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Name : Devita Eka Lestari

Student Number : 06011381823052

Summary Digital Media and Learning

Digital media in education refers to the use of interactive multimedia in the classroom

setting. Digital media involves incorporating multiple digital softwares, device, and platforms as a
tool for learning. Digital media in education are growing rapidly in today's age compete with
books as the leading means of communication in the classroom.Digital learning doesn't only help
you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, it enables your teachers to track your progress too.
They will have an easily accessible online record of all your work, and they'll be able to monitor
your engagement as well. Digital media takes several different forms, such
as email, video, websites, photos, and slideshows. In a study done by Alison Cook-Sather,
students tend to be more comfortable with communicating by e-mail. Emails allow direct
communication with a student and teacher outside the classroom. Students can have dialogue at
any time with their professors on problems or questions they are having. this allows students and
teachers to advance communication techniques even out of the classroom. Through visual
presentations students and professors can put forth their information with video and photo for
context or engagement. Showcasing their topic through video and photo has become a major tool
in the classroom for more visual learners. For example, in an article by Jon M. Wargo and Kara
Clayton, U.S. secondary students amplified by a global political climate of fear, oppression, and
increased nationalism, used multimodal composition, and video production in particular, as a
means to participate in politics and voice their opinion. Through video production students were
able to create a message and display it to a larger audience. The study showed that presenting
information in the form of a video production increased student interactions with the
assignment. Students felt more in control of their work, and production process allowed for them
to voice their own opinions. Through the internet and websites like Google
Classroom, Canvas, Blackboard, Slack, Discord, students, and s professors can obtain and share
information and assignments in one place. this use of digital media in education allows students to
access more useful information, communicate and, find opportunities all inside there classes. As
time has passed different forms of digital media, such as laptops, video, and online research have
been incorporated into daily education.
Benefits and Implication of Digital Media in Education
The main benefits of digital media in an education is that, it can increase student engagement. In
addition, it helps students work through difficult concepts. Digital instruction helps show difficult
topics that are often hard to understand. When students use digital technology in a course, all the
students in the classroom have the opportunity to hone those digital skills. The main implications
of digital media in an education is that, it allows teachers and students the opportunity to engage in
dialogue based on mutual respect and reciprocity. Secondly, there is a link between the virtual and
the actual based on the fundamental human relationship at the foundation of all teaching and

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