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The children now a days are always having fun of different online games who has the sense of violence and war againts
neighbors. In their Christian Living class they will create a mini scrapbook that they will use as to promote the love for neigbors. They
will formulate advocacies and plans for them to establish different ways to love their neighbors and build connections through English
G- To make a scrapbook
R- promoter and advocate of goodwill of loving neighbors and how to build connections through the use of English Language
A-Teacher and classmates
S- children now a days are always having fun of different online games who has the sense of violence and war againts neighbors.
P- Present a creative output of their advocacies
S- Standards (see Rubrics)
2 Poor 3 Fair 4 Good 5 Very Good
Promotion of The scrap book The book manifest The book to The book is
Advocacy shows vague a little about promote advocacies persuasive and
promotion of advocacies is clearly stated. motivates others to
advocacies put their faith and
trust in God through
Contents of the Content of the The material The plan shows a The plan shows
Advocacy prayers lacks shows fair substancial complete knowledge
understanding knowledge and knowledge and and understanding
ACTS. understanding about understanding about about prayers.
prayers prayers.

Presentation of The plan is not Plan and ideas Plan and ideas
the scrap book understandable and are presented in an are presented in an
there is minimal understandable understandable and
logic in presentation. manner. interesting manner.

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