique of industrial society” from a Marxist perspective
too great a recourse to mathematics, equations and models, is liable express hostility to the “many ecologists such as H.T. Odum, (who)
to hamper imagination at the outset of the effort, along the way, make energy the central concept of their analysis of society and
and/or in assessing their results. The economist George Shackle (a describe social mechanisms in terms of energy flows.” [6, p. xiv] In
considerable mathematician himself) took the view that: fact Howard Odum did make fundamental criticisms of the drive
for economic growth in developed and developing economies on
We cannot build up a general, omni-competent model by fit-
a wide range of practical grounds – 20 numbered points in one
ting together our special models, because it happens in many
contribution [7].
cases that one of these special models depends on assump-
Others, and Thomas Piketty offers a good example in his “Capi-
tions incompatible with those required by another. Instead, we
tal in the Twenty-First Century”, get things half right (and therefore
have to strive for an insight which fuses informally and, if you
seriously wrong overall). Pilketty states: “To put it bluntly, the dis-
like, non-logically, a number of strands which, in their formal
cipline of economics has yet to get over its childish passion for
aspects, mutually repel each other [2].
mathematics and for purely theoretical and often highly ideological
Such a position is anathema to many mainstream economists, speculation, at the expense of historical research and collaboration
who have come to believe that only through mathematics, mod- with other social sciences. Economists are all too often preoccupied
elling, and the application of over-simplified theories can their with petty mathematical problems of interest only to themselves.”
professional status be exemplified. In an interview in 1983 Shackle [8, p. 32] Here he reflects the predilection of standard economists
was even blunter: “Those economists who are going to give advice, to resort first to equations. Yet elsewhere Pilketty falls into the
or who are going to be advisors either to governments or to busi- same ideological trap he warns against by resorting to a narrow
ness, should have their training based in economic history, and Marxist agenda. Some of the earlier societies examined by Tain-
they only need as much theory as you find up to the second year ter, Yoffee, Cowgill and others, resorted to territorial expansion to
textbook.” [3] capture additional resources, but this was never permanently suc-
There has been an expansion of the literature reminding us of cessful and in modern societies where population has grown and
catastrophic events in the past – some related to general climatic energy resources are stored, this is even less feasible (Tainter, pp.
events, some to more regional catastrophes, and some to cata- 214–215).
clysmic events such as asteroids or comets striking the Earth or Climatic change has been cited as a major factor in explaining
voluminous volcanism. The latter lie beyond what it is reasonable to the collapse of some early complex societies, as well as tectonic
expect concerns about energy policy to cover. But many of the other changes. Droughts, reflecting climatic change, are favoured as one
threats to sustainable development just touched upon need to be of the causes of the collapse of the Mycenaean and Roman civi-
considered in developing scenarios, and explaining vulnerabilities, lizations. We do not, therefore, need to go back to early geological
of the global energy system in the 21st Century and beyond. The periods for evidence of climatic fluctuations. And as Geoffrey Parker
concern that some of us have is that detailed modelling of the myr- has recently reminded us, in his: “Global Crisis: War, Climate
iad of uncertainties and inter-connections which exist lie beyond Change & Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century” (2013), the Lit-
useful modelling – the sort that allows third parties to understand tle Ice Age also brought problems with it. There were crop failures,
what has occurred during the modelling exercise. Instead, a sim- deforestation, claims of over-population, and other familiar claims,
pler approach, keeping the mathematics in proportion to needs, coming from North America across to China. Studies of the 13th
may be more comprehensible and more likely to sway energy pol- and 14th centuries also indicate that the beginnings of the Little
icy in needed directions. At the end of the day, what are required Ice Age impacted on agricultural yields and social stability, as did
are precautionary policies, measures, investments and actions by the bubonic plague, in parts of Western Europe.
end-users which are fit for purpose. All too often they fail on that
basic premise.
With the arrival of “Energy Research & Social Science” we 3. Disregard of history
at last see a journal encompassing history, behavioural change,
some fundamental technical issues surrounding energy resource The recent financial crisis provides another rich resource of evi-
availability, energy transitions, real economics, potential risks and dence for disregard of history. The vast outpouring of books and
externalities, and energy research methodology [4]. This paper papers which trace its causes to faulty decisions about loans for
touches on all these, and how they may be better understood and housing and automobiles in the USA from the early 1970s, through
addressed. what Michael Lewis called “Liar’s Poker” – the 1989 book that
“revealed the truth about London and Wall Street”, to the finan-
cial follies of the UK’s Blair/Gordon “governance” – especially from
2. Ignorance of history 2001 tell their own story. Nouriel Roubini and Stephen Mihm have
referred to the “Great Instability” being a better description of
Joseph Tainter’s “The Collapse of Complex Societies” [5] pro- the coming era than the “Great Moderation” (“Crisis Economics:
vided a rich treasury of examples of how the declining marginal A Crash Course in the Future of Finance”, 2010, p. 300), but the
returns on energy production have resulted in the collapse of issues discussed here go far wider than assets bubbles and busts.
44 M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52

Why, for instance, has so much been written about what is now take him seriously [12]. Then I read Oliver Rackham and Jen-
termed “the Great Recession” after the event, and why did so few nifer Moody’s: “The making of the Cretan landscape”. There, while
people see it coming? recognising the severe impacts of earthquakes and the eruption of
Two book titles tell the story more succinctly than a thousand Santorini during the Bronze Age, they concluded that, contrary to
words: “This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly”; “the Ruined Landscape” or “Lost Eden” theory, the Cretan landscape
and “Debt: the first 5,000 years” [9]. has changed little since the Bronze Age. Since then fluctuations
This is not a unique situation, of course. Forty years ago Friedrich have occurred within “fairly narrow limits”, and Cretan vegeta-
von Hayek delivered his Nobel Memorial Lecture: “The Pretence tion has proved resilient although climatic changes and population
of Knowledge”, where he began by saying: “the economists are at pressures have shifted the balance one way and then another [13].
this moment called upon to say how to extricate the free world Subsequently Oliver Rackham returned to this subject when,
from the serious threat of accelerating inflation which, it must be with Dick Grove, he concluded that: “in Crete the intensity of land-
admitted, has been brought about by policies which the majority use in the late Bronze Age could hardly have been less than it is
of economists recommended and even urged governments to pur- now.” The situation appears to have differed from that in Corsica,
sue.” It was about that time that this author was invited to write a Sardinia, and southern Greece [14]. The lessons drawn by these
short book on the history of inflation over the previous 2000 years. authors were: avoid over-generalising; be wary of written evidence
It was also about the time that leading specialists on cartels and if it covers periods when no-one was writing; verify the evidence
trusts, led by Maurice Adelman, were telling us that OPEC would and do not rely on other people’s interpretation of it or their inter-
quickly collapse because that is what had happened to US trusts. pretation of written texts; and be open about what you do not
In fact there was plenty of historical evidence – notably from the know so as to avoid what Rackham and Moody termed “pseudo-
UK and Germany – that cartels could last for scores and (in some history”. One just needs to consider some recent books covering
cases, on and off) even hundreds of years. early Mediterranean history to be aware of the complexities –
Whenever one reads statements such as new renewable energy such as Eric Cline’s: “1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed” –
will provide 50% of the World’s energy needs by 2050, or 100% which covers in great detail earlier centuries; also David Abulafia’s:
by 2100, there should be a natural response of looking back at “The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean”; and Lin-
the past. Solar photovoltaics, for example, on which Alexandre- coln Paine’s: “The Sea and Civilization”. Both Abulafia, and Richard
Edward Becquerel was working as long ago as 1839. Or fuel cells, Berthold in greater detail for Rhodes during the Hellenistic period,
on which William Grove and Christian Friedman Schonbein were cover the range of issues – including how neighbouring states
writing in 1838 – almost 60 years before Henri Becquerel happened would sometimes pull together to help allies enduring stresses –
upon spontaneous radioactivity. Then there is Concentrating Solar such as those which followed major volcanic eruption [15]. Thus the
Power, and Frank Shuman’s CSP plant at Meadi (just outside Cairo) story is not just one of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions causing
which started up in 1912 – part of the rich story of solar energy societal collapse, but of invasion and revolt, alliances, drought, and
told by Ken Butti and John Perlin which so often seems to be over- the cutting of ‘international’ trade routes. Pressures of human pop-
looked, and which so far seems too marked by solar PV cells rather ulation, food and water availability are apparent, as Joseph Tainter’s
randomly placed on roofs in northerly latitudes in response to sub- work found. This is just for the Mediterranean area, although that
sidies offered rather than to solar irradiation levels, or by pessimism then covered more than one civilization. How much more com-
about the Desertec concept in the wake of the Arab ‘Spring’ [10]. Or, plex to work through the myriad of critical features of the whole
as Lewis Dartnell has recently reminded us, “electric vehicles were World, taking account of potentially relevant factors from popula-
once common”; “in Chicago, they even dominated the automobile tion expansion to climatic change concerns, in considering global
market”; and in 1912 – that year again – 30,000 glided silently along energy challenges of the 21st Century?
the streets of the USA, another 4000 were gliding in Europe, and by
1918 20% of Berlin’s taxis were electric [11]. Indeed, the record of
the 20th Century suggested that except in times of war rapid change 5. Perspectives on the Anthropocene Age
seemed unlikely – the advances in materials and communications
in the run-up to, during, and after the Second World War seem- The challenges of rising human population, pressures on food
ing to point firmly to this. Since then the momentum of change in and water availability, and the declining marginal returns on
such fields as communications and energy have appeared remark- energy have caused growing concern about whether demands for
able, but for energy availability and use a number of fundamental increased material living standards and the continuation of mod-
challenges remain apparent, such as: the declining availability of ern consumption aspirations can be met as the 21st Century passes.
conventional oil resources; the additional costs and environmen- Instead of referring to the Holocene Period, which in geological
tal impacts of non-conventional oil; the continuing roughly 80% terms began around 10,000 years ago, it is suggested that the
global dependency on fossil fuels; the 90% global dependency on present phase of the Earth’s evolution is termed the Anthropocene
oil products for transportation; the uphill struggle in resorting to on account of the enormity of the impacts of the human race upon it.
“new” renewables, which rising from a small base still only make The suggestion is alternatively based upon the notion that humans
a small contribution and continue to raise concerns about their now dominate biological, chemical and geological processes on
intermittency in the cases of wind and solar energy. Earth, with the dubious implication that the human race is in con-
trol of its destiny in a favourable sense [16].
Setting aside the arguments about who started using the term
4. Selectivity in the choice of historical material “Anthropocene” first (the biologist Eugene F. Stoermer is one
claimant, while Andrew Revkon referred to the “Anthrocene” Age
Many years ago, looking at the record of climatic change, back in 1992), and whether humans actually do and will continue
a subject that has interested me for nearly 60 years, I came to dominate the Earth’s key processes – which is clearly open to
upon the claim that deforestation had noticeable local climate doubt, it is clear that the increasing exploitation and use of fos-
effects. Theophrastus, who lived in Athens somewhere around sil fuels, rising population, and new technologies have caused a
370–290 B.C. took that view, and having written a nine-volume “Great Acceleration”. Some date this back as far as Francis Bacon
work on plants and another six-volume one, I was inclined to in the 17th Century; others to Thomas Newcomen and some other
M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52 45

technology innovators in the early 18th Century; and others more going on since 1970, which was bound to have powerful repercus-
loosely to “since the 1800s” [17]. sions across a broad front – and not just on productivity. By May,
The implications of this “Great Acceleration” have been worked 1973, “The Rapids” described how Shell’s Group Planning scenario
over by many people in recent years. One of the most compre- team considered things were likely to evolve.
hensive is “Global Change and the Earth System: A Planet Under Solow may have partly rescued his reputation by admitting in
Pressure”, by Will Steffen and others, which also contained a chap- the Preface to that book that his problem was: “that a model of
ter headed: “The Anthropocene Era: How Humans are Changing the genuine endogenous growth seems to be achievable only if every-
Earth System”, first published in 2004 [18]. There has been a revival thing in the model turns out just so. There is a dangerous lack of
of the idea of “voluntary simplicity” – a term first introduced in the robustness in the assumptions that, so far, underlie every version
1930s, of a rural existence resonant of space and relative silence, of the theory.” [22, p. viii]
among those with the opportunity and means of achieving these. But here the greatest weakness of Solow’s growth theory was
Fewer are inclined to ridicule “The Limits to Growth” as they were that it assumed only two factors of production – labour and capi-
in the early years after its first publication in 1972, or its 30-year tal. Because energy and other natural resources contributed little
update published in 2005. Ugo Bardi has recently written “The Lim- to national accounts in monetary terms and therefore (it was
its to Growth Revisited”, where he ends by suggesting that “mind assumed) very little to the economy, they could be ignored. In
sized models” may help understanding and overcome biases, but it fact, as Bob Ayres and Vlasios Voudouris concluded, growth since
is essential to avoid the trap of over-exploitation – a point to which the Industrial Revolution has largely been driven by the increased
I will return in concluding [19]. stock of capital and the supply of useful energy due to the discov-
The discussion of the “Great Acceleration” has followed many ery and exploitation of relatively inexpensive fossil fuels. However,
different paths. Some have seen a need to turn away from “a market Ayres also believes there are good prospects for “a clean-energy
utopia” towards “the reality of society” (as Karl Polanyi put it in future” and a major improvement in the efficiency of energy provi-
“The Great Transformation”, 1944), but for most of us who have sion and use, a view which may be challenged as the 21st Century
observed fascism and socialism at work neither has great appeal evolves [23]. The challenge is likely to arise on two grounds: apart
as both – despite the pretensions of the latter – fail to safeguard from solar energy (with ultra-high voltage direct current transmis-
freedom. Instead, the rest of this paper will focus more closely on sion) there is little evidence that new renewable forms of energy
energy – its supply and uses, as what we seek from energy are the will meet future needs – especially not modern biomass/biofuels –
numerous services it can provide. without chronic adverse side-effects; and the “rebound effect” or
“Jevons’ paradox” is likely to undermine efforts to realise the great
potential for efficiency improvements.
6. Energy and economics It has been suggested that Solow’s neoclassical growth theory
has given way to more practical theories – “evolutionary the-
Since there are some concluding comments on modelling ory” and “endogenous growth theory” – but others shed doubt
these energy challenges, and as many ‘standard’ or ‘neo-classical’ on this. Bob Ayres in recent years has sought to bring together an
economists enjoy excessive dabbling in mathematics, dubious the- endogenous growth theory which is compatible with the laws of
orising, and modelling, a brief survey of the relevance of standard thermodynamics [24]. Others have usefully emphasised the impor-
economic growth theory to energy issues seems appropriate here. tance of “biophysical economics”, such as Charles Hall and Howard
Such a survey inevitably highlights the failures of much economics Odum [1,5].
and many economists.
In a Special Issue of “Energy Policy” on “Oil and Gas Perspectives
in the 21st Century” Robert Ayres and Vlasios Voudouris authored 7. Energy and the shortcomings of the first law of
the first paper – on the economic growth enigma [20]. Bob Ayres thermodynamics
focussed on three matters of great importance: the failure of neo-
classical economic growth theory to take due account of energy Bob Ayres has also for many years pointed to the shortcomings
and other natural resources; the failure to take into account the of the first law of thermodynamics – the idea that energy can only
shortcomings of the first law of thermodynamics; and the failure be converted, not wasted or destroyed. In the process of transfor-
to take due account of the implications of the concept of “useful mation, however, the second law of thermodynamics indicates that
energy”. the initial quality is not conserved. Few economists have addressed
Robert Solow’s famous paper on the theory of economic growth the resulting issues. Bob, as a physicist as well as an economist, has
appeared almost 50 years ago [21]. For those with little interest done so.
in, and less understanding of, its mathematics his final two para- The result of the exposure of the weakness of the first law, and
graphs probably struck a chord. He admitted his analysis was highly implications of the second law, is that there arises the need to
abstract, and that he had “been deliberately as neo-classical as you provide an effective measure of energy use – the minimum energy
can get” [21, p. 93]. He concluded by stating that no credible theory required under ideal conditions to perform the energy tasks desired
of investment can be built on the assumption of perfect foresight – and one which can take account of the whole energy system and
and arbitrage over time. At about the same time there were some its streams. The term “exergy” arose to describe this, and it was
whose belief in any practical relevance of general equilibrium the- apparent that a very high proportion of energy inputs are wasted
ory or perfect competition justifiably went out of the window as against the theoretical ideal as a result of numerous practical limits.
well. Closing the gap between the theoretical optimum and the perfor-
Many years later, Solow’s: “Growth Theory: An Exposition” (2nd mance in practice is the measure of energy efficiency improvement,
ed., 2000) claimed there were no really new or interesting ideas but the extent to which the gap will be closed in the future will
appearing after 1970 until: “What later came to be seen as the remain uncertain.
post-1973 worldwide productivity slowdown, an extraordinarily Probably the best known recent effort to set out global energy
important event (which) was not recognised – could not be recog- flows from primary resource input to final uses is by Jonathan
nised – right away.” [22] This caused amazement in some quarters Cullen and Julian Allwood, first published in “Energy Policy” (2010)
because there had been discussions about a likely future “oil crisis” and reproduced in IIASA’s “Global Energy Assessment” (2012). They
46 M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52

concluded that there is an over 70% loss in transportation; 62% such objective standard of accuracy. Thus there is no acid test for
loss in industry; and a 60% loss in the residential and commer- the validity of an economic model. No economic model proper can
cial sector [25]. In 2005 it was estimated that the overall average serve as a guide for automatic action to either the uninitiated or
efficiency of converting final energy forms into useful energy was even “a consummate economist”. Before repeating what he had
about 34%. (IIASA: [25], p.117). These figures are inevitably “best written in his earlier book, Georgescu-Roegen pointed out: “Every-
estimates”. They also fall far short of the theoretical optimum under one is familiar with the dissatisfaction the average board member
the concept of exergy, or “useful energy”. voices after each conference where some economist has presented
The only other economist who wrote at length on these matters his ‘silly theory’.” [28, p. 333]
was Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen. In Part I of “Analytic Economics:
Issues and Problems” (1966) he drew attention to the fact that he
8. Power densities
believed that “economists have failed to pay attention to this law,
the most economic of physical laws.” [26] He criticised the gen-
There are two further, basic, concepts which those considering
eral practice among economists of representing the material side
global energy challenges in the 21st Century need to consider. The
of the economic process by a closed system (his italics), that is a
first is power densities, a subject covered fully and well over the
mathematical model in which the continuous inflow of low entropy
years by Vaclav Smil. Vaclav has written many relevant books – on
(low availability of a system’s thermal energy for conversion into
energy in history, the links of energy to the biosphere, uncertainties
mechanical work – relating to the second law of thermodynamics)
concerning the future, and on oil. In his most recent four books, and
from the environment is completely ignored. His central concern
in a “primer”, he has written on power densities [29].
was that, as has been recognised from Sadi Carnot in 1824 onwards,
The importance of the power density concept (W/m2 of horizon-
“all known forms of energy move in a unique direction, from a
tal area of land and water surface) is that it measures energy flux.
higher to a lower level”, and there is a continuous “qualitative
Those for the fossil fuels are much higher than those for renew-
degradation of energy” [26, p. 68]. He could recall only one previous
able energy. This has various serious implications for the ultimate
reference to energy in economics (T.C. Koopmans contribution to a
technical potential of energy from “new” renewables; for overall
book published in 1951 – [26, p. 96]. Georgescu-Roegen then pro-
electricity supply; for the reliability of electricity supply (for exam-
vided a critique of “standard economics” and modelling. He wrote:
ple, the issue of intermittency and its implications); for land use
“we must deplore the exaggerated fondness for mathematics which
and water availability; for transmission; and for biodiversity (for
causes many to use that tool even when a simple diagram would
example, the impacts of modern biomass and biofuels), wind tur-
suffice.” [26, p. 115] He later explained that an economic model is
bines (especially where sited in locations where mean wind speeds
merely a simile, a guide only for the initiated who have acquired the
are low); large hydro schemes; and estuarine barrages.
necessary insight “through some laborious training”, and cannot
Smil has found that the power density of natural gas is
dispense with “delicacy and sensitivity of touch” – art, particularly
1000–2000; of coal 100–1000; of oil 150–1000; of thermal power
the art of simple, good writing. He also wrote that “the widespread
plants 120–800; of geothermal 10–20; of tidal power 10–12; of
view that the economist’s role is to analyse alternative policies,
solar PV 4–50; of solar “parks” 4–11; of solar thermal (CSP) 6–10; of
whereas their adoption is the art of statesmanship, is no excuse.
hydro 0.5–15; of wind 0.5–1.5; and of biomass 0.5–0.6. Obviously,
An artless analysis cannot subserve an art.” [26, p. 117]
for solar, wind and biomass location is extremely important (for
Georgescu-Roegen’s other conclusion worth highlighting here
example, levels of direct and indirect solar irradiation; mean wind
was his discussion of the “conflict” between standard economics
speeds; and agricultural fertility). Although these figures are broad
and all other schools of economic thought. Standard economists,
estimates, they are indicative both of the general energy challenges
he asserted, have an inability to understand “obscurantist” ideas,
that confront the World in the 21st Century, and the particular
while their critics reject an idea which reduces the economic pro-
hurdles confronting “new” renewable energy.
cess to a “mechanical analogue”. He considered that: “The much
better faring of standard economics notwithstanding, it is the
position of the historical school that is fundamentally the cor- 9. Energy return on energy invested (EROI)
rect one. The point seems to be winning the consent, however
tacit, of an increasing number of economists.” [26, pp. 124,125] Another important concept is that of energy return on energy
This first sentence is self-evidently correct; the second remains an invested – or, more broadly, energy returned to society over energy
aspiration despite the impact of Herman Daly’s call for “replacing required for obtaining that energy. This concept originated as net
the economic norm of quantitative expansion (growth) with that energy analysis in the works and teaching of Howard Odum [5,30].
of qualitative improvement (development) as the path of future His student Charles Hall, from the late 1970s, began to develop
progress.” [27, p. 1] Supportive of the latter view, Charles Hall the EROI concept and its wider implications, including its high-
and Kent Klitgaard have commented that “economics as a disci- lighting of the weaknesses of standard economics. One of the key
pline rumbles onward year after year with little real change in the books is Charles Hall, Cutler Cleveland and Robert Kaufmann’s:
way that our young people are indoctrinated. This point of view “Energy and Resource Quality: The Ecology of the Economic Pro-
– that much of what is taught in economics is quite divorced from cess” [31]. Among the purposes the authors had in writing the
biophysical reality – is apparent to most of our students.” [1, p. 303] book stemmed: “in large part from our considerable dissatisfac-
In “The Entropy Law and the Economic Process”, 1971, tion with much of modern economic theory, and with the policies
Georgescu-Roegen returned to many of his earlier themes, with that are based on that body of theory. In our opinion, there has
a clear progression from theoretical science to “the economic sci- been little or no sophisticated treatment of the physical attributes
ence” [28]. He concluded that it would be absurd to rely upon of the resource base in much of modern economic theory or in the
ordinary logic alone whenever a mathematical tool can be used, standard economics textbooks even though those resources are the
but he castigated economists who claimed that it is irrelevant to basis for economic productivity and virtually all wealth.” [31, p. xii]
point out the inaccuracy of economic models. He compared and The authors remind us, having adversely criticised Robert Solow’s
contrasted models in physics, which must be accurate “in rela- growth theory, that another Nobel laureate in economics – Wassily
tion to the sharpest measuring instrument existing at the time. Leontief – lamented “the fact that modern economics has empha-
If not, the model is discarded.” In the social sciences there is no sised increasingly highly theoretical analyses that often have little
M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52 47

bearing on what is going on in the real world.” [31, p. xi] Leontieff, availability for many years to come, and adequate to avoid serious
it may be recalled, wrote for quite a wide audience in such publi- upward price movements.
cations as “Science” and “Scientific American”. Although a highly The standard sources (Oil & Gas Journal, BP Statistical Review,
quantitative economist, and one who had attempted to formulate IEA, US-EIA and CIA, and OPEC) all nowadays quote roughly the
a general equilibrium theory capable of empirical implementation, same figure – 1688 billion barrels at end-2013 (BP Statistical
Leontieff railed against moving from more or less plausible assump- Review of World Energy, 2014). But this figure includes Venezuelan
tions to elegantly demonstrated, but irrelevant, conclusions. heavy oil (which explains an increase of some 275 billion barrels
Charles Hall had provided some estimates of EROI from the liter- in the overall figure), which is not conventional oil. The total also
ature in Hall and Klitgaard (1, p. 313), and contributed with Jessica includes Canadian tar sands, which explain a further increase of
Lambert and Steven Balogh on this topic to the January, 2014, Spe- some 166 billion barrels, and again is not conventional oil. Finally,
cial Issue published in “Energy Policy”. In Table 1 of the Special in response to OPEC production quota figures introduced by OPEC
Issue (supra p. 145), they provided nearly 40 published EROI val- in the face of declining oil prices in the early 1980s, most OPEC
ues. It was clear from these that the EROIs of the fossil fuels had Member States changed the basis of their calculation of proved
been declining since 1970, but remain well above those for “new” conventional oil reserves from a 90% probability (P90 or P1) to
renewables, especially biomass, solar and wind. Like the evidence a 50% probability (P50 or P2). Previously “proved” conventional
on power densities, the precise numbers are elusive. Just to take a oil reserves had meant a 90% probability of existence and extrac-
simple example: wind turbines. In the January, 2014, “Energy Pol- tion, whereas 50% reflected “proved plus probable”. As a result
icy” paper wind turbines are given a mean EROI of 18:1 (quoting five Middle East producers increased their claimed proved reserves
Kubiszewski and Cleveland, 2007), the same figure and source as by nearly 450 billion barrels, of which Iraq accounted for 120 bil-
appeared in Hall and Klitgaard. But in England’s Cumbria there are lion barrels; Iran for 99 billion barrels; Saudi Arabia for 98 billion
two wind energy developments 2.3 km apart – Lowca and Siddick. barrels; the UAE for 67 billion barrels; Kuwait for 33 billion bar-
At Lowca the rolling annual average capacity factor achieved since rels; and Libya for 19 billion barrels. Thus the standard estimate of
the development started up in 2002 is 29.6%; at Siddick, which proved conventional oil has arguably been expanded by some 880
started up at the same time, the rolling average is 19.6%. Or take billion barrels, whereas under the proper definition the total global
the Companion Guide to the UK’s renewable energy planning guid- volume is slightly under half of what is now claimed.
ance (PPS 22) that operated for several years from 2004 and still Of course, consideration needs to be given to how much con-
has some influence. There it was claimed that the capacity factors ventional oil in situ can be extracted by more advanced technology,
for wind energy developments in the UK ranged from 20% to 50%, and the existence of non-conventional oil and the potential contrib-
and averaged 30%, per annum. Yet in 2010 nearly 60% of England’s utions of conventional and non-conventional natural gas. But there
onshore wind energy developments failed even to reach a capacity has been little evidence of significant new finds of conventional oil
factor of 20%. The general picture of generally low modern renew- in the OPEC Member States for many years (although there could
able energy EROIs is clear – and disturbing for those considering be significant potential in Iraq/Kurdistan), and resources elsewhere
the energy challenges of the 21st Century. (mostly offshore) are not considered to revolutionise availability.
The January, 2014, Special Issue also provided the opportunity Parallel with these developments within the past decade have been
to draw on the EROI concept to offer enlightenment at the soci- the frequent references to fracking gas and oil, accompanied by
etal level, and in particular a new composite energy index (the large swings in expectations.
Lambert Energy Index), a subject about which a book is shortly to This situation is of great importance both in terms of percep-
appear (Lambert, J. and G.: “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Energy: tions and reality. First, previous periods of rapid oil price rises
Understanding the Psychology of Depleting Oil Resources”). (even where they have fallen back again) have been a major cause
of economic recession over the past 40 years in numerous indus-
trial nations as James Hamilton has shown [33]. Secondly, although
10. The challenge of the “peak oil” hypothesis there have been several forces operating on oil prices (the low price
elasticity of demand, strong growth of demand in many industrial-
Those of us who were directly involved in the oil industry in ising countries led by China, demand growth due partly to ongoing
the 1970s (and were anticipating an oil “crisis” from at least 1971) subsidies in the Middle East and elsewhere, temporary ‘boom’ con-
would converse frequently about the “oil mountain” – or, as is ditions in some leading industrial nations, and failure of global
now standard terminology, the Hubbert “bell curve”, not that Mar- production to expand in line with demand) scarcity rent is likely
ion King Hubbert ever claimed the pattern of oil extraction and to play an increasingly important role in oil prices. Other concerns
depletion would be a neat bell curve. For anyone who does not have been expressed, such as structural issues which could impact
believe this is a very old story, they are invited to read a paper on both oil supply and demand. For example, there is great uncer-
by Hans DuMoulin and John Eyre: “Energy Scenarios: A Learning tainty over whether technical developments in the transportation
Process”, Energy Economics, April, 1979, pp. 76–86. What is now sector (oil products continue to supply some 90% of the world’s
debated under the heading “peak oil” has aroused much contro- transportation requirements) will result in global demand for oil
versy in recent years. Contributors to the January, 2014, Special in the transportation sector declining significantly. Much of that
Issue included Charles Hall and Kjell Aleklett, who have provided uncertainty arises from questions about the sources of electricity
very useful input over the years. John Hallock, Charles Hall, Wu required for electric or hybrid vehicles (coal, natural gas?), and the
Wei and this author have had papers published in this field [32]. loss of interest in fuel-celled vehicles apparent over the past decade
Ian Chapman covered this topic in the Special Issue previously men- or so – which may be about to reverse. Conventional oil price rises
tioned, referencing over 100 books and papers – merely a selection are therefore increasingly likely to snuff out incipient economic
of what is available. expansion or halt an economic boom in oil-importing countries.
There has been a great deal of controversy over the “peak oil” This is what has been termed “the global curse of black gold” [33].
issue, for reasons that remain difficult to comprehend since the Although non-conventional oil resources appear huge, it has
pattern is very clear for most producing countries [32]. The issue been estimated that only about 300 billion barrels (25% of the
concerns “proved” reserves of conventional oil – not any other sort estimated resource base) are recoverable; a similar quantity of tar
of oil – and whether these are sufficiently substantial to ensure sands are estimated to be recoverable (about 12.5% of the estimated
48 M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52

resource base), and about 600 billion barrels of oil shale (about 15% developers to build electricity-generating plants for a “preferred
of the estimated resource base). The recovery of the various non- feedstock” of palm oil – notwithstanding evidence (from, inter alia,
conventional oil resources will involve considerable quantities of the World Resources Institute), that on average 33 tonnes of car-
energy, water, and chemical inputs, driving their EROI down even bon dioxide are emitted for every tonne of palm oil produced in
further and their costs even higher. Indonesia – so before transhipment to point of combustion – and
Each of these resources is unlikely to supply today’s global also with severely adverse effects on forestation, wildlife habitats,
demand for more than 20 years, and their quality is inferior to and species’ survival [35].
conventional sources, generally more costly to exploit, and more Concerns about wind and solar energy are widely based. Their
likely to be associated with adverse environmental impacts. As use of “rare earth” materials such as neodymium, dysprosium,
Colin Campbell and Jean Laherrere pointed out, when ending their terbium, europium, and yttrium – all relatively scarce and energy-
famous article in the March, 1998, issue of “Scientific American” intensive, and also used in electric vehicles, car batteries, and
(“The End of Cheap Oil”): “The world is not running out of oil – at energy-efficient lamps. Other “critical”, though not “rare earth”,
least not yet. What our society does face, and soon, is the end of materials used for solar PV are indium and tellium, which are
abundant and cheap oil on which all industrial nations depend.” exceptionally scarce. In some cases their use involves widespread
That is a strong reminder of what Joseph Tainter and others previ- ground and water pollution and, for instance with the melting of
ously referred to in this paper have warned about. silicon rock for solar panels, heating up to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit
Recoverable resources of conventional and non-conventional – much of it by burning coal.
natural gas are also huge, but again finite (with concerns about China currently accounts for some 97% of the global production
the availability post-2035 rising despite recent shale gas develop- of “rare earth” metals, but recently began cutting back its exports,
ments – in the USA large initial output in some areas appears to have claiming this was required to protect its environment (in some
faltered), and their cost of recovery is likely to increase consider- places the local land and water pollution is extremely severe). As a
ably. The history of exploiting the most readily available, and least result the prices of “rare earth” metals: “have skyrocketed, and the
costly, energy resources confirmed once more. The exploitation of clean energy industry is in turmoil.” Those economies where the
coal, hampered in most countries by concerns about carbon emis- demand for these “rare earth” and “critical” materials is greatest –
sions, is also constrained by the limits on the stable sequestration the USA, EU and Japan – have begun to take the first steps towards
of the resulting carbon. reducing their dependency on Chinese supplies [36].
Wind energy is having a major impact on bird mortality, as birds
collide with turbines; and can affect human health as a result of
11. New renewable energy prospects amplitude modulation from wind turbine blades affecting sleep-
ing patterns for some local residents, as well as worries about
Concern for the prospects for the fossil fuels, partly due to avail- reductions in nearby residential property values. Dam failures, with
ability (including fears of supply disruption) and partly due to the resultant human fatalities, can result from hydropower. Estuarine
associated carbon emissions, has promoted greater interest in and barrages can destroy the local ecology, and adversely affect migra-
support for new renewable energy sources. Much of this interest tory and over-wintering birds in particular. Residential property
has been rather uncritical, and much of the support encouraged by values can be reduced, and for many rural dwellers visual intru-
the subsidies that have been made available. sion, especially in attractive landscapes and close to historic assets,
The promotion of modern biomass and biofuels has had adverse are serious issues. Solar parks can also result in visual intrusion
impacts on food and water availability, and on ecosystems and bio- as well as reducing agricultural land otherwise available for food
diversity, as the IPCC Working Group II’s Fifth Assessment makes production.
clear. This has been widely remarked upon, not least by those For many urban dwellers (who now represent over 50% of the
considering the causes of food and food price riots in 47 countries in world’s population, and this percentage will grow steadily), local
2008. What is therefore most surprising is that, although the IPCC’s rural issues no longer influence them greatly – a “Great Discon-
Working Group II Fifth Assessment Report made clear in its Techni- nect” has occurred. Vocal rural minorities have sprung up, scarcely
cal Summary that these negative effects had already occurred and understood by either urban dwellers or developers, but whose con-
were likely to intensify unless reversed (TS pps. 33, 35, 43 and 56, cerns are not merely opposition to anything in their backyard (the
for example), and reflected views expressed in supporting chapters contentious NIMBY labelling). Here again there are dangers in over-
(notably Chapter 9, pp. 3, 17, 31, and 33; but also and especially generalisation. There appear to be significant differences between
Chapter 19, pp. 17, 21), not a word of these concerns appeared in countries when it comes to rural countryside protection concerns.
the Summary for Policymakers. This seems very strange, and was In England they appear to be stronger than in The Netherlands or
presumably a deliberate decision made on political grounds [34]. Germany [37]. More generally, it may be the case that our knowl-
By contrast the Summary for Policymakers of Working Group edge of, and level of interest in, the economics of ecosystems and
III’s AR5 Report (approved on April 12th, 2014) mentions other biodiversity remain at a rather primitive level and need to be raised
“new” renewable forms of energy on page 23, but not modern [38].
biomass or biofuels, in a positive manner. On page 28, however, Perhaps an over-riding concern is that as human activities
there are warnings of issues to be considered with bioenergy, appear to have contributed to a modest increase in near-surface
namely: emissions from land, food security, water resources, biodi- global warming during much of the 20th Century of around 0.8 ◦ C
versity considerations, and livelihoods. There is a need for heavily (and it is highly likely that the increase in atmospheric concen-
reliance on efficient biomass-to-bioenergy systems and sustain- tration of certain gases is the result of human activities) then
able land-use management and governance – criteria which have sound adaptation and mitigation policies, measures, and schemes
already been found wanting. are required. This is not to form a judgement about future near-
Quite apart from the knock-on effects of the massive switch of surface temperature changes given the imperfections of climate
corn and soya bean production to biofuels in the USA, which has models; the possible impact of solar variations; the carbon emis-
had many negative global impacts, there have been many strange sions’ absorptive capacity of the oceans; and the roles of water
more local decisions. Among these is the decision-making of UK vapour and clouds. Some consider that the climate models, their
Planning Inspectors who have, for example, given permission for results, and the manner in which they are presented, tend to
M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52 49

exaggerate the warming outlook [39]. What seems rather obvious, Disconnect between the city and the countryside, and increasing
even to some of those with many years of involvement with the impositions by urban communities on rural ones in the areas of
IPCC, is that neither the “climate sceptics” with what may appear food, water and energy matters. This brings us back to “The Limits
to be their root-and-branch opposition to mitigation, nor those of Growth” and the earlier history of declining marginal returns on
who proclaim the coming consequences of anthropogenic climatic energy investment.
change with almost religious conviction, are necessarily correct. It is not even that one can place faith in international insti-
These are very complex matters where we simply do not know tutions to make significant contributions in this field. The eight
enough to comprehend what the future may hold. Thus sound pre- Millennium Goals produced by the UN, which ran to 32 para-
cautionary measures seem the rational way forward. graphs over nine pages, failed to mention the word energy once.
That does not mean massive modern biomass or biofuel devel- The Rio Declaration itself subsumed energy matters under the
opments which wreck ecosystems and biodiversity, or food and heading protection of the atmosphere. Rio + 20 did little bet-
water availability. It does not mean placing wind turbines where ter, and although there have been spasmodic efforts to promote
mean wind speeds are low and the environs are sensitive to humans access to modern energy services little has been achieved via the
and wildlife. It does not mean placing solar “parks” or PV panels UN system. The diversity of national governments’ interests and
where neither direct nor indirect solar irradiation is dense. policies offer no more encouragement, with even those which
What may be required is a Promethean Leap to another level claim to be addressing the key issues – energy, food, water avail-
of energy provision (such as, it is claimed in Ancient Greek legend, ability – engaged in activities having unintended consequences
occurred when Prometheus stole the gift of fire from Olympus for [44].
the benefit of humanity), and thus of its nature unknowable, to
a low carbon energy form that could be supplied in the required
quantities. The IPCC Working Group III AR5 Report suggests that 13. The need for re-thinking
nuclear power could make an increasing contribution, although it
recognises that its share in global electricity production has been So in conclusion we return to the question posed in the title of
declining since 1993 and a number of well-known barriers con- this paper: how much of this can be expressed through mathemat-
tinue to exist (heightened by what many consider the unreasonable ics, through the equations and theories expounded so frequently
panic and foolish responses of some governments following the by standard economists, and by modelling so many variables
Fukushima incident). Whether a move from uranium to thorium, requiring imagination and careful thought? What has been written
as a precursor to the long and hitherto elusive search for nuclear here is quite simple and, hopefully, expressed in simple English.
fusion, will provide the way forward is one speculative possibility, How much of it can be successfully modelled? How many vari-
though with prospects recently damaged by the finding that 96 kg ables are there? Can the attempt to model the totality of future
of thorium appear to have disappeared in the USA [40]. global energy prospects be done in such a way as to avoid hin-
dering imaginative reflection on future possibilities? The values
of models would appear to be two-fold: to examine a limited
12. A need for more fundamental change? field of mainly physical properties – such as the availability of a
seemingly fixed volume of energy resources against alternative
Ted Trainer (who contributed the final paper in the January, future demand possibilities; and to test the logic of particular
2014, Special Issue of “Energy Policy” under the heading “Some aspects of forward projections, including those covered in alter-
Inconvenient Theses”) has argued that renewable energy cannot native scenarios. Both properties have potential benefits. But the
sustain a consumer society built upon the ever greater acquisition second, where it shows there is an infeasibility or lack of ade-
of consumer goods and services that “modern” societies claim to quate logic in a scenario’s proposition, does not then mean that
require. The costs are simply too great [41]. Instead, he argues that the model has provided, or can provide, the correct answer. As
there is no alternative (TINA) than to shift to The Simpler Way Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen pointed out, the most obvious merit
(TSW) of living [42]. Ted believes that the practical strategy to of an anthropomorphic model is to bring to light important errors
achieve this is local co-operative development – ideally through in the works of literary economists who reasoned dialectically. It
gardens and workshops, especially in towns and cities [42, p. 302 is an expedient way of detecting errors in some mental operations.
ff.]. Others, considering that there are limits to the problem-solving But if the model reveals no error it does not mean that the dialecti-
capacity of human beings, sceptical of the belief in technological cal argument or the mathematical calculation is wholly correct [28,
optimism for finding a route out of the challenges increasingly p. 337].
facing human society in the 21st Century, accept Garrett Hardin’s Already, along the way, sceptics have been quoted – quite a
work on “the tragedy of the Commons” and have a profoundly pes- number of them highly numerate people who have not hesitated
simistic outlook [43]. For example, although Smith and Positano (much at least) to engage in modelling. It will be clear by now that
recognise there may be benefits to be derived from the Transitional many experienced people do not think much of the modellers claim
Towns Movement, they believe all such movements require the that if we have a thought it is a mental model. For many, a model is
existence of socially co-operative communities, and they consider a set of equations wrapped up in mathematical jargon, subsuming
these do not exist because of the dictates of consumer society and a mass of variables, which results in something rarely compre-
the increasing diversity of urban populations [43, p. 98]. They con- hensible or practical on close examination. In his book “Analytical
clude by stating that “the iceberg of ecological scarcity lies ahead Economics” Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen referred approvingly to
and the crash of our world . . . now is inevitable. A new, savage Dark Erwin Schrodinger’s “What is Life” (1955), which expressed the
Age is coming.” [43, p. 134] thought that “the difficulty of analysing the process of life does
Given that the majority of the world’s population is already not reside in the complication of mathematics, but in the fact that
urbanised, and this trend is expected to continue to the point that the process is too complicated for mathematics.” [26, p. 415] Tony
around 80% of the world’s population is urbanised before 2100, it is Lawson is by no means alone in having concluded that academic
difficult to believe that large-scale co-operative endeavours to meet economics is not in a healthy state, is usually unable to forecast or
basic needs will spring up on a large scale in urban communities. explain any actual event or situation, and indeed is unlikely ever to
For many rural dwellers it seems obvious that there is a Growing do so [45].
50 M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52

We are, in short, in the realm of what the late George Shackle for testing ideas and consequences over a carefully declared area
termed “the unknowable”, where we are hindered by “unfore- of specific issues relating to energy policy-making. This is not a
knowledge”. Most modellers appear to be uninterested in the sorts suggestion for global models seeking to encompass every possible
of historical background and fundamental constraints which have factor which might be relevant to energy prospects (covering social,
been touched upon in this paper. There are approaches and tech- economic, political, institutional, and environmental aspects) – one
niques which may help to explain and prepare for some of the such exercise 40 years ago had some 3200 linear equations and
uncertainties which lie ahead, particularly the multiple scenario its first run took over 19 h 50 min of central processing unit time.
approach which George Shackle seized upon in the closing years of The Chief Economist of the organisation concerned had refused to
his life. participate even then on the ground of its impracticality and cost.
Shackle wrote about economics and uncertainty over a long Processing speeds have greatly speeded up over recent years, but
period – from 1939 to 1990 – and for much of that time con- the impossibility of finalising a truly meaningful task of such a scale
cluded that a lack of knowledge about the future meant it was remains, I believe, beyond us [52].
impossible to get around the pitfalls created by uncertainty. His More circumscribed modelling activity, when in the hands of
contributions to economic thought have been well covered in a those who can do the mathematics, are sufficiently conversant with
book of essays published in his memory, but the links to scenario the relevant history and particular circumstances of – say – an
analysis all too briefly [46]. In particular, although reference is made industry, and have practical experience which gives some confi-
in this book to contributions by Brian Loasby and this writer [46, dence in their ability to assess the current situation and prospects,
pp. 26, 311], there is no reference to the important chapter that may be of use. In the case of Shell this is well demonstrated in its
George wrote: “To Cope with Time”, which appeared in a book pub- recent modelling work, initially for its “Scramble” and “Blueprints”
lished in 1984 [47]. There he discussed Shell’s multiple scenario scenarios [53], and then for its most recent and particularly fas-
approach, which he concluded came very close to his own concept cinating “New Lens Scenarios” (“Mountains” and “Oceans”) [54].
of “a skein of imagined sequels deemed possible” and by adopt- Martin Haigh has outlined the first model (WEM v1) in “Shell’s
ing the notion of possibility rather than probability (except in a World Energy Model: A model developed for Shell Energy Scenar-
purely subjective sense) matched it completely. His turn of phrase ios to 2050” [55]. This model has been re-built (WEM v2) for the
is often interesting, as in the danger “of (necessarily subjective) “New Lens Scenarios”. It is described as a comprehensive model of
assigning probabilities to supposable aspects of history-to-come. the world’s supply and demand for energy at a global level, inte-
If such a development is seen as both possible and important (if grating economic evidence on aggregate demand for energy and
it can happen and make a great difference if it did) then it ought the choices influencing the energy mix. The possible availability,
to figure in one of the scenarios.” He was unstinting in his thanks access and speed of development of different resources and tech-
to Shell for its “incisive audacity of thought and policy” [47, pp. nologies are also covered. Its purpose is to assess how different
78,79]. Brian Loasby followed with a short contribution on scenar- drivers changing over time could affect a transition to a substan-
ios and decision-making [47, pp. 80–83]. The two contributions, by tially different energy system over the next five decades. The model
Loasby and the present writer are in [48]. Hitherto unpublished was “integral to the development of the scenarios “Scramble” and
correspondence between George Shackle and this writer on his “Blueprints”, and provided the detailed quantification underlying
reactions to Shell’s scenarios work have recently been published. them.”
[49] It is relevant to note for the purposes of the present paper,
Brian Loasby did not gloss over the challenges of getting com- however, that the model’s analysis was limited “to the energy sys-
mitment to the multiple scenario approach, nor of the risk that tem itself”, there was no attempt made “to model explicitly wider
poorly assessed scenarios having created an illusion of reliability interactions with the economy, nor major feedback into changes
fail to anticipate discontinuities. Shell’s scenario work has not been in society, politics or ecosystems.” There were also around 40
free of the former, as Angela Wilkinson and Roland Kupers’ recently inputs left to users to quantify – hopefully consistent with the
published history of Shell’s scenario work: “The Essence of Scenar- scenario story being developed. Thus the modelling work carried
ios” indicates, but the process has also encouraged curiosity and out was used to underpin many aspects of the energy system,
openness [50]. They have raised the important question: “It is not globally and for the top 70 countries in energy demand terms,
clear at this point, whether or how such scenarios would address and would seem to have served a useful purpose in helping to
an ‘elephant in the room’ kind of question like that raised by the underpin those aspects of the scenarios’ development. But this is
2008 global financial crisis, such as: Has the Anglo-Saxon model of only part of the work required in developing scenarios – where
capitalism reached its sell-by date? What comes after the economic imagination, past history, and a literary approach have profound
myth?” [50, p. 73] importance.
It should be clear from what has been written earlier, given Vlasios Voudouris and colleagues who contributed the paper
past history and the range of future possibilities, that meaning- on “Exploring the production of natural gas through the lenses
ful scenarios can be developed to cover a reasonable range of of the ACEGES model” have pointed a way [56]. This agent-based
future possibilities – a range which many people may consider very Computational Economics of the Global Energy System (ACEGES)
wide and include some very challenging and pessimistic possibil- modelling approach can also help with aspects of general scenario
ities. Forty years ago Shell’s scenario team developed the World work and shed light on more specific issues. It recognises that the
of Internal Contradictions scenario, which in its essence has stood process of generating scenarios is primarily a “non-mechanistic
the test of time well. Shell’s medium-term scenario work effec- mental process” but the model can help the exploration of plausible
tively anticipated the 1973 and 1979 “oil crises”. Shell’s latest future developments by means of computational experiments in an
“New Lens” scenarios – “Mountains” and “Oceans”, which were dis- interactive way. The emphasis is on historical observations, ‘forces
cussed by Jeremy Bentham, Head of Shell’s Scenarios Team, in the in the pipeline’, and personal experience. It is believed this contri-
January Special Issue of “Energy Policy”, are powerful and thought- bution by Vlasios and his colleagues is the first time the agent-based
provoking [51]. modelling framework has been used “to explore forward-looking
Where scenarios may fail is in exploring vulnerabilities to the scenarios of natural gas production.” [56, p. 125] This is not far
extent policymakers, bureaucrats, and decision-makers would like, away from the “mini-models” which Aart Beijdorff introduced into
if they care to bend their minds to such issues. Here there is room Shell’s scenario work from the mid-1970s.
M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52 51

14. Conclusions [12] A more recent summary is in, Jefferson M. Climate change: how much do
we really know? London Metropolitan Business School Working Paper No. 9:
Centre for International Business & Sustainability; 2010, March.
From its outset this paper has expressed the need to re-think the [13] Rackham Oliver, Jennifer Moody. The making of the Cretan landscape. Man-
standard approaches to energy research/analysis and appraisals of chester: Manchester University Press; 1996. p. 122.
energy policy given the challenges for the 21st Century. Fundamen- [14] Grove AT, Oliver Rackham:. The nature of Mediterranean Europe: an ecological
history. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2001. p. 166.
tal questions have been raised about the realism of much economic [15] (a) Cline EH. 177 BC: the year civilization collapsed. Princeton: Princeton Uni-
theory, standard modelling approaches, and the excessive use of versity Press; 2014;
mathematics in approaching energy research and policy issues. (b) Abulafia David. The great sea: a human history of the Mediterranean. Lon-
don: Allen Lane; 2011;
Instead we need to consider practicalities against a background (c) Paine L. The sea and civilization: a maritime history of the world. London:
of what we can usefully draw upon in history, and down-to-earth Atlantic Books. For support when in difficulty, Abulafia; 2014. p. 164. For sup-
assessments of what forces are already in the pipeline and how port when in difficulty,;
(d) Berthold, Richard M. Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age. Ithaca: Cornell Univer-
they seem likely to impact upon our futures. sity Press; 1984. p. 92–3.
Such concerns are not confined to energy research and pol- [16] Crutzen PJ, Christian S. Living in the Anthropocene: toward a new global ethos.
icy issues. They are of much wider relevance. Richard Bronk in [http://e360.yale.edu/content/print.msp?id=2363].
[17] For Bacon, see: Darwall, Rupert: “The Age of Global Warming: A History”, 2013.
“The Romantic Economist” has challenged: “the research prac- London: Quartet Books, p. 8. For Newcomen: Lovelock, James: “A Rough Ride
tices and assumptions used by most economists”; the importance to the Future, 2014. London: Allen Lane, p.4. For “since the 1800s” Steffen
of “Romanticism” in the literary tradition; and the limitations of W, Jacques G, Paul C, John M. The Anthropocene: conceptual and historical
perspectives. Philos Trans R Soc 2011;369:842–67.
economists’ modelling [57]. This paper, while focussed on energy
[18] Steffen W, et al. Global change and the earth system. The IGBP global change
matters, fits well alongside his work and thinking – including, most series. Berlin: Springer; 2004.
unusually in this day and age, the thinking of George Shackle. It [19] Bardi U. The limits to growth revisited. New York: Springer; 2011. p. 104.
ends, as does Richard Bronk’s book, by stressing that “in the lan- [20] Ayres R, Vlasios V. The economic growth enigma: capital, labour and useful
energy? Energy Policy 2014;(January (64)):16–28.
guage of Romanticism, all economic models – indeed all paradigms [21] Solow R. A contribution to the theory of economic growth. Quart J Econ
– are fragments in the search for a unified understanding.” (p. 292) February 1956;1(70):65–94.
He also warns that the models we use structure and distort our [22] Solow Robert M. Growth theory: an exposition. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford Uni-
versity Press; 2000.
vision, and divert our attention away from complicating factors. [23] Ayres RU, Ayres EH. Crossing the energy divide: moving from fossil fuel depend-
It was encouraging to read in the Technical Summary of the ence to a clean-energy future. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Wharton School
Working Group II Fifth Assessment Report: “Increasing efforts to Publishing; 2010.
[24] Robert Ayres has been writing in this field since the 1970s (for example: Ayres,
mitigate and adapt to climate change imply an increasing complex- Robert U.: “Uncertain Futures: Challenge for Decision-Makers”, 1979. New
ity of interactions, particularly at the intersections among water, York: John Wiley). In Ayres, Robert U. and Benjamin Warr: “The Economic
energy, land use, and biodiversity, but tools to understand and Growth Engine: How Energy and Work Drive Material Prosperity”, 2009. Chel-
tenham: IIASA/Edward Elgar, p. 296 there is discussion of the issues discussed
manage these interactions remain limited (very high confidence)” –
in the text above.
italics in the original [34, supra, p. 33]. But no sooner had this report [25] (a) Cullen JM, Allwood JM. The efficient use of energy: tracing the global flow
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Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2012), p. 45 (Technical Summary)
When will we ever learn? and p. 109 (Energy Primer). Other relevant material there includes Fig. 1.13
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52 M. Jefferson / Energy Research & Social Science 4 (2014) 42–52

[35] For a fuller discussion of this issue others covered in this section see:Jefferson [48] (a) Loasby BF. The use of scenarios in business planning. In: Frowen Stephen
M. A renewable energy future? In: Fouquet R, editor. Handbook on energy and F, editor. Unknowledge and choice in economics: proceedings of a confer-
climate change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; 2013. p. 254–69. ence in honour of G. L. S. Shackle. New York: St. Martin’s Press; 1990.
[36] Baldi L, Massimo P, Daniela V. Clean energy industries and rare earth materials: p. 46–63;
economic and financial issues. Energy Policy 2014;66:53–61. (b) Jefferson M. Economic uncertainty and business decision-making. In:
[37] Devine-Wright Patrick. Renewable energy and the public: from NIMBY to par- Wiseman J, editor. Beyond positive economics? London: Macmillan; 1983. p.
ticipation. London:Earthscan 2011:83; 122–59;
See also Place attachment: advances in theory, methods and applications See (c) Loasby BJ. Uncertainty and imagination, illusion and order: Shackleian con-
also. Abingdon: Routledge; 2014. nections. Camb J Econ 2011;35:771–83.
[38] Helm D, Cameron H. Nature in the balance: the economics of biodiversity. [49] Jefferson M. The passage of time: shackle, shell and scenarios. In: Earl PE, Bruce
Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2014. L, editors. “George Shackle”, great thinkers in economics series. Basingstoke:
[39] See for example:, Lewis N, Marcel C. A sensitive matter: how the IPCC buried Palgrave; 2014.
evidence showing good news about global warming. London: The Global [50] Wilkinson Angela, Roland Kupers. The essence of scenarios: learning from the
Warming Policy Foundation; 2014. shell experience. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press; 2014 [see also my
[40] (a) See for example:, Weinberg AM. The first nuclear era: the life and times of review (forthcoming in “Technological Forecasting & Social Change”, 2014)].
a technological fixer. New York: American Institute of Physics; 1994; [51] Bentham, Jeremy. The scenario approach to possible futures for oil and natural
(b) Cravens G. Power to save the world: the truth about nuclear energy. New gas. Energy Policy 2014;64:87–92.
York: Vintage Books; 2008; [52] Jefferson M. Shell scenarios: what really happened in the 1970s and what
(c) Mahaffey J. Atomic awakening: a new look at the history and future of may be learned for current world perspectives. Technol Forecast Soc Change
nuclear power. New York: Pegasus Books; 2009; 2012;79:186–97.
(d) Richard M. Super fuel: thorium, the green energy source for the future. New [53] Shell energy scenarios to 2050, 2008. Shell energy scenarios to 2050: sig-
York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2012; nals and signposts: an era of violent transitions. Shell International B.V.;
(e) Thorium reactors: Asgard’s fire. The Economist 2014;(April):83–4. 2011.
[41] Trainer T. Renewable energy cannot sustain a consumer society. Dordrecht: [54] New lens scenarios: a shift in perspective for a world in transition. Shell Inter-
Springer; 2007. national B.V.; 2013.
[42] (a) Trainer T. Towards a sustainable economy: the need for fundamental [55] Haigh, M. Shell’s World Energy Model: A model developed for Shell Energy
change. Oxford: Jon Carpenter; 1996; Scenarios to 2050. Shell International B.V. [martin.haigh@shell.com].
(b) Trainer T. The transition to a sustainable and just world. Canterbury, New [56] Voudouris Vlasios, et al. Exploring the production of natural gas through the
South Wales: Envirobook; 2010. lenses of the ACEGES model. Energy Policy 2014;64:124–33.
[43] (a) Smith John Wayne, Sandro Positano:. The self-destructive affluence of the [57] Bronk Richard. The romantic economist: imagination in economics.
first world: the coming crisis of global poverty and ecological collapse. Lewiston Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009.
(New York): Edward Mellen Press; 2010; [58] “The Times” of London, April 2; 2104, p. 1.
(b) Hardin G. Living within limits: ecology, economics, and population taboos.
Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1993. Michael Jefferson is Affiliate Professor in Energy & Commodities, ESCP Europe Busi-
[44] For a lengthier discussion of these issues see:Jefferson M. Challenges to global ness School, and an Advisory Board Member of ESCP Europe’s Research Centre for
energy policy and supply security. In: Filho WL, Vlasios V, editors. Global energy Energy Management; a Visiting Professor at the University of Buckingham; recently
policy and security. London: Springer; 2013. p. 27–44. an Editor of the journal “Energy Policy”, and now a member of the journal’s Interna-
[45] Lawson Tony. Economics and reality. London: Routledge; 1997. tional Advisory Board. He was in Shell’s scenario team in the 1970s when he was the
[46] Earl PE, Frowen SF, editors. Economics as an art of thought: essays in memory Royal Dutch/Shell Group’s Chief Economist; then Head of Planning in Shell’s Euro-
of G. L. S. Shackle (1903–1992). London: Routledge; 2000. pean Organisation; a Director of Oil Supply and Trading in Scandinavia; and Head
[47] Stephen Frank H, editor. Firms, organization and labour: approaches to the of Pricing in Shell International Petroleum’s Supply & Marketing Function. He later
Economics of Work Organization. London: Macmillan; 1984. spent ten years as Deputy Secretary-General of the World Energy Council.

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